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I've Got It

Balthus, I've got it!
I've got it, got it, got it!
At last my quest has risen to the end

No more hesitation,
Nocturnal masturbation,
Or interludes with perverts at SouthEnd

Like the Mormon and his child-bride,
The Amish and his dog,
A Welshman with a flock of sheep,
A monkey with a nog

No cause of misery or sad depression,
A constant stream of seminal emission

Balthus, I'm ready,
And steady, steady, steady,
The time has come for me to shout 'let's go!'

I'm done with genuflecting,
And canine rear-ending,
This time I've come and old friend you should know

Bursting at the bristles,
Gone is my perplexion,
Whipped up with the thistles,
Behold my bold erection

Returned as from a lonely interlude,
And pianola playing in the nude

Her mother,
Her mother, like everybody's mother,
Retreats into the night they call old age

Oh what is the solution,
To father time's intrusion?
That leaves the erstwhile pert,
Sad and dismayed

Confine her to the kitchen,
Baking bream and bread,
And pedagogue the offspring,
Until her face is red

For man it seems is destined to go on,
Providing little mothers come along

Balthus, I'm throbbing,
And bobbing, bobbing, bobbing,
I'm surely not the first to so conclude

It's standing proud before me,
Already she adores me,
Bath time now a joyful interlude

For the question of completion,
Is surely said and done,
I've found a glabrous chalice,
Under my very thumb

Where once before abroad I used to roam,
I've settled now upon the joys of home