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When she woke up her face was the first thing she saw turning on the TV. That purple bruise on her eye due to a fight with one of her band mates. That was Wild Kitten, the world was saying. Unpredictable. Wild. Sometimes she would suffer the consequences...

Little did she care about it anyway. Lucy answered some calls from their producers asking for what really went on in order to see how they would put it to the press. During all the day she avoided leaving her room, and when she did Lucy used black sunglasses, the typical celebrity thing. But this time she had a good reason to be with those.

The afternoon was passing slowly, and Lucy just had one thing on her mind. Would Brian come to see her? Did Nick convince him to? Didn't he hate her now? Lucy shivered... She had been so bad! What if Brian came there only to say bad things to her? Well, she would have to hear! Lucy knew she did much worse to him.

Anyway, this was just so confusing! She decided not to think about it, but it was hard not to wonder what was going on with him...


Brian had been already asleep by the time Nick arrived yesterday. He didn't wake him up then, and only now he would talk to Brian.

Nick even questioned himself about whether or not he should really send him to see Lucy again. He had probably gone mad by doing this, but... Damn, Brian needed to hear Lucy apologizing for being a bitch! He didn't have to spend the rest of his life thinking the girl he loved was like that. And besides, Lucy said she wouldn't tell him about her love... Nick felt she was saying the truth. Lucy wouldn't make him stay, no, she would help him to get back with his life. With his wife and all. Nick knew it would be hard for her... But this last thought had made him sure of telling Brian about their meeting.

Nick bought a tabloid and threw it on Brian's bed, while he was reading after lunch.

"What is it?" - he asked.


Brian took the magazine and in the cover it had a small pic of Lucy and that bruise on her eye. Brian kept quiet for long minutes, as if mesmerized by the picture.

"Who did this to her?"

"Mark. Her band mate."

"He was the one kissing her... he couldn't've done that!"

"He did, Brian. I talked to Lucy." - Nick sat beside him.

"You did?! When? Why?"

"Yesterday, after what she did to you. I decided Lucy needed to her some things for being such a bitch. I was furious, I hated her!"

"Oh, God, Nick! Don't tell me you went there to talk with her about me! Damn, you shouldn't've done that, Nick!"

"Brian, you are my best friend, ok? The way you were last night after what she did to you... I just couldn't let it go! I had to see her and find out why the hell was she being so bad!"

Brian sighed.

"You shouldn't have, Nick..." - Brian shook his head.

"Well, I did and when I arrived there I began to tell her lots of things, and when I finished Lucy broke down... She began to cry and I saw her face she had that bruise you are seeing."

Brian bit his lip softly. How could anyone hurt a woman? A girl? Lucy...?

"And what happened then?" - he asked.

"I... I sorta comforted her and Lucy told me lots of things. I don't hate her anymore, Brian. I think we all have a wrong idea about her. Lucy and Wild Kitten are totally different people, and now I can understand why you feel in love with the former. She is good person, she was feeling so bad for the way she has been treating you... She asked me to say to you that she was sorry, and if you could forgive her."

Brian's heart raced.

"Of course I do...!"

"And, Brian... she told me to ask you to go there, see her. Lucy really wants to talk to you and say everything, why she did that to you and stuff. I know I hated her before and asked you to keep away from her, but after last night... I really think you should go."

Brian looked at him.

"I don't know... I really want to but honestly I'm afraid. Every time I see Lucy she only hurts me more and more. And at the same time I fall harder and harder... Its painful, Nick..."

"Brian, think... you guys could at least be friends... And I don't think Lucy is gonna hurt you this time. She doesn't want to."

Brian nodded and looked at a distant point.Then he smiled.

"Nick, I'm going. I'll go see Lucy tonight. I mean, we have only a few more days before going back... I'll regret it forever if I don't do something now."

"I agree. I hope you guys can work things out. And be friends again."

Brian was about to argue saying it was impossible since he loved her, but he kept silent. Nick had done so much for him! Brian just waited for this night... He was gonna meet Lucy again, and this time he hoped not having his heart broken.



It was nine o'clock and Lucy was already going mad. What if Brian didn't come? Damn, she needed to see him! She just didn't know how would this affect her. Lucy had promised Nick to help Brian out, help him live his life. But those blue eyes were terribly irresistible. Lucy didn't want to get hurt, and most of all, he didn't want to hurt Brian anymore.

She didn't have to wait much more. Nine fifteen Brian knocked on the door and Lucy opened it.

"Oh, hey..."

"Hey, Lucy..."

"Come in..."

As Brian walked in Lucy tried to hide her shaking hands. Why that now? Why was she feeling like that little girl that wanted to impress everyone? Why was she being Lucy and not Kitten? Why didn't she have control?!

As Brian stopped moving and stood still, Lucy was forced to look into his eyes. That was the moment she feared. Her knees got weak when Brian reached out his hand to touch her face. Lucy shuddered when he softly ran his finger over the the bruise on her eye.

"It doesn't look bad..." - he said softly.

"Oh, well, thats coz I put all the make up I had!" - Lucy grinned.

Brian giggled too.

"Honestly, I can barely see it. You are still pretty..."

"Liar. I have a mirror in here, I know I look awful!" - Lucy laughed.

Brian laughed too. God, he had forgotten how easily she could make him laugh... It was so simple, so cute...

Slowly Brian let go of her face but kept the stare. He knew something was changed now. Lucy didn't seem to be attacking. Totally the opposite, she seemed like the 'prey' now.

"So, I guess you are here to talk... Come on."

Brian followed Lucy and they sat on the couch.

For two long minutes Lucy looked at her hands, not being able to face him. When she finally did her voice cracked at first.

"I-I'm sorry, Brian..."

Brian's breath increased. Fucking damnit, wasn't this love! He felt as if his heart would escape his chest, he wanted to touch her, to cuddle her, to look into those eyes forever... For sure he wasn't doing any of these. He wasn't cheating on his wife in a way. But deep inside he had been secretly cheating on her since they got married.

If Brian came to think about it now it wouldn't work out. He was the kind of man that would never cheat on his wife! Never! Brian would die before having an affair with someone else. He was honest, he made his votes and all. But there was just one thing... Brian married the wrong person... How could he be loyal when his true love was in front of him? How could he miss on this chance? No one could ever understand how much he loved that girl. Since the day he first saw Lucy. It was one of those things you can't explain... something just clicked. These things happen sometimes. Specially for those who doesn't believe in it.

"I have so much to tell you but right now I don't even know how to start!" - Lucy said sighing.

Brian lifted her chin and stared at her.

"I know you are sorry. And if you want my forgiveness you have it. Although I don't really thing there is something to be forgiven. I know you... like me. And if you treated me that way you must have had a deep reason. Thats what I wanna know. No apologizes. I'm here, ain't I? It means its fine now... I just wanna know why, Lucy..."

"I don't know!" - was her first answer.

"Yes, you know." - Brian insisted. He took his hand away and waited.

Lucy sighed again.

"I had to... Just because our past was so strong..." - Lucy paused to find the words. - "When I saw you it all came back. I couldn't handle it... Wild Kitten is my alter ego, if I can say so. I sorta created her when I was weak. When my world closed in on me and I had no where to run. I already was Wild Kitten when I met you the first time, but somehow... You... you got through me, Brian. You found Lucy in me. Thats why I ran away from you. I couldn't be who I really am! I've been so hurt, so humiliated... And this new person I am has to be strong. She says and acts in a way sweet Lucy would never, ya understand it? Kitten is brave, she is wild, she fears nothing. She is everything I need to be. I just fought you away because I was afraid... When I look into your eyes you bring Lucy back."

She finished and looked away.

Brian kept quiet for a long time before saying something.

"Lucy! When you came into my life you changed all my ideas, my principals, and specially my feelings. And when you went away... You have no idea how hard it was..."

"Yes, I do! I know it was hard!" - she exclaimed and Brian looked confused before smiling.

"So... you are saying you also suffered going away?"

"You still ask, Brian? Oh, God! I had to fight with everything I had inside not to give up. I thought about my career and that was what kept me alive. I had to run away, I needed a huge change."

"Why did you go?" - Brian asked smoothly.

Lucy stood up and walked around. Seconds later Brian was behind her and he made Lucy turn around. They faced each other, being only inches away.

Brian's lips were a little opened and his eyes were intense.

'Oh, no!' - Lucy thought. - 'Don't do it! You can't do it!' - Lucy was thinking in a rush but she didn't take not even one step back.

Brian approached her lips.

'Don't do it, don't do it!' - she was thinking, her eyes closed. - 'Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it!'

Out of sudden Brian pulled back. Right on time, he didn't kiss her.

'Damn it, do it!' - Lucy thought shaking all over.

They didn't break that intense look.

"Will you stay long here?" - she asked.

"You want me to?"

"Yes... yes, I do. I think we just have so much to talk about... I'm just not finding the words right now..."

Brian ran his hand through her hair. It was something he had been wanting to do for so long...

"So, are you hungry? Wanna eat something?" - Lucy asked cheerfully breaking their stare.

"Not, not really. Why, are you?"

"Actually, yes." - Lucy laughed and so did him. - "I haven't eaten anything since lunch."

"Oh, me too! I was lying, I'm terribly hungry! I'm starving!" - Brian laughed and she followed him.

"What do we do now? Do I have to cook?" - Lucy asked.

"Do you know how to cook?"

"Not really..." - they burst out laughing. - "But, hey! I could try."

"Oh, please no!" - Brian mocked panic and Lucy slightly slapped his arm. - "What you say we order some pizza? We'll talk better after we eat. Its gonna be just like two friends spending time together..."

"I like it. We can order pizza, the phone is right there." - Lucy pointed with her finger.



At eleven o'clock Lucy and Brian had had dinner and during all this time they talked just as good old friends. They hadn't talked about anything really serious until now when they were sat on Lucy's bed. They only laughed and played around. But now, as they looked at each other in her bedroom lots of things were being said through their silence. Only their eyes staring, searching, exploring all the details of each other.

It was so unreal... She had the only person she would ever love right in front of her and she couldn't have him. Actually, she had been procrastinating the time when she would have to tell him all those things about going back to his life... Yes, she would do that too. But now... Oh, it was just so perfect!

Brian took her hand and kissed the palm of it as Lucy stared at him. They smiled at each other. It didn't matter they hadn't seen each other in years, it seemed like they knew this feeling of being together since ever, and at the same time it was so thrilling and overwhelming as the first time they met.

Brian kissed her forehead softly and his hands traveled to the back of her neck, massaging the sensitive skin there, but still not daring a move to kiss those lips. They couldn't... could they?

Lucy felt her eyes closing as Brian kept smoothing her skin, placing soft kisses on her hands and fingers.

"I'm sleepy..." - she said in a husky voice.

"Sleep then."

Lucy laid on the bed slowly.

"What about you?" - she asked, her eyes closing.

"Don't worry about me."

Brian watched as Lucy laid down completely and closed her eyes. By the sound of her breath he could tell she was sleeping. She probably didn't sleep anything the night before.

He watched with a smile as she feel asleep holding his hand. Brian loved her so much he felt like crying.

Soft as a feather, she whispered something not even she realized. Her lips only formed those words and she didn't know it...

"Hold me, Brian..."

His eyes shone and he laid there, beside her. Softly he wrapped his arms around her body, Lucy didn't even open her eyes. Brian couldn't believe they would really fall asleep like that. They wouldn't have to dream because what they wanted was already happening. Being together. Even if they couldn't kiss. Even if they couldn't touch. Just being together. And Lucy didn't have to say, she couldn't hide it. Brian knew she loved him back.


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