Better keep it down, cuz the walls are thin, and the word is out now...
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Better keep it down, cuz the walls are thin, and the word it out now...

2010 has just begun, and the month of January was dedicated to the one and only Nick Jonas, enjoy! Expect lots more in the coming months!

Nick Jonas in Berkeley, CA 1/30-31/10: Nick Jonas…where do I even begin?! So Nick Jonas' side project, Nick Jonas and the Administration finally made it's way to the Bay Area on 1/30/10, and I was so happy to have the kid back in town! My friends and I actually couldn't wait for that show, so on the 26th, we took a day trip to LA to see the 1st of 4 shows at the Wiltern before he actually made his way up here for the final night of the tour on the 30th. Nick was still under the weather but that didn't stop the LA show from being utterly amazing. Even though a little invention called The Internet allowed me to see his entire tour before it even got close, I was still majority impressed! We really wanted to meet him, so we kept on keeping on, until there was nothing left to try. Although most refer to us as "stalkers", we prefer the term "persistent" instead, lol. We ended up finding where he was staying in LA, but nothing came to be. So after driving 5 hours, waiting in the rain for another 12 hours, and then the concert, we finally called it quits at 1 am, and headed back home. It was a loooooong day to say the least. We were slightly disappointed on the way back, but that just meant we had to try that much harder to meet him up here in the Bay Area. Finally, January 30th rolled around, and I was ready for anything that came my way. I had to work until 4 pm, but my excitement never wavered. I left work promptly and headed over to Zellerbach Auditorium. I actually won meet and greet from the fan club (shout out to Team Jonas!), so I was there early to pick up my wristband, but of course, nothing was available when it was supposed to be. So after being told to come back at 6:30 (it was 5 pm at that point), I had some time to kill. I was walking down the street, and passed a roadie I recognized from LA, and something inside me told me to turn around to see where he was going. Within 15 seconds of doing so, a van drove into the parking garage entrance, and sure enough, Nick Jonas himself was in the van, waving at the fans! I just about died!!! All of a sudden, screams broke out and a stampede of Jonas fans bumrushed the parking garage. All I saw was girls running and getting stopped at the entrance. And I didn't want to miss an opportunity. Luckily, I scoped the venue out two weeks prior to the show in anticipation of something like this, so I took off around the venue. Somewhere along the way, 5 to 10 girls decided that they would follow me too. We made it down to the parking garage, and much to our surprise, Nick had stopped to meet fans in the lot! I was super excited that I was finally going to meet the kid for the first time since August. His security is always on point and well organized, so they had the situation under control. My turn came to get a picture and I was about to combust on the inside. I know, I am a dork, but Nick brings that out in me! He looked at me and said "How's it going?!" And I still don't know for sure, but the way he said it felt like he may have remembered me from the times when I met him before, but I highly doubt it, it had been 6 months! I think it is just because he's a polite person so he always offers a friendly greeting. If he actually remembered me, that would be awesome! Anyways, I took my picture with him, thanked him, then went back outside to wait for my friends, who missed all the excitement! I was stoked for me, but bummed that some of my friends who have never even met him didn't get the chance. But that just made me want to see the boy again later. So finally, I got into the meet and greet and I'm pretty sure Nick was thinking, "REALLY?! didn't I just see you?!" But that was OK, hahaha. Nick was giving hugs, which was my first Jonas hug ever! And then I whispered to him that the girl behind me (aka, one of my best friends, Laurina) was celebrating her birthday today. He nodded and said "Ok!" So when she got to meet him, he said "Happy Birthday by the way!" And I am pretty sure she almost jumped out of her skin, which was what I was going for! Meet and Greet went quickly, but It was still pretty great. By the time we went into the venue for the show, the pictures were already posted! That photographer was definitely on top of his game! I was super stoked to have yet another individual picture with Nick and so ready for the show to start! Moving on to the show now…It was the last stop on the tour so I knew it was going to be memorable. Nick came on stage, guns a blazing! Even though I knew he was still sick from the weekend before, you wouldn't have been able to tell by the performance he delivered! Nick takes his craft very seriously, and it shows in the intensity he puts into his performances and his vocal range never ceases to amaze me. I honestly didn't think he could go into the falsetto the way he does! Being as Nick's CD wasn't even out at the time of the show, most people were unfamiliar with his new material, but since I am one of the cool kids, I totally was! In LA, I was all about recording videos, but in Berkeley, it was time to have some serious sing-a-longs with Nick Jonas! Some of my favorite moments during the show included the new song he sang for us that he had written for his brother Kevin's wedding. I was excited to get the exclusive on that one! I was a little bummed that he took out "Vesper's Goodbye" to make room, but at least I had heard Vesper's in LA. He also brought back his cover of Stevie Wonder's "Signed, Sealed, Delivered" that he had only performed early in the tour, and that was awesome to see. His covers were amazing and I was excited to hear him add the Jonas Brothers song "Fly With Me" to his list! The most touching performance was Nick's signature song, "A Little Bit Longer". He noticed a girl in the audience, holding up a "Who I Am" sign, on which she added "Diabetic", like Nick himself. He brought the girl on stage and talked to her for a minute, asked her her name, her age, and when she was diagnosed (Stacy, age 11, diagnosed at 6). Both have had the disease for about the same amount of time, but he reminded Stacy that anything is possible and that everything will be OK. It was a beautiful exchange, and the crowd erupted in a chant for Stacy. When Nick discusses that issue, you can just tell how sincere and genuine he is about it. He is such an inspiration, and he even made me feel better about my life. Another highlight was amazing fan organization during "Rose Garden". Some awesome Team Jonas members organized a shower of roses, and it turned out amazing. Lots and lots of rose petals and roses were strewn on stage while he finished that song and even he had to stop and take in the moment. However, my favorite performance of the night was Nick's newest song "Stay", which is so new, it didn't make it out of the studio in time to make it on the album. Let me just tell you, Nick's intensity in that song is something you have to witness first hand. His falsetto in that song is something else! And judge me if you want, but when he untuck's his shirt, then proceeds to unbutton it and rip it off, the teenybopper in all of us can be heard from miles away. Yeah whatever, I'm older, but Nick Jonas makes me feel like I'm 13 again, and I'm OK with that! hahaha. Supposedly, that song will be on a re-release of the album, whose release date is currently unknown. I can guarantee I will be first in line when that comes out! As the show was winding down, the excitement never subsided. Nick closed the show with his single "Who I Am" which couldn't have been a better way to end it! The show was amazing and I am so proud to call myself a fan. That kid gives it everything he's got, and he is in it for the long haul! Still on a cloud after the show, I decided that my friends who didn't have the opportunity to meet him yet really needed to do so. Luckily, due to some interesting postings earlier in the evening, we had an idea of where he was staying, but just to make sure, we wanted to follow him there. All was going well, that is, until a motorcycle cop decided to stop all traffic so Nick's vehicle could get a good jump on all of us. Yes, all of us, I wasn't the only one who had to meet that child! Despite driving 50 mph in the streets of Berkeley, smashing 80+ mph on the freeway, and bobbing through traffic, we were unable to catch him. Since we did have a heads up, we headed straight to where we thought he would be, and sure enough, his vehicle was parked out front, but of course, no Nick Jonas in sight, that would just be too easy! But I wasn't ready to give up. I made a decision, and a phone call, and that was that. We were there to stay for the night. We met some other fans who had the same information that we did and decided to hang around all night. Cut to 8 and a half hours later, Nick Jonas finally re-appeared! I was so excited because my friend Aminta finally got to meet her favorite 17 year old ever! And my new friend, another girl named Stephanie, who has been a fan for 5 years, got to meet her boy too! The rest of us had already met him before, but it was nice to see him one last time, on his first solo tour, and tell him how proud we were! All in all, it was an amazing couple days and I am so grateful to Nick Jonas for being such a sweetheart! Can't wait till the next tour!

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