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Jean Claude van Damme Central News

January 29, 2002
    DVD section updated: Desert Heat and Replicant special features added.
    20,000 hits! w00t!

January 21, 2002
    New pictures added to Photo Gallery

January 19, 2002
    Body builder section updated: routine added.
    Death Toll section updated / corrections made.

January 13, 2002
    Soundtrack section up.
    Predator (1987) fixed again. Frames removed.

January 11, 2002
    The Order (2002) updated, cast updaed, page totally reworked.
    The Order (2002) release date for North America is March 12, 2002 (straight to video)
    Index updaed, icons for news, fan clubs, and soundtracks added.
    Soundtrack section started, to be finished in next couple of days.

December 27, 2001
    The Order (2002) updated:
    -new pictures
    -new behind the scenes pictures
    -cast updated
    TV Schedule added.

December 26, 2001
    Filmography: The Order (2002) page updated, new info and new pictures.
    Multimedia: MTV Celebrity Deathmatch van Damme vs Chan video clip added.
    Multimedia: Knock Off interview added.
    Forum: changed back to Guest Book format (due to lack of popularity)
    Television: Friends (TV, 1996) script added.
    Most visited pages updated.
    Most popular movies updated.

December 24, 2001
    The Order (2002) release in Russia: January 10, 2002 (Already released in Germany)
    Multimedia interviews restored: The Monk Interview, Universal Soldier: The Return Interview, and Glamour Interview.
    New interview added: van Damme at Cannes.

December 2, 2001
    Jean Claude van Damme Central has seen major changes over the last few days, new main page and new sections:
    -the enemies
    -mrs. van damme
    -death toll
    -dvd features
    -filmography, television, and other project sections

November 23, 2001
    Modified Predator (1987) page. Its the probably the best page now.

November 22, 2001
    Modified links section. All links show number of hits (random order) and you can also add your own links. Removed top 10 van Damme links listing.

November 15, 2001
    Added movie poll.
    Added Forum.

November 14, 2001
    Worked on link section. Now you can add your Van Damme website.

November 10, 2001
    10,000 hits! w00t! thanks to everyone whom has visited this site. :)

November 4, 2001
    Jean Claude van Damme Central opened 1 year ago from today.
    Today I made a banner for my page for people who want to link to my page.

    Added movie Derailed (2002) section.

October 31, 2001
    Derailed (2002) announced.
    The Monk (2002) put on hold to film Derailed (2002).

October 23, 2001
    The Replicant (2001) enters videos stores today! I rented this movie and its pretty damn good. =] It's very different from any of Van Damme's other movies. Less kicking and more plot.

September 29, 2001
    Added "just say kNOw to drugs" section.