~*~The Picnic~*~

The Picnic
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Last Updated on: 25 August 2001.

{Takes place during Hannibal.}
(Written: 25 August 2001, by Lisa.)
[All characters aren't mine, except the nobodies, so blah blah. No copyright infringement is intended. RATED-PG]

"Run little Starling" Lecter said, to himself while he watched Clarice Starling as she jogged over the bridge.

Lecter had been watching her jog for quite some time before he decided to go back to his truck and grab the jimmy from behind the seat. He went over to Clarice's car and opened the door with ease. Within seconds, he was inside. He breathed in the aroma of Clarice inside the car and proceeded to lick the steering wheel, tasting her the only way he could.

Lecter closed his eyes as he took one more lick and imagined his tongue was caressing Clarice's skin. Just then, the driver's side door opened abruptly.

"May I help you Doctor?" demanded Clarice, as she stood bent over slightly to allow her eyes to see into Lecter's.

Lecter was startled and was at a loss for words. He hadn't expected her there so soon.

"Uh, Clarice. How did you return so quickly?" he asked, as if him being in her car was nothing out of the ordinary.

"I took a short-cut" she said, tilting her head to let him know she was still waiting for his answer.

"Oh, I see. Well, it seems as though you've caught me during a bit of a visit." Lecter turned slightly to step out of the car.

"I can't let you leave, Doctor." Clarice stood firmly with both hands on the top of the car.

"Now, Clarice, let's not play games. You know I won't allow you to turn me in. I suggest you move aside, and let me be on my way." Lecter waited for her to move, but she didn't budge. "Clarice. Step aside."

"Scoot over, Doctor" she said, as she put her hands to her side and took a step closer to the inside of the car.

Lecter gave her a puzzled smile and did as she said. He slid over to the passenger side and allowed her to get into the car. He thought of getting out, but he was curious to see what she was up to. If she attempted to take him in, he could easily restrain her from doing so.

Clarice started the engine and drove to the end of the parking lot and onto a small dirt road. It was secluded and the trees formed somewhat of a tunnel. It was a path that was rarely used, and she was taking advantage of the secrecy. She pulled off to the side of the path and turned off the engine.

Lecter said nothing. He merely shuffled through the thoughts in his mind trying to figure out what Clarice was planning. She seemed all to calm to him.

"Clarice, may I ask what we're doing parked here?" he asked as he turned his head to face her.

"We're going on a picnic" she said, as she got out and reached in the back of the car to produce a blanket, which she keeps folded there for whatever reasons.

"We're what?" asked Lecter with a hint of misunderstanding in his voice.

"Going on a picnic. Only, I didn't bring any food. I hope you don't mind." She walked around the front of the car, Lecter watching her as she made her way to his side, and opened the car door. "Coming?"

Lecter smiled, "Why not."

He got out and she shut the door. He let her lead the way down a small hill and through some tall trees, finally reaching a clearing in the middle of the woods.

"This looks like a nice spot" she said, as she lay the blanket down on the ground.

She sat and looked up at him. He was still a bit confused, but was willing to play along. And besides, he couldn't resist that face looking up at him, so invitingly. He sat beside her, leaving a good few feet of space between them.

Noticing the effort he made to leave so much space between them, she stated, "I don't bite, Doctor."

"Ah, but I do" he said, making light of the situation.

Clarice smiled and let out a small giggle, to which Lecter responded with a smile and a laugh of his own.

"Clarice, if you don't mind me saying, you seem a bit more secure around me. Is there a reason for this intense and unnerved bravery you're displaying?" he inquired.

She put her legs in an Indian-style position and faced her body towards him. "Well, I've been thinking it over for a while now, and I realized that if you wanted me dead, I would be by now. So, I'm inclined to believe that you have....feelings for me. And I, in return, have feelings for you as well. It's just that I was a bit blinded by my work and everything else, that I never really came to this conclusion before."

"I see" he said, as he pulled a small flowered weed from the grass beside him and fiddled with it.

She could see she was making him uncomfortable. She laughed to herself at the thought of such a thing. Hannibal Lecter, one of the most ferocious men in the world, was actually uncomfortable in the presence of a woman.

"Why Doctor, I do believe you're blushing" she teased.

"Nonsense" he remarked dryly as he accidentally yanked the top of the flower off the stem.

Clarice laughed and scooted closer to him.

He casually scooted to the edge of the blanket until he ran out of space. Choosing not to sit in the grass he tried to make an excuse, "Uh, Clarice....perhaps it's best if you take me back to my truck so we can forget this ever happened." He grabbed another weed to occupy himself with.

"What, and miss out on this quality time we're spending?" She knew he was interested in her, otherwise he would have ran off or attacked her right then and there, just to get out of the situation. But the fact that he was still sitting there was proof enough that he didn't mind too much. He would just need a little coaxing.

Clarice scooted back a bit and insisted that he move back to towards the centre of the blanket. "I wouldn't want you to fall off" she mused.

"Thank you" Lecter said, as he scooted towards her ever so slightly, continuing to fiddle with the weed, spinning the stem between his fingers so that the flower spun like a twirling umbrella.

"Tell me, Clarice" he started, "Is there a reason you've brought me here?"

"Of course. I'm making an attempt to seduce you" she said, with a smile.

Again she noticed he was blushing. She was having too much fun with him. It was one thing for him to appear so powerful behind bars, but now that they were face to face, he seemed so helpless and intimidated. She decided to take the next big step.

Before Lecter realized what had happened, Clarice was sitting up against him, with her hands on his, stopping him from fiddling with the weed.

"Doctor, I know this is making you uncomfortable, but if you would just drop that little flower and kiss me, it would go a lot more smoothly. Unless of course you don't have feelings for me." She looked down at his hands in hers, waiting for her answer.

He pulled his hands away, and avoided eye contact. She felt a twinge of fear shoot up her spine. Maybe she had made a mistake. But he wasn't doing anything to show that he was annoyed. She took that as a sign to continue her seducing. She didn't wanna risk upsetting him by playing games of indicision.

Clarice kissed his cheek and ran one of her hands through his hair, pulling his head closer to her lips.

"Clarice" he sighed, only slightly turning his head to elude her mouth.

"Hmm?" she purred, as she ran her tongue along his jaw-line and rested her other hand on his inner thigh.

Lecter put one of his hands on hers and stopped it from roaming any further. "Clarice, please--"

"You don't have to beg me, Doctor" she said, slyly as she fought to break her hand free from his grip.

"Clarice" he hissed, "I wouldn't continue this, if I were you."

Clarice stopped and let her eyes meet his. "Why is that, Doctor? What if I don't stop? Will you eat me face?" Her voice was strong and confident.

Lecter loosened his grip on her hand and she moved it further up his leg, which let her know that he wasn't exactly turned off by what she was doing. He couldn't hold back any more.

"Not your face" he said, with a grin.

Lecter looked into her eyes and held up the little flowered weed as a symbol of acceptance. She smiled and took the flower, just before he kissed her.

The kiss seemed to last several minutes before Lecter broke it off to embrace her in a gentle, but firm, hug. He kissed her ear and his breath made her shiver.

"I've yearned for this moment for so long, Clarice" he whispered as he nipped at her ear and neck. "I never thought you would allow it. I was afraid you were trying to trick me, and I didn't want to permit myself to surrender to you."

"I would never try and trick you" she said tilting her head back so he could get at her neck better. She secretly hungered for his teeth on her skin.

"Ah, but Clarice, you're forgetting about your little attempts at tricking me in the past" he growled into her ear before making his way to her mouth.

As he bit down on her lip, she let out a small shriek. He sucked at the drops of blood forming on her lower lip. Then back away to see the expression on her face.

"I'm sorry. It was my job" she said, regretfully.

"See that it doesn't happen again, hm?" he requested as he brushed the hair away from her face.

Clarice nodded and ran her hands along his bare upper arms. Her eyes fixed on the part of his chest, which the tank top he was wearing easily revealed. She planted kisses on his chest.

"I must say, it is strange to see you wearing such an outfit" she teased.

"Is it too fancy?" he mused.

"Well, anything less and you'd be eligible for indecent exposure" she said, trying to sound serious.

"How much less?" he grinned.

"Hmm." Clarice pretended to think as she looked him over. "Lemme see." She grabbed the bottom of his shirt and slowly lifted it up over his head and removed it. She looked him over again, and decided it would take a bit more to step over the indecent exposure line.

Clarice continued undressing him until he was completely nude. "That'll do it" she said, before busting into laughter.

"Oh, yeah?" Lecter quipped. "Well, I'll just have to reciprocate.

"If I get up and run away, you'll have to chase me in the buff, you know" she giggled. "And that's really not you're style, Doctor."

Lecter reached out and grabbed Clarice before she knew what hit her.

He held onto her tight as she tried to break free from his strong arms. She could feel his arousal and she was getting quite aroused herself.

"You can't run if I won't let you" he said, through clenched teeth. "Now let's get those clothes off of you, shall we?"

"Nuh, uh!" Clarice teased, as she tried to wiggle her way free.

Lecter attempted to bite her lip again and she pulled her head back while shouting, "OK, OK! Just don't leave any more marks! I'll hate to have to explain this to everyone."

Lecter smiled as he allowed her some room to remove her clothes. He helped her undress, and looked her over with mesmerized eyes.

"Beautiful" he whispered to her. "Simply, beautiful."

"There's nothing 'simple' about me" she quipped.

"Except those shoes of yours" he winked.

Clarice pounded her fists lightly on his chest, mimicking a small child throwing a tantrum. "You beast!" she toyed.

"You better believe it" he said, with a twinkle in his eye.

Lecter lowered himself onto Clarice and made love to her many times over the next several hours.

The daylight hours had dwindled down, and Clarice had fallen asleep in Lecter's arms. When she awoke, she found herself alone, covered with his side of the blanket. The sun was nearly gone, and she could just make out the small note, beneath a flashlight, beside her.

My Dear Clarice,

Thank you for the picnic. Who would have thought it could be that fun without any food?

Forgive me for not waking you, but you looked so peaceful, and after that performance of yours, you surely needed the rest.

I apologize for leaving you out here alone, but I trust that you'll find your way back to the car. Just in case, I brought you a flashlight from my truck. I would like it back, so you can expect to see me again soon. I hope you don't mind.

See you around,

Clarice held the note to her chest and sighed, "I hope so."

After dressing herself, Clarice gathered up the blanket. She made her way back to her car, using the flashlight to make her way through the trees that cast shadows on the ground.

She approached her car and got in, tucking the little flower, that she had kept, up into the visor of the car. Before tossing the blanket into the back seat, she held it to her face and inhaled the scent of her lover.

"Smelling it is enough" she told herself, with a chuckle, "I won't go as far as to lick it."

Clarice started her car and the melodic sound of Bach played from her speakers. She looked down at the stereo and noticed a tape in the player. She smiled at the thought of Lecter putting his tape into her stereo for her to think of him by.

"I assume you'll be coming back for the tape, as well" she noted, and drove off into the last seconds of the sunset.

The End.

Email: PhilHartman49@aol.com