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Welcome to my Spirit page!!!!!!!

I am a member of DRealm of Spirit.  I am Spirit Diamonds and have been assigned to the Starfighters team.

Here is my Dusting:

I am Spirit Diamonds.  I just flew by to dust and spread some spirit your site and to wish you the best of luck in the Site Fights!!!  Dont forget to post a cheer or two  at SHOUT IT OUT!!!!!!

Here are some of the wands that I use in my dusting


My Logo

Here are my training spirit wings.
Aren't they pretty. Update 7-4-2002:--- Yeah I am now an official spirit! I actualy recieved my spirit wings a few weeks ago but I am now just putting them up.



Gift from DRealm of Spirits



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Michelle Kwan A Skating Angel.

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"DEssence of DSpirit, I help spread the spirit!"


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