Chapter 14*~


          Aaliyah yawned as she walked towards the front door the next morning. Justin had a meeting to be at, and the kids were at school and at Lynn’s house. She opened the door and smiled softly as she gazed at the familiar person. “Hey Will, come on in.” She closed the door behind him and yawned. “So what have you been up to?”


          “Nothing, just hanging around.” Will bit his lip and looked at her. “Are you ok? You don’t look too well...”


          “Yeah, I think I’m trying to get sick, but I don’t have to time to be sick you know?” She watched him nod. “So all I can do is take some medicine and hope it passes.”


          “Well I hope you don’t get sick, I know how you get when you’re sick.” He laughed. “Remember when you got sick at Christmas.”


          “Yes! And I was standing on the table singing about how much I hate being sick at Christmas and then I threw up all over Carmen. Yes I remember that.” They laughed and looked at each other. “You know, I just realized how much I missed your presence.”


          “I’ve missed you ever since the day you left New York, but I can’t complain too much.”


          Justin opened the front door and softly closed it behind him; hearing voices in the kitchen. It was Will and Aaliyah, he wondered what they were talking about.


          “I miss kissing you, talking to you, holding you, caressing you, making love to you, everyday of my life, but I know that you’re in good hands with Justin, because he loves you.”


          Justin was shocked. He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t expecting him to say that at all. Actually he thought that Will was a threat but was he saying that he thought that he was better for her? Justin slowly walked into the kitchen acting like he heard nothing and smiled at the two. “Hey baby.” He kissed Aaliyah and looked at Will. “Hey Will! How are you?”


          “I’m good. How are you?”


          “So, so.” He smiled at him.


          “That’s good. Well I should get going. I have someone to meet in about an hour, so I’ll talk to you guys later ok?”


          “Ok.” Aaliyah followed him to the door and gave him one more hug. “Be careful!”


          “I will!”


          Aaliyah smiled and closed the door and looked at Justin. “I didn’t think you would be home this early...”


          “I was able to sneak out a little early. You know what. Will, he’s a nice guy.”


          “He really is...” Aaliyah nodded and looked Justin in the eyes. “He really is.”


          “So I heard that you weren’t feeling too good.” Justin kissed her and ran his fingers through her hair. “I hope you’re not getting too sick. I need you, you can’t let me raise these children by myself while you’re sick!”


          “Oh wa,” She smiled and returned the kiss. “I’m sure the kids won’t drive you up the wall. Now I’m going to go back to bed because I don’t feel to great, so they should be back in about three hours.”




          “Juju...” she whined as she started up the stairs.


          “You are so mean...”


          “Yeah, I know.”


~*2:32 p.m.*~


          Aaliyah yawned as she awoke to some music and rose any eyebrow. She slowly sat up and walked towards the door where she peered out and yawned. She walked down the stairs and into the living room where she instantly busted into laughter at the site of Justin in one of her suits and a black wig singing It’s Whatever with Catalina and Xaviera.


Now It's Me And You
It's You And Me
And It's Whatever
Whatever You Want It To Be
I'm Telling You
If It's Up To Me
Whatever Is Whatever
It's Whatever With You and Me


          She looked at them and walked farther in the room. “You know hun, you look much better in that suit than I did.” She laughed as he turned around.


          “Yeah I look hella sexy don’t I?” He laughed.


          “Are you supposed to be me? Cuz if so yall ain’t doin it right!” She laughed and pushed him over. “This is my show people, and I’m gonna show you how to do it!”


          “Come on girl, give it to me!”


          They all looked at each other and laughed. It was good to have family sometimes because sometimes they are the only ones who understand. Understand some of the things that you really hope that others don’t.


~*5:30 p.m.*~


          “Mmmm, it’s so good honey bunny. Look at daddy, he knows.” Aaliyah said and watched as Justin ate a spoonful of the carrots and watched as her nose scrunched up and she shook her head. “Well that didn’t work.”


          “Hmm...I guess it didn’t.” Justin shrugged. “Well we tried, it’s not our fault our baby wants to be anorexic.”




          “What?” He looked at her.


          “You know what, you can give me whatever attitude you want Missy, but yo ass will just be hungry cuz if you don’t eat this, I ain’t feedin you for the rest of the night.”


          Justin watched as Andra-Li ate the carrots and shrugged. “Damn Lili, you threatened her into eating, that’s dirty right there, straight dirty.”


          “Yeah well, she wanted to get on my bad side, so that’s what she got.”


          “You are hardcore Lili.”


            “Call it what ya like.” She smiled and looked at them. “Call it what ya like...”