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Overview - Here is a good one when you are growing out bangs ("fringe") or when you just want to keep your hair out of your face.

Time - 10-35 minutes (depends on your patience and skills) :)

Products - towel, brush, blow-dryer, hair spray and hair pins

Step #1 - Brush through damp/towel-dry hair.

Step #2 - Divide hair into as many sections as you want starting from the forehead.

Step #3 - Gather one section, grasp all the hair in that section and gently twist, along until you reach the back of your head (see picture). You should be feeling a slight pulling motion on your forehead. Gently push in a single hair pin to secure the twist. Two pins usually work best if your hair is thick. When securing the hair pin, make sure that the open end is towards the front of your head and the closed part is pointing towards the back of your head.

Step #4 - Repeat step #3 for each hair section. Be careful as to not pull the hair twists too tightly.

Step #5 - When you are finished all the sections, lightly spray your hair with hair spray to keep them all in place.

Finished - There you go! I hope it works out for you, if not keep trying - for me, this was the hardest hairstyle to do and I ended up getting my best friend to show me how! :)

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