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Guy Ritchie and Madonna

Together since:     1998

How they met:     at a luncheon

Past Relationships:     Madonna- Sean Penn, Dennis Rodman, Carlos Leon, Warren Beattey, JFK, Jr., Dan Gilroy, John Benitez, Andy Byrd, John Enos     Guy- Rebecca Green

Proposal:     On August 16, 2000-- Guy presented Madonna with her first diamond ring the day their newborn Rocco came home from intensive care and Madonna's 42nd birthday. The ring was on a crumpled up paper bag on the nightstand, and Madonna almost threw the bag away not knowing the contents.

Got married:    December 22, 2000

Children:     Lourdes (with Leon); Rocco


Other Facts:     Ritchie directed Madonna's video, "What It's Like for a Girl" and got in banned on MTV.

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