Chapter 1*~




          “Honey!!” Aaliyah smiled as her five year old Catalina ran towards her, arms spread wide open. She embraced her in a long hug as she ran into her arms. “Have you been good for Grandma?”


          “Yes Ma’am.” Catalina smiled widely as she played with her mother’s hair.


          “Thanks so much Lynn.”


          “You’re welcome honey. I’m glad to help.” Lynn hugged her and looked her in her eyes. “How do you feel? You feel any better?” She knew the past few months were emotionally and also physically eating away at Aaliyah. Ever since the breakup Aaliyah hadn’t really been herself.


          “I feel a little better, but I’m still kind of not all there.”


          Lynn nodded and smiled softly at her and took her hands in her own. “I want you to promise me that if you need anything you’ll call me ok? Because I don’t want anything happening to you or Cat ok?”


          Aaliyah nodded and gave her one more hug. “Thanks for everything.”


          “You’re welcome, anytime.”


          “Alright ready?” Aaliyah asked and picked up Catalina.


          “Yep! I’m weady when you are!”


          Aaliyah laughed and opened the door. “We’ll see you later.”


          “Ok, be careful on the way home.”


          “Alright I will.” Aaliyah took her car keys out her pocket and unlocked the doors to her Jaguar. She buckled Catalina in and closed the door before getting into the drivers seat; where she quickly turned on the car and drove towards the highway, back towards Miami. She was just ready to get home and go to sleep now. It had been a long day, filled with interviews. She was completely tired now, and just thinking about her day tomorrow was making her sick to her stomach.  Aaliyah shook her head and looked into her rearview mirror to look at Catalina who was intently watching the tv in the headrest. Thank god for modern technology. She flicked on her right blinker as she exited the highway. She slowly made her way through the quiet neighborhood and was ecstatic when she pulled into the driveway. “Can you unbuckle yourself?”


          “Yes mommy...”


          “Alright,” Aaliyah turned off the car and grabbed the bags that were sitting in the passengers seat and then got out and closed the door behind herself. She walked up to the front door and unlocked it. “Cat no running in the house!” She watched as Catalina ran down the hallway and shook her head. She closed the door and placed the bag by the table and dropped her keys on the table before going into the kitchen and getting a cup of tea. She heard the phone and looked at the caller id and sighed as she sat the phone down. No less than two minutes later she heard the answering machine pick up.


          “Hi! You have reached the home of Aaliyah and Catalina. We’re not here at the moment, so leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.”


          “Aaliyah! Answer the phone, I know you’re there.”


          Aaliyah laughed as she sat there listening to him yelling. She made her way over to the phone, and turned off the answering machine and picked up the phone. “Hi Jay, so nice of you to call.”


          “Why do you continue to play these games with me Aaliyah?”


          “What games? I have no idea what you’re talking about...”


          “What is your problem?”


          “I have no problem.” Aaliyah rolled her eyes and sat down on the couch. “Anyway why are you calling here? I told you I didn’t want to talk to you anymore.”


          “Get real Liyah. You’re the mother of my daughter. I have every right to talk to you. I care about you and Catalina. Why in the hell are you acting like this?”


          “Right, if you cared you wouldn’t have left me for Beyonce!” Aaliyah rolled her eyes and rubbed her temples. “You know what, why in the hell am I still talking to you? Good bye Justin.”


          “Aaliyah! Don’t you dare hang up on me I swear...”


          Aaliyah shrugged as she hung up the phone and placed the phone on it’s base. She yawned and laid out on the couch and let out a soft moan as she stretched. She had just closed her eyes when she felt a little poke on her side. She opened her eyes and looked at Catalina who was twirling her fingers around her long sandy brown colored hair. “What’s wrong baby?” Aaliyah turned onto her back and picked up Catalina, placing her on her lap. She watched as Catalina shook her head and laid down on top of her, resting her head on her shoulder. “I know what your problem is, you’re tired.” Aaliyah yawned and ran her hand through Cat’s hair. “I know, I’m tired too.”


          “Mommy...I miss daddy...”


          “I know, I miss your father too...but with or without him we’ll be fine honey.”


          “I know...”


          “Just try to get some sleep alright?”


          “Otay, I love you mommy.”


          “I love you too Cat, I love you too.”


~*The Next Day*~


          “You hung up on him? That’s not very kind. Aaliyah Dana Haughton,  I raised you better than that. You should be glad that he cares about you and Cat. You really shouldn’t bash him for things that he has tried to apologize for. You need to move on honey, and I think that, if he wants to be apart of you and Cat’s life, you should let him.”


          “Well thank you mom for those words of inspiration.” Aaliyah sighed as she held the phone up to her ear as she waited for Catalina to get out of school.


          “Aaliyah don’t you give me that attitude. You are not to old to get in trouble.”


          “Sorry mom...” Aaliyah sighed and watched as the kids walked out of the school. “Look mom, I have to go. I’ll call you later.”


          “Ok, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”


          “Yes ma’am, bye.”




          Aaliyah hung up the phone and smiled as Catalina ran towards her. “Hey sweetie.” She kissed her softly on her forehead. “How was your day?”


          “Good...” Catalina said as she closed her door behind her. “Daddy came during lunch...”


          “He did what?” Aaliyah looked in her rear view mirror at her and watched as she shrugged.


          “He told me to tell you hi...”


          “Asshole.” Aaliyah mumbled and started the car.


          “You say something mommy?”


          “I just said how...sweet.” She pushed a few loose strands of hair behind her ears as she turned a corner and sighed as she stopped at a red light. “I’m going out with Holly for a little bit, so do you want to go with us? Or, do you want to stay with Stephanie while we’re out.”


          “Um...” Catalina bit her lip and looked at Aaliyah. “I wanna stay with Stephanie.”


          “Alright, then we’ll go over there in about an hour. Do you want anything to eat or are you ok?”


          “I’m ok.”


          “Great,” She smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. When they pulled up into the driveway she spotted a moving company moving some furniture into the house across the street. She had no idea that anybody had bought the house. She stepped out of the car and caught glimpse of somebody walking out doors. She went to her front door and unlocked the door so that Catalina could go in while she went to go investigate. She headed across the street and was shocked to find such a hot guy walking towards her in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She smiled. “Hi, so you bought this beautiful house.”


          “Hi, and yes I did, it seems like a nice neighborhood. Lots of pretty women.” He smiled. “By the way, I’m Drew.”




          “Of course I know you, I don’t know of anybody who doesn’t know you. You’re just as gorgeous right here in person as you are in your videos and movies.” He kissed her hand. “I think I’m going to like living across from you...”


          “I think I’m going to like you being here.” Aaliyah grinned and looked down at her feet.


          “You have a little girl right...umm Catalina right?”


          “Yeah, she’s back at the house. She’s a handful.”


          “I can’t believe Justin did what he did to you. I don’t know why he would give up such a beautiful woman.”


          Aaliyah was very impressed. He made a very good impression on her and she could tell she was going to like him a lot. He just seemed like everything you could wish for. He was perfect, but behind every perfect person, is a perfect secret.