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No, dear readers, this site is not for real. correctly identified Moose Watchers as a parody site on 10/29/2002. Lots of people see humor in the writing of children. I merely happened to regress for the sake of humor.

For the record, I am a Chief Moose admirer with way too much time on his hands, but not as much time as the people that put up I have told no lies about the Chief; I have merely suggested that he can drink root beer any time he wants to, and that he is a more pertinent hero than Superman or Spiderman.

I am a resident of Montgomery County, Maryland, and I am a registered voter.

Charles Moose is a role model for our children, an individual who leads by example, and a hard worker. I would be honored to march in a parade for him, even though the weather is getting kind of crappy for parades this late in October.

Maryland, My Maryland! is indeed the state song. Most people know the tune as "O Tanenbaum" or "O Christmas Tree".


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