~*~My Tony Dreams~*~

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Last Updated on: 17 June 2003.

I dream a lot and my dreams get pretty interesting. I write them down in a notebook, and I like to share them with friends as well, so here's a collection of Tony dreams for when you get bored. For a better idea and the background of my dreams (reoccuring places that will make these dreams make a lot more sense), click here. Read a few, if you want.

You're Being Watched

(17 June 2003) - I was being chased by a guy that turned out to be Hannibal. It was after he'd escaped and he ended up in my old middle school, which lead into a room in another building, somewhere. I guess it was a trap, because when we got in there, he was captured. Nobody knew how dangerous he was, because he wasn't put in any constraints and he just stood there, in the middle of the room, with only one guard, nearby. I was a reporter, and I had a cameraman, with me. There was another woman who worked with me, but she just stood around doing nothing. I tried to interview Hannibal, but he wasn't interested. He made a few comments, and ignored me the rest of the time. I stood right behind him, a couple feet away. He stood with his hands behind his back, and his legs slightly apart. I made a joke, to the other woman, that he was standing like he used to have to stand when he was in jail. We laughed about it, and it irked him, but he didn't show it. Later, the other people in the room were talking and nobody was really paying any attention to Hannibal. I was over by a counter, or table thing, and he was next to me. I regretted making the joke, earlier, and I suddenly felt strong emotions towards him. He got very close to me, and I started to get worried. He reached behind his back and put some chloroform on a rag, and I was thinking how he did it so naturally. I started to panic, and I began talking a mile a minute. I begged him not to kill me, yet. I asked for some time to talk before he did anything. He smirked a bit, and held the rag in front of me, but he was taking his time, so I had time to talk. I told him that I wanted to tell him, when I was standing behind him, that I loved him. He was a little shocked to hear me say it. I guess he decided not to kill me, right away, because we fast-forwarded a bit into the dream. We were still in the same area, but he had this long, shoulder-length gray/white hair that stuck out, all over. He had on an old-fashioned suit/tux and looked really distinguished. I told him my parents were coming over for Christmas. It was Christmas Day, and I saw my parents riding up a snowy road, in a horse carriage. Hannibal said he didn't like Christmas, and I said he had to. I told him my parents wanted to meet him, and he wasn't comfortable with that. I guess he thought they would think he was too dangerous to be with me. He looked really sad about the Christmas thing, and I asked him about it. The dream went into a flashback, and it showed him, younger, in a barn with hay, horses, etc. There was a young woman, that he loved, and she got hurt, somehow. She lay there, in the hay, and he picked her up to take her to the house, but she died. It was Christmas, when it happened, and he wasn't comfortable with loving anyone, as much, since that happened. Then I woke up!
(03 April 2002) - I was in a cell and it was dark. I looked out into the hall area and saw a bunch of other cells there and the ends had mirrors so it looked like the went on forever. I saw Lecter at the end but he wasn't moving. I figured it was just a fake statue of him, but I stopped looking in case he moved and I'd get freaked out. I decided to escape. I think I was pretending to be Lecter. I broke away the wall and climbed outside. I didn't wanna make a mess for my mom to have to clean up, so I picked up all the coloured pieces of foam, that was supposed to be the wall, and put them back in a neat pile. Then I was with a couple people and we were sneaking out into the prison lot and up into the upper field area where a fenced in area was. They kept the circuits and things inside that fence and there was barbed-wire all around it. There was also a carnival set up and we were trying to find certain things for some reason. I was left alone with a middle-aged Tony. It was raining and we had on heavy coats. He and I were supposed to find stuff while the others looked elsewhere for things. I wasn't doing a great job and he was annoyed. He went into the fenced area and slipped in the mud while carrying a bag with whatever we needed in it. He slid down tot he other side of the fence and through a hole. He came out the other side but was tangled up in barbed-wire. I made a comment about how I'm glad I didn't slip in the mud and get all wet like he did. He was furious and stood up and started ripping the wire off of him and tearing his skin in the process. I told him not to and he just kept walking towards me. I backed away cos I knew he was gonna put the wire on me. Another guy showed up and stopped him. Tony was free of the wire, but a piece was swinging around in the wind and he managed to get it stuck on me, but it wasn't as bad. The guy helped get it off me with only some minor pain. We got caught after that. A few other things happened at that moment, involving a horse that I was friends with but he thought I betrayed him and he was mad, so I had to explain that it was the bad guys' fault. Then I woke up!
(15 March 2002) - I was at my old ementary school at night, and there were people all lined up in chairs inside these water tanks. They were being tortured with something in their mouths that gave them a shock and then they were dunked into the water. I stood watching from behind a shed. I was gonna try and take the form of a military general, but the bad guy was a general too, so it wouldn't have helped. I saw Tony was one of the people being tortured. After it was over, I ran up to him and he said to get away before I got hurt too. I went and hid again and the bad guy came back and started torturing them again. Then he left and I ran up looking for Tony, but only found Paul McCartney. He said Tony was gone. Then we were in a store and I was trying to find out where he was. Paul told me where he was and I went over to Tony. We talked and then I went out to the parking lot and figured out which car was his. I wanted to pick a black one, but had to settle for the gray one sitting there. I broke into it and thought to myself that it was the perfect time for him to come out and catch me. He was standing behind me then and made a comment about me taking his car and I acted scared. He wasn't aggressive though, and he got into the passenger's side and let me drive, even though I wanted it the other way around. I pulled out of the parking lot, and had to concentrate on the driving, rather than Tony. Later on, I was in my mall. I was walking around looking for someone cool to hang out with and couldn't find anyone. I asked a guy if he'd seen Tony around and he said no. I went down to the first floor and the guy yelled to me and said he saw Hannibal come out of a store and I made my way towards where the guy was pointing. I went into a crowded store and pushed my way, very obviously, through people and came face to face with him. Then I acted startled and I ran away. He chased after me and I hid behind a counter and he jumped over the counter and found me. He'd chased the store owner away and he was giving me a lecture on how I shouldn't come after him like I did. I said I was sorry and all, but he wasn't really being serious. We had some sort of affair going on and sometimes I wondered if he would actually hurt me to keep me quiet. Then I managed to get to an elevator and he got on too. We were going up to the second floor and he tried stopping the elevator but the buttons didn't work. I was supposed to be acting scared and afraid of him stopping the elevator, but I ended up pushing the button that stopped it. He leaned back in the corner of the elevator and I stood in front of him. I started seducing him and tried undoing his pants as I told him how I wouldn't betray him and all. Then I woke up!
(06 March 2002) - I was sitting on a plane and felt that something wasn't right. I was trying to think where I was going and how I got there, but it seemed normal for the most part. I leaned out into the isle a bit and saw that Lecter was in the pilot's seat. He looked like he did in The Silence Of The Lambs with his white T-shirt and pants. The plane looked like a bus on the inside, but I saw we were flying when I looked forward out the front window. I wondered when and how Lecter became a pilot. He was unknown to the passengers, all except me. I didn't say anything though. He turned his head a bit, enough for me to see a know-it-all smirk on his face. He managed to pull off the plan he had and we landed at the airport. The plane was a bus again and I grabbed my bag and got off. He stood at the front and was about to get off the bus when I passed the side door and went to the front one. I knew he had to have noticed, but I tried to hurry past him and not look directly at him. I got off and was with a friend and then realized I forgot my big suitcase. I ran back to find the bus but it was gone, and then I realized that the bag woulda been in the baggage area of the airport we were now in. After I freaked out about things going wrong already, I calmed down and we walked around looking at the food stands. Then I woke up.
(05 March 2002) - I was learning how to nail in some blocks of wood as tiles for the back frame of the bed of a pickup with a cap on it. Tony was teaching me, but he was wearing his white shirt and pants from Silence Of the Lambs and I knew he was Lecter. He was making me do this work as punishment. He left me to do it and I started hammering one block in, but it was way to hard and it looked horrible. I was supposed to be making a frame around the wooden floor of the truck bed. I had the tailgate open and talked to a couple kids that rode their bikes up to the truck. We were friends and I usually hung out with them, but I said I had to get this done. They left and I noticed Lecter was sitting in the front of the truck with the visor down and he was watching me in the mirror as he was doing stuff up there. I used a brush to wipe away some of the sawdust and dirt and I made sure he saw that's what I was doing. Then I threw the brush down and jumped out of the truck. I knew he'd come after me and it was exciting to think of him cornering me. I ran up the street and past a bunch of the usual fun places, like bars and stores that I often go into. I ran down to the back of the places into the back parking lot. It was dark and there were woods back there. I thought it'd be perfect to run to and have him jump out ahead of me, but knew that would be unbelievable. So I just thought I'd go back there, hit a dead end and get backed up against a wall. Then I saw cars with people in them and I knew that wouldn't work cos they'd try to save me. I ran into this store and it was a milk factory. I ran through the kitchens and all and none of the workers cared. Then I was in the store part of it and ran into a couple friends. Someone was murdered and I knew it was Lecter, and when I saw him, I took off running. It got kinda scary and I didn't wanna be caught in front of people, so I was really running away from him until I found a good spot for him to catch me and for us to be alone. A bunch of other stuff happened in the dream and I got sidetracked. I met up with a friend and I saw Lecter standing against a wall of a fair, inside this warehouse with food booths and tables and all. He was talking to some girls and leaning against the wall where a big sign was. Then he was gone and I went up and started talking to the sign like it was him and I asked him to come out and I said I was sorry. My friend thought I was nuts and she knew Lecter wasn't really there. She knew I liked Tony and thought I was just messing around. Then I woke up.
(28 February 2002) - I was in a house that looked like where I used to live. My friends and I were fighting off these German guys and we beat them up and took their guns. They ran down to the basement to hide out, and most of my friends went to find them. I found a big missile gun and threw it into the other room and shut the door. We ducked and then I remembered that it could've exploded through the floor to the basement, but it didn't. The rest of my friends went down to the basement and I turned around and found a big bed there and Tony was laying on it. He had been asleep and just woke up to go down to the basement and do some searching. I was gonna lay down next to him but he got up. He had on a long white shirt, like from The Bounty or something, and he hadn't shaved in a day or two. I went up and put my arms on his chest and told him I wanted him. He said we had to go downstairs to help my friends and I begged him to wait just a few minutes. He gave in and we stood there holding each other and I was kissing his neck and nibbling his ear, telling him I loved him. Then I woke up.
(07 October 2001) - I was in a building with a friend and her and I went into the elevator and I freaked out cos it reminded me of some other dream apparently. We rode the elevator up and the doors opened behind us and I was waiting for someone to push a hospital gurney into the elevator. That didn't happen but when we got off the elevator, she said she had a class there and I told her I couldn't stand to stay there since it was a really busy hospital floor and there was a lot of stuff going on that I couldn't handle. I ran back into the elevator and then I was down in some library looking place. I decided to go to school and Tony was gonna be my professor. I had met him at his desk towards the front of the building and we talked a little. I thought that he'd take a bigger interest in me if he knew I was deciding to go to his college. I didn't know what to major in, so I sat by his desk and looked through a booklet and decided I'd get into advertising. Tony came over and spoke to me and then went off to discuss some things with other people. Later on, I was in a building with a lot of staircases and there were people wandering around. The lights were dim and I ran into Tony who looked like Hannibal and we were supposed to be secret about our relationship. He backed me into the darkness of a stairwell and kissed me passionately. Then we had to split up so we wouldn't be spotted. Then I woke up.
(30 September 2001) - I went to an airport to drop off some family and we were standing at the desk when I looked over and saw Tony coming up some stairs. He wasn't as old as he isnow, but not real young. I stood there with wide eyes watching him and my mom saw him too. I felt like an idiot staring at him. He walked past the desk, on his way to go downstairs, and he leaned towards us, winked, smiled and said, "How are you folks doin'?" and went on his way. I looked at my mom like, "Wow!" and then I heard his voice from the stairwell saying how he forgot to make a phone call. He had just made one, but needed to make another, so he came back upstairs and passed us. My family went downstairs and I stayed behind, reading some little paper booklets about cooking and if the guy asked if I was interested in them, I'd say I was just wasting time. Tony walked by and some woman got behind him, so I had to squeeze passed her. I came up behind him and his two suitcases and asked him if I could shake his hand. He seemed aggitated and he put his hand behind him, to his right, side and I shook it. I felt bad for asking like that and he started walking faster down the stairs as I said there was a fan forum for him on the internet. I stopped at the glass door before the gate and he slowed down once he was out of reach and he handed his ticket over. I yelled that I regretted asking and I hope he has a fun time. Then I woke up.
(29 September 2001) - I went to my bar after sneaking out of my friend's house. It was an apartment though, I asked where Tony was and someone said Marylin Monroe's room was upstairs, but I knew she had left before I ever saw her in an older dream. So I went up to my room but didn't see Tony. I came back down and this guy told me not to go inside the apartment because there were two Tony's in there and they were fighting. Two Tony's means for me to go inside! The guy had a submarine sandwhich and I assumed that's what the argument was about. One Tony made them for people and the other didn't like it or something stupid. There was a guy behind a desk and one Tony walked over and stood by him. Tony smiled at me and walked over and got close to me. I knew the argument was over but don't know why. The other Tony went away and this one was happy about it, and happy that I made it happen. Then I woke up.
(23 September 2001) - I don't remember much of it, but I was in a studio or room and there were a bunch of people. Tony was there and had long hair and a beard like he did in Instinct. It may have been a Tv interview or something since there was a guy there running things and he told Tony to nibble a guy's ear, and he did. Tony kept laughing which made everyone laugh and Tony start nibbling on some girl's ear and goofing around. He was asking her if she thought it was funny so he kept doing it to her and whispering in her ear and all. Then someone told her to do it to him and she did. It was a good laugh. Then I woke up.
(21 September 2001) - I was living at my old friend's house back in Michigan and had a bedroom and an ajoining garage room with a reclining chair and a wall of Tony photos. I had a magazine with some pages of photos of him torn out. Tony came to visit and he sat in the chair and we talked for a minute and I was trying to set the magazine up on the side of the chair to get a photo of him next to it. I realized how stupid that was later on and I couldn't believe I did that. He asked if those photos were of him and I tried to hide it. He never noticed my wall of photos and I thought I better not point it out. I showed him a couple of the magazine photos and he told me a story or two about them. One had a bunch of huge snow balls and some trees stuck in each one. Looked really neat. He said they were filming one day with Jonathon Demme and they played a trick on him by setting up all those trees. I asked where he got the trees and he said from a bush. He laughed as he thought back on the story. All the photos were of trees and snow and I said it reminded me of Michigan, where I was born. One of the photos was of him yawning and stretching and when I looked at it, he did it too and said he had to get going. I thought it was cos I freaked him out with my photos and that he was tired of seeing them all the time. He stood in the doorway and locked it by putting his arm on the back of the chair. We were about a foot away from each other and he started to say something about me, like I was original and I should be proud of myself, but I only heard parts. I kept saying, "What?" and he'd repeat himself but I still didn't hear him, so I leaned closer. He asked if I had heard of some guy with a first name I didn't make out, and the second name was "France" but he said it in French and I was gonna say I knew it from when he said it on Family Feud last night when he named his stuffed unicorn that, but then I remembered that was Richard Dawson who did that. He said he was a director he had worked with and I asked what he had to do with me. He said he knew him well, and then he gave up. He whispered his name like it was some big secret and that the people outside the house would hear him. I was gonna say that they can't, but I didn't. He was just trying to say that the director and I were alike, but he was having a hard time expressing that. When I had said something to him, his mouth did't move, but he said, "Hmmm." We walked outside and it was cold and snow was covering the ground. My parents and grandmother were standing there and there were a bunch of people all over for some party or something. I asked if I had introduced him to my family and he turned and came over to them. I didn't introduce them, but expected them to say their own names. He shook my dad's hand pretty quickly and my dad was still holding his hand out waiting for the rest of the handshake. He shook my mom's hand and kinda squatted down to be able to look up to her. Then he shook my grandmother's hand and she had one glove off. He asked if she was cold and he took her hand in his and rubbed it so it'd warm up. After that, I walked him to his truck and we commented on how close a Winnie The Pooh minivan had parked so close to the small pickup. I saw he had a shovel and some wood and junk in the back and I asked why he had a truck. I was gonna say it was probably because he feels more comfortable in that than he does in a sports car. He said he just liked it. Then I realized it wasn't his truck. His car was the big van next to it. I walked over and he had the doors and windows open. He had scraped the ice off the front window or something, and then got in and shut the doors. The window was down so I said goodbye and I think he said it too as he waved out the window and drove away. I walked over to my parents and felt like they weren't too impressed, but they just didn't understand him. I got the mail from the mail lady and handed it out with my mom's help. THen I was in my real room ad=nd was about to call my friend and tell her about Tony being at my house, but I decided not to brag about it. Then I woke up.
(08 September 2001) - I was in a mall and saw Tony and a bunch of cast members, who were from the Bad Company movie, exercises on an open floor. I went to get closer and some guy told me to stay back but I said I had a right to stand where I wanted, and he let me sit down on the bench along the wall. I shook hands and spoke some gibberish with this one guy and I acted like I knew what we were talking about. I watched Tony in his black pants, black jacket, black T-shirt and black baseball cap as he danced around with the others to train for the movie. Then I was in one of the scenes where Tony was in an isle of a store and he was trying to get away, so he got in this little car thing that moves boxes and storage stuff, and I got on the top of it. He wasn't supposed to know I was there. The top had bars around the sides and top to hold stuff, and we did two takes of that. I was supposed to let them know if I was hurt so he could stop. I felt the bars closing in on my head and I yelled for him to stop. I was sitting up on top of the car and some guy told me to get down slowly since the pressure of the higher altitude was bad for my head. When Tony stopped the car, the pressure released, but I was woozy and I had to sit down, instead of lay down. Tony felt bad and he asked me what his name was and I felt really lightheaded, but I knew his name. My head felt like it was bleeding and I guess it was cos someone went to get some supplies to fix it. I thought I had done serious damage and thought the worst, but I guess it would be OK. I had remembered this scene went bad before, and I guess that's what made it happen again. Tony was really gentle and was trying to clean my head up a bit and keep me alert. Then I woke up.
(06 September 2001) - I was in a dark concrete basement. There was a cell or some contraption there that reminded me of a dungeon. Maybe an electric chair or something. I had a friend with me. Something attacked us and when I turned, I saw it was Lecter. Then we were outside and getting ready to continue filming the scene. We went down the steps into the basement. There was a bit of sun shedding some light on the floor. My friend sat in a chair by the wall and I looked back and saw a white mark on the floor and told myself to be ready because that's where the attack comes from. We started filming and my friend and I were discussing how we were gonna stick the needle we had into Lecter, but then he showed up and knocked her out of the way and pushed me to the floor, and he put the needle into my arm and I watched as he injected me with the liquid. He disappeared and I looked down at the red mark where he gave me the painful shot. My friend looked at me and then called for help. I knew it was time to fake getting tired, so I did and I fell over and held my breath, pretending to be dead. Then we were outside in the large back yard setting up cameras. Jodie was there and I realized she had been the friend in the basement. She was in her jogging/training outfit from The Silence Of The Lambs and her and I were supposed to do a jogging scene. She was standing over by the basement entrance and started farting nonstop. I backed away and she said she had held it in all through the shoot. Then she started chasing me and a lot of the camera people. Tony was standing over by the house with my parents and some others. He had on a red T-shirt, and so did I. I was wearing a dark blue ball cap too. We all ran from Jodie and I was gonna hide behind Tony but I knew my parents would think I just wanted to be close to him, so I ran past him and went to jump the fence but figure I'd just slip through the post and the house corner. I ran between some houses and jumped into the bushes and tried to put my head down and block my red shirt. Jodie ran past me and I darted back to the others and stood in line behind Tony as we prepared to walk up the sidewalk along the street. Someone yelled that Jodie was coming back and I thought I shoulda stayed where I was, but she ran by me again. Then my parents and Tony and I were by the street walking, and he and I were walking behind them, side by side. We didn't say anything, but it was neat just walking along. He went away and I stole a car and insisted to my mom that it was OK and it didn't matter. So I drove my parents to the corner and they got out. I went on my way to my bar. Then I woke up.
(25 August 2001) - I went to my bar and up to my apartment. I had a feeling that Tony was there and I went into my bedroom and he was asleep in my bed, covered up to his chin. He woke up and sleepily looked at me. I said hello and he smiled. I kneeled down on the floor beside the bed and we spoke a bit. Then I woke up.
(27 June 2001) - I was in a parking-lot at night playing the usual game of car hopping with some friends. We sneak in and out of the cars trying not to be spotted by each other, and choosing the biggest cars to chase each other with. I was sitting with a row of friends and there were some people behind us in a row too. I looked back and saw that Tony was sitting right behind me. He looked scruffy like he did in August. I reached back behind me and put my hand on his leg and then wondered if it was bothering him, but he put his hand on mine to keep it there, so I assumed he liked it. Later, I was in my old high school in one of the classrooms. My friend and I were in the back of the room and I was asking her how to use the 3 VCRs that were set up there. Tony was teaching the class up front and I got mad about something and reached in the desk drawer by me and pulled out a gun. I was bragging that it was the best kind you could get. The clip was empty cos I didn't wanna hurt anyone. But as I got more upset, I reached in the drawer adn looked for a full clip. I couldn't find one, and I just pretended and convinced myself that it was loaded now. I went and pointed it at Tony, and said a few things before leaving the room. He came out and walked with me as if nothing had happened. I guess he and I were friends and he didn't take what I did personally, or he understood why I did it. I'm pretty sure it was because we're supposed to be an item, but he always ignores me. So we walked up to the next floor and he had a cigarette and I had one but my lighter was broke. I asked to use his cig. to light mine cos my lighter broke. I got it lit and he questioned me about the colour of the end of my cig. and how it wasn't lit. I said it was and I exhaled some smoke to prove it. I gave him his cig. back and he touched my hand when he took it. I told him that I loved when he did that, so we stopped walking and he was caressing my hand and I was doing the same to his. Then I woke up.
(23 June 2001) - I was in a supermarket looking at magazines and found a small stack of some with Tony and Julianne on the cover. They were less than a dollar a piece, about 60 cents, and I was gonna get one to keep and one to cut the photos out of and put on my wall. The covers were all different and some of the photos inside were different too. One cover had Tony and Julianne at an awards ceremony and he had on sunglasses which he was lifting up and peering out from under. I wanted that one and one other I couldn't decide on. I showed a friend but he didn't take much interest. Then I woke up.
(21 June 2001) - I was in a house with a bunch of people. There was a huge yard and a big porch that I had been sitting on earlier. Now I was inside sitting at the table and we heard a bunch of noise coming from the other room. I got up and followed the others to the bathroom where a younger girl came out and said that Tony was upset. I chased everyone away from the bathroom and I went in. Tony (70's) was pulling a bunch of hair out of the sink's drain and he showed it to me. He was losing his hair and was really upset about it. I felt sorry for him cos he was so sad about it and I walked over and gave him a hug. He wouldn't let the others near him, so I felt glad to know that he felt differently about me. He was crying a little and saying how he was losing his hair and I told him that it's a normal thing and that a lot of guy's go through it. I told him it would be worse if I lost mine and he sorta smiled. He hugged me and felt better but he was still depressed about it. He walked over to the door and I didn't notice the others there anymore. Tony said he'd have to get a hair transplant and I said that a lot of people do that and it would look fine. He felt more reassured when I said that cos he thought it would be a bad idea. I couldn't help but feel bad when I thought about how he'd be waking up to find hair on his pillow or in his brush. I hugged him again. Then I woke up.
(12 June 2001) - I was in a women's prison and was friendly with the guards and cooperated with them. We went into an arcade room and there were a bunch of guys trying to start trouble so I beat them up. The girl's were thankful that I was there to help. I went around the corner and ran into Tony. I called him Tony and then realized that he was supposed to be Lecter cos he was wearing his white SotL outfit. I hugged him and told him he shouldn't be there cos he was a guy and the girl's would turn against him. He had blood on his mouth and I didn't seem to mind cos we kissed passionately for a few moments. Then I told him he'd better go. Then I woke up.
(09 June 2001) - I was sharing a large room with a friend and I yelled at her for being so messy. My mom was over and I was complaining that I was tired of cleaning up all the time. Then it was just my friend and I there and I said it would be cool to have 2 bedrooms and an extra one, and then they appeared down the hall. I was trying to decide what we'd use the extra room for. I thought of a music room. I started telling her how it'd be neat to have doors that looked like the paneling on the walls and you'd be the only one who knew where the doors were. Then I got up on a table against the wall and walked through the wall. I said I was a vampire and started flying around and swung from the ceiling fan. She was one too. There were a few others there now and the room opened up into a hallway and looked like my old elementary school. There was a film crew there and we were filming a Dracula movie. I said I was going outside for a minute and I went looking for the rest of the cast. I ran into Tony (younger-'70s) and two other people on the corner of the building. They were having a cigarette break and I walked over to them. I started flirting with Tony and apparently we'd been going out together. He let me have a drag of his cigarette when I asked and he said something about having to take it a certain way. He put the lit end in his mouth and had me take it without using my hands. I told him not to do that cos he'd get hurt, but it was like a sacrifice offering. He and I went walking around the back of the building. I stopped him and asked him to just stand there with me and be close to me, so he did. I had ruined the cigarette but he had already lit one for himself, so I didn't feel too bad about ruining his. The tobacco had came out some and the cigarette got really fat and I made a comment about how crappy they were made. After I ran my hand through his hair and we were really close, the maid came running towards us and said that the crew and director and everyone was waiting on me. I ran to get back and Tony dissapeared. I didn't want my friends finding us together cos they'd make jokes about me liking him. I hid in a doorway and thought my friends would run past me but they found me. They caught me with the cigarette and assumed that's why I had gone outside. I said I had just started smoking so I had to have one. Then I woke up.
(05 June 2001) - I was a cop and had a guy and girl with me. We went into my bar but it was wrecked and a mess inside. The lights went off and on. We made our way to the kitchen in the back. I had my gun out. We were looking for Lecter. He came out of the darkness and came towards me. I said I'd handle it. I put my gun down and he was walking towards me and turned into this Frankenstein looking guy. Then he left and I said I was going after him. I told the other two to leave. I followed him through the boards and wires hanging everywhere and the lights went out again. Then I found a storage room and went inside. It was dimly lit and there was a cell on the left as I walked in. A SotL Lecter was there. He chose not to escape, and returned to his cell. I tried to talk to him but he just insulted me for being a cop. I went around the side of the cell and to the back and there was a white curtain hanging there. I hid behind it as the girl entered the room looking for me. The curtain fell and I admitted that I loved Lecter. She was gonna tell on me but I didn't care. Lecter came over to me and we kissed through the bars of the cell. Then I woke up.
(05 June 2001) - I was in K-Mart. I had just moved there with my parents. I put my stuff away and walked up to the front where Tony was checking out, but someone he was with left him and he was upset and sad over it. He looked like he was gonna cry and he picked up his trumpet and mouthpiece and went to leave. I think the cashier refused to help him and that's what happened to make him sad. I ran up to him and said that the same thing happened to me. He didn't seem interested at first but then he listened to me and we walked outside together to look for a cool car. I wanted to drive up to the front of the store in a nice expensive car so people would admire me. We looked around for a car and I found a black one with a red inteerior. I thought about putting a Lecter photo on the outside but I didn't go through with it cos it might be too tacky. We got in and I accidently went to fast on the wet pavement and then I watched as the car crashed into a tractor. A few other things happened. Then I woke up.
(20 May 2001) - I was in an auditorium. The seats were filled with teenagers and adults waiting for the performance of a play. I was on the stage and there was a bunch of junk and props all over and a few people who were in the play were walking around getting ready. I was somewhat aware that it was a dream, and I thought this was my chance to practice being in front of an audience. I thought about it for a moment and chickened out. I decided just to be the props person. The curtains were closed a bit on the sides and I stood behind one side where a table was sitting, out of the view of the audience. I watched as the actors got ready. A couple of them started doing their lines and I was signaling them where to go and where to stand. Then I went out on the stage and talked to a couple of them. It was just a rehearsal. I said something about how it was my turn and I went to the front of the stage, stuck out my arm as if I was holding a skull and I said, "To be....or not to be!" and that was it. Some people were laughing cos they knew I was just goofing off. I said it so seriously though, a bit overacted. Then I looked over and saw Tony in the front of the audience, towards the right. I guess it was normal for him to be there cos I wasn't startled. He walked across the front and I went offstage to see him. We stood there facing each other and he had his hands on my waste. He started leaning in to kiss me and I said, "If this was a game" and he almost kissed me before I could finish, "I'd be the prize." Then we kissed and the dream skipped a bit and everyone had gone. It was just Tony and me sitting on the edge of the stage having lunch. There was so much stuff scattered all over the stage. Props and notes mostly. It was my job to clean it up for that night. We were getting close to each other and I got up and cleared a space on the front center of the stage. I thought we could lay there and mess around, but the floor would be uncomfortable. I looked around for something soft to lay on but didn't find anything. Then I woke up.
(20 May 2001) - I was in an apartment with a girl and a guy a little younger than me. We were hanging out and talking about Hannibal. We said it'd be cool if he showed up there. We went into the bedroom and sat around. The lights were kinda dim and there was a hallway that led to the front door. There was a long dresser along the wall by the bedroom door. I said, "I hope he doesn't show up now cos it'd be pretty scary." At one time, he showed up and seemed to just be hanging out with us, smiling and all. He looked like he did in 'Hannibal' and was wearing a black suit, white shirt and white fedora hat. Pazzi was there and I said he couldn't be cos he had been killed and I couldn't think of any possible way he'd survive what happened. He said he could be there but I won the argument and he left. After a while, Hannibal was gone too. The girl and I noticed that the guy we were with had disappeared. We started thinking that Hannibal ate him and we got freaked out. I had a weird feeling and I said we'd better hide. The lights were almost out by now. I hid on the far end of the dresser and had to keep my knees pulled up to my chest so my feet wouldn't stick out in front of the dresser. The girl went to hide but then she disappeared too and I was gonna look between the dresser and the wall to see if she went out the door, but I thought that if I saw her leave, it would ruin the mystery of the game. I realized it was all planned out and we were just acting the parts to have some fun. But it was still scary. I sat there and waited. I heard footsteps. I saw shoes walking towards me. Then I got really dizzy and leaned forward and when I got up on my knees I was thinking he'd be standing there and once I get focused he'd scare me. But I focused before he got there. So there I was on my knees and he came around the dresser and said, "On you feet" and I couldn't help but stand up and start laughing. The girl was back again and she started laughing. I said he sounded like a cowboy or something. He was amused but did his best not to get out of character. Which was cool. So he said "Let's go" and the girl and I followed him. He said we'd be OK as long as we didn't try to get help or try to escape. He walked down the hall and the girl and I followed. I pointed quietly to his butt and the girl laughed. He turned around and looked at me and I couldn't keep a straight face, but I tried. This time he had on an off-white sweatshirt and some dark gray sweatpants with a stripe down the sides. He was carrying his keys in his hand and he jingled them as we walked towards an elevator. The girl and I had our eyes on his butt and I said, "Not bad" and he caught us looking. He smiled and we got onto the elevator. I was wondering if he had really figured out what we were up to. I was assured when he turned around once again and caught me staring and I hadn't noticed he was looking. Then he was facing us as we rode the elevator to the lobby and for some reason, obvious or otherwise, he said, "You know how to make a man happy" and I got flip and said, "Well, that's what I've been told" and I glanced down at his crotch and grinned slyly. By now he was talking about how we would be having a couple over to visit and I said, "You'd better prepare them" or else they'd be freaked out if they found out who he was. We got off the elevator and he said, "I've prepared many couples" and he smiled and I laughed. He was walking on an angle so he was sorta facing me as he smiled at his joke and I felt the game part of the dream again and thought how Tony was smart to throw that little line in there. I poked him in the chest and said, "That was good" and then realized I had stolen one of his lines, but he didn't say anything. He had to go get some food and the girl and I took off out the door. I was thinking how there should be some of Hannibal's men out there making sure we don't escape. Chris Rock and some others were out there with machine guns and they stopped us, but they were working for someone else. Hannibal came out and made them let us go. They did. They shot at us and he attacked them and then he told us to follow him. He had a little bag of food. We went with him to the parking lot. There were a few trucks and Blazers parked there. But he approached a four-door car. I said, "This? This is your car?" and he said it was. He opened the trunk and looked inside. I looked too. Then he shut it. The girl and I went to get in and I was hoping he'd tell me I had to sit up front with him. I said I wanted to sit in the back, on the passenger side. We got in and put our seat belts on. He said something about me being another one of those people who don't use the lap belt, just the shoulder belt. I asked if he wore his and he said he did. I couldn't find mine at first but then I put it on. The girl was sitting in the middle of the back-seat so we could both watch in the rear view mirror and watch his eyes. He kept looking back at us and we'd look away and pretend we weren't looking. We were headed to another state. Then I was in the back of a limo with Tony and there was a man driving and a woman in the passenger side. It was a regular sized car and I felt like they were invading our privacy a bit. There was a sun roof on each side of the back roof. One had a handle and one didn't and I asked him about it. We fiddled with the roof for a minute and then I asked him if he'd put up the divider so the couple in the front would go away. He had a remote and pushed a few buttons and then we were alone. I started to scoot closer to him and he smiled and encouraged me to keep scooting. I was sitting right next to him now and I put my hand on his leg. He put his arm around me and put his hand on mine. He had on a button shirt and the top few buttons were open, revealing part of his chest. I ran my hand up under his shirt. I said, "I love hair" as I kissed his ear. He said something like, "I have plenty of it" and we started kissing. Then I woke up.
(2001) - I was in a big building that looked like a cruise ship inside, and it was too dark out to tell where I was. I don't like ships and I figured the dream would take a turn for the worst that way, so I pretended it was a big hotel by the beach. I walked through the halls and ran into Sammy Davis Jr. and I asked him if he knew where Dr. Lecter's room was. He said his room was 4F. I walked around the corner and found 9J or something and there was a man and woman who had just gone inside and left the door a bit open. It didn't look like Lecter but it was supposed to be his room and I assumed it was a trick to get a couple to his room so he could kill them. I peered in the door and had wondered what if he caught me looking in his room. I stood up and looked behind me and he was standing there. I backed away some and he came towards me. He told me to come inside with him and I did. I asked him to get rid of the other couple and he did. I locked the door. I sat on the sofa and he walked around the room. Then he went into the bedroom and I got up to go see what he was doing. I walked in and he was on an exercise bike working out. He had his shirt off and had on black pants and was sweating, so he had a towel hanging around his neck. He got off the bike and laid down on the bed. I went over to him and he asked for a massage. He rolled over on his stomach and I rubbed his back. Then he rolled onto his back and I started kissing his chest and running my tongue up and down it. He moaned a few times and encouraged me not to stop. Then the dream skipped and I was trying to find him. I went to this study room in the library and there were doors that lead to smaller study rooms for students. The doors had an occupied sign on them and I asked some kids if they knew where Dr. Lecter was. A girl said he was substituting in the Romance class. I laughed at the thought. It was on the first floor and I went to get on the elevator. The elevator was just like a port-a-pot and I got in with a woman and she was saying how you have to hold your ears at first so they don't pop going down. Someone passed by and asked us if we planned on combusting cos we had the keypad set for 7 floors and it would go down too fast and too far to stand it. So I hurried and deleted the entry and we just decided to get off the elevator rather than risk it. I said we could take the stairs but she ran away and I changed my mind after seeing how closed in the stairs were. So I went back to the room and ended up being invited inside with this guy. We sat with another couple and chatted for a while and had a snack. I was looking around for clues. Then I woke up.
(2001) - I was in a mall. My ex-best friend was there with me in a movie theatre and I had to kick out some guys cos they were bugging her. That was my job. One of the bigshots that worked there was Tony. He was fiddling around with a switchboard and somehow went inside of it and couldn't get back out. I wondered if he was stuck in a time of nothingness, but he could communicate through the radio and said he was on a Federation starship. I left the theatre and went into a room where some people were already working on a way to get him back. He was out of place where he was but people on the ship knew him, so he wasn't in any danger. I went back in the theatre and my friend had apparently committed a murder on one of the guys that had been bothering her. I told people to back off cos they were trying to attack her for killing him. I said she did it in self-defense, even though I wasn't sure. I lead her out of the theatre and had the cops stop everyone from leaving cos they wouldn't listen to me. I needed them all as witnesses to the crime. After I dealt with that, I made my way to the main office. Tony was back and there was gonna be a meeting in one of the rooms. There were a few guys sitting a a big table waiting to get started. I left the room and talked to some people. Then the dream skipped and I was in the main part of the mall now. Tony and I were doing a movie based on the murder of the guy in the theatre, only it was a guy who did the killing. Tony was playing the murderer and the character was confused and didn't know if he really did it, but he thought he did and the guilt was consuming him. I played a younger version of Tony's character who was there to haunt him and get him and get him to come to terms with what he did. One of the scenes had Tony and I dancing and I had to walk backwards. We had to walk fast to the beat of the music. Then we stopped by a store and looked in a mirror that was hanging there and that's when Tony's character first acknowledges me. I look back at him in the mirror and then we turn away and sit down on a bench. Across the floor in the other store there is a bed and a man laying on it. He has wings and is on fire. He represents the guy that Tony's charcter killed and he's in pain and just lays there rolling around on the bed as he burns. I have to stare at him and look really sad and emotional and Tony's character watches but isn't sad, just confused. He looks at me and sees that he should be emotional about it, but he's too confused to be. Then we take a break and just sit there talking about the movie. We go over to the director and he says a few things about what we're gonna do next and shows me his notes and sketches. Tony and I are constantly goofing off. The director asks us to practice a scene where we have to stand real close and face each other. Tony was wearing glasses and we stood there and he showed his teeth trying to scare me, and I did the same to him and we both growled at each other and pretended we were gonna attack. Then we laughed and the director said we were both crazy. I thought how fun it is to work with Tony and I wondered if he thought the same about me. Then we went over a few more things and we were about ready to start shooting again. Tony and I had to hold a milkshake for the shot and I said the cups were heavier than last time. I also said that Tony had a bigger cup and more milkshake. We started drinking them and the director was annoyed kinda cos we were gonna drink them before we even started filming. Tony was real small now and he said he played a munchkin in some movie and that I outta check it out. I said no and then said I would one day. I told him to grow and he did and was back to normal size. We had a few minutes left before shooting so we sat down. The director pointed out a couple guys across the floor doing a few hand signs and it was something I knew about before. I couldn't remember how it went but I figured it out and let them know I was on their side. They had been around earlier when the murder happened and they were for peace or something, and knew I was too. Then I asked the director if I could go to the bathroom real quick, and he said yeah. The line was too long so I used that as an excuse to go to the other part of the mall and find another one. I hoped to run into some information on the murder while I was looking for the bathroom. A bunch of guys at a bar bothered one of my friends and I had to threaten them by saying a cop would be looking for me soon and they'd come looking, so the guys let us go. Then I woke up.

Email: PhilHartman49@aol.com