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"Oh, man, Nick! I need to see that video again, oh God! She is so pretty..."

Nick was still in awe.

"Don't you have their CD or something? I like, really gotta see her face! Hear her voice... Oh, God! Nick, I gotta find her! I need to see her, to touch her, to feel..."

"Leighanne." - Nick cut Brian off still amazed by his high school student reaction.

"What?" - Brian asked staring him.

"Brian, you are married! Fucking forget about this girl, alright? I thought five years had been enough! Brian, Jesus, man! You told me you had forgotten about her, you told me love was what you had with Leighanne, I thought we had come to terms that she was a wild summer passion!" - Nick said loudly.

"Nick... I just can't!" - Brian shook his head slightly, eyes wide opened at Nick. - "My heart... it can only beat like this whenever I see her! I thought I'd never feel this way again..."

"What are you guys talking about?" - Howie asked entering the living room with Kevin.

Immediately Nick stood up and took Brian's hand.

"You guys can watch TV, I need to talk to Frick, ok?" - Nick smiled pushing Brian to his bedroom.

Since they were in Nick locked the door and they sat on the bed, in front of each other.

Nick sighed.

"Brian, what are you gonna do about it?"

"I don't know, Nick... probably I won't do anything... I mean, I have Leighanne... as you said I just can leave her for a 'crush'."

Nick nodded.

"A crush, Brian. A strong one. If it had been love... Man, do you really think Lucy would have left you? For sure not! She was just messing with you."

Brian swallowed. He was trying to think but his heart was just flying inside his chest. He looked at his hands and he was still shaking. Lucy... he had seen her face... She was alive!

"Oh, God, Nick... I just need to see her, ok? Just... talk to her, see how are things for her..."

"Brian, I don't wanna ruin your joy, but Lucy is no longer the same Lucy. Today she is Wild Kitten, a total BITCH! Get it? From the little time she had been on the media she has driven everyone crazy! One look at her and you surrender, I'm afraid of what she can do to you. She will tear your heart up and laugh at you!"

"No, Nick, she won't!"

"Brian, do you really think she loved you?"

'Of course she loved me! And she still does!' - Brian thought. But he couldn't say so. This would totally freak Nick out. And he needed his support, Brian wanted Nick to help him finding this girl, so he had to calm down and work this out.

"Not really, Nick. As I'm saying I just wanna see her..."

"Why do I don't believe this?" - Nick said rolling his eyes.

Brian put his hand above his.

"Nick, please... will you help me finding her? Please... I just need some minutes to see Lucy and realize it was all a mistake."

"It was Brian! You have Leighanne now!"

"Yes, I do, and I love her. I just wanna see Lucy..." - Brian was begging with all his heart.

"Brian, I'm your best friend, I don't want you to get hurt again. I saw what this girl did to you when she left you at first."

"I won't let her get to me, Nick. I just wanna see her! Put yourself into my shoes! Godamn! Its been five years I don't see her! I even thought she was dead! And now she reappears and I just need to talk to her... Ask why she went away..." - Brian finished softly.

"Brian, she won't tell you. I'm not sure if she will even hear you..." - Nick looked at Brian's pleading eyes. - "But ok! Alright, alright! If that means so much for you then I'll help ya find wild kitten."


"Whatever." - Nick shrugged.

"Oh, thank you, man! You're the best!"

Brian pulled Nick into a bear-hug and he laughed.

"Just hope you won't lose your mind." - Nick sighed.

'And I just hope to find my heart.' - Brian thought.


She finished up her shower and dried up with a soft towel. Lucy was freshen up after a long and awesome show in New York City. She combed her hair and dressed a small blue top and a jeans skirt. When she left the bathroom she ran into one of her band mates sitting on her chair. It was the dark haired one with blue eyes.

"Who let you in? I don't like you guys messing around in my dressing room! I could've left that bathroom naked!" - she exclaimed.

"Which would have been a drop dead gorgeous scene." - he grinned.

"Shut up, Mark! You'll never see me naked." - Lucy teased.

"But Lucy..."

"Stop! Don't ever call me that again, hear it?"

"Why don't you like your real name, Kitten?" - he tried.

"Because I just don't. What you want here anyway?" - she said approaching him, her wet hair watering her top.

The guy stood up and grabbed her by the waist, wrapping his arms tightly around her. Lucy grinned.

"I was just seeing you during the whole show, you looked so hot, kitten... you know you make me want to fuck you so bad..." - he giggled.

The next moment they were making out. Mark wasn't her boyfriend, but it was very common for them to go through this hot making out sections.

The guy slid his hand over her body, cupping her breasts, kissing her furiously.

Lucy abruptly pulled him away.

"Oh, c'mon, baby... give it to me, Lucy... please, I'm begging! Do you want me to kneel?"

She giggled.

"Please, spare me the drama." - she said running her hand through her hair.

"C'mon, kitten... you've been with so many guys! Why don't you sleep with me too? I'm your best friend, you know I've always been crazy for you... you make me so horny..." - he cried out.

"Mark, take a cold shower. I have in my bed whoever I want and I'm not giving in to you. I like to play with you... tease you..." - Lucy licked her lips in front of him.

"Oh, man!" - Mark again wrapped his arms around her and Lucy pushed him away with a laughter.

"Back off! I'm not any of your little hookers." - Lucy grinned.

Mark sighed and smiled at her.


Lucy laughed again.

"No! Get off! Now!"

"Damn kitten getting wild." - Mark grinned and went away.

Lucy watched him go and looked at herself in the mirror. Day by day it got harder and harder to tell who she was.


Nick looked around to see if there was anyone there watching them. No, the boys seemed to be all out. He turned around to face Brian.

"You are lucky." - Nick said and Brian approached him. - "Nihilist is in New York right now."

His heart raced.

"Oh, God, really?"

"Yeah. And I don't know what is this thing helping you out, but she is right here performing in New York City and will be performing tonight."

Brian gasped and had to sit down.

"You mean it? Like... Lucy and I... we are in the same city?!"

Nick watched him and his heart winced in pain. Brian was so into this crush. He was messing up things, he was gonna suffer!

"Yes, Brian. She is here. I can go with you to their show tonight..."

Brian's eyes shone.

"... BUT, and there's a big BUT here..." - Nick grinned. - "We won't talk to her."


"No, Brian. Lets just see her first."

Nick wanted Brian to see how bad did Lucy change. She had always been sort of weird and crazy, but now was worse. Something between gothic and angelical, a very dangerous match. Brian would see a girl saying all the nasty things Wild Kitten did and maybe he would freak out and bury this past forever.

"Ok..." - Brian agreed.

"Right. I got tickets with Ellie, she seems to like the band and so..."

"Will we be next to the stage??"

"Yeah, Brian, and later you can get an autograph and a big poster from the Backstreet Boys!" - Nick joked and they laughed.

Brian realized how silly he was being.

"Ok, Nick. Thank you so much..."

"Oh, Brian, don't even get it started. I love you, you are my buddy, I'll always help ya, get it? I'm just afraid about what you are getting yourself into..." - Nick said honestly.

"Don't worry, Nick. As you said before, seeing her, talking to Lucy won't ever be able to change things... I mean, I'm married, right?"

"Yes, Brian. 'Happily married' in your own words."

"I know." - Brian sighed.


Crazy lights were making it hard to see the stage. The cruel noise from the electric guitar and drums being played making it impossible to concentrate. Brian's head was spinning and Nick laughed at him.

"Never been to a rock concert, honey?" - he joked.

The screams coming from the fans got even worse when Wild Kitten arrived. Lucy began to talk on the mic.

"Oh, God! I can't hear her, Nick! This crowd is just too loud!"

"Well, Brian... welcome to the other side of the stage!" - Nick giggled.

Brian lifted his head and searched desperately to see the person with that voice, singing that strange and powerful song.

"Yeah, I know I'm a little bitchie sometimes...!" - Lucy sang and the crowd went nuts.

Lucy came close to the border of the stage and sang loudly, that strong, powerful voice, with a sweetness hidden behind each note. And it was when she was close that Brian put his eyes on her.

No, Lucy could have never seen him among a million people, but he saw her, and everything came back. Everything that had never actually gone away.

Nick looked at Brian's mesmerized and intense stare at that girl and he knew his plan had backfired. Instead of pushing him away the sight of Lucy had made him more needed to talk to her.

Brian's mouth dropped open. He closed his eyes and could again see her face the day they met, the way he ran into her when she left the bathroom, the way she slapped him before to melt in his arms right after.

Brian's eyes watered seeing her on stage. He grabbed Nick's arm.

"Nick, I gotta talk to her."

Nick looked at him and sighed.

"I know."


Chapter 8
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