Enjoy the music of one of Michael's releases "I'll Be There"

God has given me an opportunity to make a contribution of music that will transform lives and transcend lines, times and barriers. Being exposed to music at an early age, it became part of my life that I could not live without. Music has always found a way of making me remember, forget, laugh, cry and praise. Through it all, music has been an ever-present inspiration.

Years ago the doctors said, "He will never sing again" but God had other plans; music has found a permanent place in the soul of my heart. I am one of the last of the old school traditional vocalist. I strongly feel that the resurgence of this timeless music will permeate the heart and soul of people the world over.

My experience in live performances has convinced me that audiences worldwide are ready for my vintage vocal stylings, which are more appreciated today for the lack of such artist like myself.

It is said that everything that is old becomes new again. Artist can discover the legacy of the future by appreciating the past, creating a renaissance in musical expression. I have always loved the old music, now I want to bond with it to make it new. This reunion will be a contribution to history and I want to share in this event; come share it with me.

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Music rights protected

A 2001 "P" Design Creation