New Kids on the Block: Full Service Tour Encounters

New Kids on the Block: Full Service Tour Encounters

In the spring, not only did the guys do the warm up tour, but they announced a final summer tour and we knew we had to be there. In May, NKOTB made an appearance on the Today Show to mark the year they had been reunited, and they did a cruise which did so well, that they will do at least one more next year. With the Summer tour announced, we made our arrangements and planned our last hurrah. Concord, Irvine, Las Vegas, and Phoenix. Four shows in four days. Had free tix for Concord and Irvine, no tix for Vegas, and five star for Phoenix. The day before Concord, we did a lil investigating (not quite stalking, we just knew where to look) and found out where the guys were staying on their day off so Christina, her kiddies, Tamika, and myself headed over for an interesting night. We waited outside and saw Jordan and Donnie leave together, and Jon walk out later by himself, but we had to wait at least two hours til they came back, but finally got pix! Christina got to introduce her lil one, Jonathan, to Jonathan Knight so that was really cool! Fun times! Anyways, I worked the day of Concord, but was out at the venue by 4. Laurina's friend Karla and I had tickets near eachother and we were about 15 rows away. Not bad by any means, but not as good as what I had before, but who am I to complain, they were free! I spent pre-show with movin, bumping NKOTB from my ipod then it was show time. This time it was a different tour with two new group songs and two different solo sets for Jordan and Joey. It was an amazing time as usual. Donnie was hosting an afterparty in SF, so we left two songs early to beat the rush. We already had our way in, so we were off. Donnie showed up at around 12:30am and played a few songs from The Block with some crowd sing-alongs and what not, and when he was making his way back to VIP, I got a pic with him, It was madness in the club, but it was cool to be there. After that, we went home to get what little rest we could for our big road trip the next day. Christina picked us up at about 10 and we were off to Irvine. Traffic was so bad once we got in the city that we didn't get to the venue til about 6. We were about 20 rows back this time but we still had a damn good time! Donnie must have eagle eyes because he spotted Laurina again, haha! So much fun to get recognition when they are on stage. After LA, we had to make a plan to get to Vegas. We waited til about 12:30, and sure enough, Baby Daddy Bus (Donnie and Danny) emerged from Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre. BDB driver is a complete psycho and drove like a maniac, but we were able to keep up until about 30 minutes outside of Vegas. I mean damn, all we needed was a route to follow to get to Vegas, we didnt' expect to meet them or anything! Anyways, as we rolled into Las Vegas, the sun was rising, and one freeway exit before the Palms, we looked up and saw two buses together. The Baby Daddy Bus, and The Dark Knight (haha). We went over to the Palms where the show was and waited out back for a while, we saw Jordan and Jon enter the hotel, but no Donnie or Danny even though they were parked outside. We couldn't check in to our hotel across the street for a few hours anyways so we hung out back. Sure as shit, after a couple hours, Donnie came out and met the 10-15 or so girls that were waiting to see him. He is seriously the most fan friendly celebrity I have ever met! Once it became a reasonable hour to check in, we scadattled over to the Gold Coast. I napped for as long as I could, then awoke to find out that there weren't many tickets left, and the free tickets we hoped for were not coming through. We went over the the Palms and got whatever tix were left and that was good enough for us. While we were over there, we met up with Cathy and Katie, who had been a part of our five star group in Fresno, and as we were sitting at the slots, Danny walked out of the elevator area! We took a group pic so that was awesome! We went back to our hotel to get ready, and at about 6, we went back over to the Palms. Our seats were pretty high up, but again, with Donnie's eagle eyes, he spotted Laurina. I don't know what it was, but I was really really emotional and cried two or three times throughout the show. When they go in the audience to do Single, Donnie was perched right below us and tried coming up to our level, but it was too far out of the way. It was so cool to be so close to him, but at such a different angle. We didn't get the "Jon Knight, he's a freakin pimp yo" chant going in vegas, but we had our signs nonetheless. NKOTB had added this Michael Jackson tribute video into their shows as soon as he passed away, but the two shows before Vegas, it wasn't being played anymore. We were disappointed because Laurina's graphic made it into the video, but we wanted to see it live with our own eyes, and in Vegas, they added it back in the show, so it was another emotional moment for us and we freaked out! At the end of the show, during Hangin' Tough, Donnie looked up at Laurina and said "TATTOO!!!!" and again, we freaked out! There are many haters out there so it was kinda funny to have that happen in front of their face, but there I go, being mean again, anyways, it was awesome for her to get shouted out like that. After the show, as excited as I was, I knew I needed sleep, so we skipped the afterparty at the Playboy Club and went to bed instead. In the morn, we checked out early cuz we had to get to Phoenix by 4:15. We met with our caravan and decorated our cars and then we took one swing by the Palms and saw that the BDB and Joey's bus hadn't left yet. Again, we needed a route to the next city and since they had to be there when we had to be there, we waited for them to leave. They left together, but BDB turned off and all the cars following went with it, but we on the other hand stayed with Joey's bus. We kept with it all the way to Phoenix and once we exited the freeway, the bus pulled over at McDonalds so we jumped out and Tina held up her "I'm 13 years old and I'm in love with Joey McIntyre" sign, and he saw it! We saw him come to the front of the bus, then he read the sign and called Tina over. She was losing her fricken mind and I had to drag her over to him. He came off the bus and it was f-ing amazing! He was the only one I hadn't met outside of 5 star the entire reunion year.took my pic and Tina got hers, and he signed her sign, which was great. He met everyone and that was that. I was wearing fricken track shorts and a tank top, and i NEVER show that much of my flab, but when it came to Joe Mac, I didn't care! I have loved that guy since I was 5 years old and I wasn't gonna let my insecurities stop me from meeting my boo! hehe. At that point, it was 120 degrees and we were disgusting and sweating profusely so I was like F it, we are getting a hotel for half a day and getting ready there. Best 80 bucks I ever spent! Thank you Hyatt Downtown Phoenix. We headed over to the venue and had to wait in the disgusting heat some more, trying to be last in line, but we gave up and just jumped in line anyways, out group was almost perfect except we had one extra Joe girl...BOOOOO. It's OK though, we went into Five star and I went right to Joey, thanked him for being so cool with Tina earlier but the third Joe girl walked in and was so diappointed. I felt bad cuz the 2nd Joe girl lied to me and said she didn't care who she was next to, which obviously she did, cuz she went right for him. I was like "Wait!" and Joey was like "What? What does she want?" talking about the third Joe girl and I was like "She wants you!" So the first pic was about to be taken and I was next to him, but right before the second pic, I grabbed her and switched places. I couldn't do that to a fellow Joe girl even though I wasn't the shady one in the first place, that would not have set well with me. Besides, I had my own pic with him from three hours before so who am I to deny someone else that privellege!? Meet and greet was over but Donnie had to design Laurina's 4th tattoo after the whole line was done, which was one group away. They had Laurina stand aside, but kicked me out, so I was pissed, so I grabbed our stuff, bought my merch, then went to see if I could give Laurina her bags. They let me past this time so Jordan walks by and points back and forth at us, which was hot, lol. then Joey, Danny and Jon, so we said bye. Then Donnie comes by and has Laurina walk with him so I stayed with the stuff. She came back maybe ten mins. later with her new Donnie tattoo designed and in place, haha. It was cool stuff, so we went in, found our seats, and enjoyed the show. Thanks to our signs, I think we did get the "Jon Knight, He's a fricken pimp yo" chant going and that was fricken sweet! A fan had made 1000 fliers that either said "please dont go" or "we love you" and passed them out to the audience with instructions to hold them up during "i'll be loving you forever" and that was so touching. I didn't ball out of control, but I was emotionally distraught and the guys were so moved that 4 out of 5 cried a lil. only 3 out of 5 teared up in vegas. it was a beautiful thing and Donnie gets on the mic and says "we'll make a deal...we 'please won't go' if you all 'please wont go'" and that is the only shread of hope I have for more NKOTB endeavors. It was so cute because at the end of the show Donnie's youngest son Elijah got on stage and sang step 5 in "step by step" and also thanked the audience after "hangin tough", toooo fricken adorable. Donnie came out to meet fans after the show, and at one point, brought Elijah out to meet them as well, and it was sooooo adorable because he was signing autographs as he was sitting on his daddy's shoulders. Karla had bought him some m and m stickers from the factory in Vegas and I was unable to get them in to 5 star, but we grabbed em afterwards and the girls gave the stickers to Elijah in person. He thought it was for an autograph, but they were like "no Elijah, they are for you! they are a gift" and he was soooooo cute and polite, he thanked em and then showed Donnie, tooo precious. It makes my heart flutter because it was so amazing. When Donnie was done signing, he called Tina and Maria over to him and took a pic with them, while Elijah was on his shoulders, toooooooooo cute! Anyways, we thought BDB would swing by Waffle House so we followed it, but in the middle of following it, Donnie sent out a tweet saying that all the "soldiers" waiting at waffle house should disperse because the bus driver was not going to be able to stop and had to drive 20 hours straight, to Denver. At that point, we pulled off the bus and turned around to begin the trek back home. It was a long ride, but we made due. Bumped NKOTB the whole way home and if we weren't sleeping, we were talking about how awesome the trip was. We had so much fricken fun and it is one trip I will never forget.

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