Chapter 6*~


          “Aaliyah deserves mad props. That girl had everybody on their feet, and she looked absolutely beautiful.  She really belted out that song, she did the Chaka Kahn version justice.”


          “I would have to agree, and little Catalina Timberlake, beautiful and very articulate little girl. She did a good job hosting with her mother. I think that she’ll be the next big thing. ”


Aaliyah smiled as she drove back to her house. Justin was there with Cat, while she had to go out. She turned off the radio and sighed as she turned off her car and slowly pulled herself out of the car. She was still kind of tired since she was up most of the night with Catalina who had a high fever. She didn’t even want to leave this morning but Justin insisted that she needed to make this interview. She opened the door and walked in. It was rather quiet which meant one of two things. One, Justin, Cat, Angela, Cassandra  and Xaviera were asleep. Or two, the kids drove him crazy and he’s cowering in a corner right about now. She hoped that it was option one. She sat her keys down before she headed around the corner into the living room. She sighed in relief as she saw Justin, and Xaviera laid out on the floor watching Pokemon. “Hey you two,”


          “Hey Li,” Justin glanced up for a second before looking back at the tv.


          “Where’s the rest of the kids?”


          “ shh you’re gonna make us miss the end.”


          “Of Pokemon? Come on Jay, Pikachu will save the day, like every episode, and Ash gets another badge. The end.”


          “See you just ruined it, Viera, your mother ruined it I know.”


          Aaliyah rolled her eyes. “Who cares about that Ash Ketchup guy anyway.”


          “His name is Ash Ketchum...”


          “Same Difference, you knew who I was talking about.” Aaliyah laughed. “So they didn’t cause you any grief did they? Especially this one?”


          “Nope, they were great, extremely quiet, and this little one is my home girl. She was awesome.”


          “This one? Quiet?” Aaliyah laughed and shook her head. “Ok for were they?”


          “They were good Li, all you have to do is lay down some rules, and bribe them a bit...”


          Aaliyah shook her head and ran her hand down her face. “Well whatever works best right?”


          “Right.” Justin nodded in agreement.


          “I’m going to order some Chinese want some?”




          “Alright, do you think maybe we should get the kids some McDonalds or something?”


          “Yeah, I think that might be a little better for them.”


          Aaliyah nodded. “I’ll be back in like fifteen minutes. Don’t die till I get back ok?”


          “I’ll try not to...”


~*2:45 p.m.*~



          “Bee I’m back...”


          “Where’s the kids?” Beyonce asked and turned around to look at Justin as he walked into the kitchen where she was reading a book.


          “At Aaliyah’s, they didn’t want to leave, and Liyah said it was fine with her if they stayed. So they stayed.” Justin sat down across from her and sighed.


          “How’s Aaliyah?”


          “She’s good, still crazy, but good.”


          Beyonce nodded and sat her book down in front of her. “There’s something that I’ve been wanting to ask you for awhile now, and I want you to answer it truthfully.”


          “Ok, so what is it?”


          “Are you in love with Aaliyah?”




          “No, I want you to answer it truthfully.”


          “Yes, I’m in love with Aaliyah. I never stopped loving her, and I probably will never stop loving her.”


          “That’s what I thought, so for those reasons I think you should be with her.”




          “You love her, and she loves you Justin. You two belong together. It just seems like everything about you two are meant to be, and so I say this from the bottom of my heart. Justin you have to go and find her, and make sure she knows how you feel before it’s too late.”


          “Are you sure that....”


          “I’m sure.”


          “Alright thank you!” Justin kissed her and gave her a long hug before leaving.


          “Good luck Justin.” Beyonce smiled as she watched him run out the door. She felt like the burden of being the other woman was finally lifted off her shoulders for the first time in four years. She loved him, but she knew that he was much better off with Aaliyah; where he truly belonged.


~*3:45 p.m.*~


          Justin jumped out of his truck and ran up to Aaliyah’s front door and rang the doorbell. He smiled when Holly opened the door and walked in. “Holly is Liyah home?”


          “Yeah...she’s outback. Why are you”


          “I’ll give you the details later. I’ll be back.” Justin ran down the hall and opened the door to the patio and walked out there and spotted Aaliyah and smiled. “Hey Li...”


          “Hey...Jay...” She turned around and smiled. “What’s wrong? You look...happy.”


          “Aaliyah, I love you. It took me a long time to realize how much I love you, but I love you.”


          “Really?” Aaliyah laughed slightly and stood up and kissed him. “I love you, but what’s with the sudden change of heart? What about Beyonce?”


          “Beyonce is the one who told me to come tell you. She said that me and you belonged together. That we were always meant to be.”


          “Wow really?” Aaliyah shrugged. “I don’t think I can oppose to that.”


          “Neither could I, I think that everything that’s happened was for a reason. For a good reason.”


          “Maybe you’re right. Maybe all of this...crap happened for a reason.” Aaliyah kissed him and laughed. “You have just made me the happiest person on earth.”


“I’m glad, and I plan to keep you that happy.” He smiled as he held her close. “For forever, and ever, and ever.”


            “I’m glad, and I plan to keep you that happy.” He smiled as he held her close. “For forever, and ever, and ever.”