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this was written by a girl named katie who, after sending me this, apparently blocked me from emailing her back. but i won't hold that against her. so without further ado, here's the story. enjoy.

I did not steal this story idea from Alyssa, I was just inspired, hehe. But seriously, I really want to intern at SNL, even though I know that that is practically the hardest job to get. Here's my story(everything is fake).

When Dreams Come True

I finally got the letter in the mail, I had been chosen to intern at NBC, the letter said that I should go to Rockefeller Center to find out where I would intern. I was really hoping that I would get the job at SNL, but I knew that I shouldn't get my hopes up because that probably wouldn't happen.

The next day I woke up at 7:00 and realized that today I had to go find out where I would intern. I quickly took a shower, got dressed and left my apartment. I got my car and arrived at Rockefeller Center in about 20 minutes. As I walked into the building I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I walked up to the front desk and asked where I should go, the person at the desk asked for my name and handed me an envelope. I opened It up and nervously opened it up, as soon as I saw where I would be working, I did everything I could to stop myself from jumping around and screaming like a 14 year-old. I had gotten the SNL job!!!! The letter said that I started the next Monday, that was just 5 days away! I couldn't wait.

That weekend I called my friend Amanda and told her that we needed to go shopping for clothes for my new job. She knew how long I had been dreaming for this job and how long I had loved the show, especially Jimmy Fallon. I had loved him since the first day that he was on SNL. I loved his smile, how he laughed during half of his skits, his hair, especially his hair. My dream had been to meet him, and now that might happen.

It was 6:15 and I could hear that familiar sound, my alarm clock. I rolled over to hit the sleep button but then I realized, it was Monday! The first day of my new job. I got ready to go and was out the door by 7:15. I grabbed some coffee at Starbucks and drove to Rockefeller Center. I walked in at 8:00 and made my way up to studio 8H. I walked in and was immediately overwhelmed at where I was. I stood there in awe until someone tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Are you on eof the interns?" I said I was and he led me into a room where about 6 other people were waiting. There were 5 people in there that worked on the show, including Tina Fey. We waited for 3 more people to come and we started the meeting. They told us what we were required, and expected to do. When the meeting was over I went to start what I had to do, I basically took calls and handed out packets, or sheets of paper, or ideas for skits to the writers. I would start handing them out to cast members soon, probably tomorrow!!

The next day I got to deliver ideas for skits to many of the writers and cast members. I talked to Tina Fey, Ana Gasteyer (I talked to her about her pregnancy), Jeff Richards, and Amy Poehler, who was really sweet. About an hour later, I finally had the chance for my dream to come true. I was told to deliver a skit to "the third door on the right". I walked up to the door and knocked on the open door. As I knocked I realized who it was, Jimmy Fallon. I tried to talk, but it came out sounding like this "Uh, um, uh, hi, I um, I uh, I have a skit for you to, um, look over, from, uh from, Tina Fey." He looked at me with a smile on his face. "A new intern, aren't you?" he said, "Yeah, my name is Christina Langey, how did you know?" "Because you called Tina Tina Fey, not just Tina." "Ohhhh, well, that explains it, haha." We talked for a couple more minutes. As I walked out the door he said "Ya know, you the most normal intern that has been in here so far, haha." "Thanks, it was really cool talking to you." "Um, I was wondering if you, um, wanted to go out for like coffee or something in like an hour?" I happily accepted and he told me to meet him in his office at about 4:30.

At exactly 4:30, I was walking up the hallway, on my way to Jimmy's office. He was just about to walk out of the office to meet me half way down, but I was there right on time. He told me that he had to go talk to Chris Kattan about something and that I should come with him. We walked into his office and Chris was like "Ooo, Jimmy, pickin' up another intern, tsk, tsk, tsk." Jimmy laughed and then turned to me and was like, "Nah, he's only kidding about that." We talked to Chris for about 15 minutes and left to go to Starbucks.

It was mid-December so the tree was up, and was going to be lit the next Tuesday. When we got to Starbucks we ordered our drinks and sat down. We were there for almost an hour, just talking, about family, friends, TV, music, SNL. The sad part was, I knew a lot about his family. Of course, I had a great time, I only went out for coffee with the guy that I had the biggest crush on in the world!! When we got back he had to go back to work, and it was time for me to go, we hugged good-bye and exchanged phone numbers.

That night I got a call, from Jimmy. I was so excited that he called, especially right after we had gone out for coffee. This was our conversation.

Jimmy: Hi, Christina?
Me: Yeah, hi.
Jimmy: It's Jimmy.
Me: Oh, hi, what's up?
Jimmy: Nothing. Um, I don't mean to be coming on to fast, but um, I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tomorrow?
Me: Sure, that would be great.
Jimmy: Ok, well, I'll talk to you at work tomorrow, about times and places and whatever.
Me: Ok.
Jimmy: Ok, well, Bye, see you tomorrow.
Me: Bye.

That's so cool, I'm going out with him, TOMORROW!!

The next day he caught up with me in the morning, and gave me a kiss on the cheek! He asked me to meet him in his office at 10:00. At 10:00, I went to his office. We decided that we would go out to a restaurant and he would pick me up at 7:00. The rest of the day I was in a GREAT mood. At 7:00 he picked me up and we went out for a really nice dinner at a place in Times Square. We walked around Times Square for a while afterwards, which was really nice. Then he drove me back home and when he walked me to the door, he gave me a kiss, not on the cheek this time! That was the best date I had ever been on.

We started going out more often, but because Jimmy works practically 24-7, we would usually go grab some lunch or coffee or something. We went out for a year when he proposed. You would think, Jimmy Fallon, funny, proposal, probably something funny. Actually, it was very romantic. We went to go to Starbucks (where we had our first unofficial date) and on the way back we stopped at the Christmas tree. We standing there just looking up at it, he had his arm around me, when he suddenly just got down on one knee. It was TOTALLY unexpected. Now it's February and we are getting married in June. Just like Jimmy's dream of being on SNL came true, my dream of meeting him came true, and then some.