~+~The Visit~+~

Room 202
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Last Updated on: 28 January 2002.

{Takes place after "Hannibal" in Clarice's bedroom. She has a bathroom connected to the inside of her bedroom.}
(Written: 28 January 2002, by Lisa.)
[All characters aren't mine, except the nobodies, so blah blah. No copyright infringement is intended. RATED-PG]

Oh, what a day! Clarice thought to herself as she flopped down on the bed. What a long day.

Clarice closed her eyes for a few seconds before nodding off. With her feet still hanging over the edge of the bed, she jolted awake. Not a day goes by that she doesn't think of Dr. Hannibal Lecter, and today was no different.

It was late and the sun had just began to go down. "Time for a hot bath," she said as she took off her clothes and headed for the bathroom.

About forty-five minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, relaxed and wrapped in a robe.

"Hello, Clarice" came a voice behind her.

She turned quickly, only to come face to face with, "Doctor Lecter!"

He was leaning against the wall on the side of the bathroom doorway. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt. No tie. She wondered how anyone that evil could look so good.

"Love the robe, Clarice" he said as he gave her a wink and a grin.

"Thanks. Doctor Lecter, what are you doing here?" she asked. In her mind she was trying to figure out how to reach her phone and call for help without him knowing. But that seemed impossible.

"I came to see you, of course. I unplugged the phones, by the way." He took a step away from the wall. "That way we aren't disturbed."

Clarice stepped back away from him. "One of us is already very disturbed, Doctor." She was amazed at the way he always seemed to know her thoughts.

"Oh, Clarice. I see you still have that same sense of humour." He reached his hand out to her but she ran for the closed bedroom door. "I also took the liberty of locking the door. And I bet you'll never find the key." He smirked.

"Dammit" she said, turning and pressing her back up against the door. By now, he was inches from her. "Where's the key, Doctor?"

"Ah, now where have I heard that question before? Hm?" Had it been his nature, he would have chuckled out loud, but it wasn't, and he didn't. Instead, he stepped closer to Clarice so that his body was lightly touching hers.

Clarice could smell his cologne. She inhaled the scent, trying not to let on what she was doing. Sometimes she couldn't resist thinking of him as a normal person. A man who just happened to have a few problems in his life. She thought if she had the chance, she could reform him and get him to lead a better life. And she liked the thought of being involved with such a gentleman. One who could cook wonderful meals and who actually knew how to treat a lady.

"Clarice, what are you thinking about?" he asked her. A knowing look in his eye.

"I was just...." She pushed him out of the way and caught him by surprise as she ran past him to the nightstand where she had placed her gun.

Lecter spun around fast and leapt at her, tackling her to the floor. He managed to grab the gun off the nightstand and toss it across the room, into the bathroom. Clarice rammed her elbow into his stomach and pushed him off of her. He recovered within seconds and tackled her again, this time on the bed. He rolled her onto her back and straddled her, putting his weight on her to keep her from getting away. He held her arms down until she stopped squirming.

"It's like this every time, Clarice. Don't you ever grow tired of it?" he asked her, still catching his breath from the blow he took to the stomach.

"Did I hurt you?" she asked, sincerely.

"Let's just say I can tell you haven't stopped working out." They both smiled at each other. Lecter slowly leaned down and kissed Clarice on the lips, and she welcomed his mouth.

Usually, when he visits her, they get completely undressed before making love, but Clarice decided to take his advice and try something different this time. While he still sat straddled on top of her, he took off his jacket and put it on the bed beside them. Clarice reached up and unbuttoned his shirt and he removed it, laying it on top his jacket.

As he went to unfasten his pants, she took his hands and stopped him. "Wait. Leave them on this time."

"Clarice. They at least need to be unfastened for what we're about to do." He continued to unbutton and unzip his pants once she'd removed her hands from his. "If I'm leaving these on, you can leave your robe on." He tugged at her robe, "But let's open it up a bit, shall we?"

As Lecter was ready to prepare himself to make love to her, Clarice started giggling.

"What are you laughing at, Clarice" he asked. She shook her head and continued giggling as she looked up at him. "What is so funny?" he asked impatiently. "Tell me."

She managed to stop giggling long enough to explain, "I just can't imagine you ever killing anyone dressed like that. It's unreal." She started giggling again, more uncontrollably each time she opened her eyes and got a good look at him with his pants undone and no shirt on.

Lecter reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a knife. He opened it, and Clarice just continued with her giggling. "Would you like me to demonstrate that it can be done, Clarice?" He slowly waved the blade above her bare chest.

"If you do, you better hope you have time to get dressed before the cops show up, or you're gonna look mighty silly runnin' around lookin' like that!" She laughed loudly, knowing he wouldn't hurt her.

"Good point" he said. "Clarice, stop laughing. I wanna do something."

She calmed down and finally got her giggles under control. She watched fascinated as he ever so lightly traced her breasts and neck bone with the blade. Anyone else would've been afraid, but Clarice trusted him, and found what he was doing to be quite arousing.

And he could tell she liked it. "Does this please you, Clarice?" he said, in a low, seductive voice.

"Yes" was all she could whisper. Her eyes were closed and she had a smile on her face.

"Tell me you don't want me to stop" he said, guiding the blade down her stomach and back up.

"Don't....stop" she begged. One hand was grabbing the bed sheets and the other was tangled in her hair. "Please, don't stop, Doctor."

"Clarice," he hissed, "Can't you call me by my first name, just once?"

"MMmm" she mumbled.

"Just once, Clarice." He traced her jaw line now. "Are you enjoying this?"

"Yes" she opened her eyes and looked into his, "Yes, Hannibal."

The blade crossed her throat and sliced into her skin. The cut was deep, and right on the artery. Blood poured out of her neck onto his hand as he watched sputtering blood forming in her mouth. Within seconds, she gasped for her last breath.

Lecter looked into her eyes for a moment. "Thank you, Clarice" he said, as he kissed her forehead. And with his clean hand he gently closed her eyes.

The End.

Email: PhilHartman49@aol.com