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to my Fairy Page.

Greetings I am Fairy Diamonds.

~~~* Sprinkle~~~* Sprinkle~~~*
Greetings you have been dusted by Fariy Diamonds from the Site Fights. I have fluttered by to give your site a spirit check and to wish you the best of luck in the Site Fights!!!! Don't forget to post a cheer or two  at SHOUT IT OUT!!!!!!
08-02-2002--- I had to stop being a site fight fairy because I no longer had enough time. I have decided to keep the page up incase I decide to true and become a fairy again.

3/08/2001   Yea!!! I am now an official fairy.  I just got my new official fairy wings !!! Aren't they Beautiful!!!!


Here are my training wings

Gift from Other Fairies, Wee Ones and Spirits.

  Here are a sample of my Dusting Buttons


Sharing the Spirit WebRing Fairy Diamonds
Shares her Spirit 
with TSF and DRealm. 

You can share 
your Spirit too!! 
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