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~*~Anthony Hopkins Sounds~*~

~*~Anthony Hopkins Sounds~*~ [ Home ]
Last Updated on: 24 September 2001.
These are small collections of sounds from various movies and shows. You're Being Watched


(Corky compliments Peg's breasts)

Asparagus tips!

Don't panic! My God, what have I done....

(Corky laugh)

(Fats sings)

Well clean my face and you won't throw up.

Fasten your seatbelts everybody, it's going to be a bumpy night.

(Fats threatens to tell on Corky)

You're Being Watched

~+~Blunt, The Fourth Man~+~

(Tony greets his boyfriend but insists he gets his bags up the stairs on his own)

Kiss? Oh, I'm always faithful, in my factfaion....

(Tony making boat sounds in the tub and laughing)

You've changed the ruddy locks!

Come on you silly old pooch!

(Tony yells for guy to throw him down a key to get in the building)

(Tony messing around on the phone and it rings)

Come on lad. Ring bloody back, you silly b!tch.

Oh my God, ah-haha!

And me too, yum yum!

You're Being Watched


Have I made your f^cking day?

(What are we supposed to do?) Move. (Move where?) Out of my way. (Oh!)

Testing, testing, testing. One, two, three, four.

You're Being Watched

~+~A Chorus Of Dissaproval~+~

(Tony sings in Welsh)

(Tony makes a joke and his wife yells at him)

(Tony has a weird yelling fit)

Goodbye folks. Have a nice tea party....

You're Being Watched

~+~The Good Father~+~


It's daddy number two! Ha, he can hardly remember who the f^ck I am, haha!

I don't have anywhere else I can take him.

You're Being Watched


(Tony giggles)

(Tony does his sheep impression)

Tea time! Tea time!

Ah, hold on, hold on. I don't think I couldn't've heard correctly. Would you mind repeating what you just said?

You're Being Watched

~+~Inside The Actors Studio~+~

(Tony tells a story and does his Hepburn impression)

(Tony tells how he went on a picnic when he was five years old)

You're Being Watched

~+~The Hunchback Of Notre Dame~+~

She gave me water. Gave me....she gave me water.

Sanctuary! I give her sanctuary! I give her sanctuary!

Santuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Ha!

....Is it all right if I watch you when you have you eyes shut, and you can't see me?

Why was I not made of you?

You are so beautiful.

You're Being Watched

~+~International Velvet~+~

Um, a concerto of Bach. That's 'Bach' as in the German composer, Mr. Armstrong. Not 'Bach' as in dog.

Now, to perform it well, you also have to have an appreciation, not only for my subtle wit and my whimsical humour....

I hope you're suitably impressed by the quality of my language Ms. Godfrey! Not just a pretty face. Do you understand?

I would urge you not to sit on your brains, but to use them!

You're Being Watched

~+~Hearts In Atlantis~+~

....Yeah, kids always think farts are funny....

But, you will kiss her.

Well, if you must know, when I was younger, I thought she was a real hotsy totsy.

You're Being Watched



Sorry. (Desperate Hours)

(Snippets from Silence Of The Lambs and Titus soundtracks which sound similar)

Well, well. (Titus)

Those of you who are watching the movie, pleasant dreams. Bye. (Silence Of The Lambs DVD)

If somebody comes up and says, 'I saw Silence Of The Lambs 16 times' and I'll say, 'You're very disturbed. Do you need treatment?' Just as a joke. (Silence Of The Lambs DVD)

(Tony does his Rocky impression from the Silence Of The Lambs DVD)

Clarice, smile. We're going to be partners. (Silence Of The Lambs DVD)

Well, this is not Mission Difficult.... (Mission: Impossible 2)

....Yeah, she was in great pain. Then we cut off her head.... (Dracula)

(My God if I went up in flames, there's not a living soul who'd pee on my to put the fire out!) Let's strike a flint and see. (The Lion In Winter)

Hahaha. Very funny. (A Change Of Seasons)

The car! I got you a car! (All Creatures Great And Small)

("The Garden" piano piece by Tony from August)

You're Being Watched
