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Filmed - Feb 1, 1999 – end of May, 1999

Category: Drama
Director: Ridley Scott
Cast: Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Djimon Hounsou, Richard Harris, Oliver Reed, Derek Jacobi, Ralph Moeller
Release Date: May 05, 2000
Running Time: 2 hr 34 mins
Rating: R
Studio: DreamWorks
Trailer: QuickTime  |  RealVideo  |  Don't Know
Official Site: http://www.gladiator-thefi...

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Roman General Maximus  is asked to be the successor of dying Caesar Marcus Aurelius.  Aurelius' son Commodus is furious that his father picked a soldier over his very own flesh &  blood. Commodus kills his father &  the new ceasar sentences Maximus' & his family  to death &  narrowly escapes his fate.  Maximus is sold into slavery as a gladiator. Maximus, the gladiator gets to Rome &  to fight &  to avenge his family

A big-budget summer epic with money to burn and a scale worthy of its golden Hollywood predecessors, Ridley Scott's Gladiator is a rousing, grisly, action-packed epic that takes moviemaking back to the Roman Empire via computer-generated visual effects. While not as fluid as the computer work done for, say, Titanic, it's an impressive achievement that will leave you marveling at the glory that was Rome, when you're not marveling at the glory that is Russell Crowe. Starring as the heroic general Maximus, Crowe firmly cements his star status both in terms of screen presence and acting chops, carrying the film on his decidedly non-computer-generated shoulders as he goes from brave general to wounded fugitive to stoic slave to gladiator hero. Gladiator's plot is a whirlwind of faux-Shakespearean machinations of death, betrayal, power plays, and secret identities (with lots of faux-Shakespearean dialogue ladled on to keep the proceedings appropriately "classical"), but it's all briskly shot, edited, and paced with a contemporary sensibility. Even the action scenes, somewhat muted but graphic in terms of implied violence and liberal bloodletting, are shot with a veracity that brings to mind--believe it or not--Saving Private Ryan, even if everyone is wearing a toga. As Crowe's nemesis, the evil emperor Commodus, Joaquin Phoenix chews scenery with authority, whether he's damning Maximus's popularity with the Roman mobs or lusting after his sister Lucilla (beautiful but distant Connie Nielsen); Oliver Reed, in his last role, hits the perfect notes of camp and gravitas as the slave owner who rescues Maximus from death and turns him into a coliseum star. Director Scott's visual flair is abundantly in evidence, with breathtaking shots and beautiful (albeit digital) landscapes, but it's Crowe's star power that will keep you in thrall--he's a true gladiator, worthy of his legendary status. Hail the conquering hero! --Mark Englehart

Russell Crowe caught the world's attention with his 2000 film, Gladiator. Directed by Ridley Scott, this film has made over $100 million dollars since it's premiere May 5, 2000. Openening to positive reviews, word of mouth made this film tops at the box office for two weeks, beating out John Travolta's anticipated Battlefield Earth almost 2 to 1 in ticket sales. Crowds have been typically 50% plus females, suprising since Gladiator is a violent movie. Female viewers seem to sympathize with Russell's character Maximus, who puts his family above all else. Between the stunning cinematography, a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack written by Hans Zimmer, featuring Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance fame, and the excellent acting of stars Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Djimon Hounsou, Richard Harris and Oliver Reed Gladiator has quickly become the must see movie of the summer.

Release Date:   May 5th, 2000

Synopsis:  In AD 180, the great Roman General Maximus (Russell Crowe), favored by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, has once again led the legions to victory on the battlefield. However, when Aurelius dies his heir Commodus, jealous of Maximus' favor with the emperor, orders his execution and that of his family. Barely escaping death, Maximus is forced into slavery and trained as a gladiator in the arena where his fame grows as he fights every day to stay alive.

Cast:  Russell Crowe (Maximus), Joaquin Phoenix (Commodus), Richard Harris (Marcus Aurelius), Derek Jacobi (Gracchus), Djimon Hounsou (Juba), Oliver Reed (Proximo), Connie Nielsen (Lucilla)

Director:  Ridley Scott

Filming Notes:  Filming Locations: The Hollywood Reporter lists location shoots for this film as the U.K., Malta, and Morocco. The full name of the title character is Maximus Decimus Meridius. He's also known, in the film, as "The Spaniard". .