Chapter 19*~


          “I don’t think so...then again I don’t know what to think.” Aaliyah laughed and looked at Catalina and Stephanie. “So Steph, when are you leaving for school?”


          “Probably next month, you know of course I’m gonna be here everyday to hang out with my family.” It had been three or four months since Aaliyah and Justin had adopted Stephanie after Stephanie’s grandparents who were raising her died in a car accident. Stephanie had always been a part of their family.


          “Good because we’re gonna die if you’re not here.” Catalina smiled and looked at her.


          “All of you are getting so old. I remember when Steph was a little girl around maybe ten. She was super hyperactive, just like Cat.”


          “I was not hyperactive!” Catalina laughed.


          “Yes you were, stop denying it. You could run up the walls if ya wanted to. You use to drive your daddy crazy. You would like skip around singing and humming and he would just be like, ‘Cat sit down, Cat be quiet, Cat I’m gonna tell your mother’ So many good memories.” She shook her head.


          “You all are crazy.”  Stephanie smiled. “But I love yall with all my heart.”


          “And we love you Steph, we love you.”


~*2 hours later*~


          “I’m so glad you decided to come back to Miami! We were missing you for those two years you were gone. Do you know how much I’ve added to my frequent flyer miles visiting you?” Beyonce hugged Aaliyah and smiled. “Besides I didn’t have anyone to hang out with on my bad days.”


          “You know, I really missed having you around too. You and all of the girls. I guess so much bad stuff went down because of me being alone most of the time. You know how Justin is. He’s always talking about how much he loves ya and then next you look up and he’s not even there anymore. That was one reason why we broke up years ago. He did the same stupid shit.”


          “Yeah I know how he is. He does all of the same shit all the time.”


          Aaliyah nodded and sighed as they sat out on the beach. “So are you ready for the twins birthday?”


          “Hell no.” Beyonce laughed and shook her head. “I guess I should be but nah.”


          “Well that’s why I took it into my hands, since well Cat has the same birthday to plan a birthday for all of them.” Aaliyah smiled. “I think it would be good for all of them to spend their birthday together. I mean they are sisters.”


          “Yeah, I agree. I think it would be a really good idea!” Beyonce laughed. “Besides, I wanna be there when you break the news to Jay.”


          “I know, it’s gonna be so priceless.” Aaliyah shook her head and sighed. “He’s gonna look like he died or something.”


          “Yeah, he’s gonna be surprised alright.”


~*3 days later*~


          “Happy birthday to you!!!” Everyone clapped as Justin, Aaliyah, and Beyonce finished singing happy birthday to the girls. Everybody grabbed a piece of cake and started talking. Aaliyah smiled and turned to look at Justin. “Jay I have something to tell you.”


          “Ok, are you ok? Is something wrong?”


          “Um, no not really, actually, Justin, honey...I’m pregnant.”


          “You’re what??”


          “You heard me...” Aaliyah watched as his mouth dropped open and laughed. “I know big shock. I decided to wait till today to tell you. I’ve only known since Monday.”


          “That’s wonderful Liyah!” Justin grinned and kissed her passionately. “I’m ecstatic.”


          “Wow, I’m glad you took that so well. I thought you’d be mad.”


          “I don’t think it’s possible to be mad at you Lili. You’re just great in everyway.”