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sunday, january 5/02

the time has come. i'm very sad to announce that fallon angel will no longer be updated. basically, we're closed. i was kind of denying the obvious fact that i can no longer keep this site up and running. though i am still a strong jimmy fan, and will continue to support him and his career, my severe obsession has subsided. a strange side effect from meeting him, it seems. my dream was fulfilled, and now there's no farther i can go. on to bigger and better things. thank you to anyone who has helped me out, provided me with information, or just visited. this was a big part of my life for over a year, and the fact that you guys still visit the site means a lot to me. the site will be left up, and maybe one day i'll get around to finishing the picture and transcript pages. other than that, there will be no more changes to the site. thank you again, and farewell.

sunday, december 15/02

check out coming up for info on the snl christmas special, and news to find out all about nbc's new animated holiday special. the claymation movie features the voice talents of some of your favourite snl players.

thursday, december 5/02

huge apologies for the 3 month downtime. man, that's really bad. but school has got me busy busy busy. not only am i frantically trying to put together a play, a program, complete assignments, have a life, see my family, watch all the shows i'm dedicated to, and sleep on occasion, but now i'm also directing a play. so i'm going to be even busier. however, i'll be updating the "coming up" and "news" sections whenever i get new information.

big big big news! jimmy will be in two more movies. and in one of them, he's going to be the lead character! check it

even bigger personal news: last month, in a one week time period, i celebrated my 16th birthday, went to nyc for the first time, and... I MET JIMMY! as soon as i have time, i'll be putting up my encounter and pics of me with jimmy and jeff richards.

updated: news, episode guide, coming up, me

coming as soon as possible: all the old pics, the new pics, my encounter, several articles, and reviews for all this season's episodes.

until then, mes amis.


monday, september 23/02

congrats to the snl team for their emmy!!!! i knew our girl tina could do it. must be the glasses. I hope you all see the adoreableness which is jimmy on the emmys last night. positively lickable and excited as always, he once again wore the wrong colour of socks with his suit. red this time. sigh.

so the big news is that jimmy took tara subkoff to the as his date. hmm. something to think about i guess, but i'm not getting to worried about it, and i think we should hold off all death threats for a bit longer. i unfortunately did not see the pre-show, so if anyone did, please email me and give me the down-lo on every single second of jimmara's arrival. (so far i have "she looked awful" and i believe they may have been holding hands.)

thank you guys soooooo much!! fallon angel is almost at 10500 hits! you guys are wonderful and amazing. but i'm kind of lacking in the votes category (for top jimmy fallon sites). i've only got 10 so far. please please please keep voting for me! i'll be continuing my jimmy coverage for as long as circumstances permit me to, which could be years. i give you guys tons of info and multimedia and unlike most other jimmy websites out there, i don't care if you take anything. this place is for you, so show your appreciation! the link is on the default page. thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)

i'm so sorry that i didn't get a real update this weekend, but my computer combusted and the net wouldn't work until today. hopefully sometime during the week i will have spare time to do some stuff. until then.


tuesday, september 17/02

reminder: there is a guestbook here!! gasp!! several, actually. pleeeease sign one. it's on the interact page under graffiti.

also, be sure to watch the emmys on sunday because as you might recall, jimmy will be presenting an award with tina!!

finally, don't be afraid to email me!! my address is still i love getting mail from you guys, so speak up!


wednesday, september 11/02

hi there boys and girls. the fan art pages are now up and running, so you can re-read your favourite fan fiction story over and over again. sounds fun, doesn't it?

if you get info from, i wouldn't put too much trust in them. they repeatedly report jimmy being on talk shows on the wrong dates. it's maddening.

no updates planned for this weekend, but next week i will be finishing the site, filling in all of the transcripts and putting up the pictures - including those fabulous new ones i keep promising you. until then!


sunday, september 8/02

i added a bunch of cliques on the default page because i'm cool like that. some news about jimmy on the 22nd. you can now vote for my site (the link is also on the default page)! pleeeease do. many many times. and get everyone you know to vote too. yes, even your grandmother. even if she's afraid of the computer.

advice: check the coming up page frequently, then write down important dates on a calendar, planner, or body part of some kind. that way you won't miss a single jimmy appearance.

ok, so i suck, because that's all i've updated. but more to come. soon, very soon. i promise.


wednesday, september 4/02

look in the news section to find out how you can see jimmy live, hear his voice, read an article on him, and enter a contest.

also, several college show dates were added in coming up, as well as two pending morning show appearances.

i haven't filled any pages in yet, but i'll get around to it. when i'm done with that, i have 163 pictures to put up!!! 163!!!!! i hope you're looking forward to it. make sure you check back here every couple of days for more jimmy news.


monday, september 2/02

welcome back! i apologize for this site being down for so long, but i think you'll all agree that the site is much more professional looking and a bit easier to get around. for those of you who have slower internet access, the navigation at the top may take a minute or two to load. i apologize for the pop-ups, but if you just minimize one then no others will come up. the transcripts and pictures are not up yet, as with the individual cast pages, the lorne page, the tickets page, and all of the fan art. i'll be working through this month to fill in everything. the mailing list will not be used in the future unless a problem occurs. all updates will be small and frequent, and will be logged on this page.

look in the "news" section for a jimmy update. just a reminder: jimmy's c.d. came out on the 27th, so support him and buy it!

have fun looking around, i hope you all approve!
