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Facts About Kevin

Kevin-related links

Sorta my sister site I guess - The Kid in the Hall We DO Like
You Like Sexy. He's Sexy! Kevin Hamilton McDonald
The best KITH site on the web
Lynn's site devoted to the love between Kevin & Scott

Blah blah blah. You've all heard the Kevin story. Born May 16, 1961, in Montréal Quebéc, you know. Instead of that, I'm going to put the important stuff. Not just the statistics. I'm gonna try to get inside the mind of our dear Kevvy. New stuff will be added to this page, such as:

A comparison between my dad and Kevin (they look and act very much alike);

My thoughts about the characters Kevin has portrayed on TV and in movies (I might need help, as I haven't seen his character on Ellen or on Angry Beavers etc. so email me!!);

The Kevin Quote of the Week (don't worry, I think I might put some rare stuff you haven't heard often before in this section);

Reviews of new appearances by Kevin that I see in new TV shows or movies (I hope he ends up in more movies, but be prepared for a lot of That 70s Show comments for the moment);

Kevin's Record Collection (This will probably include stuff he has been heard to enjoy, such as albums by Talking Heads, Pixies, They Might Be Giants, The Beatles, Odds... if anyone else knows more about his musical tastes, EMAIL ME);

That's about all the ideas I can think of. Bookmark this site for more Kevin fun. And remember, if you have any ideas for what else I should add... EMAIL ME!!!

I've heard rumours that Kevin (and the rest of the Kids... except for Mark?) will be voices on the TV version of Lilo and Stitch as Pleakley & his family... delicious. Can't miss that.
