Chapter 11*~


          “Hey....Sexy baby...why’d your girl leave you in pain??? To Let a fine man like you go, she must be, insane....hey sexy baby, there’s no need to worry no, no, oh boy if you call on me, I’ll come, I’ll come in a hurry.....Come on, I love you...ohhhh baby, I care for you, Love You yes I do. Yes I do...Give me a chance. Wanna let you know, gotta let you know that I love you.”


          Justin watched as Aaliyah rehearsed with her band. Ever since what went down four months ago Aaliyah hadn’t really been herself, but lately certain things seemed to bring back the old Aaliyah, and singing was one of them. Her smile seemed to be bright today, she was laughing and smiling now. Her attitude was at least very positive now, but there was a side of her that she was holding back and that he was now really missing, and that definitely was her spunkiness. He watched as she walked towards him and smiled softly. “Hey, you ready to go?”


          “Yep,” Aaliyah smiled at him and looked down at her fingers as they walked out of the building. “Thanks for sticking around.”


          “No problem, you know I would do anything for you.” Justin looked over at her. “Are you ok?”


          “Yeah, I’m...fine.” She nodded and sighed as she looked over at him as she unlocked the car doors.


          “Are you ready for tonight? I mean you’re nominated for quite a few awards.”


          “I think I’m kind of ready for it. Who knows.”                                    


          “I think you’ll be fine, and you’ll sweep the competition. How do I know that? I know that because I know you.”


          Aaliyah smiled and kissed him softly. “I love you.”


          “And I love you, don’t you let anyone ever tell you differently.”


~*Later That Night*~


          “Hey ladies and gentlemen. Well there is one woman who has gone through everything this past year...” Ananda smiled as she walked farther up on stage. “This young woman is truly a survivor and I want you all to welcome one little girl who knows her the best. Please welcome, Catalina Timberlake, singing Journey To The Past.”


          Aaliyah smiled widely as she watched Catalina walk out with microphone in hand. She looked over at Justin who was smiling also and looked back up at Catalina who curtsied.


          “This is for my loving mommy who is always there for me.” Catalina looked down at her mother and blew her a kiss. Heart, don't fail me now! Courage, don't desert me! Don't turn back, Now that we're here, People always say, Life is full of choices, No one ever mentions fear! Or how a road can seem so long, How the world can seem so vast, Courage see me through, Heart I'm trusting you, On this the past...”


          Justin looked over at Aaliyah who held her hands up to her mouth as she watched Catalina sing. He saw tears forming in her eyes and he knew what it was. Catalina was exactly like her when she was younger. She inspired to be the best, to do the best she knew she could do. Catalina was her. She had the beautiful voice and the extraordinary beauty. Cat was everything she was.


          “Somewhere down this road, I know someone's waiting, Years of dreams, Just can't be wrong, Arms will open wide, I'll be safe and wanted, Finally home where I belong, Well, starting here, my life begins, Starting now, I'm learning fast, Courage see me through, Heart I'm trusting you, On this the past... Heart don't fail me now! Courage don't desert me! Home, Love, Family, There was once a time, I must have had them too, Home, Love, Family, I will never be complete, Until I find you... One step at a time...One hope, then another, Who knows where, This road may go-Back to who I was, On to find my future, Things my heart still, Needs to know, Yes, let this be a sign! Let, this road be mine! Let it lead me to my past, Courage see me through, Heart I'm trusting you, To bring me home...At last! At Last!”


Aaliyah stood up and clapped as Catalina finished. She was so proud of her, and she was extremely overwhelmed at the moment.


Justin smiled as he watched the interaction between Aaliyah and Catalina. There was one thing about Aaliyah that would never change; she loved her children.


~*7:21 a.m.*~


          “Hay en mi corazon una inquietud, Hoy te veo tan distante...Hay algo que me aleja de tu amor...De, repente tu cambiaste , Hoy insegura estoy, El estar sin ti, se que me hara sufrir...” Aaliyah sang as she bathed Xaviera the next morning she smiled. “Viera say Anoche.”




          “Good job baby girl.” Aaliyah smiled and looked at her as she continued to sing. “Anoche yo senti, que me besaste diferente, Y me quede sin saber que hacer, Yo te conozco y se que algo no anda bien, Ven, dime la, verdad, no quiero imaginar, Que fue el beso del final...”


          “No se por que ha cambiado tu actitud...” Justin smiled as he stood against the doorframe and looked at them. “Well hello ladies.”


          “Hi Justin!”


          “Hi Jussin.”


          Justin smiled and took Xaviera from Aaliyah. “Hey honey, look you’re all clean. What are you doing up so early?”


          Aaliyah smiled. “She’s going to hang out with Drew.”


          “Are you taking her over there?”


          “Yes, why?”


          “Li, I don’t think you should go. I mean I just don’t want...anything happening to you.”


          “I’ll be fine, really. Holly is going to go with me.”


          “Is that supposed to make me feel better? You and Holly, spells out trouble.”


          “No it doesn’t it spells y-o-u a-n-d H-o-l-l-y.”


          “I was being sarcastic smart ass.”


          Aaliyah rolled her eyes and watched as Justin dressed Xaviera. “I know you were and I really don’t appreciate your sarcasm right” She bit her lip and picked up Xaviera. “We have to get going. We’ll see you later on tonight.”


          “Tonight? Why in the hell tonight?”


          “Goodbye Justin!” Aaliyah sang as she walked down the hall and out of sight. She was so sick and tired of people telling her what to do and what not to. It was her life, and she would do what she wanted with it.


~*10:24 p.m.*~


          “Yes I made it safely. I’ll talk to you in the morning. Alright, buh bye.” Aaliyah sighed as she hung up her cell phone and sleepily walked up the stairs. After she dropped Xaviera off, she had to sit for about two hours getting ready for her photo shoot with Essence, and that was a long process. After that she had went and paid every bill she could ever think of, and went to make sure that everything was ready for Cat’s first day back to school. She was exhausted. To even think about it was making her sick to her stomach. There was always so much to do, but so little time. She opened the door to her and Justin’s room and quickly made eye contact with Justin who was lying across the bed watching tv.


          “OH so you finally decide it’s time to come home. So nice for you to join us.”


          Aaliyah looked at him and just rolled her eyes. “You know what, I would reply, but I’m better than that, and two you keep fucking with me and I’ll kill you in your sleep ok?” Aaliyah yelled grumpily and threw her purse on a chair and grabbed her Hello Kitty pj’s. “I’m going to sleep down the hall in the guest room, because every time I look at you, I seem to disgust myself.”


          “Aaliyah I...” He stopped as she put her hand up to stop him.


            “I’m not listening anymore.” Aaliyah walked towards the door and opened it slightly. “I’m sure this is for the better of both of us.” She slammed the door and left. She was in no mood to even look at him. He always seemed to under appreciate her, but he would learn one day. When she was gone and was never coming back.