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Finding Ira

by:  The OT MB Members



Out of gas. It's so hot; he thinks maybe the gas evaporated, just like his strength, as he pushes the bike towards the gas station.

He's biting his lips and cursing the high skies when he finally sees a lonely house down a very long lane. He lifts his head up and decides to head for the house. At least he could have something to drink!

"Oh god," She pulled back the lace further to get a better look at the stranger coming down the dusty driveway. "Another drifter. Probably hungry too."

Amelia, 'Mel' as she preferred, let the curtain fall back into place and headed towards the low-tech kitchen. "Well at least there's a fence to be fixed. No handouts round this place, is there Jake?"

The eager beagle puppy yapped as he skated across the linoleum floor after his mistress.

Jake looked up at Amelia, his warm brown eyes saying, "No handsome, sexy, motorcycle riding, good-for-nothing could ever come between us, right?" Amelia leaned down and softly stroking behind his ears whispered, "not to worry darling...."

Three short knocks brought Mel upright and heading for the door. She opened it absentmindedly, smiling as she watched Jake chew on her old slipper.

"G'day ma'am…" A spiced honey voice belied the solid masculine form of the man who stood on the other side of her suddenly flimsy screen door. His accent curious and unknown to her native Kansas ear.

"I seem to have fallen into, ahh..."

"Bit of bad luck?" Mel finished his sentence for him.

"Yeah, I s'pose that's one way of putting it." He smiled.

"Come in and rest while I make you a glass of fresh lemonade."

Jake sniffed eagerly at the stranger's worn leather boots. Bending down, he gently scratched the spots behind gangly puppy ears that forever had an itch. Jake wriggled his puppy-butt in ecstatic glee over such sublime attention. Mel grinned at the tall stranger as a wicked-good thought popped in her mind that she, too, could use some "puppy-love".

"I've got nothing more to offer than lemonade," she said, taking a few steps towards kitchen. "I hope that's all right."

The stranger was silent for a moment too long to be something more than just polite. Mel could almost hear his answer in her mind, the kind of answer she would like to hear. Then he answered, his voice hoarse from dry air and exhaustion: "That's fine, ma'am. For now."

It seemed like a full minute before he came up for air. The liquid absorbed into his body. The sugar fueling him, the strength returning to his legs and arms, strained from pushing his beloved bike down those long, lonely roads.

He dragged his forearm across his brow and held the glass out to her.
"Thanks," he said softly.

"How long have you been out of gas?" she asked.

"About a quarter of a mile," he answered.

His eyes fascinated her. 'What color are they?' she thought… not blue or green. They're like the turquoise the Indians use for jewelry, but deeper, clearer. A hint of a smile touched his lips and Mel realized she'd been staring.

She took the glass from his hand and turned away. Her face was flushed and she was angry with herself. She was behaving like a teenager! She took the glass back into kitchen, just to find something to do. Returning to the room was even harder after that. The stranger seemed to fill the room with electricity, even when sitting down he gave the impression of great stamina.

"Has it been that long then?" He asked casually.

"What?" She almost tripped over Jake who was sprawled in a most improper pose, awaiting another tummy scratch from their visitor.

"Since this place had a proper farmhand? Noticed the fence was shot and the paddock needs some tending too." His tone was innocent but her mind was reeling.

"Look, I need a place to stay. And you need some help around here… What do you say?"

"I don't even know you" Mel whispered.

"Well, let's take care of that then mate, what's your name?"

"Mel, Amelia" she answered.

"Pleased to meet ya Amelia, I'm...

I am not from here. I'm from Australia. My name is... Ira.

Named after my Granddad.... I loved the old geezer.... Taught me everything I know about today about ranching. He left me his place near Coffs Harbor when he died, but I lost it gambling on the local footie team. Nearly killed me!...All I want more than anything is to find a way to buy that ranch back so, my Mum and Dad will have a place that they can call home again. Right now they're living in a seedy motel in Sydney with cockroaches the size of my hand!"

He holds up his hand for Amelia to see. Large, strong hands with the veins popping out. The kind of hands any woman would want to have around her...

Amelia listened to him, enjoying the amazingly caressing sound of his voice and thinking, "That voice is like melted chocolate in my mouth, it's so rich in tonalities and warmth... maybe he sings?"

Mel was never good at hiding her thoughts behind a poker face. As her misgivings played across her brow the old battered grandfather clock in the corner suddenly let off five chimes, startling them.

"I know you're probably wondering what I'm doing this neck of the world. But you can trust me, I've never hurt anyone mate. Not beast nor child."

"What about widows?" Mel responded without thinking.

He glanced at her but there was no pity in his eyes. Mel liked that. She hated the sympathetic whispers of the good-willing town people. "No, I haven't hurt anyone, ever, and I'm not planning to start now", he said and he bend over to scratch Jake again, giving Mel time to think.

"Yeeee, little chap, you would love to have me around for a week or two, wouldn't you, silly puppy", he softly purred to Jake who was overjoyed for all the attention.

Amelia turned to face the handsome stranger. She found it hard to look directly into his steel piercing through her body...looking deep into her very soul. But why should this man have any more affect on her than all the other locals who tried to win her heart? She had never been one to fall into any man's arms, especially one she had just met.

"You can stay, but you'll have to stay in the bunkhouse. I'll give you some clean sheets to put on the bed. It's been a while since anyone's used it, so I'm warning you, there might be quite a bit of dust!
"A little dust never bothered me much, lady! I'm use to getting downright filthy when I work anyway." Amelia was trying to visualize the stranger covered in dirt...somehow the idea appealed to her...

"Pretty lady with a man's name." Ira thought as he pushed his bike down the path to the bunkhouse. "It'll be nice to stay put for a little while… do some farm work." Keep his hand in. "And she could use some help" Looking around Ira could see the farm hadn't been worked in a while.

As he approached the bunkhouse, the rumble of distant thunder made him turn west. There in the distance he saw the angry black clouds of a storm approaching. "Maybe it'll rain," he thought, "cool things down." And something about that thought made him smile.

Mel was pacing back and forth between two windows as she watched Ira go. She felt like running after him and helping him clean the bunkhouse but somehow she could not stand the thought of being near him. It felt strangely intimate. When she was nervous, she was always blabbering too much and she didn't want to do that. So she just stayed by the window and watched. Ira left the motorcycle by the bunkhouse, swept back his hair a few times and stretched his arms.

"I'll have to let him use the shower", Mel realized suddenly.



Ira was humming to himself as he worked. Shooing the chickens out of the bunkhouse and cleaning the mess they made. He didn't realize that the sky turned darker or that the wind picked up. All of a sudden...BANG! One of the doors slammed shut. "Storm's coming" he thought.

"Ira! Ira!” He heard Mel's voice above the wind. He ran to the door.

"Get your bike in the barn, there's reports of twisters in the county!" Just then the siren sounded and Ira sprung into action. He ran to his bike and rushed it over to the barn. It didn't seem like the barn would protect anything, but it was better than leaving it outside.

Ira closed the barn door. Wind was lifting up dust and dry leaves.

"Would you care for a supper? I was about to...", Mel started. Ira picked up the hammer he had dropped and answered,

"Sure, would appreciate that, ma'am, right after I have finished this. I don't like to leave things hanging." Mel nodded, unable to speak. Ira stood there, looking at her, maybe wondering what was in her mind.

Mel coughed and said, "I'm sure you would like to take a shower, too. Why don't you come inside when you've finished, I'll be waiting for you." She almost bit her tongue when she realized what she had said.

It was almost a full hour later that the hinges were finally back to smooth working order and he could latch the doors closed without them falling open again at the slightest breath of wind. Mel had come out on the back porch to check the sky and her new farmhand if truth were told.

Ira knew she was there. He could sense her without a glance. He finally turned to look as she was pulling open the back door to the house; “has there been any change in the weather warnings?” he called out after her retreating figure.

"No," she paused to answer, "nothing since they called off the tornado warning when the storm veered north. We've got extra flashlights and batteries and a radio should anything change though. Come on up, the stew is ready and I’m starving."

Ira was feeling hungry as well. He followed the aroma that came from the open kitchen window.

"If only she had a beer...” he thought, and licked his lips at the thought of it.

Ira walked up onto the porch. Through one of the windows, he could see Mel's tall and slender silhouette busy preparing food in the kitchen. It had been a while since he had eaten a home- cooked meal but this one was going to be even more enjoyable because of the company. Inside, Mel sensed that she was being watched and turned to find Ira still staring at her. "You can come in if you'd like", she said....

“Sorry mate, wasn’t being a perv.” Ira said quickly, knowing he was trying to deny it to himself as well.

"I got a quite a bit of muck on my boots -- I thought I'd spare your floors and take them off… you know, so I don't make a mess..."

When he got nervous he tended to blather on a bit, his mind was desperately trying to bridle his tongue from rambling on any further.

Mel smiled, nodding her head, "yeah not hard to get down and dirty round a farm is it? Just come in and get washed up for dinner, the biscuits just came out so it’s all ready."

As Ira came through the door, with boots in hand, the aroma from all of the wonderful cooking smells seemed to send him into a tailspin. Truly it had been a long time since he was greeted with such a beautiful smile as the one Mel had greeted him with, and a home cooked meal to top it off. As he drifted past Mel, he also began to notice that it had been a very long time since he had been that close to such a beautiful woman and he began to absorb her wonderful scent as well.

It all seemed to permeate his mind. He passed her, trying not to linger too long for fear that he would have forgotten how hungry he truly was. Longing for the wonderful meal that she had prepared and the sensation and warmth of a woman’s fragile touch.

Desperate to cover his sudden growing awareness of her feminine qualities he lamely began trotting some of his oldest jokes…

"...So the bartender says 'the kangaroo can stay'..."

"--But the jackass with the camera has to get out!" Mel burst out with the punch line before Ira could finish.

"You've heard it before!" Ira mocked a wounded expression as he handed her a plate from the dish rack.

"No! Honest!" Mel countered, "It was just that transparent!"

Their laughter faded into an overwhelming silence. There was no use ignoring the frisson in the air between them that had nothing to do with the violent weather outside. He looked up at the window over the sink to see her still standing across the room, watching him in turn...

Their eyes met for a moment… that would be the first to tear their eyes away. Mel found herself blushing under Ira's penetrating gaze. "I feel like a 16 year old ogling at my first real crush, I hope I don't embarrass myself", she thought.

A smile started to play at the corners of Ira's mouth...And with that he turned for the bathroom.

"I'll get washed up,” he said as he went.

Mel shook herself from her reverie, and turned back to preparing the meal. Her eyes were drawn to the bathroom, and she could see Ira's reflection in the mirror. He had stripped off his shirt to wash...

"Would you like a beer?" Mel asked.

Ira broke into a broad smile and answered, "you must have read my mind!" Suddenly, his smile faded and he blushed deeply. He fervently hoped that she couldn't read his mind.

Mel quietly observed the dance of emotions as they scattered across his rugged, handsome face. What WAS she going to do with this man?

"Why don’t we sit out on the porch?" Mel asked.

Ira followed her outside. It had been a filling and delicious experience sharing a table with this woman. They sat quietly for a while, watching the lightening dance in the distance. The breeze was a welcome relief from the heat of the day and they were both lost in thought when Jake began yipping behind the screen door. Ira let Jake out, sitting back down on the porch steps to play with the puppy, rubbing his tummy and chuckling at Jakes antics when he stopped.

Soon Mel joined them. She reached out her hand to stroke Jake at the same time that Ira did. Their hands touched...Ira’s fingers curled around hers. He turned her hand over.

"These are hard working hands," he said as Mel tried to pull it back away, embarrassed at the calluses that had formed in the past 8 months since her husband died. Ira held tight.

"No, no love, there’s no shame in hard work. My Mum says calluses are like badges of honor to a farmer". Ira said as he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her palm softly. ‘I'm on dangerous ground’ he thought...Startled, Mel pulled her hand away.

"I'm sorry if I did something I shouldn't have. It's just that your hands are so raw...and they looked like they needed something to make them feel better." The hurt expression on his face made her regret what she had done, but Mel's "wall" had resurfaced once again. Would she ever be able to get beyond all the hurt and pain and let herself love again?

The ringing of a phone... broke the long silence "That's my phone!" Mel said as she ran to pick it up before the last ring. It was Ben Sands.

"I just called to see how you were doing, Mel. I got kinda worried about you when I saw the storm heading your way. Are you alright?"

"I'm just fine, Ben." she said as she smiled wryly while looking over at Ira who was still sitting on the porch...

It was only a short conversation, but as soon as she replaced the handset in it’s charger, Mel could sense she was once again alone. The fact confirmed when she walked to the screen door to find only Jake looking up from where he sat. His sad eyes questioning, "where'd he go?..." (JAKE)

As if she needed further proof, the old comforter and the feather pillow she had brought out for Ira were both gone as well.

"Come on Jake," she said as she held the door open for him, "it’s late and tomorrow will come soon enough."

She couldn't help but pause as she snapped off the porch light plunging the yard into darkness. Just a few hundred yards away, between the gaps in the wood planks, she could see the oil lamp was still glowing in the barn. Then the yellow light faded out, as the wind itself seemed to still around them.

"Goodnight..." she softly whispered then turned to make ready for her nightly battle with sleeplessness.



The sound of a car door slamming popped Mel's eyes open. "Amelia?" she heard a man's voice call. "Mel? You up?" It was Ben Sands.

"Be right there Ben!" she answered as she hurried her jeans on and pulled a tee shirt over her head. She ran down the stair in her bare feet. "Is anything wrong Ben?" she asked.

"Oh no, I was just checking to make sure you were all right. You sounded funny on the phone last night."

"Oh, no everything is fine," she answered. She hoped that Ira didn't pick right now to come up to the house; Ben could be a little overprotective. Being a good friend of her late husbands, he thinks he has to look after her.

"I guess you don't have coffee on yet?" Ben asked, hoping Mel would offer to put up a pot. "Oh, no sorry Ben, I'm out." she lied.

"Alright, well, I'd better get going."

"Bye Ben. Thanks for stopping by," she called as he got into his car.

"Who was that?" The voice that haunted her dreams last night asked, and when she turned around she saw the face that went with it.

"That was Ben, a friend of my late husband's. He's my neighbor and comes here often. We’re good friends…Do you care for some coffee?" Mel talked fast; wanting to move inside to the kitchen, thinking that a little lie wouldn't harm anybody. Ira smiled.

When he stepped onto the porch, Mel could see that Ira too looked like an unmade bed. He had observed everything from just inside, behind the shadow of the screen door. In the new dawn light Mel could see his hair tumbling around his head in all directions. Immediately her hands itched to finger comb it into submission.

She hadn't really seen his physique the day before, hidden under his leather jacket then later the red chambray shirt. Then a glimpse, barely, when he washed up before supper. Now she could see his shoulders were massive, stretching his white tee shirt across well-defined muscle groups, tapering to a narrow waist... Mel could feel her color rising as she couldn't help but notice he was well proportioned in all ways.

Her body was awakening with a carnal responsiveness that she hadn't felt for a very long time. She tried to think of something to say to break this hold he had over her. "Gawd, even his feet are beautiful!" she thought as she finished her visual inspection on bare toes peeping out from under his faded blue jeans.

Mel was still staring at him when he started to speak..."I think I should get right to it."

"Right to what?" His statement had caught Mel off guard. She had shifted her gaze from his body to his mouth, which had almost an impish nature to it. Focusing on the way the words were coming out of his mouth, not the words themselves.

"The chores...You know...The reason why I'm here...?" He had watched the way she had been looking at him, but tried to hide his amusement so as not to embarrass her. She was able to gather her thoughts by then.

"Well, first the fence on the south field needs some mending badly. I lost two cows out of that field just last week. They wandered off clear down to the main road! Almost got themselves killed by a tractor trailer truck going 60!"

"But you’d do better to have some breakfast first." She said flatly, in an attempt to shake herself from the grip he seemed to hold over her. Brushing past him she headed straight for the kitchen.

"Okey dokey then…you have any tea?" Smiling, he used his most chipper voice as he followed her through the house to watch her pulling out a battered stovetop percolator.

Mel paused in her filling of the old coffee pot, "you don't drink coffee?" she asked.

"Thought you were out?" he responded with more than just a small amount of amusement.

"I lied."

She emphatically cranked the water spigot wide open to finish filling the pot. "We may be neighbors. But that doesn't mean I have to always be neighborly. Least ways not every time Ben decides to just drop in."

Ira leaned against the doorjamb with his hands in his pockets as he watched her. She was a little jumpy, cracking the eggs with such force that by the time she got to the last egg, the entire shell shattered into the bowl.

"Damn!" she whispered.

"My, such language!" Ira teased, "are you trying to crack those eggs and beat them all in one step?"

"Don't you have some fences to fix?" she asked angrily. More at her own skittishness than at him.

"But, I thought I'd do better with breakfast?" he answered innocently.

"Will you please go...go...check the chickens or something? You're making me nervous, watching me."

"All right Amelia, I'll get off your back,” he said as he gave her a smile and walked out the door.

Mel was glad that he left. She wouldn't want him to see how she was blushing.
"What is wrong with me…”? Mel muttered to her self. "How can I get so worked up over a man I've known for one day? I mean really…I don't even know him--"

"Did I miss something?" Ira was standing in the doorway with a mischievous grin on his face. "Breakfast ready yet? I'm starved."

Mel was so flabbergasted she couldn't speak. "Damn this man for what he does to me!" she fumed, but in her heart she knew she didn't mean it.

"Didn't your mother teach you to knock first? It's rude to listen to another person's private conversation, you know." Mel was so fed up she didn't even realize she was still talking. Ever since this stranger had arrived 12 hours earlier she wasn't sure which end was up any more.

"Sorry? Were you saying something?" he asked with that infuriatingly innocent tone. Her narrowed gaze only seemed to add to his amusement. Now he was openly grinning at her as he sat himself at the table.

"You are on seriously thin ice buddy!" Mel thought. He was about one chuckle away from feeling her grandmother's cast iron Griswold frying pan connect with his right temple.

Jake raced into the kitchen only to crash against Ira's boots. Mel was still thinking about the frying pan when the poppy tried to climb up the stranger's legs. "Hey mate, are you hungry too?" Ira said and picked him up very high over himself, with his arms outstretched, laughing at the little friend he had in that hostile place. Suddenly a warm and perfumed stream soaked his face and chest forcing him to put Jake on the floor very fast.

"My hero!" Mel blurted out without thinking. Then all was pandemonium.

Jake was barking at the man who went rushing to shower while Mel couldn't help but laugh loudly, like she hadn't laughed for a long time. The house seemed to become noisily alive again and something in the woman's heart started to blossom.




Mel blushed to the roots of her hair as Ira closed the bathroom door. She was still standing there, staring at the door when she realized, "He's going to need clothes!'

She ran into the spare bedroom. Her brother sometimes stays with her and he's always leaving something behind. She rummaged through the dresser drawers quickly. All she could find was a sleeveless tee shirt and a pair of cut-off jeans.

She knocked on the bathroom door. "Ira, I found some clothes for you. I don't know if they'll fit, but they're all I could find."

"Thanks," he said as his hand came through the barely opened door.

"Hurry, breakfast is getting cold," she called over her shoulder as she headed for the kitchen.

"Get down Jake!" Ira heard Mel yell. "Well, Amelia, I don't know what that pups gotten into now, but I've got my own problems," he said to himself as he looked at the small tee shirt and tiny shorts.

"This is embarrassing," he said as he struggled into the tee shirt. Getting the shorts on was a lesson in danger, especially without anything to wear underneath.

"I feel like a male stripper"

"Ira, come on!" Mel called.

"You asked for it," Ira thought as he walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

Mel was pouring the coffee when she looked up...

She immediately looked back down at the cup she was filling to avoid losing control of her laughter again. He looked so uncomfortably stuffed inside those clothes that she doubted he was able to breathe. "How would you like your eggs?" she asked, and immediately she regretted her words.

"Look, I barely have some room for a sip of my coffee, but I definitely don't have any room for my eggs!" He said seriously.

"Besides," he growled, "I've just got about three minutes of oxygen left before I'll pass out. So if it's all the same to you, I'd like to go get some of my own duds before someone else decides to just drop in--"

At that very moment, with the words still hanging in the air between them, the flimsy screen door to the kitchen screeched open with a "Knock, knock, knock. You up Mel…" The glib greeting and the visitor both ground to a halt upon seeing Ira standing in the middle of the kitchen in his hand-me-down Chippendales outfit.

"Welcome to the nut house! The more the merrier..." Ira greeted the caller with a grin as Mel groaned and buried her face in her hands.

Mel found herself wishing that the tornado warning of the previous evening had been for real, "If only that damn twister had leveled the ranch" she thought, "I wouldn't be standing here wishing the earth would swallow me up".

She looked up at Ben, watching his eyes narrow to lightening hot slits as he took stock of the barely dressed man standing in her kitchen. For not the first time since Ira had appeared on her doorstep, Mel felt her face flush and her throat close up with anxiety.

Observing the two men taking stock of each other, she was forced to admit what she had kept from herself up until now. Ben had been her husband’s best friend, but she knew that his coming around to check on her, his spontaneous visits, were not just friendly in nature. Mel had been reading the subtle messages since shortly after her husband's death. Ben wanted her. She had been able to pretend it wasn't there, hide behind her grief and gently rebuff the offers of more because she wasn't ready.

What could she say now, with a primitively sexual man standing in her kitchen at this hour, dressed (just barely) in clothes that were obviously not his. Ben and Ira slowly circled each other, mouths set and a look of territoriality in both their eyes. "Oh boy", thought Mel, "how on earth do I handle this?"

Clearing her throat nervously, Mel stepped forward tentatively and said, "Ben, I would like you to meet
Ira. Likewise, Ira this is Ben. We were just sitting down to breakfast would you care to join us?"

Mel prayed that Ben would say no to this proposal. She looked out of the corner of her eye. He looked outraged.

"I'd be delighted, Mel" said Ben, still keeping both his eyes fixed on Ira. "I'm going to keep a close watch on this one" thought Ben. "I brought you some fresh donuts from Mary Lou’s." He said as he sat down directly across the table from Ira. He knew they were her favorite and had brought them over as a way to get an invitation to stay for breakfast.

Ira had been sizing up the "competition" from the minute he had walked through the door. "About 5'11...180lbs. I could take him down if I had to." Ira thought to himself.

Mel broke the silence and the staring contest between the two men...."What brought you back here, this fine morning, Ben? Not lookin' for a free cup of coffee, I hope!"

"No. Already had a cup, thanks! ...I came over to ask you..." He stopped mid-sentence when he felt Ira's stares becoming unbearable... "to ask you if you would like to go to the Spring Fling on Saturday with me?"

"How much lamer could this be?" thought Mel. If she thought her throat was constricted before, now she could barely breathe. Mel stood statue still, the two men locked eyes like bucks in rutting season... and Jake was so distressed that the only thing the puppy could do was squat and pee on the floor.

Sensing Mel's reluctance to Ben's invitation, Ira broke out in a slow satisfied grin. He would have shoved his hands in his pockets but there wasn't enough room in those things for a slip of paper, let alone his rather large hands. Ira layered his accent thick and drawled, "yeah mate, why don't you join us?"

Ben's face flushed as he said through gritted teeth, "on second thought, no thank you Mr....err Ira was it?" Standing, he turned his attention and said, "Mel could I speak with you privately for a moment? Outside?"

"Of course Ben" she replied, pushing opens the screen door, and pushing down the sick feeling in her stomach. Ira crossed his arms across a broad expanse of chest and offered no response other than a somewhat smug grin.

Ben stalked down the porch steps and whirled on Mel, "What the hell is going on here Amelia? I never thought you were the kind of women to drag stray men in out of a storm."

"Look Ben…," she started but was silenced immediately.

"How many have there been?" he all but roared into the morning.

At that point Mel's temper finally let loose, "let me tell you something Ben…"

Ira listened to Mel and Ben arguing as he sat at the kitchen table. A feeling of regret started creeping into his heart. "What am I doing?" he thought. "I'm messing things up for her, maybe she's sweet on this guy" That thought bothered him. "I've got no future here. There are hundreds of other places I could go." he thought half-heartedly. Something was pulling at him. Making him want to stay. Abruptly he stood up to walk out the door, not stopping until he was just a few feet away from the two, still having their heated argument. Mel and Ben stopped to look at him.

"Listen mate, I'm sorry if I caused any problems. I'm just passing through, looking for a little work. Miss Amelia was kind enough to offer me some. I'm staying at the bunkhouse, but I had a little accident and she offered me a hot shower and breakfast. That's all there is to it. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, so no hard feelings?" Ira said as he offered Ben his hand.

Ben looked at Ira's hand and sputtered "Yeah, well...I'll pick you up at 8:00 Amelia"

"Well, I don't..."

"She'll be ready" Ira interrupted.

And those were the last words Ira had spoken that were at all personal in nature. He just left them both standing there as he walked down to the bunkhouse to finally get his own clothes.

Ira could hear them as he crossed the yard in his bizarre getup. "I still want to know what the hell is going on here Mel!" Unfortunately Ira didn't stay nearby to hear her response or he might have realized his presence was affecting her as much as it was grounding him.

Ira had drifted for two years without responsibility or relationship. He had worked on farms, tended bars and done a dozen other things. He was a jack-of-all-trades with only his bike and his books and no ties.

Of course the story he had told her wasn't true - the gambling debts and his family living on the dole in a hotel. Truth was he had no idea who his family was. He was a foundling, probably a bastard by all accounts. So when people asked him who he was, He never told the same story twice. He was simply the man who stood before them.

Just like his handshake, that had always been enough in the past. But things were changing. He was conscious of not having a firm past or lineage to show where he came from. For the first time he felt like he could be a part of something better than being a loner, he was getting involved. But he couldn't be sure if she was feeling it too and he didn't want to do anything to make her uncomfortable again. He kept everything bottled up inside, mulling things over. It was a couple of days later that he would finally know where he stood with her… But it was her courage that would answer his questions.

"How long are you going to act like this?" Mel stood in the open doorway of the bunkhouse. With her arms crossed she wasn't about to leave without answers. Ira stilled from what he was doing, but would not turn to face her. "It's been two days and you haven't said a word to me. You work from sun up until sundown, yet all you share with me are meals and this silent treatment."

Ira could feel the warmth of her seeping into his back. She had moved and was standing only inches away now, her hand reaching up towards his shoulder, faltering then drawing back.

She felt like such a fool for saying anything. He wasn't going to answer or acknowledge her. She started to turn just has he did too. And catching her hand in his he didn't stop until he had drawn her close. "I don't know what I'm doing here. I don't know what you want..." His voice low and husky with genuine emotion as he gently outlined her face with his fingertips, "what do you want...?" He whispered.


Mel was going to answer, "I want you!" but the noise of Ben's jeep broke the magic moment. He was yelling frantically, "Mel! There has been an accident!"

Since her husband died, she had no family, and while she cared about her neighbors, she had no type of emergency training. Why was Ben frantically dragging her into the situation? Through the rising panic, she could not avoid the question, "Why me? Why now?" She couldn't shake the nagging suspicion as she walked towards Ben's truck. Something just smelled wrong. "Ben, what on earth has happened?"

She was not altogether surprised when Ben's face flushed and he stammered, "Mel, you won't believe what happened." She kept moving towards him, all the while, her little voice whispering, "I just bet you won't"..........

Ben was trying his hardest to plan exactly how to tell Amelia what was really on his mind. The unexpected arrival of the handsome (and Ben thought dangerous) stranger, and Mel's obvious attraction to him had Ben biting down on panic. Hadn't he waited for her to stop grieving? Hadn't he made sure to always be there for her? Surely Amelia must know how he felt. He had been so careful not to rush her, but now, with Ira and her alone on the ranch, Ben's carefully scheduled seduction took on a flavor of desperation. That flavor was bitter in his mouth as Mel came up to the window of his truck and shot him a questioning look, "Ben, would you please tell me what's going on"?

"Look, just get in the truck. I'll explain everything."

"I'm not going anywhere with you Ben." Mel stopped short of telling him to leave even though she was desperate to get back to her conversation with Ira. It was too important to her to let him just walk away now.

"Look, Mel, I'm just looking out for you." Ben leaned forward to lower his voice yet still be heard, "there's been a report of a drifter. Causing trouble in Crawford County. Now do you really know anything about this guy?"

"Stop it Ben. I've appreciated all you and your little girl Annie have done for me. But this guy isn't trouble. And no one has any business saying otherwise." As Mel turned on her heel, Ben started his Jeep and with a roar flew back out to the main road in a fury.

She didn't know whether she should return to the bunkhouse or if the interruption had ruined what was the first thaw in the frozen wall between them. As she stood there uncertain, Ira stepped out of the bunkhouse and slowly walked towards her, meeting her in the middle of the yard. He made no move to touch her yet she could feel his strong arms surrounding her, his warmth and powerful presence seeping into her, bringing her back to life.

"Mel?" he asked, "Are you ok?" Mel stood and stared into the billowing clouds overhead and then looking directly into Ira's compelling eyes said, "I am now." Ira feeling the tension mounting, his heart thumping with sheer happiness had to regain his composure as Mel had thrown him completely off guard with her lingering stare. Never had his emotional state been so crippled as it now was with this beautiful woman so close at hand. He did not know whether to reach out and take her into his arms or keep his distance. Fearful of his reception should he approach her in the manner that he wished would she react?

"For heaven's sake," thought Mel, "I've been a married women. It's not as if I'm a blushing virgin". But there was something about the nearness of this man, which made her feel like she was experiencing things for the first time ever with him. She walked what felt like the Long Green Mile as they just fell into step, heading slowly towards the barn.

Sucking in a deep breath and expelling it firmly to gather her courage, she said, "Ira, I have to be honest with you, I'm not at all sure what is happening here."

"God", Ira thought, "what do I do?" But the answer was found as they came together. Their emotions were as roiled as the thunderheads above them. Walking into Ira's arms felt like coming home...his lips hovering a breath away from hers, he sighed, "Amelia.... you are so beautiful".

Their lips touched and carried a charge of electricity that jolted them both. Mel would have sworn the hair on the back of her neck was standing on end. Then she realized it was, and her nose crinkled at the telltale smell of ozone.

"Oh shit! Ira get down," she yelled at the exact moment a thick metallic bolt of lightening speared the huge oak that had stood beside the house for almost 100 years. In the process of scrambling for cover, they were literally thrown off their feet, landing still together, several yards away next to the woodpile.

Through a daze of noise and movement Mel looked at Ira and saw his confused face surrounded by a halo of hair sticking straight up with the static electricity still swamping them. "Oh man", she thought, "I've heard of the earth moving, but this is crazy"....

Forgetting what had just passed between them only moments before, Mel regained her composure and began to see things clearly again. "We need to get to the root cellar and fast!" she yelled to Ira, as the roar of the thunder and the flashes of lightening lit up the sky. She grabbed his hand and pulled him in the direction of the house. Quickly they climbed down into the darkened cellar... Panicking, Mel realized she had forgotten all about Jake!

"Where's Jake? I've got to find him! He's the only family I have!" Frantically, she climbed the stairs of the root cellar, threw open the doors and began yelling for her dog, "Jake, JAKE!" Suddenly, Jake was running towards her, frightened but all right. "Oh, Boy... What would I have done if something had happened to you?"

Ira had come up the stairs behind her, "we need to go back down where you'll both be safe!" he said trying to comfort her with his massive arms once again enveloping her.

Ira shut the massive door and they were in complete darkness. Jake was whining a little bit but Mel hardly noticed him. All she could sense were Ira’s strong hands holding her and his warm breath on her neck made her skin tickle. "Oh, God, I'm sure he can hear my heart pounding", Mel thought. The moment seemed to go on forever. "We'd better find some flashlights", Ira said. Some straws of Mel's hair got stuck in his lips as he spoke, she could almost feel his mouth against her ear. Her heart missed a few beats, then Ira moved and the spell was gone. Mel stumbled in the dark. "I-- I think the flashlights are right here", she said, moving her hands around until she could grab one. A thin beam of light entered the darkness.

Thunder struck again and Mel grabbed Ira's arm. He softly held her close to him. She took in the scent of the clothes he was wearing. They had been her husband's clothes. Worn jeans and a couple of old flannel shirts she once treasured. She had given them to Ira to be useful again. "It's a waste of time not to be practical," she had said. He was touched and grateful to feel the soft cotton and the right fit, and had said with a grin, "The man definitely had taste for clothes, too!" She smiled remembering this in the darkness, close to him.

It wasn't only the familiar clothes of her husband on IRA’s firm, hard body that left her tempted to move further. This man was an enigma. Something about him evoked such strong feelings from within her. Mel fumbled with her desire for Ira and a sense of guilt at having clothed him in her husband’s wear. Ira gleaned from Mel both the desires she felt for him and her sense of betrayal to her husband.

He reached out to take her hand in his and said, “When this storm is over, I have to do something to show you that I feel deeply for you.” Mel looked up at him inquisitively, yearning for this man who made her experience inner feelings she had never before felt. “What do you mean?” she asked.

Ira leaned down over her in the near darkness in the basement and said, “You are a woman who has stirred such feelings inside of me, feelings I do not myself understand yet. I have to set some things straight in my life to prove worthy of you.”

Still not understanding where he was coming from, Mel asked again, “What do you mean? What are you trying to prove?”

Ira held her close in the dim light, caressing her hair and holding her close and said, “you'll see… Please trust me? I want you so badly, but I need to show you that I have something to offer.”

The sound of hail peppered the door and roof, almost drowning out the sound of the moaning wind. Mel and Ira stayed close in the semi-darkness. Mel was confused, 'what did Ira intend to prove?' she wondered. She didn't ask anything from him. All she knew was how she felt. Maybe, she thought, she was feeling too much. Maybe, she should try to keep her feelings in check.

Ira watched the play of emotions on Mel's face in the dim light. For the first time in his life, he felt the lack of family, home, direction or purpose. All at once the purpose in his life was clear, but he had no idea how to attain his goal. He just felt he couldn't ask Mel to love a worthless vagabond. He just held her, reveling in the power of the unspoken emotions between them.

All at once it became quiet. Suddenly a brilliant shard of sunlight cut through a crack in the door and lit Ira's face. Reluctantly they let each other go. He opened the door to a beautiful day, the storm clouds receding to the west. Mel followed him across the yard, "Ira, please." She placed her hand atop his solid shoulder, immediately he stopped. Her hand traced his biceps and continued down his arm to take his callused hand into her own.

"I don't pretend to understand what you think you need to prove. But before you leave me I want you to know something..." She lifted his hand in her own until the two were entwined. They both felt the searing bond between them. It was as electric as the storm they had weathered together. She could not tell her tapered fingers from his. He could only feel one heart beating between them. She looked into his eyes as intensely as he was looking into hers.

"I need you to understand that all that is important to me is what I hold in my hand right now. Nothing you can earn or possess will ever make you anymore to me than who and what you are at this very moment."

Humbled, without words he lowered his eyes from hers. He gently released the grip, which he had held her hand to turn it over to once more bring her palm to his face, kissing softly the pads of her fingertips, reveling in the intimate gesture she was allowing.


"What could make you want to leave? When there is so much to gain by staying?" she asked him.

"You have to understand Mel, this is something I must do...not only for you, but also for myself. Never has anything meant this much to me before. Call it pride, I don't know! We are very proud people, Aussies.

We believe you have to work hard for what you want in life, especially if it something important. And you ARE important to me, Mel - you have to know this to be true!" He lowered his head. This was probably the hardest decision he had ever had to make. To see the hurt expression in her eyes was almost his undoing. Leaving was the last thing on earth he wanted to have to do. He'd left another with the same pain in their eyes, but he vowed this time would turn out differently.

He looked into her eyes, his finger tips gently sliding through the soft wisps of hair against her cheek, "Just trust me, ok?" Slowly she nodded, holding back the tears welling in her eyes. He gently released her and headed for the bunkhouse. If he lingered even a moment they would end up together, locked in a lover's embrace. He knew if that happened, he wouldn't ever find the strength to leave.

He was a man of few possessions. It took less than five minutes and he came out of the barn, dressed in his travel leathers, wheeling his Indian with the saddlebags packed. He parked the bike to walk toward Mel. There was no resistance as he pulled her into his arms again and leaned his lips toward hers... hovering over them for a moment that lasted an eternity as he looked into her eyes. His open look almost stopped her heart. He kissed her softly, pulling her closer. When he lifted his mouth from hers, she saw genuine pain in his eyes as well. She found herself standing stronger, knowing this wasn't easy for either of them. He had a reason for doing what he was doing. She cared for him enough to choose to support him, even if it meant letting go…

"Goodbye luv," he whispered into her ear, unable to look in her eyes again. She felt a soft kiss on her temple and the rasp of his unshaven chin against her cheek. And with the endearment still in the air between them, he was gone.



The solitary plate and fork setting were too much a reminder of how empty the house was all over again. Jake waited all evening on the porch step for his favorite friend to come scratch him behind the ears. Even when Mel gave up picking around her food and scraped it into his dog dish, Jake still would not come.

Mel poured herself a rare glass of wine and sat in the porch swing to watch the last of the sunset. It was unusually brilliant, casting a lasting flush of color across the fields. Painting her house a darkening red. She wondered for the hundredth time where he was and hoped he was safe. She did not doubt he would return. He had given his word and more importantly she had given him her heart. She trusted him with her life.

She smiled softly, remembering that long last storm they'd spent together, in each other's arms. At times talking, sharing their thoughts. Other times wrapped in a comfortable silence that neither felt the need to break. She had told him what it was like growing up in a tiny community in the breadbasket. He had shared stories of urban survival and of how he grew up longing to be lost in the outback, sleeping under a blanket of stars that the Sydney city street lamps kept hidden.

Mel tried to sleep at night, but the intense feelings she had developed toward Ira kept her awake, wondering where he was and what he was doing … he was surely coming back! They had not shared so many intimate parts of their history for him to leave her in the midst of the closeness and oneness they had both shared.

Day following night, remembering and reveling in her thoughts of Ira; his firm hand, the melding of their bodies in the dark and the closeness they shared, and yet now he was gone. For what, she wondered? Why did he leave so deliberately to “prove something” to her. Certainly, they had both been fearful of exposing their deepest desires. Not mistrusting of each other, but knowing that once they were wholly bonded they would not ever wants to be apart again.

In the darkest hours before dawn she wished for the hundredth time she had the memory of his flesh instead of the slow steady burn of unfulfilled desires. At night, she continued to toss and turn … sleepless and empty. During the day she ate little; she had no appetite for food. She wanted Ira to return. Of course, Ben made his attempts at courting Mel. She had even slammed the door in his face that second night when he showed up insisting he was still taking her to the dance.

"Come on Mel, lets get out. You can even bring along Abe if you like. We've never turned away strays around here, but then you'd know that yourself." His insulting tone was inescapable and Mel found herself rising to the bait. "Ira. His name is Ira and he isn't here. He had some business elsewhere." Mel realized Ben was the last person on earth she wanted to have this discussion with.

"Gone eh? Well that’s the way of tramps. Here today, gone tomorrow. You can't rely on them you know. Now good God fearing people like us? We look after our own. Make sure nothing or no one steals them away." His smug tone and superior attitude was the last straw.

"Look I'm not going out tonight or any night. Please, just stop pestering me." Without a second thought she closed the old oak door and left him standing on the front porch. After that, Mel simply wouldn't pickup the phone when it was him on the caller ID. But, after only two days it grew cold on Ben. Amelia was the only woman over 15 and under 50 in the county and he was determined to possess her. He came one afternoon with flowers and upon seeing her graven almost gray state he said, "You know what's wrong with you, Mel? You need a strong man to take care of you, take care of this farm. Now you know that man should be me."

Mel was stubborn, for she still believed and knew Ira would be back to be with her. She told Ben “I’m fine, just having a difficult week with the cattle and the woodshed." Ben offered to help, but Mel knew he wanted her and not her well being, and she shoved him aside and said “I'll be fine! I've gotten by this far. PLEASE!”

It seemed the harder she pushed him away; the more he was determined to push his way into her life. Ira never seemed as far away as he was to Mel at that moment. However even she couldn't imagine just how far away that was.

The sounds and smells of all the blended cultures rushed Ira back in time as though he had never left. The streets and the traffic around Kings Cross, the old familiar welcome sights of the harbor bridge and the opera house of Sydney, Australia.

In that moment he wished Amelia were at his side. She had never gotten further than 50 miles from where she'd been born and here he was thousands of miles away, standing on the promenade looking down on his beloved Bondi beach.

The gulls swooped overhead, the salt air blowing the cobwebs out of his head. He slowly descended the sixteen steps to sit on the still warm sand. Fifteen days and thousands of miles now stood between him and the life he had found when he had run out of gas.

The only thing he didn't share with Mel was that he did have one family member. Jeremy. Whom no one had seen or heard of in four years. So here he was to set things right for the innocent people his brother had abused.

After all these years, he wasn't even sure if Sandy and KC would give him the time of day. While the judge had ruled that Jeremy too had used Ira in the con, it was the hurt and betrayal in their eyes that caused him to finally go his own way. And until he had met Amelia, being alone was how he thought his life would always be.

And maybe that's how he wanted it back then. How could they think he'd do that to them? Steal their life's work. But they had trusted him and Jeremy, and for so long the two brothers were so close. 'I guess they couldn't believe it of either of us and when they found out what happened, they couldn't trust either of us anymore' he thought. 'Well, I'd better get started' and he walked to the road and tried to hitch a ride into town. He missed his bike, but it paid for his ticket. 'Maybe I'll get it back someday' he hoped. Then he thought of Mel. Of all the unanswered questions he left with her. 'Soon. I'll be back soon' he promised.

At that moment, Mel was hoping for the same thing. Ben was becoming a regular at her door after dinner. He was being very sweet and considerate, but Mel knew Ben pretty well, and she didn't like the act she felt he was putting on for her. At least Ira was honest. But then again, she hardly knew anything about him. Not anything solid. 'I wonder what he's doing right now' she thought.

Ira found Sandy waitressing at a restaurant in town. She looked a little tired, a little harried. He felt a stab of guilt. His brother did this. He'd have to reckon with Jeremy soon, but first he wanted to apologize to Sandy and KC for leaving them, for bailing out of the mess. He also wanted to find out what Jeremy had been up to. He knew his brother wouldn't just work the ranch he stole from them. He must have had some other scheme in the works...His brother never did a day of work in his life.

As he watched Sandy he was taken back to a time when things were so much simpler and innocent. Back to high school and when she was the one who made going to school worthwhile. Ira smiled, happy memories for a change.

While Ira surveyed Sandy and remembered his past, it was indeed a long time ago. He reflected back on his closeness with Mel, the unspoken intimacies they shared. It suddenly gripped him like a vice. What was he doing here? Did he really have something to prove? And was it important enough to take a chance on losing perhaps the best thing he had ever encountered?

Ira was suddenly transported back to the farm, back to Mel and Jake and back to the best part of his entire life. He had to contact Mel in some way. He knew she cared when he left. He had seen the stricken look in his eyes.

"Mel… Mel, where are you?" Ira's voice faded as she slowly rolled over to see the half-light of dawn spreading across the horizon. His voice was so real, so clear... She closed her eyes but he was gone again.

As she lay there she thought about where she was and how her life had changed so much in such a short time. While Ira was confronting his past and Sandy half a world away, Mel turned over again nestled against the soft cotton pillowcase as she remembered the last time Billy was asleep, stretched out by her side. It seemed a lifetime ago since the accident. Work had gotten her through the surreal experience of losing her husband, but it wasn't helping to ease the loneliness she felt without Ira.

For the hundredth time she wondered if she wasn't crazy. He had spent only a few days with her yet she felt lost without him. She also knew it was time to be herself again. She very much doubted that were Ira to see her at this moment he would want her with the same passion he had held in tight restrain the night before he left.

And in her self-assessment, she was ready to admit she wasn't made to run the farm alone. She wondered if any of her neighbors might still be as interested in buying her out, as they had been when Billy died.

Ira was also responsible for this healthy assessment of her life. He had shown her she was ready to open her heart to realize what other possibilities might exist for her. Just as she was ready to slip out of bed to begin another day the shrill ring of the phone startled her. She was tempted to ignore it, but finally she stretched across the mound of discarded pillows to answer, "hello?"...

Pulling out an empty book of matches from the pocket of his jeans. Ira opened it and saw Mel's phone number scribbled there as he searched his other pocket for change. 'How much does it cost to call the states?' he wondered. He walked up to the pay phone and started loading coins into it. Sandy saw him walk to the back of the restaurant and she gasped. Ira didn't hear, he was too intent on his phone call now. Just to hear her voice again.

A mix of emotions ran through Sandy as she watched Ira make his call. Anger, hurt, and maybe a little love; she always had a thing for Ira although she knew he didn't feel the same way. She loved KC very much; she wouldn't have married him if she didn't. But Ira...well...he was like a splinter in her heart that she could never get out.

The phone rang 10 times before Mel picked it up. 'Mel? Mel? It's me Ira.

"What?" he could hear a tinny crackle echoing her, but it was her voice that he had dreamt of that was answering him now.

"Mel, can you hear me luv? It's Ira"

"Ira? Ira! Where are you?" the sleep left Mel's voice quickly when he heard Ira's name.

"I'm home, Mel - Australia. God I miss your face." His voice suddenly hoarse with longing.

"Ira are you coming back soon? I miss you too. I don't know what I'm going to do here, he's driving me crazy."

"I promise, I'm coming back as soon as I can. But there's still a mess over here...wait what do you mean he?" Ira asked suddenly picking up on the last of her comment.

"Sounds like a love problem." the voice spun Ira around to face Sandy.

"Sandy, how are you mate?" Ira said.

"Who's Sandy?" asked Mel.

"A mate" Ira answered.

"Who's Mel?" Sandy asked.

"A mate" Ira repeated, getting confused with the conversation and feeling strange about the comment Mel made.
"Has that guy Ben been hanging around again?" he asked suddenly powerless from half a world away yet ready to rip the man to pieces with his bare hands.

"Well, Mel, please keep him in check just for you and me, for us." Ira responded. Upon hearing those words, Mel's heart began beating rapidly, her tongue went dry ... what was she to say? Where was he? When would he come back?

"Ira, you are asking me to hold out for you when you left with no explanation other than you needed to right some wrong, prove something to me ... don't you know you don't need to...."

Ira interrupted:

"I'm sorry luv, my time is almost up. Trust me, Mel. Please? I will make this vow to you: I WILL be back. Just give me time. I want to be with you more than anything. You know today is my birthday Mel? I couldn't spend it without you," said Ira. "Listening to you makes my day wonderful."

In the background came a screeching "What broad you coaxing now, Ira?" from Sandy.

Ira said "Ssssssh!" Mel wondered what Ira was up to, who this woman was and asked Ira, "Can you please tell me where you are and what you are doing? Ira?"

"Mel?" Dead air. Ira slowly replaced the receiver, giving Sandy a piercing look.

"You always do that to me," he scolded.

"Do what?" asked Sandy.

"Get me in trouble with women."

"What do you want Ira, or did you just come in for lunch?" Sandy asked angrily.

"Sandy, I came to see you and KC, to apologize for leaving. To apologize for my greedy bastard of a brother."

"It's a little late for that Ira. It's been what, five years now? Oh, did you have fun on your grand tour?"

"What? What do you mean? Ira was confused.

"That's what Jeremy told everyone. That Ira went on a grand tour of the states. Took the pot of money from the sale of the station that KC's grandfather built with his own two hands. You took it all you bastard."

From behind the service window a heavy voice shouted "Sandy! Come on girl, customer's waiting!"

"I gotta go"

"No! Listen, that's not what happened at all…what time do you and KC get off?"

"At six, why?"

"Because I need your help. And I want to set the record straight between us." Ira pleaded with her.

"As far as I'm concerned the only record that needs setting is a prison record. I won't promise you what will happen if KC sees you now. You come back, you take your lumps then." Sandy walked away leaving Ira wondering if he'd just traveled all the way to the other side of the world only to lose the woman he longed for with no hope of repairing the past.

"What have I done?" he asked himself, "what has Jeremy done to me now?"


Ira seemed to drift off into the midst of clouds above. So many things were racing through his mind. Mel's beautiful face kept flashing before his eyes. His mind had become so clouded. And to top if off there were new problems with Jeremy's backstabbing ways. Seems that everywhere Ira looked, his life was backsliding. He was grateful for the warning that Sandy had given him though about KC. He knew how ruthless KC could be. He knew that he was treading on thin ice as they had previously been at odds with one another in the past. He just kept thinking to himself, now there has just got to be a way to fix some of the problems that had been caused, but how?

Ira thought long and hard about where to turn next. He took Sandy's warning to heart about KC. He wasn't ready to cross Kyle without finding out what black picture had been painted of him by his own brother.

He walked for miles through the streets that once were his home, but now foreign to him. Some of the old landmarks still existed, Hard Rock Cafe, Gaslight Hotel, even the winos were littered about the bottle shop.

"Good old Crown street." he thought, "only thing that's changed is the direction of the traffic. Everything ends up at the sea nowadays…"

"That's it! Bryson..." he suddenly thought, "Why didn't I go there first?" Ira worked his way back towards the docks, relying on his memory, a living map of all the streets and alleyways throughout the city. "Bryson...come on mate. Please God, let him still be there," he silently pleaded.

It was wonderful to hear his silky smooth sultry voice. But also disturbing that he was so far away, back home in Australia. She couldn’t help but wonder who the woman was in the background of the phone call. She wasn’t a stranger to Ira. The euphoria of the brief conversation was starting to fade. Waves of loneliness washed over her. Mel realized just how important Ira had become to her. "I wonder if I can find out where he called from?"
"Maybe I'll go find him..." She laughed at herself; amazed at the spell Ira had cast on her in such a short period of time. Mel looked out the kitchen window at the tired, dry landscape that surrounded her. She looked down at Jake. "I think we need a change of scenery don't you?"

Ira made his way to the dock master’s quarters. If anyone could help him, it was the old scraggly Bryson. A sense of warmth and peace came over him as he neared the docks and saw the shadow of old man kneeling over the sides of the rickety pier, tugging at a tattered rope which had once held a boat in place. He had known Bryson since he was in his early teens, back when he got easy work around the docks. If there was one person on earth Ira trusted, one man who could help him, that man stood before him now.

The old man glanced up as he saw Ira coming his way. He squinted, peering deeply at the figure before him. “Ira, is that you, boy?” It had been a month of Sundays since he had seen him.

“Hey ya old scruff!” beamed Ira. The two stood up and faced each other and then, beaming, embraced one another.

“What’s happened with you all these years, mate?” asked Bryson. “Come on, tank down a few with me. God knows I could use a few beers.” Ira agreed immediately, eager to toss back a few with his old pal and mentor.

In the falling dusk the old man who seemed to always know a way to get anything and everything, and the big lug of a man he once knew as a boy sat and shared stories. Bryson of the comings and goings of the yacht owners and the regular beach happenings that were commonplace in his line of work, and Ira of his wanderlust, his feeling of having to leave and the con job Jeremy had pulled on K.C., Sandy and himself. And he told of finding love in the U.S.

“I’ve got to right Jeremy’s wrong, Bryson. I’ve got to get back to Mel as soon as I can. But, not until we’ve all got what’s rightfully coming to us.”

Bryson was happy the young man was back. He needed him there but understood the desperate look on his face.

“Tell you what, Ira,” he said. “You always were the best chipper I ever saw do work, and there’s plenty to be done here on the docks. I’ll pay you good wages starting tomorrow and we’ll find a way to get that farmland back to Sandy and K.C.” Bryson paused and just looked at Ira up and down again, “Geez, it’s so good to see you again, son. Let’s go have some fun like the good old days! We’ll have a crack at Landry’s and wager a few quid. I’ll front you the money. You keep your winnings.”

“It’s good to be home,” Ira laughed, “God knows Aussies will bet their last two bits on what direction a rain drop will fall.” He was genuinely happy to have found Bryson again, and anyone who saw the two men walking down the road toward the beachside casino could see how proud Bryson was to have Ira once again at his side.

Mel placed the rinsed plate in the rack and turned off the running tap. She listened intently and heard nothing but the clip of Jake’s nails on the linoleum floor.

"I'm cracking up Jake." she chuckled, “now I’m hearing voices…” The puppy lifted his sad eyes to her, wondering what there was to be so happy about. He listlessly walked toward his bed in the corner. It was an old throw pillow and afghan balled up, but it was his home. Mel noticed the canary yellow satin robe he’d left under the pillow. Reaching down to retrieve it she remembered that fateful morning when Ira had been left stranded in her bathroom wearing nothing but his pride and a heart-stopping smile. Just the thought of that moment brought a bittersweet smile to her face.

“If only I’d just given in to the moment… would he still be here?” Mel had to wonder.

"Mel?" There was someone out side. She went out on the back porch and looked around for who was calling her. The shining face of a little girl came running around the side yard, gaining momentum to fly up the stairs as Mel kneeled down to gather up the bundle in her eager arms. She felt her heart fill with love all over again holding the precious child to her.

"Annie! Oh honey I've missed you." The eight year old hugged her tight around the neck, her soft face and breath buried into Mel's shoulder. "I've missed you too." she said happily. Mel was Annie's godmother. She was also the closest to a real mother that Annie had, after Mary had died four years before.

"Now ain't that a sight?" Ben said as he slowly sauntered to the bottom step. "You two certainly look like you belong together. I just picked her up from Grandma Flo's. She wouldn't stop pestering me until I promised to bring her here first before we went home."

"Thank you Ben." Mel’s gratitude was genuine. Turning her attention to the little girl in her arms, "You must be tired after that long drive, would you like a big glass of milk? I just made some cookies..."

“YES! Please! Yes daddy?” Annie’s huge brown eyes grew even larger. Her beautiful baby soft hair a halo around her angelic face. Mel's heart swelled. She loved this little girl as if she were her own.

A quart of milk between the three and a dozen cookies later Ben leaned back in his chair and said, “I just had a thought… how about I take you two girls out to a movie tonight?” Annie jumped up from her chair and clapped her hands. "Can we Mel? Please? Can we? Daddy and I don’t ever go anywhere. Please say you’ll come?” Annie pleaded.
“Well honey, maybe you and daddy should go to the movies together without me then…” she shot an angry look at Ben over Annie’s head, “I'm awfully tired today.”

“Come on Mel, Annie would be so happy.” He replied.

She slitted her eyes at him, as Annie pleaded with her

“Ok, two let me get my work done and get ready. We'll go to the movies tonight.” Mel finally answered.

“Hooray! Come on Dad, let Mel finish her work...can we help you Mel?” asked Annie happily.

“Yes, you two run along and come back around 7 o'clock, ok?”

As they left Mel could see that Ben was determined to have his own way, even if it meant using Annie. She couldn't remember the last time Ben took Annie anywhere. It wasn't that he was a bad father; it was just that he was a little preoccupied with himself. When she wasn’t visiting for a day with Mel, Annie spent a great deal of time over Flo's house.

She thought of Ira's words, asking her to wait. Things were going to get difficult, she could see.
'Damn you Ira!

She did not want to take Annie to the movies with Ben, but she was stuck. She would rather take Annie to Australia, but she didn't even know where to begin to look for Ira if she went there. She decided to give in, if just for a movie, for this night. She owed it to Annie, whom she loved so very much.

In the meantime, Bryson and Ira were getting tanked at Landry's and rolling the die. Bryson had advanced $500 dollars on Ira to help him feel better, as he knew Ira was good in his time at shooting the craps.

As they consumed more ale, Ira did, indeed, rake in more bucks. He was up 3:1. He had gotten $1,500. Was that enough for the night? He did have work to do for Bryson the next day at good wages. It was good to be home, yet he his heart melted back in the gleam of the liquor ... to Mel, her warmth, her touch, her caring and his touching her ... the oneness they both shared and kept together. He wanted her desperately, both physically and emotionally. He wanted her with all his being.

Ira came to. The dice were on the table. He wanted the money, yet he knew greed would get him. Should he come back another time? Was it all or nothing? He knew he could somehow get back to Mel, but he wanted to prove to her that he was worthy and to do that, he needed the money.

"Bet it all," Ira told the spinner. His fate was now in the hands of the gods yet again.

Half a world away; Mel, Annie and Ben set off for the movies. Mel was so happy to be with Annie again, but for Ben's presence. She wished it were She, Ira and Annie instead. But, she gave in for the child she loved. She would always protect Annie. Yet, as she watched the movie, Mel's mind distanced to another world, one far away, one she was dreaming of ... one where Ira was. She didn't know where or what that land was ... it was a dream to her, yet she wanted so badly to be there.

Mel came to when Ben asked, “Are you watching the movie Mel?”

“Uh, oh ... yes, of course, Ben,” she replied. It happened to be a movie about distant love and she couldn't help but apply her own situation to the heroine.

“Triple or nothing,” cried Ira in a state of massive despair, hoping he would catch the money he needed. At the same time he made that bet, he wanted to take it back. What was he thinking? This just doesn't happen!

The casino management came to look upon the table and observed as the manager gave a spin to the roulette wheel. Spin ... spin ... spin ... around and 'round. Up came Ira's numbers in what was a miracle!

“Atta boy!” cried Bryson. Clapping him on the back with the strength of a man a quarter his age. The two took off to cash in their bets and make it a night. Ira now had $4,500 in winnings. This would help.

As they left the cash-out table, a voice echoed out, “Ira, you scum brother!” It was Jeremy, with a gun.

Fortunately there was enough security around to dissuade him from doing anything more than just showing the shoulder holster under his leather jacket.

“Even you aren't that stupid Jer.” Ira said, dismissing Jeremy's threat. Bryson just laughed at the man as he followed his young friend to the bar.

“Sit down Jeremy... Your going to talk and I'm going to listen. Just what the hell have you done to me now?” Ira growled. His tone and the set of his jaw a clear warning that he wasn't in the mood for a warm family reunion.

“Kid grew up.” Jeremy thought grudgingly, respecting that in his own twisted way.

As the credits rolled on the screen Mel seemed in a world of her own...“Earth to Mel! Earth to Mel! Come in Mel! What's up with you tonight anyway?” Ben questioned as they left the theater.

“Nothing, Ben. What makes you think something's up?” Amelia answered.

“You just haven't been your usual witty self since that drifter came poking around. Now that he's gone, it hasn't improved things much.” His words seemed to surround and smother her.

“I will not allow you to upset me tonight, or any other night for that matter.” she thought to herself.

“Good evening, Mel! Nice to see you again too, Ben!” the booming voice belonged to Henry Jones, the richest guy in town. He owned quite a bit of property around Crawford County and in the town of Girard itself.

“Enjoy the movie?" he asked grinning down at his mousy wife Donna. Mel noticed the way they looked at her and Ben trying to size up the situation, but Mel didn't feel like she wanted to be in the middle of some local gossip.

“Just out for a night at the movies with my godchild. A nice neighborly evening out.” She hoped would set the record straight.

“Aunt Mel” a tiny voice and a tug on her hand caught her full attention away from Big Henry.

"Yes sweetheart?" she kneeled on the sidewalk to be closer to the very tired little girl, "what is it?"

"Why don't you like me anymore?" the question caught Mel totally off guard.

"Where on earth did you ever get an idea like that?" she pulled Annie even closer, seeing tears welling up in her eyes, "honey I love you! I've missed you something awful when you were away. Why would you think I don't like you?"

"Daddy said so. He said you didn't want me around anymore, that’s why I have to go to Grandma's all the time. You have new friends you like better..." her distress was genuine, "but I can be quiet if you let me come over. I won't get in the way, I promise..."

"Annie, look at me," Mel gently took the little girl by the shoulders to look her straight in the eye, "I love you. No matter how many people I meet, no one will ever make me not love you or want to see you, not ever. You believe me don't you?" Annie gave her a weak nod then buried her face into Mel's shoulder.

Ben finished his conversation with Henry and had just turned to join them. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the fury burning in Mel's eyes.

The ride back to the farm was in silence. Thankfully Annie was fast asleep when Ben pulled into Mel’s driveway. If she could have, she would have slammed the door as soon as her feet touched the soil. Mel came around to the driver’s side and hissed, "You get out of that truck right now Ben Sands. I want a word with you."

Ben followed Mel as she stormed around the side of the farmhouse. Mel was sure she wouldn’t be able to control herself and did not want Annie to hear them were she to wake up.

"What the hell have you been telling Annie about me?" Mel was furious, "what in the world would possess you to say something so hideous as to make her feel unloved? She is just a little girl Ben..."

"That's right, and she's MY little girl." Ben had been running out of patience when he realized he held the ace card to this whole problem with Amelia.

"When Mary died I promised her I would always be there for Annie," Mel was almost in tears.

"Yeah? Well when Mary died she left me saddled with a farm and a baby. Not even a boy who could help me, a girl." She had always suspected Ben was less than a warm, loving father, but she had no idea how cold he could be. Ben closed the distance between them, putting out his hand to run a single fingertip down the side of her cheek, outlining her clenched jaw, "You start being the Amelia we all know and love… you win the prize." His smile was thin and menacing.

Mel reached up to slap his hand away but he was much quicker than she would have ever guessed, capturing her wrist, holding her arm in a vise grip.

"You mean you won't let me see Annie if I don't want to be your girlfriend?" Mel was speechless.

“Something like that... You ready to come back to reality? Or you still want to run after some stranger?” Ben thrust the final blow as he released her, “It's your choice Mel...Either you want to be with Annie or you don’t.” He left the contemptible comment hang in the air between them as he walked away into the night.

“Ira… you did it to yourself mate. It didn’t help things, running away like that.” Jeremy answered innocently. “People just automatically thought you were guilty when you came up missing…”

“Yeah and I bet you telling people I was on a ‘grand tour’ was your idea of helping?” said Ira. “What I don't understand is how you’re not in jail right now. Time off for good behavior?”

“They had no real proof, you know that.”

“What are you talking about? What about the ledger Garth had? What about his books?” Ira asked incredulously.

Bryson had a guarded look on his face. Ira felt something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what it was.

“I don't think the ledger proved anything, I don't know though, because it disappeared…" Jeremy sat back to finger his scotch, "Maybe it never even existed.”

“Oh your crazy, I saw it myself! I...”

“Now lets stop arguing you two.” Bryson interrupted, looking over Ira’s shoulder towards the door. Ira glanced at Bryson and could see concern in his eyes.

“You know us Bryson, always fighting. But it means nothing.”

“Well, look at this...a family reunion! No wonder it smells bad in here. What happened Ira, you run out of my money already?” a familiar voice sneered. Things were quickly going from bad to worse. Ira turned around and smiled...

“KC pull up a chair--”

“Kyle Cochran’s the name,” he hissed under his breath, “Only mates call me KC, not any 'ole bushranger.” He chuckled as he kicked the outstretched barstool Ira held in front of him, a loud bang, silenced the boozer. All eyes stared at the two once close mates, then rivals for the affection of the same blonde-haired Sheila Sandy, then outsiders to each other.

“Listen KC...err...Kyle...” Ira cleared his throat. He cowered to no man, but was smart enough to be careful around the barrel chested giant.

Bryson leaned down and picked up the barstool, “Now, lads, this is not the time or place, to be making such a public display of affection.” He was trying his best to smooth over the situation.

“Ira, maybe you should save this for tomorrow. We have an early day and we should be on our way.” Bryson gathered their belongings. Ira winked at Bryson. He knew Bryson was trying to prevent a scene and appreciated his old cobber for looking out for him. He turned to tell his brother “I am on to you, I will...” his voice trailed off, he was talking to the wall. Ira hadn't noticed that Jeremy slipped out the back door when he turned around to encounter KC. “Just as well,” he thought, “they’d probably would end up killing each other.”

"Well, well, just running away again, turn in to a bit of a chook, while away on your adventure?" KC, couldn't help but laugh at his on joke.

"Just keeping a wide berth mate. We will talk again but not tonight. Just too many drinks and too many miles between us." Ira shrugged off KC's insults and simply left with Bryson at his side. He had some bucks now and money always helped grease the wheels to find out the information he needed to finally set things to right.

“The nerve of that…” Mel thought of quite a few choice words she wanted to tell good old friend Ben as she made her way up the wooden steps of the front porch. Mel, stormed into the house and pulled out her scrubbing brush, she headed for the bathroom to clean like a "Merry Maid". Anger was pouring through her body with each back and forth motion of her hand.

"How dare he use a small innocent child to slide his way into my good graces, good graces my foot, slide his ass into my bed is what he wants", she thought out loud. She scrubbed harder on the bathtub surface.

Jake watched her from the opening of the bathroom door, he whined and went and hid under her bed when she threw the brush against the porcelain base. "Damn you, Ira", she yelled out loud.

She knelt beside the tub and held her head low. If he had stayed, this whole night would have never happened. They would be curling into bed right about now; she would lay her head on his chest. He would speak in his Aussie accent about how lovely she looked; he would slap her playfully on her thigh. The smacking noise would excite Jake and they would have one fun roll on the bed, her new little family. "Damn you, Ira!!” she half yelled and choked on those words as she started to cry.

She cried harder with each step she walked to her lonely bedroom, why did she let him get to her, he was so far away and she had no idea when or now if he was ever coming back. That lonely, helpless night brought her back to the night when Billy had died and she couldn't force herself to function, she laid in bed crying until she drifted into a restless sleep.

Her dreams were fitful and full of menace. She was still angry when she woke up to a ringing phone. "Hello?" she answered, wary of who might be on the other end of the line.

"Morning sunshine... sleep good?" Ben's voice wound through the phone like a snake coiling to strike, "how's our favorite girl today?"

"Go to hell Ben," Mel shot back without hesitation. Her fingers curled around the handset, ready to slam it back down on its cradle.

"Auntie Mel?" Annie asked, confused by Mel's angry outburst, "...g-good morning..."

"Annie sweetheart, you said morning now hang up the extension - the chickens need feeding." Ben spoke softly to the little girl, “ok daddy…goodbye…” There was a fumbling noise ending with a distinctive click in Mel's ear.

"You are the lowest…" Mel bit off what she wanted to tell him and instead asked, "What do you want from me Ben?"

"Be careful Amelia... You may not always know who's watching and you don't want to go and break a little girls heart now do you? What do I want…some friendly companionship Amelia. You can spend as much time with Annie as you like. Just so long as you understand it's time that you and I got to know each other a whole lot better. Be by later, we'll talk then." Ben ended the call without hearing her phone crash against the far wall, knocking down the old still photo of Billy from his rodeo days.

"Why didn’t I see this coming? What am I suppose to do now?"



It had been a good first few days, back at it with Bryson. They had taken up almost where they’d left off. Ira reveled in the feel of the antipodal sun on his back; it felt like nowhere else on earth. Even that familiar caress paled to the memory of Mel’s touch. Everything in his life now revolved around her.

"You getting soft in your old age?" Ira teased Bryson, easily reaching around his friend to grab the last crate, settling it a top his broad shoulders.

"You watch yourself boy. I’ve still got forty years more nights with the ladies and bottles of stout in me." The old lion growled back.

"That you do mate, that you do!" Ira laughed. It was his first genuine laugh since he’d been left naked and stranded in Mel’s bathroom by Jake, a mere puppy.

"Thinking of her again?" Bryson brought Ira back to the moment.

"Yeah mate." Ira nodded.

"Good thoughts too I reckon..." Ira nodded again, not trusting himself to speak as he was suddenly overwhelmed with how much he missed her.

"Don’t be daft man!" Bryson boomed, "get yourself on a plane and go back to her. There’s nothing for you here now."

"I wish it were that easy..." Ira tensed, "Jeremy left me labeled a thief. Unless I can clear myself, how can I offer my name to anyone?"

"Would it matter to your Sheila?"

"It matters to me! I can’t drag her into this mess." Ira set the crate down next to the others. Bryson could see he was clearly head over heels for this woman.

"Let me tell you something I’ve never told another living soul; there’s no use to this life if you ain’t got anyone to share it with."

"You didn’t Bryson. You didn’t settle down with anyone." Ira countered.

"I had you my boy." The old man looked away. From the first day Ira had shown up on the docks, Bryson had been drawn to the boy. Ira was only thirteen and still underdeveloped but full of fire. It was obvious the boy had lived a hard life but Bryson saw he had a quick mind. There had been many hard times that had left their marks on the boy, but he was a fighter. And Ira had integrity, the one quality Jeremy could never understand in ten lifetimes.

"You were the son I never had Ira. My one chance to do something right in this world... Go back to your Sheila. I saw the look on the faces of those two the other night, if they don’t kill each other first, one of them is gonna kill you... and then where will she be?" Bryson was sentimental deep down but he tried to cover his emotion with a giggle at the end of his most thoughtful lessons.

Ira watched the old man walk away knowing Bryson was the one man he would have been proud to call his father. He knew that what he’d said was not wrong, but Ira needed to feel cleansed and free of his past before he could offer any future to Mel.

"Looks like you have a visitor." Bryson called out to Ira.

Shielding his eyes against the setting sun Ira searched the upper wharf to see who Bryson was point to.

"G’day mate." Sandy called down to him, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder…

Mel closed her eyes, she could see in her mind the imprecise image of Ira. It was not clear anymore, it had been getting foggier with time, like an old photograph, with lines erased by time and tears.

"It hasn't been that long," she thought, anguished and confused at the tricks her memory was playing on her. "I have to remember his face, I can't forget it..." She rushed to get her old drawing pad that laid forgotten in her desk drawer, and feverishly traced some lines to fix forever Ira's expression on the paper. "Lines are lyers, lines are untrue, but it's all I have now..." She kissed the face she drew and held it for a long time against her heart in the silence of that evening, listening to the old clock's monotonous and cold sound.

Annie lay in bed awake. She could not understand why her Aunt Mel didn't love her anymore. But Daddy told her so it must be true, and yet the look in Aunt Mel's eyes. "Grown ups are very confusing". Annie rolled over onto her stomach and took her flashlight from her night table. She turned it on and shone it on the picture next to the lamp. "I miss you Mommy, I wish you were still here, I'm so lonely."

From downstairs Annie heard the sound of glass smashing. She turned off the flashlight and cowered under the covers. Daddy was mad about something and she just hoped it wasn't something she'd done...he had warned her more than once he would have to go away like Mommy if she couldn't be good.

"Damnit!" Ben's slurred curse crawled up the stairs.

Annie could hear him walking across the old wooden floor beneath her. As he crossed the room Ben stumbled against a scarred oak chair in the dining room. A splinter lodged in his hand. He kicked the chair with his boot, sending it sideways across the floor.

"Damn you Amelia..." He looked down at the cut across the back of his hand. He was too drunk to even feel the whiskey sloshing over the rim of the tumbler. He let the glass fall from his hand to shatter as he stormed towards the door.

"I told you I was coming over tonight..." he stopped and looked at the old clock, squinting to read it was half past eleven, "'re home. You can't fool me, you just ain't gonna answer your phone...did that drifter come back? Did you let him in your bed?"

The door slammed closed behind him with the force of the wind that had kicked up out of nowhere. The weather was turning fierce with another violent storm bearing down on them. The truck jerked to life as he drunkenly shifted the standard into gear and roared out into the night, forgetting his little girl was upstairs alone.

"You teased me long enough you bitch..."

As Ben lurched down the road he fumed. All his life he had settled for second best, well no longer, Amelia should have been his long ago instead he had been forced to settle for Mary. Mary couldn't even give him a son. What good was a girl for help around the farm. And then she had to die and leave him to take care of Annie yet. Anger coursed through Ben. The truck started to weave in and out of the lane. All of a sudden the truck caught an edge on the bumpy gravel road and started to spin out of control....

The sun shone brightly through the window on Mel. As she laid in her bed she could hear the birds singing their song for her, but to Mel it was just another day of loneliness. She suddenly realized lying there in bed that in had been a month now since she had been in the bunkhouse; not since Ira had left at least. Something inside her was drawing her there this morning...Getting dressed quickly she began to slowly make her way to the small wooden structure. The door creaked as she opened it...Looking around she had hoped there might be some evidence that he had been there, especially now when it all felt like it had only been a mere dream. She noticed that she hadn't even removed the sheets on the bed yet. Going over to the pillow, she raised it to her face and breathed in any smells that still lingered of his manliness...."Ohhh, Why can't you be here with me?" she cried out, upset at the fragile woman she had become. Then she noticed something...lying on the dresser, next to the lamp.... Walking over closer she could see it was Ira's cross. As if an outside force was compelling her, she placed it around her neck. At that moment, she no longer felt alone, and it was almost as if he was standing beside her. A sudden burst of strength ran through her body....

As Mel walked up the steps to the house the phone started to ring. She was breathless as she picked up the phone, hopeful it was Ira but afraid it was Ben?

"Hello", she said. "Amelia, this is Flo, there's been an accident."

Mel's heart froze. "Is Annie all right?" Mel asked in a trembling voice.

"Oh she's fine, Amelia, she's here with me actually. Ben was in an accident. He was drunk and went off the road. He's broken his leg pretty badly and his truck is a write off. He'll be in the hospital for awhile though. Dumb idiot," Flo snorted, "serves him right. What I can't understand is how he could have left Annie all alone in the house, but thank God he did." Mel sank to the floor weak with relief.

"Problem is, my daughter Barbara is due to give birth any day now and I have to go to Boston. I can't take Annie with me, Mel I know your busy and have a lot on your plate, but could you take her until I can get back?"

"Of course Flo," Mel felt a little guilty about being happy. But she was happy that Annie would be staying with her.

"I'll be by to pick her up tomorrow morning, ok? And you tell Barbara that I'm happy for her"

"Thanks Mel, Annie is sleeping now, but I'll have her little duds packed and ready for you in the morning"

Mel hung up disturbed by her thoughts, 'how could Ben leave Annie alone at night like that and go drinking? And how many times has he done that before?' Ben showed Mel his best side, she never dreamt he'd do something like this. But ever since Ben had found Ira in her kitchen wearing next to nothing, she'd been seeing another side of Ben. One she didn't like, not at all.

A subconscious thought formed in the back of her mind. She didn't say it to herself, but she felt it. She wanted to keep Annie.

"What Sandy? What did Garth tell you?" Ira was tired after his long week back to work on the docks. He didn’t mean to be edgy with his hold friend but ever since arriving back home things had gotten worse instead of better, "It may just help me find my way out of this mess, please…"

"Joey's penthouse" Sandy said. She showed Ira the slip of paper. Ira had a puzzled look on his face until suddenly recognition dawned on his face. His face warmed with a slow smile. "Garth is one for drama, isn't he San?"

"Listen to me Ira," Sandy grabbed his wrist to get his attention. "There's been plenty of drama around here since you left. Things went a lot more deeply than just Jeremy, and sometimes I even wonder about Kyle."

What do you mean Sandy?" Ira asked, not believing what he was hearing.

"Watch your back, Ira. I have a feeling this wasn't one of your regular swindles. Garth's leaving really shook me."

"You don't worry about me Sandy love. I'll be careful"

Just then Sandy heard KC's voice calling her. She ducked behind a wall and waited until he walked away.

"Are you afraid of KC? Has he hurt you?" Ira asked gently, however his voice betrayed deep anger.

"Oh no, I'm more worried that he doesn't see me talking to you. I don't want him to know that we talked"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"I'll keep my eye on you Sandy, he'd better not mistreat you. But right now I'm off to Joey's penthouse"

"Where is it?" asked Sandy.

"You'd think it's up in the sky, but it's really underground." Ira laughed as he kissed her cheek and walked away.

"A Penthouse underground?" Sandy puzzled as Ira stalked off. "An underground penthouse?" she thought, "how like Garth - cryptic to the end." She shrugged her shoulders, pleased that Ira seemed to understand the message. Ira jumped into a taxi, his destination fixed firmly in his memory.

"Good for you mate," he thought as the city rushed by, "Always knew you were a damn site craftier than we gave you credit for."

The Taxi slowed at the edge of The Rocks, Sydney's most historic district. It had been a long time since Ira had found himself walking towards The Argyle Tavern, a beautiful sandstone block Pub built when Sydney was nothing more than an untested penal experiment.

He paused at the huge oak doors and took a moment to look out across the harbor. He'd seen many beautiful places in his travels, but none had the ability to cause a hitch in his breath like the sight of the sun sparkling off the water as if the bay were made of translucent blue crystal. The light glinting off the stark whiteness of The Opera House had a sharp and sudden desire clutching at his stomach, "God I wish I could show Mel this."

Head shaking in a futile attempt to squash the emptiness and anxiety he felt, he squared his shoulders and laid his hand on the door. "Garth," he thought, "this better not be a bloody wild goose chase or I'll just have to track you down and kill you myself me old mate."

If Garth had hidden what Ira hoped for, stashed away in the almost invisible room in the cellar of the old pub, well it could be the very thing he needed to begin clearing up this mess. "Wish me luck Mel," he whispered, "this could be it".



The cool darkness of the pub was a welcome relief from the heat outside. Ira let his eyes adjust, listening to the voices he heard before he could see their owners. He recognized a few, acquaintances from his pub jumping days. Two men were at the far end of the bar.

"What's your pleasure?" asked the bartender.

"VB mate"

The bartender brought Ira a bottle.

The bottle the bartender placed before him was cold. The moisture on the sides clung to Ira’s hand as he took a long first swallow. “Thanks mate. Which way’s the dunny?”

“Through the doors to the right, down the stairs, first door on the left.”

Ira nodded his thanks. He knew where he was going, but it was probably better to act the part of a stranger. He ignored the lav door to slip through the next-door over and down a darkened staircase. At the bottom he found the familiar thick oak door with old-fashioned hinges and hardware. Thankfully the lock was as ancient as the door and it immediately sprung open under the blade of his pocketknife.

He opened the door slowly, hoping the hinges didn’t squeak too much. Inside, the room was pitch black. He closed the heavy door behind him before taking out a pocket lighter to illuminate the room. He was thankful to find the old hurricane lamp was still on the corner table. Most of the oil had evaporated, but what remained smoked to life. He picked it up and began slowly examining the false ceiling planks, looking for the square door to Joeys Penthouse.

Ira laughed at that. When he and Garth were young mates, they'd come down here to drink bottles of whiskey or ale they liberated from behind the bar when Garth’s father Tommy wasn’t looking. One particular night they were feeling pretty good when they heard a strange whining and scratching noise. Refusing to believe the ghost stories of prisoners who had died in some of these old buildings still standing in the rocks, they searched around till they found the sound was coming from the ceiling. One of the fitted boards was loose and when they removed it, there was Joey the housecat surrounded with a new litter of kittens. Joey became Josephine and they kept the secret of the little vault between them.

Ira stepped onto a wooden box and lifted the door up. A slip of paper was dislodged from the door. It hit Ira's face as it fell. “You clever boy.” Ira whispered. It was a signal they had devised between them to instantly know if anyone had found their secret liquor vault.

He reached into the darkness above and searched until his fingers came around a long rectangular package. When he pulled it out he could see it had been wrapped carefully in oilskin and tied securely. He wouldn't look at it now. He made a last search to make sure he missed nothing, replaced the ceiling plank and the box to their former positions. He extinguished the mantle on the old lamp and using his lighter replaced it within the dust circle on the tabletop where it had rested for who knows how many years.

It had taken a little under two hours for Mel to arrive at Flo’s to pick up her own precious package. She smiled as Annie ran into her outstretched arms.

"Auntie Mel, Daddy broke the truck!" Annie said.

"I know honey," Mel said as she gave the little girl a hug.

"Mel, Thanks so much for watching Annie, Barbara is so close to delivery that
I'll be leaving this afternoon" Flo gave Mel a kiss and a hug.

"Oh, this will be fun, Flo. Annie and I will have a non-stop slumber party, right
Annie? We'll play games and bake cookies and play with Jake."

Annie began to jump up and down, "I’ve never been to a slumber party before." There was only one tiny bag to be slipped into the car and they were ready to leave.

"Annie, do you have to go? Better run in and try, we have a long drive ahead." said Mel. As Annie ran back into the house, Mel turned to Flo with a serious look on her face.

"What's going on with Ben, Flo?" Mel asked.

Flo looked down and shook her head. "I don't know Mel," she said softly. "It's been about a year. He's been keeping different company, drinking till all hours, sending Annie over to me more and more. Now I don't mind of course. Frankly the kind of people I seen him drive up in the car with don’t look like the kind of people I want my granddaughter around, but Annie feels the neglect. Lately she even seems afraid of things more."

"You don't think someone's tampering with her?" Mel voice rose with concern.

"Well no, but something is going on." The conversation stilled immediately as Annie came running back outside, "I'm ready! Come on, let's go!"

Ira slipped the package under his jacket, securely anchored under his left bicep. Whatever it contained, it was meant for his eyes only. He closed and latched the heavy door behind him and ascended the stairs to listen for voices in the passageway. As soon as the coast was clear he returned to the bar to casually finish his beer. He must not have aroused concern as no one gave him even a passing glance. He threw down a couple of dollars and with a “see ya mate” he left his boyhood hangout behind.

It was only when he was safely behind the locked doors of his quarters that he released his grip on the package. The twine was still knotted securely as he unraveled the contents of the package. The first thing he found was a cover letter to him from Garth.

“Ira, You are the only one who can be trusted with these documents. They contain incriminating evidence against your brother in a fraudulent land deal relating to the Cochran cattle station in New South Wales. I wasn’t a part of the thing but I can’t take the chance of turning your brother over to the police either. He has dangerous connections. I can only hope you find these documents when they might still be useful should you be charged for any wrong doing. I know you don’t want to hear this but beware of Jeremy. He is as unpredictable as he is dangerous. I have no doubt he would kill anyone who had possession of these documents, including you. Take care and raise one to me until you can raise it with me. Garth."

Ira spent the rest of the day slowly reading all the different bits that made up the neat package… He was amazed at the complexity of the scheme; offshore accounts, drug deals, money laundering, it was mind-boggling. And the most damning of all, the original deed to the Cochran station alongside an obvious forgery. His heart was heavy at the realization of how cunning his own brother was. Ira felt glad to have the proof he needed to clear his own name and to help Sandy and KC. He wanted to return to Mel with a clear conscience.

It was another two hours before Bryson finished reading all the documents. There was a gleam in his eye as Ira shared the documents. "Be careful, son ... I need you around and you got pure dynamite here boy."

"Bryson, I have to call Mel. I left her to clear my name. I want her to know I’ve been working to find the truth and not just having a lark."

"Well, pick up the phone and call her lad." Bryson responded. It had been a long time since Bryson had witnessed so much in love. He also knew Ira was driven by more than just his feelings for this woman. Ira possessed an ingrained integrity and a determination for finding the truth to restore his honor. Bryson’s old bones protested when he lumbered to his feet, he left his young friend with his thoughts, a beat up house phone and the woman he loved.

Ira calculated the 15-hour time difference, estimating that Mel should be in the kitchen right about now, fixing some small snack. The phone rang several times. His heart gave a jolt as the familiar sound of a connection was made however it was a soft young voice that answered with a "Hello?"

"Hello…" he answered, "I was calling for Mel, Amelia. Is she home?"

"Yes, she’s in the kitchen. I’m Annie, who are you?" And without giving him a chance to respond, "We were baking cookies and playing hide and seek. You can play too if you come over. "

"Well hello Annie. My name is Ira." He chucked at the invitation. Ira was a soft touch for children and he warmed immediately to this new long distance buddy, "that sounds like a lot of fun. Right now I wish I was there more than anything. Sweetheart, can you give the phone to Mel now? "

"Okay… AUNT MEL, THE PHONE’S FOR YOU! IT’S ERA" there was a fumble as the phone changed hands,


"Yes luv, it’s me." Ira gripped the phone tightly as though that would bring her closer. "God I’ve missed you. How are you? Who’s that little mate Annie?"

"She's my godchild, Ira. I am taking care of her for now. How are you? WHERE are you?"

"I just had to hear your voice, Mel. I wish you were here, in Sydney, with me. Things are coming together though. I needed to tell you that so you know I’m trying to get back to you. You’re my home Mel. Nothing is the same without you." the pause between them lengthened and still there was silence.

" …Mel? Are you still there luv? " His voice was deeper than she remembered it. Her hand instinctively curled around the cross she wore next to her heart.

"Yeah, I'm here." Mel looked at the little girl watching her with adoring eyes. Moving the phone away from her mouth she said, "Annie why don't you let Jake out? You can go play with him out back, I think he needs a potty break." She watched the eager eight-year-old jump up from the table to run outside with the little beagle behind her.

Turning back to the phone, her tone more somber "Ira?"

"Yes Mel, still here... Ok now what's going on? Isn't your godchild Ben Sand’s little girl?"

"Yes she is. She's living with me right now. Ben had a... he was in an accident."

"Did he hurt himself good?" Ira couldn't help but sound a bit hopeful. "Look Mel, I think it’s nice you looking after Annie and all, but don’t let that slime weasel his way into your life any further. I just don’t --"

"Ira, " Mel’s voice was sharper than he had ever heard it as she cut him off. "I don't know what you have going on, but there are 'things' here now too. And I have to figure out what I'm going to do next. " as if choosing her words carefully she continued, "And I can’t do that with…distractions…"

Mel never sounded more distant than at that moment, her next words hitting like blows, "I hope you did find what you were looking for, that it makes you happy."

"Wait a minute Mel! I found every thing that could make me happy the day I ran out of gas. The day I met you!" Ira was confused. Fearful that his quest to remove the stain from his name might have actually cost him the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. "You have to believe me."

"I don't know what I believe Ira. I just know there is a little girl here who needs me to protect her right now. And that’s something you can't help me do in Sydney."

Mel didn't want to hurt Ira but she needed to be able to concentrate on what was going on right there on her own farm. "Just take care of yourself ok? I'll still be here, if you ever come back..." Mel ended the call before her bravado failed her, without letting Ira say anything more. She stood alone in the middle of the kitchen. Her hand wrapped around his cross. Only one single tear fell but it was in unison to her whispered "good bye…"

Annie’s laughter was unstoppable as they sat eating dinner. Jake was frolicking around between the legs of the chairs sending Annie into fits of girlish giggles.

"What's so funny?" Mel paused, fork full of mac and cheese in mid air. She was trying to stay focused on the moment while her heart slowly continued to fracture from the phone call earlier.

"Jake!" Annie stammered between giggles, "he's tickling me!" She dropped her fork; quick as lightening her little face disappeared as she dove sideways under the table. Mel put down her fork. She was curious to see the circus beneath the scarred old oak table her staid grandfather had built. She stretched sideways to see a tail vigorously wagging. Jake's pink tongue lapping at at Annie’s bare toes. Mel could swear Jake had a smile on his puppy face.

"Let's finish our dinner honey," Mel said, sitting upright again.

"Ok," came the muffled agreement followed with the reappearance of the big eyed little girl. Moving faster than the speed of light, Annie popped back up, reaching for her fork and her glass of milk and talking all at the same time, "Aunt Mel, after dinner can we…" her attention divided, her little hand pushed the tumbler still half full of milk over instead of grasping it properly.
It all happened so quickly, Mel reacted by pushing herself backwards to stand up and out of the way of the liquid before it could spill off the table onto her lap. She reached across towards the pile of paper napkins at the end of the table next to Annie. It was the look in the little girl's eyes that stopped Mel's heart cold.

"Annie? Honey, what's wrong?" the little girls eyes were huge staring back at Mel. Her little face was frozen, her whole body was skewing sideways away from Mel's outstretched arm.

"ANNIE?" Mel immediately with drew her hand and came around the end of the table, dropping to her knees next to her. Annie's immediate reaction was to recoil away from Mel. Lowering her voice to a soft tone Mel spoke again, "Sweetheart, what's wrong… did it scare you when the glass fell over? It's ok. Accidents happen…"

"…It is?" Annie whispered so softly that Mel could hardly hear her, "you're not mad at me…?"

"Honey, no! It's just a glass of milk, you can have more."

"You… you aren't…" Her weak voice fearful. Her little body ridged, trembling in Mel's arms.

"What sweetheart?" Mel coaxed softly. "What were you going to ask…"

"You weren't gonna to hit me?" her lip trembled as a tear fell on the downy cheek. Inside Mel felt a ball of fire explode, "Ben. You son of a bitch… what have you done to this child?" She held her emotions tightly in check and just gathered the little girl into her arms.

"Shhh. Baby don't cry. A glass of milk isn't important, BUT YOU ARE. I wouldn't hit you for ANY reason… That isn't how I treat the people I love." The little girl curled up in Mel's arms.

"Why does daddy hit me then?" Annie cried, confirming her suspicions. The depths of contempt that Mel felt at that moment for Ben left her utterly speechless. She did the only thing she could and held the little girl close to comfort her.

"Can I stay here with you?" Annie finally asked, "…I mean forever?"

At that moment, Mel knew her decision to focus all her thoughts and energies toward the little girl had been the right one - even at the cost of losing Ira.

"Of course you’ll stay here, at least for now baby." Mel said to the tearful child. She cradled Annie in her arms, praying, as she never had before, that somehow she would find the strength and the tools to be able to keep Annie away from harm and to never be fearful again.

Ira looked out the window as the world rushed by. He had hung up the phone stunned. He had come all this way; gone hunting for his own good name and even had the evidence in his hands. But he felt an air of apprehension as Mel ended the call before giving him a chance to work out what was happening. He couldn’t know what was going on but he had understood her clearly enough to know that he needed to be with her and support her in whatever battle she was fighting. Clearing his name was important but not losing the woman he loved was vital to his very being.

It had taken him only a few minutes to pack his things and with another phone call he’d bought his ticket for that very night. He left the books with Bryson. Swearing to the man he would return. Perhaps with Mel if she would have him back. He would settle things once and for all.

As an un-naturally subdued Annie cleared the table Mel was mentally trying to explore her options.

Marry Ben so she could be with Annie and protect her? "Not EVEN a remote option!" Her murderous feelings towards Ben shocked her, but a man who would strike his own daughter was beyond despicable as far as she was concerned. She stole a furtive glance at Annie who was filling the sink quietly.

"How did I miss what was happening? How could I miss how broken she is?" she tortured herself. At that moment her thoughts clarified, "you may take me for a dim country girl you bastard," she thundered, "you want to play hardball Ben - let's play."

The evening was remarkably short as Annie uncharacteristically went straight up stairs and fell into an emotionally exhausted sleep. Mel went to the phone, her emotions coolly under control, leveled to a pre-battle calm.

She could only think of one person to call so late, "Shane? This is Amelia, how are you? "

"Amelia…" the distantly familiar voice obviously trying to remember her then came a rushed, "Mel? From school! Well this is a surprise it’s been years since you were my home coming queen. What’s going on?"

I’m sorry to disturb you and your family at this hour but I didn’t know who else to call. You see…"

Mel and Shane spoke for over an hour. He was a friend from high school but more importantly Mel had turned to him because he had traded in his Homecoming crown for a law degree from Harvard. His was a sterling reputation and strong history with family law. While never at the expense of his ethics he was known to be ruthless in the courtroom when right was on his side.

After bringing Shane up to speed on the situation, and making her direction clear, Mel felt much relieved. He had taken copious notes and made many helpful suggestions on how they might best protect Annie both in the early stages of the case as well as with an eye to permanent future protection.

Child Protective Services would be contacted and temporary custody proceedings could begin as early as the next morning. She was Annie's Godmother but more importantly, when Mary knew she was facing a terminal illness, Shane had revised her will ordering that Amelia be named guardian over the interests of Annie should Ben be unable to raise the child for any reason.

Shane promised a process server would be at the hospital by 9 am to serve Ben with custody papers. By 10 am Ben would be released from the hospital at which time he would find the local sheriff and criminal charges for DUI and Child Endangerment awaiting him. At the same time CPS would begin their investigation to help secure Amelia’s right to file for full legal custody.

Legally Shane had been completely reassuring of her rights and that the law was heavily on their side. Privately though he voiced his concerns for her welfare, living alone with Annie on the farm should Ben be given the option for bail in spite of the charges against him? "He’s dangerous Mel. Don’t ever underestimate that. "

"What’s he going to do to me here Shane? This is a small community, everyone would know it was him the second anything happened. He only has the farm to live off of, he isn’t stupid."

"Mel, you know I’ve been in this practice a long time. Just think about what I’ve said; maybe there’s someplace you might want to take Annie to be safe? I’ve seen a lot of people do a lot of crazy things when stuff like this becomes public."

"I hear what you are saying Shane. I’ll make sure Annie is no where to be found tomorrow, but nothing is gonna keep me from being in that courtroom tomorrow."

Annie was still fast asleep when Mel slipped into the bed next to her. She watched over her all the rest of the night. Even the possibility of losing Ira wouldn’t be enough to affect her decision to protect Annie. But she couldn’t help feeling like she was in mourning all over again.




As Ira’s plane descended he thought of his last conversation with Bryson. The old man, his mentor in many ways, had wished him well. Privately Bryson had wished Ira could stay and help him. But he knew the young lion’s destiny lay somewhere over the horizon, at least for the time being.

Bryson made Ira follow him into the ramshackle office. He not only showed Ira where the floor safe was hidden but insisted Ira know the combination to it.

"I’m getting old boy. If I pop off tomorrow, someone should know the combo." Bryson took the carefully re-wrapped parcel from Ira and stowed it away. "There. Now you know it will be waiting for you when you get back." He reached in and brought out another smaller bundle of documents. "And these are for you," he said as he handed them to Ira.

"What is all this?" Ira questioned, noting they were dated only last week from a substantial law firm in the city center.

"It's all there, bloke. It's my will... It's all yours. This place, my house for what it’s worth, and the nest egg I tucked away over the years. I’ve always kept track of you boy. After you left school I hoped you’d make something of yourself. Now you didn’t get no fancy education at the Uni, you turned out to be a damn sight better than that lad. You always worked for your living and more important you got a streak of honesty in you nobody could beat outta ya. There ain’t no man alive or dead I respect more than you mate. I didn’t figure I was much of a father to my own bastard son, where ever he is. But if I coulda picked my own flesh and blood then I would have asked god for you."

The words hung between them. The old man looking away to hide what he couldn’t keep from showing in his eyes.


Ira cleared his throat and started again, "there isn’t any man on this earth who I’d be prouder to claim as my father Bryson." The embrace they shared was one that would last a lifetime. It was a father and son exchanging their love.

"I hope you'll come back soon." Bryson tried to clear the huskiness from his voice, "but if not, I wanted you to know. To me you are my closest kin. And those papers prove you own everything there is that’s mine."

"But… Bryson I’m going back to the states tonight. I’m not sure when I will be back mate. Maybe soon… maybe never." Ira exclaimed.

"Just so you know, I've already set up an account through Dave Wilkerson at EFIC in your name; $50,000 in US dollars you can access if you need it through any international bank," Bryson said. "You’ll be back. And you’ll bring your Sheila with you, I just hope I’m around long enough to meet her. If you feel she's worth it, then so do I…son."

It had been a long flight. Ira thought maybe he shouldn't have left Bryson so hastily, and yet he had to see Mel again ... he had to take care of her and Annie too if he needed to. He didn’t know for certain, but he suspected that whatever was going on involved the little girl. Mel needed to know that as far as he was concerned whatever would make Mel happy would make Ira happy.

It had been a total of three days since the accident. Aside from his broken leg and many bruises Ben was fit to be released that morning. The process server was an off duty Sheriff. No one wanted to take any chances on messing up procedure on this one as a little girls future was at stake. Ben accepted the papers silently.

The door hadn't even closed when Ben sent the tray table crashing against the far wall of his room.

"You bitch! I kill you!" Ben roared, out of control. He looked for more things to destroy. A Styrofoam water pitcher flew toward the plate glass window, its contents spilled out across the floor. The phone only crossed halfway toward the closed door before its still attached cord pulled it short and it fell loudly on the linoleum tile. "Mr. Sands!" thundered the head nurse then she turned to the other startled woman who had followed her in, "call security stat. Get Dr Beverly from psych on the line too."

Turning back to him she noted the ferial look in his eyes, like the look of a trapped animal. "Mr. Sands," her tone was remarkable softer, "please calm down. We don't want to have to put you in restraints."

"Get the fuck out of here." Ben was beyond reason any more. "Get my release papers and give me my clothes."

The nurses were all aware this man was in a serious legal situation; it was already in the papers about the DUI and child endangerment charges that were pending. She only nodded her head as if in agreement and left quickly to call the authorities.

As soon as the door closed behind her he levered himself off the bed to make his way to the small closet in the corner. He found his clothes, or what was left of them. The leg he had broken, they had cut the pant leg off his jeans. The shirt was ripped and blood stained but it would get him out of the hospital and home to find clean clothes. It was at that moment a knock came to his door.

"Mr. Sands?" He ignored the muffled voice and went back to dressing himself as best he could. "Mr. Sands? This is Theodore Casa, Ted. I'm a lawyer Mr. Sands; I understand you were in an auto accident? I might…" the suddenly open door startled the little man so much he stammered to a stop. "Mr. Sands, hello I'm--"

"Teddy, yeah I know. You're a lawyer? Well I need one so take a look at these." Ben slapped the papers flat to the man's chest then turned away with his gown flapping open as he continued to pull his pants on over the cast.

"I'm sorry sir. There's been a mistake, see I represent accident victims. This is a child custody matter…"

Ben turned a murderous look toward the man, "you a lawyer or not?"

"Yes sir, but there are many kinds and what you need-"

"What I need is a lawyer kid. If you aren't interested then get the hell out!" he roared.

As the fellow turned to leave two security guards blocked the doorway.

"Goody, the rent-a-cops are here! Let's can sue them too, take down their names boy, let's sue em all!" Ben sneered. It was then that the uniformed police arrived with their warrants.

"Mr. Sands? We have two warrants for your arrest. You have the right to remain silent…"

"Fuck you." Ben replied insolently, "tell it to my lawyer here."

"You have the right to an attorney…"

"What are the charges officer?" Teddy spoke up on behalf of his "client". The whole ordeal was short. They finished reading him his rights then allowed the orderly to attempt to help Sands finish his dressing. They accepted they couldn't handcuff him at the moment while he maneuvered on his crutches so the officers accompanied him through the corridors of the hospital, one on either side.

"I have to get back to my house to pick up some things before I go to court this morning. Can you arrange that?" Ben growled.

"Not really a good time for that Mr. Sands. You're welcome to return to your home, but part of those papers we just explained to you is a search warrant."

"My client needs at least a decent change of clothes before appearing in court!" Ted objected.

"Mr. Sands will be given suitable apparel as an inmate of the county jail."

"My client has the right to be present while you rifle through his personal belongings!" Ted was tenacious if nothing else. There was no response except for the officer placing a steadying hand on Ben's arm and another on his head as they deposited him into the back seat of the cruiser, "watch your head sir." Ted stood on the sidewalk watching them pull away then quickly sprinted to his car to follow them to the courthouse.

Mel paced the floor nervously. It had been a stressful 24 hours for both she and Annie. Child protective services had sent a representative along with a policewoman first thing that morning. Annie had been frightened at first but both strangers were trained to be as gentle as possible and soon won the little girl’s trust. It had help having Mel sitting with her, encouraging her to be truthful. Afterwards Mel had driven her to the next town over to stay with Ginger Munro, a long time friend of Mel's. It would be good for her as Ginger had three children of similar ages and Annie didn't have many opportunities to just play with kids her own age. She didn't think of it as anything less than a fun adventure.

Shane had gotten the approval from CPS for Annie to continue to stay with Mel while the battle waged in court. After Annie was safe Mel and Shane spent the rest of the day working on the necessary documentation for the custody battle.

Late that night, the evening before going to court Mel picked up the phone and called the operator. She wasn't able to leave things unsaid with Ira and bitterly regretted closing him out of her life

"Hi, i got a call yesterday from Australia and I want to call that number back, can you get that number for me?"

"I'll have to put you through to the international operator ma'am" the voice said.

After about five minutes the phone was ringing on the other side of the world.

"G'day" a deep voice said. Not Ira's.

"Hi, this is Amelia Slade. Is Ira Crowe there?"

"You Ira's Sheila from the states?" Bryson asked

"Yes, is he there?"

"You shook our boy up real good missy; he left for the
states this morning. Should be there by now"

"He's coming back?" Mel’s heart leaped at the thought of seeing Ira again. "So he cleared up his business? She asked.

"Not by half, he was so worried about losing you that he couldn't stay. He's a big-hearted man, my boy Ira.
Make sure you don't break that heart of his, you hear?"

"I hear" Mel paused a moment, "Are you Bryson? She asked.

"Yes, I am, How do you know me?"

"Ira told me so much about you. Thanks for taking care of him."

"He's the blood of my heart, girl. Couldn't do any different. He should be back to you soon enough Amelia."

"I hope I get to meet you some day Bryson, Mel said.

"Same here cheers."

A thousand emotions flooded Mel as she thought about seeing Ira again. He must really love her if he left so quickly. She looked at the clock it was time to go. She didn't look forward to this hearing, but knowing Ira was coming back soon eased her nerves.

"How strange, Mel thought to herself, “In all the years I've lived here I've never been inside the courthouse."

Shane ushered her into the courtroom, almost continuously whispering in her ear "Mel, for God's sake relax."

As they settled at their table, Mel finally stole a glance at Ben and was horrified at the visage of tight, white-lipped fury she saw there. For the first time, her anger melted into something close to terror and Shane's words penetrated to the bone,

"Mel, he's dangerous." Mel had to admit that Ben did, in fact, look capable of violence. She shuddered, and thought to herself, "what have I started?" Then she remembered Annie, whimpering like a small petrified animal, "over a fucking glass of milk", she recalled.

Her fury once again firmly in place, she felt stronger. She thought back to her brief conversation with Bryson, "he's coming back." With those two thoughts, she braced her shoulders and looked straight ahead.

"All rise", declared the bailiff, "the Honorable Beverly Lindley presiding".
Shane leaned into her whispering, "Lindley was a decent draw Mel, she's tough and usually fair"

Ben and his attorney stood at the bailiffs' instruction. The Judge began to read the charges then the room silenced as the heavy doors opened to admit Sheriff Todd Sandy. "Excuse me your honor," he began. Waving a hand Judge Lindley spoke, "what can we do for you Sheriff?"

"I'm sorry your honor, but I have a warrant here for the arrest of Ben Sands on the charges of possession of heroin with intent to distribute, there are also charges pending for real estate fraud".

Ben face blanched and became almost translucent as he dropped his head into his hands; Mel’s face went almost as white with shock. "Heroin? There must be a mistake."

The arraignment passed in a blur, "upstanding citizen, ties to the community, no previous record", the attorney droned on. Ben was granted bail for a ridiculously high sum, which he mysteriously produced immediately and it was over.

Driving back to the ranch she asked Shane "what happened? They let him go? Just like that?"

"Money buys freedom Mel", he replied, "do you have another place to stay? or a gun? I meant what I said about Ben being a wild card."

"I've known Ben for years, Heroin? I just can't believe it."

"He's been under suspicion for awhile Mel, I don't think you've ever really known him."

He re-asked the questions about a place to stay and being armed. "I won't be alone", she almost sighed "a friend from Australia will be arriving soon, I think we'll be okay with him around."

Shane wasn't completely relieved as he worried the presence of another man staying with Mel could very well push Ben over the edge. He looked over at her and couldn't bring himself to scare her any further.

"When will he be getting here?" he asked, privately deciding to have a word with this 'friend' as soon as possible. "I hope he is the kind of man who can handle himself", he prayed as the turned into the drive.

When Shane pulled the car around back, the first thing Mel saw was a gleaming Harley Davidson by the back steps.

“He’s here!”

Shane doubted the breathless comment was directed to him because Mel had her door open and was out before he could bring the bronze Taurus to a complete stop. He watched Mel cross the yard without touching the ground. The form of a man stood in the shadows of the open barn door. As Mel approached he opened his arms. She flew into them and he gathered her up in an embrace that was so private and profound in it's emotion that Shane simply reversed the car and left.


Tranquility engulfed his reality as he held her tight in his arms. He breathed in the honeysuckle shampoo she used and wanted to forego the formalities and sweep her away into their own world of one, body and soul.

They found themselves existing together in their own little world. It may have only been minutes or it could have been hours that they held each other. Somehow, without thought, they were entwined on the old porch swing once again. Ira semi reclined, his booted foot flat against the wooden planks, steadying them. Mel lay wrapped I his arms, She could feel his heart beating strong and hard. Her head lay against his chest as she had dreamed about doing every night since he had been away. The weight of her pressed against him sharpening his already intense need for her.

He didn't trust himself to say anything so he just continued to hold her. The emotions he was experiencing were unlike any he had ever known. Ira was finally where he knew he needed to be. He buried his face in her hair again as his eyes welled up, "You are my home," he thought.

The shadows on the lawn had started to lengthen. By mutual unspoken agreement they stood, untangling themselves. He put a sheltering arm around her shoulder and she slipped an arm around his waist. They fit like a hand in a glove, walking at a leisured pace around the side yard to his motorcycle out back.

"Let me get my bags" Ira whispered into her honeysuckle hair, kissing her just above her ear. He was half out of his mind. Wanting her more than anything in this world but afraid he was rushing her into more than she needed to handle for now. She waited for him at the door, holding it open for him. He walked up the porch steps slowly, feeling his heart pound with every step he took.

Mel was drinking him in, every inch of him. "Ira," she said softly, tears glistening in her eyes. Her tears were his undoing. He dropped the pack and pulled her to him. Cupping her face in his warm hands and kissed the tears away, covering her face with soft kisses until his lips found her mouth. Mel wrapped her arms around Ira's neck, pushing herself closer to him, wanting all of him. Breaking apart Mel took Ira by the hand and led him inside the house.

Just inside the threshold he paused, looking into her eyes as he asked, "Are you sure?" She knew there was no man for whom she would ever feel these yearnings again, "I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life." The pure honesty in her voice humbled him.

Amelia led him down the hall to her bedroom as her stomach filled with butterflies. The walk seemed to take an eternity. Ira followed at a close pace, it was all he could do to stop her in the kitchen and clear the dining table with one hand and submerge himself in his desires.

Amelia walked across the threshold of her bedroom, the room that had seemed so empty these past weeks, took on an enveloping sense of comfort. At this moment she felt this place would forever more be filled with love. His love.

Ira turned her around to face him, "I have wanted you for so long, my dreams have been filled with our bodies entangled with each other." He traced the outline of her face with his fingertips. He reached her full lips and pulled closer to her, his mouth covered hers with such intensity. Amelia was taken aback as she felt her knees were giving out.

Ira, feeling the unsteadiness of her legs, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her tighter. Holding on to her body, he soaked in her warmth and the taste of her mouth. Amelia absorbed the smell of him, sure the desire she felt would overwhelm her if she didn’t possess him very soon.

She worked through the fog of her thoughts to wrap her arms around his neck, suddenly more alive than she had ever felt in her life. She struggled to soak in every piece of him, his smell, his touch, his kisses.

Theirs wasn’t the inexperience of young love engulfing them. It was the touch and the wonderment of two souls blending into one body. The passion between them explosive and at other times spiritual. Touching as if already lovers for a lifetime who had never tired of each other. Exploring every square inch and fold to find pleasure in even the simple bend of an elbow and downy softness of a shoulder.

There was mutual understanding and explicit trust between them that required no words, only the fraught sounds of two people staying attuned to each other without spiraling beyond control. He embedded himself into her heart and drew from her all that he could ever hope to experience of love for ten lifetimes. And when that final wave lifted them, it was in unison that they held each other until they could find breath and words of reverenced love whispered in the dark.

There was no sleep, as they lay awake to share so much more than just their passion for each other. Ira spoke of Bryson and his love for the man who had been like a father to him. Jeremy, the brother he was too ashamed to tell her about. The swindle Jeremy had pulled that had almost destroyed Ira’s life. He spoke of his fractured friendship with Sandy and Kyle, the people whose inheritance Jeremy had stolen that he was fighting to return. Mel laid final rest to Billy as she shared the story of her marriage. He would always be in her heart but they had been just children playing at love. It was in Ira’s arms that Mel had found what it was to have a soul mate.

Then in the darkest hours the truth of Annie and Ben and the fight she was facing to protect the little girl. He ached when Amelia couldn’t hold back her tears; emotional talking about the trauma Annie had suffered at the hands of her own father.

"Shh my love. We’ll do this together. I won’t leave you again, I promise. " Ira’s gentle words soothing her, "As long as we face things together, there isn’t anything we can not overcome." It was to that pledge that they both finally feel asleep.

The dawn of a new sun awoke them, as they lay in each other's arms. In the early morning hours Mel slowly awoke. Her body wrapped in a warm cocoon of sheets and limbs entangled. Her smile was beautiful; Ira’s heart swelled just seeing it spread on her face.

As she turned to him he recognized the leather cord around her neck and the simple wooden cross, which laid soft against her skin. It was the only single memento of his child hood that he had. His own mother had placed it around his neck the day she had left him and Jeremy outside the orphanage. In all his life he had never removed it until the day he had left Amelia. Leaving had been the hardest thing he had ever done so he could think of no other way to express how much she had meant to him except to leave her with that single possession he valued as priceless.

"You found my gift..." his voice hoarse.

"Yes my love. I think it was the one thing that gave me the courage to get through these trying times without you. When I found it I knew you meant what you said the day you left, that you’d return."

"I took it off and left it behind for you, Mel. It was all I had to give you, that and my love... True, strong and unbreakable." His words ended as she leaned into him to capture his mouth with hers. The gifts he brought to her life were beyond measure. Tears began to well up in her eyes.... She knew more than ever that she belonged with this man forever....

They realized that they must put aside their own desires and attend to Annie’s needs. Ira was grateful that he had returned when he did. There was a danger to Ben that he had sensed the first time he had met the man. It was the same air of shiftiness which he had turned a blind eye to within Jeremy. He still had yet to meet Annie, but Ira knew that were Ben Sands to come anywhere near him at that moment, he would kill the man with his bare hands. No man had the right to hurt a woman or child.

The same early morning sunrise came through the hazy windows in a torturous glare in Ben’s eyes. He lay sprawled on his living room floor. The smell of whiskey permeated from his pores. He sat up suddenly, making the room spin and his head pound.

He looked at the mess around him. A broken bottle of tequila had spent its contents into the old frayed carpet; he had consumed the empty bottle of whisky under his side. He couldn't think at first what had happened, then his sluggish brain began to remember; he was looking for the cash he always kept stashed and his gun… but he was too drunk to remember where he hid them.

As the alcohol haze evaporated yesterday came flooding back. A white-hot rage coursed through him festering like a malignancy in his soul. "OH, she's gonna pay for this! It could have been so different between us… she should have seen how easy I would have made her life… But no, she brought all those cops to snoop where they didn’t belong. Where was she when the kid wouldn’t stop crying?" Ben chose not to remember Mel offering her help because he had wanted her in his bed not her mothering his useless child.

"Your time has come. You pushed me away and then let some stranger have you? You let me come over and do all that work after Billy had his ‘accident’ . . . All the favors I did for you and not even a friendly little thank you? I'll make her beg me to take her!" he growled.

He was pleased to find the cops had swept every corner yet had been too stupid to see the loose floorboard in the pantry. Reaching in he retrieved the sack he was looking for. The contents, $20,000 in cash and a loaded .22 brought a malevolent smile to his face. "It may be small, but it'll do damage!" He staggered out the door to the old impala parked behind the tool shed.

"Hello Amelia? Its Donna -- Shane's assistant. Listen, Shane asked me to call you and check how you are this morning? He's in court right now filing some pretrial motions. Is everything ok there?"

"Everything is fine Donna," Mel answered looking across the breakfast table at Ira, "tell Shane he worries too much."

"I don’t think that’s possible Mel. You can’t be too careful, Ben Sands isn’t to be taken lightly. Not facing those kinds of charges." Donna responded. "I’ll let Shane know everything is fine for now. He said he was going to call you when he left the courthouse with how things went today. Take care, call if you need anything."

"Thanks, I will Donna. Bye." Mel hung up the phone, placing it on the table.

"Sounds like you have some solid people looking out for you luv." Ira reached across the table to take her hand in his. He was just now beginning to realize how much danger she could have been facing alone. His hand held a slight tremor with the knowledge he could have still been half a world away while she was here alone. He was grateful for all the people who seemed to want to help Mel give Annie a fighting chance to return to innocence.

"Yes, they are all good people. They want to nail this bastard as much as I do." Mel responded, "but none of them can give me the strength or the courage you do. And none of them make me feel as safe as you can." She raised the palm of his work worn hand to her lips, just as he had done the first night they had met. "Thank you for coming home." She murmured.

It wasn’t too much later that the phone rang again, "Mel, it's Shane, I just finished up here and we have a really strong case, there are of course no guarantees, but I have a good feeling about our chances. My paralegal Susan has been having a field day with the information I've gotten. But Mel, I know you have your friend there with you, I gotta tell you I'm still worried. I'm sending someone out to the farm; I don't want to take any chances. Conchetta, a private investigator I hired, uncovered some pretty unsettling and down right ugly information about Ben Sands and his drug trafficking. This man is
more dangerous than I even thought...."

As Shane and Mel continued their discussions Loralee adjusted her rearview mirror and pulled her Yankee cap down lower over her eyes to shadow them from the noonday sun.

"It's so damn bright in the country" she muttered, "gotta get me some shades".

She picked up her cell phone and called Shane's office.

"Donna, is he in?" she asked.

"No Loralee, he'll be back in about 15 minutes."

"Ok, tell him I'm swinging by Sands house before I head out to the farm, just want to make sure he's still there."

"Sure, I'll tell him."

Loralee snapped her cell phone closed and slowed down as she got to the dirt track that was Ben's driveway. There was no car anywhere to be scene and then she noticed something more peculiar. She casually drove toward the old house to confirm the front door was ajar. She got out of her car, looked around and walked up to the door.

"Hello! Your door's open!" she called. No answer.

She pushed the door open a bit more and was shocked at the mess inside. "Jeez, this guy could pick up a little!" she whispered. She looked around until she found the empty sack on the living room floor, empty except for a couple of rounds of ammunition and a single crisp $50 bill. Chills went up her spine. "This could be very bad," she thought as she ran out the door to her car.

Jumping in quickly she revved the engine as she speed dialed Shane’s office. A cloud of dust rose up behind her pickup as she drove hell-bent out to the main road again, "Donna, it’s Lor – Sands went nuts last night in his house, he's not there and there’s a strong possibility he’s armed and may be making a run for it!"

"Oh my God!" Donna exclaimed. "Shane's not back yet."

"Ok, I’m on my way to the farm – I’ll call when I get there."

Loralee hung up and began speeding up the street. She loved this part, the chase. When she was with the NYPD, this was the best part of the job. She hoped this was a chase anyway; she shuddered to think what Sands might do Amelia if he had gone to the farm.

"Damn you Amelia," Ben slammed his hands on the steering wheel. "Look what the hell you've done to me. I only wanted to make you happy, I would have made you happy." Ben yelled in frustration at the distorted image of Ameila in his head.

Things had suddenly become clear to him, the answer to his problems all revolved around Amelia. She was the root of his troubles. Once out on the road Ben realized he had no reason to stay any longer. His $20 grand would take him anywhere and he had plenty more stashed in one form or another around in safe deposit boxes with new names and signatures to go with them all. So now he was here.
Watching and waiting for her to come out to the barn.

She would go with him. He wanted her to share his life on the road since she was the reason for his troubles now. He looked forward to the reward he would finally possess when he took her. But not immediately, not before he made her beg him to take her, to stop punishing her for all her rejections.

His patience was rewarded as he saw the back door open and Mel emerged with a laundry basket in her hands. She came down the stairs with lightness to her step and a smile across her face that Ben despised. She would be within a few feet of him when she got to this the far end of the clothesline and then she would be his.

Ira emerged from his show refreshed and in love. He remembered so well those incredible experiences from their night before. She had fulfilled him beyond measure in her tender beautiful movements. And he had been patient as he was capable of to bring her the same gifts she bestowed on him.

Looking around he saw his empty duffle bag at the foot of the washer. It was 4 weeks ago all over again as he stood in the kitchen with a towel around knotted around his waist and a big wide grin.

"Mel?" he called down the hall. With no answer he turned and saw a flap of color out on the line and made for the back porch. Ira called out to her as he pushed the screen door aside, "well honey is this how you’re gonna keep me? Naked the rest of my life!" It wasn’t until his bare feet reached the grass beneath the bottom step that he frowned, noticing the basket still half full of fresh laundry tipped onto the lawn,

"Mel where are you?"

The only response he got was a "harrumph," the unmistakable sound of a man’s grunt of pain. The sound startled Ira. He hunkered down onto the balls of his feet. The hairs on the back of his neck immediately stood straight up, ‘Bastards here…’ Ira slipped left, the old juniper scraggly and overgrown but it afforded him some cover as he listened intently, hoping to get a fix of where Ben might be and if Amelia was still all right.

Behind him, toward the front of the house there was a crunch of gravel on the driveway, but no motor. The distinctive snick of a car door opening, ‘did the bastard get past me?’ Ira wondered. But the sound of another brief struggle left Ira certain they were directly ahead around the right side of the old bunkhouse. At least he knew where they were. Now he needed to know what kind of Ben was using a weapon to hold Amelia hostage.

There was no holding back her sudden involuntary gasp as Loralee, weapon in hand, advanced the last few inches to look around the corner of the porch. There, within her reach was the most beautiful nearly naked man she had ever seen. His wide set shoulders tapered muscular back disappeared under an inadequate bath towel.

Ira reacted to the sound so close behind him by pivoting lightly on the balls of his feet sideways to look over his shoulder. He assessed the compact redhead at the same time that she took in his incongruous pose behind the overgrown juniper. Loralee was impressed, but she would ponder that later.

Her eyes flashed business as Ira immediately indicated by small hand gestures where he thought his beloved was being held. She communicated using slight movements of her wrist, waggling the pistol then a short jerk of strawberry blonde head toward the barn. Ben has a gun, Ira nodded slightly as fear crept into his eyes.

Their exchange was brief. Ben had heard Ira when he had come out looking for Amelia only moments before. "Stop playing games and come out where I can see you." Ben’s harsh voice yelled out.

Ben had moved forward, showing himself with Amelia directly before him. Ira could see her arm twisted behind her back and the gun, small but lethal, in Ben’s hand by Mel’s side. As Ira slowly eased out from behind the juniper Ben snarled, "you slut! You let him walk around like that!" He twisted her arm higher behind her back, she couldn’t help crying out as she felt something snap in her shoulder.

"Mel!" Ira lurched forward at the sound of her pain, his face red with uncontrollable anger.

"Stop right there, unless you want your balls blown off!" Ben screamed. "I don’t want to have to kill you Aussie, but I will if you give me any trouble."

Loralee took advantage of her still concealed presence to get the lay of the land. She had seen the opening to an irrigation ditch and traced its path with her eyes. It stayed fairly deep the entire length of the side yard, passing beyond the other side of the barn.

Praying that ‘naked guy’ could keep things distracted she backtracked to the ditch opening out front to take her one change to get the drop on Ben. She was in excellent shape, perfectly proportioned to lower her petit body down to crawl into along it. She began to work her way toward the clothesline. "I hate dirt!" she thought, "and worms!" It was all she could do to keep from screeching when she came face to face with one… "yechhh" She slithered over it, grimacing as she thought what worm guts were going to do to her blouse. "Forgive me Donna Karan!"

She peered over the rise of the ditch at the clothesline. She could see the back ankles of a man who had a woman standing in front of him. She cautiously peeked at Ira to get his fixed position. Consumed with is fear for Mel’s safety, Ira was oblivious to the fact the towel had given up its fight and was now laying forgotten on the grass behind him. Loralee dragged her attention back to the matter at hand, Mel was whimpering in pain.

"Shut up slut," Ben hissed.

"You send me on my way so you can carryon with this..." Ben was incensed.

Loralee didn’t know if Ira could hear them but she saw the shuffle of Ben’s feet and the weight shift in his legs as he started to move away from her toward the other side of the house where the driveway was. 'Your not going anywhere buddy' she thought with a sly smile. 'I blocked you in'

Ira caught sight of the mysterious redhead as she started to make a move toward Ben from behind. 'She's almost there' he thought. 'I've got to do something to distract him' there wasn’t a bone in his body that wasn’t afraid for Mel. He knew he was placing her in the hands of this stranger, but he had no choice.

"Hey Ben"' Ira called. "Don't you want to know where Annie is?"

"What?" Ben was confused at first. He was concentrating so much on Mel, he’d forgot about Annie.

"Annie, your daughter!" Ira yelled. "Don't you want to know where she is?"

"Where is she? Ben yelled back.

"Let Mel go mate, I’ll tell you. You can still walk away." Ira answered.

"Where is she slut? Hmm…" Mel struggled as Ben tried to twist her arm again. Mel threw back her head and simultaneously stepped back and down hard. The head butt was jarring but effective as she also connected with his instep. She felt his hand loosen its grip and pitched forward and sideways to break the hold. Loralee, ever watchful for her chance saw what was coming and Bammm! A shot rang out.

"Mel! Mel!" Ira screamed as he ran toward her. He got to the clothesline just as Mel stumbled backward away from Ben's body on the grass. He caught her and turned her around to face him. A flood of relief washed over him as he hugged her.

"Oh God babe, are you all right?" he asked as he planted kisses all over her face. He pulled her to him, hugging her as she winced in pain.

"My shoulder." she said.

"You ok Amelia?" Loralee asked.

"The bastard hurt her arm, miss...?" Ira’s voice trailed off, he didn't know her name.

"Loralee Hudson, PI." Her grip firm as Ira shook her hand. "I work for Shane."

"Good shooting Loralee, I'm Ira."

"I feel like I know you already." Loralee grinned as she took a quick look down at Ira's lack of clothes.

Ira's face turned red as he realized he was naked. He ducked behind the sheets hanging on the line near the overturned laundry basket, digging for a damp pair of his jeans. As he struggled into them Loralee checked Mels' shoulder then.... another shot!

Ira nearly took down the clothes pole as he broke the line to get to Mel.

"Damn!" Loralee cursed as she kicked the gun out of Ben's hand. "When I put you down, you stay down fool!" she straddled his body and knelt on his arms. "Or I'll mess up that pretty face of yours, you understand?"

"You ok love?" Ira asked as he gently put his arms around Mel.

"I'm ok Ira." Mel answered as she smiled into his kiss.

"Uh, excuse me handsome," Loralee interrupted. "Do you think you could bring me that clothes line so I can tie this fool up?"

Just then they heard sirens coming up the road. Two police cars drove to the back of the house, followed by Shane. The police took custody of Ben while Shane got them into his car for a drive to the hospital.

Later that night Mel was resting comfortably in bed, while Ira and Annie were sitting on the porch, playing with Jake and looking at the stars. Ira remembered another night like this when he sat with Mel in much the same way. Annie was shy with him at first, but with Jake around she seemed to be more relaxed by the moment.

Ira felt Annie's head get heavy on his arm. He looked down to see the little girl's eyes closing. He moved Jake quietly and picked up the little girl. He walked inside the house and placed her in the bed in the spare room, covered her up, and kissed her forehead. He looked down at her and smiled.

"I guess I've got a ready made family," he thought smiling. He closed her door softly and walked into Mel's room.

She came awake with his kiss. Luckily her injury wasn't serious...nothing broken, but the painkillers they gave her at the hospital knocked her out.

"Mmm, what a nice way to wake up," she whispered.

"I plan on waking you up like this every day love," he promised softly. He sat on the bed so that she could put her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her and gently pulled her closer.. she snuggled against him, still groggy and sighed contented that she had found Ira.

He smiled and closed his eyes. Feeling so warm and sleepy, happy that there was a tomorrow and all the next days after forever to spend with Mel. This was the beginning of his life. All starting when he'd run out of gas...



