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Last Updated on: 23 October 2002.

These are my reviews for the shows and movies I've seen Tony in. Just my lil' ol' opinions that may or may not be of interest to others.

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~*~Movie Reviews~*~

Magic - One of my faves and a must see for Tony fans. Took me awhile to realize he did the voice of the dummy, which made it all the more cool. Guy has success at his feet but runs to avoid taking a physical that would reveal his mental stability.

Silence Of The Lambs - If you haven't seen this one, then you can't be a true fan. Tony isn't in it much, but when he is, the movie is at it's best.

Guilty By Suspicion - Somewhat boring, but a good movie. Husband is a lawyer wanting to plan the perfect murder against his wife. Tony has a rather odd conversation with himself.

Freejack - Neat effects. This was much better when I was younger and could appreciate those obscure future-based movies. Guy zapped into the future so Tony can have his body and live.

84 Charing Cross Road - A bit slow-paced but a decent film. Tony fits right in working at an old bookstore. Woman finally gets her butt to the bookstore after ages of getting books through the mail and getting to know the workers. Stuffy Tony character.

The Elephant Man - I watched this years ago and didn't like it. I didn't give it a chance. Watching it again, I loved it. Very artistic-styled. Good emotional story. Nice when Tony loses his temper.

Remains Of The Day - Another slow one, and quite agitating storyline. Still a good movie though. Tony is too stuffy in this one too. Guy likes girl but doesn't admit it. Girl likes guy, but guy keeps his distance.

The Bounty - I hate ships, but Tony looked good as a sailor. And those pajamas were nice too. Tough characters are always a plus. Tony is the captain of the ship but he's too strict and a bit nutty so the others take over.

Hannibal - My fave. If you haven't seen it, go now. Yeah, the book had more, but the movie was great in it's own way. I've seen it over 25 times and that beats any other Tony movie I've seen. I can never get sick of this one. He brings the character to life and you can't take your eyes off him. Excellent classic.

Instinct - Aside from the beard, Tony was brilliant in this one. I love animals and this really hit me emotionally. I think we could all learn a bit more about living in harmony with animals and the dangers of man from this movie. Guy lived with gorillas til he was hunted down and he committed murders trying to save his 'family.' Gets put in jail and has to put up with a guy who wants to help him.

One Man's War - This was a good one. Guy goes to other country to serve as a doctor but makes trouble when he talks bad about their government on his trips back home. Has to fight the country government himself.

Titus - I can never get people convinced to watch this. It's very Shakespearean in language so it's a little hard to follow til you get used to it. Has some very modern parts as well. Great story about endless revenge.

The Mask Of Zorro - I'm a sucker for a sword fight. Has some humour and some nice costumes. Can't beat having Tony with a whip.

The Edge - Another fave. Guys get stuck out in the wilderness and have to survive a man-eating bear. Tony looks great in this one. Must be the outdoorsy thing.

The Looking Glass War - I wouldn't really watch this again unless I fast forward to the Tony parts. He looks young and nice in a turtle-neck styled shirt. And there's a fight scene which is worth the watch cos he smiles at the end of it and does a little laugh. Then there's the part where the guy feeds him a crayon cos they're drunk and sitting on the street. Your basic spy-type movie.

Spotswood/The Efficiency Expert - Tony has to shape up a factory business. Looks cute holding a tiny trophy in one scene. He's a bit stuffy at first but eventually fits in with the others. Cute when he races little cars.

To Be The Best - Pretty much a cops and robbers movie. Tony has to keep his eye on a girl and find out what exactly is going. Fun to see Tony take on a karate expert like a piece of cake.

The Trial - Tony had a very small part as a priest. Looked very Lecteresque in his first scene. I actually forget the rest of the movie.

Meet Joe Black - Another great one. Tony is nearing the end of his life and has to teach Death a few things about living. Death likes Tony's daughter. Who else, but Tony, could stand up to Death in such a classy way?

A Bridge Too Far - Many stars in this one. Tony has blondish hair and a mustache. Looks pretty good. Soldier movie.

A Chorus Of Dissaproval - Total riot. Tony does a brilliant job as a Welshman who runs a play. He's a been wacky and simply hilarious. Nice to see him doing comedy.

The Good Father - Biker Tony! Love the outfits and the motorcycle. Tony tries to help another guy gain control of his son after having his own son taken away by his wife when they can't live together anymore.

Juggernaut - Intense and suspensful movie. Bombs on a cruise ship must be dissabled in time. Tony is back on shore trying to find the guy who planted the bombs. Tony has pretty wild hair.

The Tenth Man - At the start of the movie, before the beard comes to stay, Tony looks great. Guy gets randomly put in captivity by the Nazis and trades his mansion and money for his life, then goes back to stay with the sister of the guy he traded with, but she doesn't know who he really is. Good storyline.

The Innocent - Decent movie. Tony has a guy do secret military stuff and the guy is involved with a girl he shouldn't be with.

Audrey Rose - I like this one. One of those possessed-typed movies about a little girl who appears to have the soul of Tony's deceased daughter who died in a car crash. He's the only one that can calm the girl when she freaks out in her sleep, but the parents think he's nuts. Tony looks great in this one.

Desperate Hours - One of my faves. I saw it years ago and liked it then too. Guys running from the cops hide out in Tony's house with his family. Tony and his wife are seperated but have to stick together to get out alive. Tony plays the piano at the start.

The Lion In Winter - This was a good one. Reminded me of Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? with the husband and wife (Peter O'Toole and Katherine Hepburn) fighting each other as if they do it to feel alive. Tony is one of the King's sons and wants the thrown after his father. Family fights left and right. Tony is a good fighter and shoulda got the thrown in my opinion.

Arch Of Triumph - Tony gets the girl in this one. I enjoyed this movie although I wasn't paying attention at first. I loved the trench coat and hat and chain smoking look. The scar he had on his face made him look kinda tough, and you gotta love a movie where he wears a robe. It's not too hard to follow and it gets better in the end. Tony plays a doctor living illegaly in Paris during the war and he falls in love while being obsessed with tracking down the Nazi who beat him and raped and killed his girlfriend some time ago.

Howard's End - This one seemed like something my mom would like. Reminded me of Little Women. I didn't dig the mustache, but the fancy clothes were cool and the driving outfit with the hat and goggles was amusing. Another movie I got distracted during and didn't follow along close enough. Guy marries girl and she forgives him for having had messed around with a woman prior to their marriage. His ex-wife died and left the house to his new wife, but he doesn't tell her right away. Meanwhile, her sister is pregnant and has no husband.

Blunt, The Fourth Man - Tony had third billing so I started to get annoyed, but he came on after awhile and was wonderful. A story about four spies, who are friends, who have get away before being uncovered. Tony plays a gay guy and spends most of the movie smoking cigarettes, wearing a robe and speaking with a very British accent. I think he looked incredible, and there's even a tub scene! Worth the watch. Although I wasn't paying all that much to the story as usual.

August - Half way through this movie, I realized it was identical to Country Life, which I had watched years ago. I thought Country Life was kinda boring, but I liked this version. While I can't stand Tony with a beard, this one wasn't too bad. I love watching Tony be goofy and do silly things and he did quite a few in this. I can sympathize with Tony having to put up with people living in his house who have worn out their welcome. Seeing him deal with them and lounging around in the country landscape is very entertaining. Cute to see him chasing Kate Burton, Richard's daughter, around like a puppy. I wonder how Tony felt about acting with her, considering he's always being compared to her father. I really need to get this soundtrack!

A Change Of Seasons - I liked this one. After you get passed the intro scenes and the corny music, it's rather amusing. Man has affair. Man's wife gets even by having her own affair. They all go to vacation house together. Other people show up and are in shock. Worth it just to see Tony dancing to disco music and seeing him constantly push his glasses up with his middle finger.

The Road To Wellville - A couple having problems go to a bizarre wellness resort and try to get better by using the weird inventions of a whacky doctor. How this movie ever made it is beyond me, but it was amusing in the oddest way. Enimas left and right, and those teeth Tony has to have! I would be a little worried about doing this film. A ton of sexual references makes this one of those movies you'd rather not watch with the family around. Of course, Tony was brilliant as usual.

All Creatures Great And Small - Beautiful movie. Shows the birth of animals and the death of them as well. Tony is a veterinarian who has to handle his brother and is joined by a young assistant. They aren't very neat with their reciepts and Tony has a hard time getting along with the secretary. Some funny moments, and some sad ones in return.

Shadowlands - Loved it! Pretty much another frustrating love story, but it works very well. I like the humour in it and the emotional bits. Quite touching. Tony is a writer and ends up meeting someone who's written to him and things progress from there.

The Bunker - Very strong, powerful and convincing acting in this movie. You actually forget Tony is the person you're watching. Shows the last remaining days of Hitler's life and his failing fight from the bunker.

The Hunchback Of Notre Dame - Great acting, yet again. Tony does a wonderful and heartfelt performance as Quasimodo. Very emotional and touching story of the disfigured bell ringer who falls in love.

International Velvet - Touching story of a girl who loses her parents and is forced to cope with a new home with her Aunt, a prize winning horse rider, and her Aunt's boyfriend. The girl takes a liking to her Aunt's horse and uses her knowledge of riding to cope with her loss. Tony plays the trainer, and his dry humour is something to watch for.

Legends Of The Fall - Touching story about three brothers who all like the same girl and their struggles through life. Tony gets old rather quickly in this one, which makes you do a double-take.

The Dawning - I think Tony looks great in this one, even though he isn't in it too much. Love the close and the scruffy look. Makes me wish I had me a little shack by the beach. Can't beat the scene where he goes into the water and then puts on a dry shirt.

Mission: Impossible 2 - Tony has a pretty small part, a few minutes at the beginning and a few at the end, but he looks great and there's some good close-ups. I thought I wouldn't care for this movie, but I thought it was really good. Non-stop action, not a bunch of sappy stuff to divert from the plot, and it made me think about what people will do for a buck. Great spy flick.

Hearts In Atlantis - Great movie! I read the book first, which I never do, and I felt that the movie left a lot out. There were some holes and it coulda been a little longer than it was. The book explained Ted's 'gift' more and the Low Men were a lot scarier and original in the book, giving the story a bit of a twist, amking it a true Stephen King work. But they were toned down in the movie and they and Ted seemed like ordinary people. The acting was good for the most part. Certain things were really changed and seemed weird after reading the book. I'd recommend reading it forst before watching the movie so you know the whole story behind everything. Tony looked nice in a tight white tanktop! Special treat because I saw it with my mom!

A Doll's House - Interesting movie. Odd ending, which I didn't expect. His wife realizes that she really doesn't know who her husband is after eight years, even though she did something just as bad which lead to the whole problem. Don't really dig beards, but Tony looked pretty cool in this one. Lots of hand gestures and a piano scene, too!

Victory At Entebbe - A plane full of Israeli and Jewish passengers is hijacked and the people are split up and held hostage. Tony is back at the Israeli cabinet trying to solve the situation.

Dark Victory - I was expecting more, but it was a good movie. Every time I thought it was gonna end, it kept going, and when the end came, I felt kinda jipped. The beach scene towards the end was great. The movie kinda dragged in places, in my opinion. Tony plays a doctor who falls for his patient and leads her to believe that she's better, when she really isn't.

The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case - True story, and very interesting. A lot of courtroom scenes that could get boring for some people. Tony looks great, and they've stuck him in jail, again. Not that he doesn't look good there! At one point, we get to see poor Tony with his head shaved. The movie is about the Lindberg baby's kidnapping and murder, and the trial of the accused, played by Tony.

Red Dragon

You're Being Watched

~*~Special Reviews~*~

E! Behind The Scenes" Hannibal - Interesting and fun to see Tony off and around the set.

David Frost Interview - Pretty laid back interview about his life and whatnot. Interesting.

Larry King Live Interview - Talks about Nixon movie. Takes a couple questions from callers.

Meet Joe Black On Location - Shows a few scenes and where they were shot. Interviews with some of the cast members.

Celebrity Profile: Jodie Foster - A few minutes of Tony talking about how he was intimidated by Jodie at first.

In The Wild - Wonderful documentary about lions. Tony goes into the wild to commentate on them and to learn and experience the way of the lion. Cute scenes with him and his kitty.

Hearts In Atlantis: Showtime Extras Interview - Brief interview with director and cast, including Tony who couldn't remember his first kiss and who says his Ted character reminded him of his grandfather. Looks nice in a white shirt and black jacket!

Last Call With Carson Daly - Funny stuff with Carson, Tony and Chris Rock. Chat and clip from Bad Company. Tony does his famous slurp!

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~*~Soundtrack Reviews~*~

Silence Of The Lambs - One of my favourites. I used to listen to this tape all the time and there's a theme throughout the soundtrack that I just adore since the first time I saw the movie. Spine-tingling music. Great for a scare if you're alone and have it up loud.

Hannibal - This has to be my all-time favourite soundtrack. Tony's vocals on the selected songs make it even more hypnotizing. Songs range from romantic to chilling. Track 12 on the CD is my favourite. The 'Gallows' song has my favourite dialogue.

Titus - Fabulous! The ancient times mixed with modern is simply brilliant! The first song is so powerful and the sound effects are incredible, making it my favourite on the CD.

Dracula - Spooky and exciting score. Has that old-age feel to it, like you're back in the days that the movie took place.

August - Wonderful! Tony did a marvellous job on this. The songs he plays are superb and 'The Garden' is one of the best songs I've ever heard!

Hearts In Atlantis - Nice oldies make you feel like you're back in time. The original score music is beautiful and very emotional. Nearly tear-inducing! Track 10 on the CD is my favourite.

Red Dragon - Almost as good as the other two soundtracks in this series, it is full of suspenseful moments and beautiful melodies. Many chills throughout this CD.

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Email: PhilHartman49@aol.com