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"And I'd kill you all for one sip of sweet, sweet beer."  ~Homer

It goes by fast, cherish every crazy night, and every hung-over morning like it's your last.

This is Alumni Weekend last year at Forest Hills with my roommates now, Rachel and Pride.

Spring Break in the Bahamas with Rachel, Sarah and Katie!  Oh how I miss those conch fritters (and strong drinks!)

Bahama Mamas!

I was Rachel's date to GQ...SHOCKER.  Screwdrivers anyone?

A wasted bumblebee (Bzzz), Mugatu (so hot right now), and Raphael, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (Turtle Power!)


My roommates and I were supposed to be an 80's air cover band for Halloween.  Pride turned out to be the Church Lady from SNL, I was Kimmy Gibbler (yes those are Keds) from Full House, and Rachel...we are still looking into it.

Halloween last year, not as heinous.

Last night in the it up!

The awful cruise ship ride...Dramamine anyone?

Mandy Moore!

Nick, Pride, and Rach at the John Mayer concert last summer.

Me, Pride, and Tina playing beer pong.  I just want BANG BANG BANG!



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