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Hello my name is Emily. I am currently a Senoir at Texas A&M University(Whoop!!!!!) and I started this webpage last semester. In case you were wondering I am 26 years old and I have an older brother, Allan, who goes to Texas Tech. I am a huge sports fan (in case you couldn't tell from this webpage). The joke in my family is that I can answer any sports questions that anybody asks me. It's not like  sports is the only thing that I pay attention to but it's pretty close. Now that you know a little bit about me I have included a list of my two favorite Skating atheletes and non skating atheletes. Please remember this is  JMO please don't get upsetr if you think that I have made the wrong decsions. These are the atheletes that I have liked for about 2 or 3 years.

First my favorite Male Figure Skater is Todd Eldredge ( oh I think he is so so so so so cute!!!!!). I have been a huge fan of his since 1996 when he won the 1996 Worlds Championships ( for the people who are not into figure skating that is one of the highest championships that you can won at the amateur level. The highest is the Olympics but I am not going to talk about that). My favorite Female Figure Skating is Michelle Kwan. She really is the perfect example of an Angel on ice. I still can't believe that she started skating in the Senior National Championships when she was 13 years old. She is a very artistic and graceful skater.

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