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Lucy and Brian were in the same dressing room they had been during the afternoon, only at this time everybody else was gone.

They were sitting close, staring and running their hands softly through each other's hair.

"You gonna go talk to her now?" - Lucy asked smoothly.

"Yes. I wanna do this today. Its eight o'clock now. I wanna be back here at ten and still take you home. I wanna be with you during every possible minute."

Lucy smiled and their lips met softly.

"Do you think I can be waiting here these two hours?" - she asked.

"Well, the place does stay open, but I don't want you to get tired, ya know..."

"Actually I'm reading a book. And I'd go home if I had something better to do."

Brian giggled.

"My band is always getting together to practice, but since I'm the vocal part I don't need to be always there."

"Ok. If you wanna wait for me here then... I'll go talk to her now, let your cell on, if anything happens I'll call ya, ok sweetie?"

Lucy nodded.

Brian approached her face and they kissed, first softly and then passionately.

"I love you." - Brian said standing up.

"I love you too."

Lucy smiled and watched him go.


When Brian arrived at his apartment Leighanne was surprised to see him home. She didn't expect Brian to come so early, but she was happy he did.

"Hey, baby!" - she exclaimed meeting him and throwing herself into his arms.

Brian hugged her back and sighed.

"How are you, Leigh?"

"I'm wonderful!" - she grinned. - "What about you, honey? How was the day?"

Brian looked around.

"Great... it was really great. Hm... baby, can we talk a little now?"

"Sure... what is it Brian?"

"I'd really appreciate if we were sat somewhere." - Brian said.

"Why? Is there something wrong, baby?" - Leighanne gave him a worried look.

"Not really. But yeah, maybe."


Still confused Leighanne walked with him to the living room, where they sat side by side.

"Leigh..." - Brian began - "There's something I need to tell you... Have you ever heard of a band called Nihilist?"

Leighanne looked at him with empty eyes.

"What does it have to do, Brian?"

"Ever heard of their vocalist, Lucy? That they call Wild Kitten?"

Leighanne frowned.

"I guess so... she is always into some scandal on magazine covers and stuff like that. Why are you asking?"

Brian took a deep breath. The sooner he said that, the better it would be.

"I'm in love with her."

"You what?" - Leighanne asked calmly.

"Listen ok? I met her years ago, years before I ever got to know you. And I fell for her. We both fell in love but Lucy has always been a difficult girl, she said..."

"Shut up!" - Leighanne yelled. - "Tell me this a joke, Brian... Please! Please don't play this jokes on me, don't fool me like that..."

"Leigh! Hear me... we fell in love but she went away. I never really forgot her and now we met again and..."

"No! I don't wanna hear it!"

Brian was baffled, he wasn't expecting such a violent reaction.

"Leigh, hear me... I love this girl, I wanna be with Lucy, I wanna get a divorce."

Leighanne looked at him shaking her head.

"No... No! Are you crazy? You can't divorce me over some little bitch you met!"

"I love her! I met her even before you!"

"But you married me! You love me, Brian, and I love you too!"

"Not anymore, Leigh... My love is gone. I do care for you, you'll always be special to me. But I can't stay with you anymore, I can't live a lie. I love someone else. I've always loved Lucy and now... now that we finally talked to each other and decided to be together I wanna do this as soon as possible. Please don't hate me, I'm only doing what my heart asks me to... I can't live without her, Leigh..."

Leighanne stood up and so did Brian.

"I don't care! I ain't giving you a divorce! We are married! Its even against the church!"

"You weren't even religious before we met. And love isn't against the church. I made a mistake when I married you and for this I'll be sorry for the rest of my life. I really love you, Leigh. But I've never been IN love."

"You lying!" - she yelled trembling. - "Please stop doing this to me, Brian... say its all a game, say you love me, please... stop this, I hate this kind of joke!"

Brian took her hands softly.

"I'm not joking. Honey, please... I want you as a friend, you'll have all the money you want from our divorce, you'll live like a queen."

"No, no, no! I ain't giving my man to any hooker he met!"

"I won't take this! Stop calling Lucy this! She's not! She is the woman I love and I don't really care whether or not you wanna give me this divorce. I don't want this to be this way, Leigh, but if I have to I'll take this to court. I won't part with Lucy. I've suffered enough because of her, I couldn't, I could never help falling in love with her..."

"No!" - Leighanne was crying, her head spinning.

"Do you want me to be miserable by your side? Is that what you want? See me unhappy forever?"

"You can't leave me! If you do I'll die! If you leave me I'll kill myself, Brian!" - she yelled, sobbing and shaking.

Brian was in shock. She was totally over reacting! He let go of her hands baffled.

"Leigh, what are you saying? You can't do this. Stop black mailing me. You know I don't ever want to see you hurt, and I'm sorry but I'm telling you the truth about Lucy."

"Brian, you can't leave me." - her eyes were read in anger. - "I'll go till hell to find this hustler and kill her! You can't fucking leave me, we are married! If you leave me I'll die! Are you gonna kill me?!"

"My God... you are insane!" - Brian exclaimed. - "Leighanne, I can't be with you anymore, I'm in love with someone else. Why are you making this so hard? No matter what you say or threat I won't do this. I won't force myself to be with you, I won't suffer the rest of my life over something I could have and let go. I'm really sorry. I think we'll have to talk after you calm down a little. I'm going now, I'll be back soon though."

Brian began to walk.

"You can't!" - she yelled.

"Oh, before I'm gonna take some of my cloths."

"NO! I won't let you! You won't take anything out of this house because you are gonna live here with me, get it?" - she screamed.

"Leighanne, you are crazy!" - he exclaimed in awe as she was keeping him from going to their bedroom. - "Let me go?"


She was really making a drama, her blond hair messed falling on the eyes that were flaming Brian.

"Excuse me." - Brian used a little of strength to pass her by.

"Come back! You are not leaving!" - she yelled so loud her throat was aching. - "I won't let you go!!!!"

Leighanne sobbed and cried, and the next moment she ran to the bathroom. Brian couldn't walk away. He could never walk away from her.



It was midnight and Lucy was still sat inside that dressing room. Her gaze lost somewhere, she wasn't even seeing. The book opened beside her, the time stopped and the tears remained uncried.

She didn't hear the noise when he came and entered the room. Lucy jumped from the chair, her heart racing, her eyes big and lost stared at him.

"Heya again!" - he grinned. - "Wassup, Lucy? What are you still doing here? Guess we are really running into each other in this room, huh?" - Nick joked.

Lucy didn't reply. She stared at him with an empty look.

He was just coming back from his date with Ellie. He dropped her home and came back to take some stuff he had forgotten. When on earth would he imagine Lucy would still be there?

"Where is Brian?" - Nick asked.

"He called." - that was the only thing she said. Her voice husky due to the uncried tears.

"Did he... talk to Leighanne?" - Nick asked approaching her.

He knew she was weird, maybe Lucy needed someone to comfort her, she didn't seem to be ok, but he couldn't move. Something always kept him from comforting any girl. Specially that one. She was a little too moody and kooky in his opinion.

"Yes..." - her voice was a whisper.

Nick sat by her side.

"Lucy, you wanna tell me what happened? How did things go?"

"You asked me where Brian was..." - she began, something warm forming on her eyes. - "He is at the hospital."

"Hospital?! What happened to him?" - Nick was in alert.

The warmth she felt on her eyes was now running down her cheeks.

Nick felt a hand grabbing his heart. He wanted to comfort her but he didn't even know what happened. And now he was also worried about Brian! He never really knew how to deal with Lucy. He had to talk to Ellie, she was a girl, maybe she could help Lucy with her problems. Girls can get along, can't they?

"Yes... the hospital. He told Leighanne about us... that he loved me and wanted to divorce her to be with me. She.. of course she didn't like..."

Lucy bit her lip and cried silently.

"Brian is at the hospital right now because Leighanne tried to kill herself."


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