~*~What's New On Plum Island~*~

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Last Updated on: 27 March 2007.

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27 March 2007 -

The World's Fastest Indian

09 December 2005 - In "The World's Fastest Indian," Anthony Hopkins stars in the true story of Burt Munro, a New Zealander who at the age of 68 tried to break the world's land-speed record on his motorcycle. Watch an exclusive clip and be inspired: The World's Fastest Indian, compliments of MovieFone. 08 February 2006 - New photo section added with photos of Tony during August. Thanks to Simon Treves!

09 December 2005 -

Synopsis: Alexander The Great was a relentless conqueror who by the age of 32 had amassed the greatest empire the world had ever seen. Past and present collide to form the puzzle of the protagonist, a tapestry of triumphs and tragedies in which childhood memories and Alexander's rise to power unfold side by side with the later day expansion of his empire, its gradual decline and ultimate downfall. From his youth, fueled by dreams of glory and adventure, to his lonely and mysterious death as a ruler of a vast state, from the tumultuous relationship with his parents - a powerful king and a queen determined to put her child on the throne at any cost, including murder - to the rousing "band of brothers" bond with his closest companions and vast army, as they fought from the sun-scorched battlefields of the Persian Empire across the snow-peaked mountains of India, the film chronicles Alexander's journey to become a living legend. For as Virgil wrote, "Fortune favors the bold." And no king or emperor, either before or after, ever achieved such fortune, or indeed was so bold, as Alexander the Great.

08 September 2004 -

Red Dragon!
††††† Red Dragon - 4 October 2002 †††††

Red Dragon DVD

Red Dragon Viewing

Today, 4 October 2002, at 12.50PM, my mom and I went to see Red Dragon. Personally, I didn't get that same feeling I did when I saw Hannibal. The feeling where I just had to see it several times again. Red Dragon was pretty much the same as it appeared in the book, and basically the same as ManHunter, with a few differences. There was little gore, some nakedness, suspense and great moments. Coulda used a few more Hannibal scenes, but the ones there were excellent. Tony had some witty lines, as usual, that stood out and he looked great. His appearance was convincing and he had the voice down just right. The start was probably my favourite part. Not too sure about Lecter's hair-style, though. Of course he had on his usual inmate's outfit and then the white outfit that I liked in Silence Of The Lambs. We got to see him out of captivity, as well. Harvey Keitel did a good job as Jack Crawford. I had my doubts about Edward Norton, but he did well. The end was really neat. I totally enjoyed the music in this movie, especially the end credits theme. I think the critics will probably have some problems with it, as they did with Hannibal. But, I loved Hannibal so, I may be wrong. You can never predict that sort of thing. Overall, I enjoyed it a lot. Go check it out!

Go See This Movie!

Props & Wardrobe Auction on eBay

23 June 2004 - Various photos added. They're sketches done by Ananda Collins.

23 June 2003 - A bunch of photos were fixed. Thanks to Jodie, for letting me know which ones. I can't find my back up copies of the Zorro photos, so I can't fix those.

17 June 2003 - Dream added. If anyone sees any errors on the site, please let me know WHERE they are. Otherwise, I can't go through literally hundreds of pages to find them. It would eat up the bandwidth just doing that. I only have limited space on the site, and things have had to be moved, before, so that's probably why there are errors. Unless I know exactly where they are, they won't be fixed. Sorry.

22 April 2003 - Red Dragon DVD, Making Of Red Dragon, Red Dragon Deleted Scenes, Red Dragon: Lecter And Me and Various photos added. Sorry about the copyright/pink lines on the photos. Animation added. Spent hours redoing a lot of stuff because links were broken and nobody bothered to mentioned it. If you find a broken link/page, PLEASE let me know so I can fix it right away. If you don't plan on continuing to get the update eMails, let me know. Just don't block your address or change eMails because it means more work for me when the mail won't send and I have to edit out the bad names.

11 April 2003 - Fan Stuff photo added.

07 April 2003 - Fan Stuff page & photo added.

26 March 2003 - Banners added. Poll on the Main & Lecter pages added.

15 December 2002 - Art photo added.

23 October 2002 - The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case photos added.

04 October 2002 - Blinkies added to the main page. Few things changed there, as well. My mom took me to see Red Dragon, today. Go see it!

04 October 2002 - Dark Victory photos added. Whole new layout on the main page. Lemme know what you think! Since this is a free site, there's a bandwith limit. Please keep pages with lots of graphics open while you surf. That's why I have things open in a new window. It saves bandwith. If the site goes over it's limit (everything you view, save, download, etc. adds up every time), the site will be down for a while. Just come back at another time and it should be back up.

23 September 2002 - Red Dragon Commercial photos added.
03 July 2002 - Lyrics added.
27 June 2002 - Lyrics added.
20 June 2002 - The Innocent photos fixed. Thanks to the person who let me know about them! Dark Victory photos added. The quality of them isn't as great, but hey, they're photos of Tony! Squiggly or not. Added a banner to Red Dragon on the Main page. Go check out the movie trailer! Last Call With Carson Daly photos added.
03 June 2002 - Benny's Tony Experience photos added! Check 'em out, they're one of a kind! Thanks to Benny for allowing me to put them up on my site!
15 April 2002 - Keep an eye out on the E! channel for an actress doing a silly skit during the commercials. She looks into a mirror with a health shake or something and does the "fava beans" line. Her tongue thing is horrible, but it's amusing.
03 April 2002 - Well, I was very close to deleting the entire site because it was way too much work to move things. All I'm asking is that people let me know of any broken links so I can fix them. I've been working on thwe site for over 12 hours straight the past few days. I know I made mistakes, and some photos were lost.
03 April 2002 - Dream added. Angelfire has a bandwidth limit of 1GB and every photo that loads, you view or download adds up. If it goes over the hourly limit, the site is unaccessible. I'm not sure if this site is popular enough to reach the limit, but please let me know when you can't get in so I can try and reduce the graphics. Also, try and bookmark a page that doesn't have many graphics.
23 March 2002 - Had me a great birthday on the 19th! Go see "E.T."! New addition to the Links and Plum Lecter part of the site....Thomas Harris Foreword about his first encounter with Hannibal Lecter.
17 March 2002 - Hearts In Atlantis DVD photos, including larger ones, stills and interview photos added. I see that on the photos page, my HiA link was broken. I've had HiA photos up since the movie first came out, so I hope nobody missed them cos I wasn't told of the broken link.
Note - No, my arm is not better. I still have a damaged nerve, but several people wanted me to update, so I thought I would be nice and oblige. Thanks to those who followed my wishes and signed the Guest Book. That's how I know if I should bother with updates. I'm glad to see new sites popping up here and there as well.

Email: OckGal@comcast.net