~*Chapter 20*~ And so we have to say goodbye...


          “I told you all this time, that you wanted him. That you needed him.”


          “Once again, you don’t know me well enough to make that observation.” Aaliyah laughed and looked at her. “I didn’t need him. You’re wrong once again. He needed me, not the other way around. He was the one who came to me. I would have been fine if he wouldn’t have decided to come back to me.”


          “No you wouldn’t have.” She laughed. “You needed him as much as he needed you. Admit it. Li the first step is admitting the truth.”


          “I’m not admitting that I need him. I wanted him but I didn’t need him. There is a difference between wanting and needing, ok? So make sure that, that is clear right now.”


          “And you know that you weren’t exactly too happy when you found out about Sam either. You wanted to act like everything was ok when you knew it wasn’t. You knew about Justin and Sam. You knew that Justin was sleeping with Sam, that’s why you were so pissed off.”


          “So what I knew about that! The thing is, I have him. She doesn’t. She can say what the fuck she pleases but thing is, I have him, he will always have a tie with me, why? Because we have three kids together. He can’t leave me even if he wanted to, because he is so afraid that leaving me will hurt his image. He just can’t go run off and leave me for her. Even if he wanted to, he’s to afraid of the publics thought on it.”


          “Ha, you always seem to surprise me. You are one hard working woman Li.”


          “Of course, because frankly if Sam wants a piece of me then my words to her are...bring it.”


The End


Note: I know 20 was so short but it’s because I didn’t want to give away Refuse right here in chapter 20, so this is the end of Diary, Refuse will be started by Sunday at least. Thanks to everyone who read this! Thanks so much for your support!