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Although I have been honoured to make this site, I can't help but feel a little annoyed. I have searched all over the internet to find a Loudy Tourky website. I thought that she is such a great athlete and ambassador for Australia with her courage and determination, winning smile and personality, that lots of people would want to make a website in her honour. But nevermind. I am proud to show you my fansite on my favourite Australian athlete, Loudy Tourky. I hope you learn more about this great Australian. If you know anything else or would like to show me another photo, please don't hesitate to email me. Enjoy.

This is not an official site. It is merly a fansite created by one of her fans. I am not affiliated with Loudy or her management, although she has seen this site and given it her approval.

Thanks to Laura Wilkinson at:, Sing Lo at: , Jolle at:, Commonwealth Games Corporation at: Commonwealth Games Corporation, Guy Maguire at: Camo Diving Club for letting me use their photos.