Chapter 4*~


          “Do you Aaliyah take this man to be your husband?”


          “Yes I do...”


          “Then by the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”


          Aaliyah laughed as Drew kissed her and there were load cheers. She hadn’t felt this type of high since...her and Justin’s figured. It seemed like lately everything seemed to remind her of Justin in some way. She couldn’t even eat without thinking about him. For the rest of the day she just couldn’t seem to stay concentrated on her wedding day, and to add fault to injury, she happened to go into labor later that night. The good news, a healthy little girl Xaviera Sanders was born. Drew was excited but there was one thing that was on her mind...Justin. Thankfully Holly had called him and told him that she wanted to see him so here she was with Justin instead of Drew, watching a movie. Drew had went home with Cat, and Justin stayed with her. She was kind of happy. She looked up at him and smiled. “If you’re sleepy you can go ahead home. I’ll be fine.”


          “I’m fine, I think you’re sleepy and you’re just scared I’ll leave when you’re asleep. Well I’m not going anywhere I’m staying right her by your side.”


          Aaliyah nodded sleepily and yawned. “Why did we break up again?”


          “You were pissed off because I got Beyonce pregnant.”


          “Yeah that’s right...” Aaliyah bit her lip and looked him in his eyes. “It was an accident remember?”


          Justin laughed and looked down at her. “You don’t forget do you?”


          “Nope...” Aaliyah kissed him and grinned against his lips as the kiss went deeper. “I never forget.”


          “Do you think you can kiss and forget?”


          “I don’t know why don’t you find out?”


          “I think I will...”


~*2 weeks later*~


          “Give mommy a kiss sweetie.” Drew laughed as Xaviera left a wet kiss on Aaliyah’s cheek. “Say bye ,bye mommy...”


          “Bye Viera, have a good nap, and don’t wake up with an attitude missy.” Aaliyah smiled at Drew as he took the baby down the hall to lay her down for a nap. She sighed and looked at Catalina who was sitting at the piano playing. It took her a moment to recognize the music, but it became very clear. “Ohhhh no... ohh, oh... mmmm...Oh... ohhhh...” Aaliyah sang with the music and smiled as she smiled. “Maybe I'm just wrong for feelin the way I do, Thoughts indecent, want to put those down to you, I know you have a girl, I don't want to tie, When you're free one night just make those hours mine...” Aaliyah laughed and sat down next to her. “I didn’t know you knew this music...”


          “I know a few good ones mommy...” She smiled at her mother. “Watch...”


          Aaliyah nodded and listened as she began playing a very familiar song. A song that was usually playing through her mind. “All my friends meet you and say, You're the one, (You're the one, you're the one... hey ooo)
And all my meaningless friendships Should be done, (I should just leave them alone, baby, eh heh), You had a friend, But he did you wrong, But I'm a God sent sign That reads, Please move on, With me...” Aaliyah looked at her. “Nothin Else...your father’s song...”


          “Yep that’s right, try this one...”


          Aaliyah watched as she started again and listened to the music. “My Love, My Love Will Be Here Always.
Lately I’ve Had The Strangest Feelin, A Feeling I Cant Deny. That Angels Watchin Over Us And Our Life.” Aaliyah nodded. “Never Givin Up. You’re good Cat.”


          “That’s because I practice a lot.”


          “I know! And I’m very proud of you.”


          “Aaliyah we need to talk...”


          Aaliyah turned around and looked at Drew. “Alright. Cat I’ll be back.” Aaliyah got up and followed him into the other room. “What’s wrong?”


          “What’s wrong? Aaliyah you tell me...” Drew said and placed a few pictures of Aaliyah and Justin kissing and hugging.


          “Where did you get those?”


          “Why does it matter where I got them! The fucking point is you lied to me!”


          “I lied to you? I never lied to you Drew! And do you have to fucking yell! Jesus Christ, I swear men are all alike, they get jealous over some stupid ass shit! I guess I was fucking wrong about your ass too.” Aaliyah felt a hand hit her across her face and all she could feel was a sharp pain.


          “I am not Justin sweetie and I am not afraid to knock your fucking ass ok? So drop it.”


          Aaliyah looked at him. Mostly in anger, not in hurt. She heard the front door and watched as Catalina and Justin walked in. She looked away quickly and sighed.


          “Liyah let me see your face.” Justin walked up to her and touched her slightly on her cheek that was a bright red color. He looked at Drew with an angry expression. “Did you put your hands on her? Did you put your fucking hands on her.”


          “Justin it’s not that serious it’s...”


          “No Aaliyah! Stop defending him...did you?”


          “I did, and so what? I know you’re not gonna do anything.”


          “You think I’m not gonna do something?” Justin punched him in his nose and looked at Aaliyah. “Get the baby and meet me in the car.”


          “But Justin I...”


          “Do it now, and take Cat with you.” Justin watched as she nodded slowly and looked at Drew. “You will never lay a hand on her. I don’t care is she’s your wife, I will not allow you putting your hands on her, or any other woman at that.” He punched him one hard time and looked at him. “You will never see her again ok? Never, if I have my way.” Justin glared at him and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind himself. He got in the car and looked at Aaliyah who was close to tears. “Are you ok?” He watched as she nodded slowly and sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”


          “I don’t want you gettin hurt because of me and....”


          “Shhh...” Justin put his finger up to his mouth as he drove down the road and looked in the rear view mirror. “Never No More Liyah...Never No More...”