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I am weird. I listen to weird music... my 5 favourite bands, in order, are probably:

1. The Beatles

2. They Might Be Giants

3. The Residents

4. REM

5. Pixies

I've got weird tastes, eh? I like watching TV... especially:

1. The Simpsons

2. The Kids in the Hall

3. The Critic

4. Mystery Science Theatre 3000

And I like movies:

1. This is hard... The Shawshank Redemption?

2. Man on the Moon? I donno

3. Maybe... Top Secret!

4. Airplane!

5. Any Monty Python movie

6. Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy

I don't like this list idea. Nevermind.

I like food. Taco Bell is good. Oranges... Oranges... Oranges and Graphic Design... doo-dee-doo... ice cream... baklava... poutine... beavertails... other stuff. Oh hell. Go down to the links and find something you like.

Other good links

Satellite News - Mystery Science Theatre 3000 stuff
Clips from one of my fave TV shows - Four on the Floor
another great Canadian TV show - Twitch City
Great band who are soon breaking up
Another really great band :D
The Internet Movie Database
Canadian news
The All Music Guide
Conan O'Brien
Weeeee Cake
John Kricfalusi's Official Site
The Best Record Store in the World
A really creepy dude's site
A really funny Vestibules cartoon
My 2nd favourite author (1st is Dr. Seuss)
A Sarah Silverman fan page
The Official Site for my friend Tom's old band
The homepage for Conan's head writer
Todd Barry's homepage - a very funny standup comedian
Radiohead yay
Rezzies oh yeah
The TMBG Wiki!

Links to the rest of my homepage!

Back to the first page
To the Kevin part of the site
To my band, Nocturnal Mucus Envelope!
To the art of Dan Soto