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Inside the house Lucy heard the noise when Brian started his car to go away. Her eyes grew bigger in shock. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

Why did Brian act like this?... What right did he have to stay mad for something that happened after he dumped her! It was so frustrating... If she had ever thought Brian would react like this she wouldn't have told him. Its not something that could change anything in the love they had for each other. It was just a personal thing, one of her experiences that would be in the past. Why mind about it? Why care?! For sure Brian didn't have to be happy about it, but he practically called her a whore!

Lucy shut her eyes forcefully not to cry. Her mother had called her a whore. Her bandmates, playfully, had called her a whore. Leighanne called her one. Leigh's mother called her one, Brian's mother was forced to believe she was one... Nick called her a bitch when they met again after years. And now... the only one that couldn't do it... the only one that had to love her and be always there...! Brian did it too. Just like the others. He called her a whore.

She didn't cry because she was too flustered and thinking way too much. Why did people call her that?! She was a twenty three years old woman, she paid her own bills, and about her sex life, well... can you really find a girl her age that has slept with only two men?! C'mon, if she is a whore for making love to two people, then what was the rest of the world?

Not that she was a sant, God! She was far from being one. But she wasn't a hooker! Jesus Christ! Brian had been the first man of her life, and she was twenty two on this happened. Most people would laugh at her for being virgin till this age. Sure she had kissed many guys, but, but... a whore?!

She wasn't that. She never planned on sleeping with Nick. Poor Nick never planned this either. They were just in the right place at the wrong time... It was just destiny, it had passed... If Nick and her had worked it out, why couldn't Brian understand? And it wasn't as if he wasn't sleeping with another woman everyday... It just wasn't fair.

Lucy loved Brian so much, but so much that cheating on him would make her feel like shit, she wouldn't be able to like herself anymore. And Nick would never do this to his best friend, because to him Brian was a brother and... and...


"Oh, God!" - Lucy exclaimed.

It occurred to her where Brian was probably heading to right now. Poor Nick would be yelled at a lot before even understanding what was going on. She couldn't let this happen. Lucy couldn't let Brian ruin a friendship because of a silly jealously. Their friendship, Lucy and Brian's love were feelings too great to be ruined in worthless issues.

Lucy stood up and quickly looked for her purse and the keys to her car. No driver, she needed to be there quickly, and keep Brian from screwing things up way more.


Brian parked in front of Nick's house at eight thirty in that night. When he left the car to knock on his friend's door, his breath was still uneasy.

He had never hated Nick. He didn't hate Nick. But if he didn't say all the sorts of nasty things he was willing to, something would explode inside of him. He needed to tell Nick what of a bastard he had been sleeping with his girlfriend instead of comforting her, he wanted to... Brian wanted to... God, he didn't even know what he wanted with that! He just knew he had to do it, and the rage bubbled in his blood when Nick opened the front door smiley.


"Let me in, Judas." - Brian said harshly making way inside Nick's house.


Nick frowned and forgot about the door, turning around to look at Brian with an innocent look.

"Don't look at me like this! You know very well what of a cheater you have been being behind my back!"

Nick looked around, his eyes widened as he tried desperately to understand what Brian was talking about.

"Me?" - Nick pointed his fingers at himself.

"Oh, yes! You, Nick!" - Brian went closer to him.

Nick locked eyes with Brian and shrugged, trying hard to understand what the hell was going on.

"Brian... won't you tell me what's wrong?"

"Do I need to tell you Nick?! My God, what of a good friend you are, huh? Or maybe it was me who forgot to read in the friendship's manual the part that says you can sleep with your best friend's girlfriend whenever she is sad!"

Nick froze for a few seconds. Lucy... damn... was it that bad? He didn't even know how to react! He so wasn't expecting it!


"Oh?" - Brian mocked him in an angry tone. - "Is that all you have to say? A fucking ooohhh?!"

Nick finally processed it in his mind and sighed deeply before talking to Brian. This wouldn't be easy.

"So... she told you, huh?"

"Oh, you bet she told me! I can believe you guys have been fooling me all this time! You're my best friend, Nick!"

"Brian! Calm down, will you?! You talk as if we have been being lovers behind your back."

"And isn't that true?!" - Brian burst in anger.

"Hell, no! Brian, it happened just once, and it was on that night you dumped Lucy! Oh, my God! She came here crying her heart out, I had never seen someone crying like her, she was near a collapse!"

Brian felt his heart aching inside his chest. He could picture the way Lucy was when she arrived in Nick's house. His friend was explaining everything with so much passion, Brian knew Nick too well to see he wasn't lying. Brian knew him since he was thirteen! And God, he trusted Lucy more than himself, why not end this stupid argument? Brian knew what had happened, but right now, with this rush of jealously, maybe the feeling of how unfair life had been to them in the beginning, everything was hitting him bad and, right now, Brian couldn't stop himself anymore.

"Oh, thats so cute! So you kept Lucy from having a collapse by fucking her, isn't it nice from you Nickolas Carter?" - Brian said sarcastic.

"Brian, man! You are crazy! Its not like this... it just... just happened, we never planned it! And there were no feelings involved, it is all in the past, doesn't matter now!"

"Do you love her?" - Brian felt this a cold breeze of fear in his heart.

"Who, Lucy? If I love her? Brian, hell, of course I love that girl, but I'm not in love with her! Put this on your mind, she isn't in love with me either! Hasn't all the time you guys spent together meant anything to you?! Coz I don't think Lucy would be able to fake love this much!"

Brian was quiet.

"Did you get it now?" - Nick asked with a little hope. He was also hurting... Brian was his best friend, he loved him so bad! Nick couldn't stand his almost brother accusing him from doing it.

"Actually, I was just noticing how badly you are defending her side. Doesn't it hint something to you?"

"Oh, God, Brian, you are so fucking stubborn!" - Nick exclaimed flustered. - "If you had seen how bad Lucy felt the morning we woke up..."

"Oh, please, spare me the details..." - Brian said disgusted.

"Brian, listen! Lucy was feeling awful, she wanted to take the blame to herself, she was so confused, so bad, so lost without you..."- Nick finished softly.

Brian breathed deeply and felt his heart trembling softly inside his chest.

"Nick, how could you look at me when you had slept with her behind my back!? How could you two do that?! How?! - Brian was feeling just completely betrayed.

"Brian... we did nothing... There is no conspiracy, Lucy telling you proves that... and by the way, talking of which, where is she right now?"

Brian grinned sarcastically.

"Oh, she is at her house. Why don't you go there make her company, Nick? Why don't you go there comfort her? I'm sure she must be crying all alone..."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Brian. But you won't make me cry for this."

Both Nick and Brian turned around to see Lucy walking through the opened door.


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