Bloopers Made By Fans

I just feel like making it clear that I did NOT make these up!! A while back, a lot of people posted made-up bloopers. I didn't.

Nancy: so you get a piece of that... blah blah blah..sorry what was the line?
Director: CUT!
Nancy: you want honesty? Let me tell you a little about my family....*stops for a second and scratches her head* sorry I though a bug was crawling on me!!
Director: come on!! Take 4
Nancy: see I never really had a birthday unless of course you wanna count my...14th? No no...16th?? Yeah yeah thats it! *stops and laughs*
Director: CUT..Lets take a break shall we?
Tracey: I'm judgmental and jaded and that's not the line....
They all begin to laugh
Director: CUT
The guy in the bar is cleaning the glass and he drops it
Nancy: good going!
Director: CUT! Can't you get this without dropping the dang glass?
***High on the hog***
Nancy: this is going right through me I gotta use the bathroom (is that the right line? Im not sure sorry) She gets up and there is a big wet spot on her pants and they all start to laugh
Lisa: itz SURE going through you!

Nancy: (screaming about her mom)
Alex Rocco: hey Nancy can you please try not to spit on me? It went in my eye
Nancy: (goes out of character) Oh, sorry heh heh!!

Episode: Redemption
Jay: Hey, I'm making you an offer you can't refuse
Nancy: which would be?
Jay: which would be going away to Napa and *looks at the director* can we do this over again??
Director: CUT

Episode: What Sharp Teeth You Have
Jay is walking over to Nancy(Jinny) and notices his zipper of his pants are open. He turns beat red and walks away. Every1 laughs
Director: mr harrington, please zipper up those pants!!! CUT TAKE3
Episode: the first hits free, baby
(i dont have to explain, itz at the end of the episode and we all know what that is! lol)
As they are walking backwards, Nancy bumps into the camera
Nancy: *laughs* ooops sorry
Director: Take 16, guys please get this right this time!
They re-do the scene and when they are walking backwards to go on the bed, Jay falls over something making him and Nancy fall.
Jay: my fault! I put the shoe there sorry
Director: and why did u do that?
Jay: so we could fall!

"The First One Hits Free Baby"
Bonnie(Kate): Look Jinny, your personal life is all yours. But what you do after hours, affects my hours and becomes my business. *pauses* No wait, scratch that. I don't what to know what you do after-hours, I don't even want to think about what you do after hours ... or should I say WHO you do after hours!
*Bonnie and Nancy starts to laugh*
Director: CUT! Bonnie what was that?
Nancy: Hey, I gotta hand it to her, it's the truth!

Nancy(Jinny): Freeze! Step away from the counter and put your hands over your head.
*Man starts to run away and Nancy starts to follow him, but she trips and falls. She falls right into the candy display sending candy all over the floor.*
Director: CUT!
Nancy: Well at least I fell! *says proudly* And it was definitely a "drunken" fall if I do say so myself!

"Faces In The Crowd"
Jay(Teddy): Well what am I supposed to do? Hide in the closet while you go out and face danger?
Nancy(Jinny) No. You're supposed to hide under the covers with me cuz it's warmer that way. *Reaches out, takes Jay's hand and pulls him down on the bed.*
Jay(Teddy): *pulls his hand away.* WOW! That is the cheesiest line I ever heard! *starts to laugh*

Nancy(Jinny): Look, you know who I am, OK? You know who my family is. Why the hell do you even wanna love me at all?
Jay(Teddy): Because I wanna be with you. Wait... that's not right! *Nancy starts to laugh*

Nancy(Jinny): Basically people are who people are. Your born, you die pretty much the same person. All the rest is just window dressing. Hmm.. do windows have dressing?
Directer: *Laughs* CUT!

*The Fear Factor*
Nancy(Jinny): God, she's got a bug up her ass for me.
Tracey(C.D.): Why?
Nancy(Jinny): Oh, how should I know? Maybe, I am not her idea of what a lady cop should look and act like.
Tracey(C.D.): Did she tell you that?
Nancy(Jinny): No, everytime she looks at me I get this flashback of my Aunt Irene's expression of when I showed up at my sweet 16 wearing cut offs and a t-shirt saying ,"Got any lately?"
Tracey(C.D.): Let me guess. The back said, " You better believe it!"
Directer: CUT!
Nancy: *Laughs* Oh, I liked that. That was good!

Lisa(Magda): What is that?
Nancy(Jinny): It's a list of guys that I've slept with, ones I can remember anyway. Our delightful Captain's idea.
Lisa(Magda): You're gonna need a bigger book.
Nancy(Jinny): *looks at Magda* NO SH*T SHERLOCK! *Starts to laugh*
Director: CUT!
Nancy: *Still laughing* I'm sorry, I'm sorry. HaHaHaHaHa!

Nancy(Jinny): If you think for one minute that I am gonna stand here and listen to all of you talk about me, your right! *Sits down* It'll be fun to trash me!
*Lisa starts to laugh*
Directer: CUT!

Nancy(Jinny): And you actually paid for this assassination, huh? Really, how much? I mean, how does that work? Is it like chippin' in for the Christmas party, huh? Where are the hats? Where are the noise makers? God, I'd really love a damn party favor. I want one of those little horns that go "TOOT TOOT!" Hehe!
Lisa: Nancy, you sure that you're not the one drunk?
Nancy(Jinny): Were you doing it with someone else? Were you not doin it with her?
Alex(Jinny Dad): Thats none of your damn business!
Nancy(Jinny): It is my damn business, SHE WAS MY MOTHER, your wife for 30 yrs!
Alex(Jinny's Dad): Alright. But I have a question for you. You and Teddy broke up. Was it beacsuse you were doing it with someone else? Were you not doing it with him?
Nancy: Hey! That's not in the script!
Director: CUT!

Nancy(Jinny):As any of the local bartenders can tell ya, I'm a sympathetic ear.
Lisa(Magda): Among other things. You're a hell of a lot more than just a sypathetic ear in bars!

Nancy(Jinny):*takes gun apart,gives Cap. her badge and other stuff.* That it?
Bonnie(Kate): Jinny, Please go see the department counselor, you need to get some help
Nancy(Jinny): You need to get a life
Bonnie(Kate): That was uncalled for..
Nancy(Jinny): Ya, try this, go to hell!!! *laughs and says outloud* Hehe, I'm such a MEANIE!

Nancy: Oh come on... Your born you move on you die thats... The wrong line...
Director: Cut.

Nancy: You say you wanna help me! Well maybe... Just maybe, the truth will help.... help... *sneezes*
Lisa: Bless you.
Nancy: Thank you.... Well Maybe, just maybe the.... *starts laughing* I'm sorry... I'm sorry...
Director: Cut.

*Episode #12 "Faces in the Crowed"*
Bonnie: Jinny? Jinny, look I... *thinks for a long time and mumbles* I know my line I know my line I know it... *jumps and claps* Oh yeah! Ok Look I want this guy breathing and...
Nancy: *laughing really hard*
Bonnie: This is no laughing matter
Director: *sighs* Cut.

*When Jinny is in bar kissing that guy and Teddy is watching*
Nancy: *breaks off kiss with that guy and gives him A weird look*
Guy: What?
Nancy: Can you try not sticking your tounge so far down my throaght this time??? I mean no offense... But it's really... Irritating.
Director: You had 3 seconds left in that in scene... Only 3 more seconds of his tounge... couldn't you have handled it?
Nancy: No.
Director: Ok lets do that again...

*When Jinny Chases that guy who throws Garbage on her*
Nancy: *running... running... running... Goes to open a door and someting distracts her and she opens the door and smashes herself in the face with it.*........ Ow...
Lisa: *from off camera* Nice move.
Nancy:....... Ow.
Director: Ok cut..

*When Jinny is talking to the 2 cops when she is drunk*
Nancy: *dumb drunk voice* And inspector Exstead... Nice to meet you... And after i finish this very LAST silver patrone I will give you the once in a lifetime experience too... *decides to be a wise ass* Blah blah blah, so whaddaya say? let sleep together.
Director: Can you please say the line the way you are suposed to now?
Nancy: Ok. Sorry.
Director: Ok take it from your last line.
Nancy: ok... And inspector Ickstead... Exstead... Whats my name again?
Director: Nancy! Just say the line!
Nancy: No seriosly this time I forgot the line.
Director: Cut, lets take a lunch break...

*Just any random scene where they get out of a car*
Nancy: *Slamms car door of fingers and gets a blank look on her face and doesn't move*
Lisa: Nancy??? U ok.
Nancy: Fingers... Door... Slamm... Ow.......... AHHHHHHHHHHH! *pulls fingers out* AHHHHH! Oh I broke them! AHHH! damnitdamnitdamnit! OW! My hand! Help! I need pain killers!
Director: Cut.
Nancy: ... *looks at squished fingers* My fingers are turning blue.
Lisa: That cant be good...

*Scene that never really happened... Lets pretend it happens next season*
Nancy: *flipping through papers and puts pen in her mouth to hold it and sticks the wrong and in and the end breaks and all this ink gets in her mouth and turns her mouth blue* EW! *spits ink out on floor* Oh god,... EW!... *grabs tissue and wipes tounge off* Ack!
Director: Cut... Could someone please get Ms McKeon some Water?
Nancy: *talking wierd because well... She has ink in her mouth* Im gonna go brush my teeth...

*When Jinny and Mag are playin racquetball*
Lisa: *whacks ball and almost hits camera man who dives out of the way.* Omg... I am sorry.
Camera Man: *stays down and doesn't move*
Nancy: You killed him.
Director: Cut.

*Scene where Jinny is undercover at strip club*
Guy: *Pinches her ass*
Nancy: *turns around to say her line but the heel on her boot breaks and she falls* MEDIC!
Director: Cut.

*Intervention Scene*
Lela: You were never nice to me!
Nancy: Well did it ever occur to you that we might not have anything in common?
Lela: Were both.... Ummm... Both... Both...
Nancy: *starts making it up* What? Cops? Women?.... Living???
Director: Nice save. CUT!

*Scene In "Partners in Crime"*
Lisa: Jinny I am concerned about your drinking.
Jinny: *has the stomach flu and is really nausius.* I... Am going to throw up...
Lisa: *Backs up*
Director: Cut. Nancy, go see a doctor.

"Don't Ask" When John is beating up Casey and Jinny pulls him of onto her*
Guy who plays John: *elbows her in stomach and accidentally does it to hard*
Nancy: OW! Damn you! That hurt... I mean in realy life!
Guy: Oops.. Sorry...
Director: CUT.

*Partners in Crime*
Lisa: It's to much of a commitment.
Nancy: What like were dating and now I'm asking you to move in?
Lisa: No... But thats not a bad idea how about tonight at my place?
Director: LISA! Cut!!!

John: So she drinks she drinks like a fish! So what!@>
Nancy: So what!? I'll tell you what! I am a drunk, A stupid drunk! WHY!?!? WHY!?!? *falls dpwn and does that REALLY fake crying*
Director: CUT!
Nancy: Why!? Why did she shoot herself!? WHY!?!? WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY!?!?!? *sobbing*
Director: I SAID CUT!!!
Nancy: How could she just leave me like that, Leave me to drink until my freinds have an intervention for my sorry ass! WHY!?
Director: CUT!
Nancy: *clears throat and gets up* Sorry...

Nancy: *walking through Jinny's apartment with that bottle of stuff going to the table and she trips on something and falls and breaks the bottle*
Director: CUT.
Nancy: *gets up and is covered in that stuff they use instead of alcohol* Can I get a towel over here?

"Don't Ask"
John: Oh yeah and your still the town slut...
Nancy: *sneezes all over him*
John: *sarcastically* thank you, I needed that.
Nancy: Don't you even have the decency to say 'bless you'???
John: Not when you sneeze on ME! *points to the guy who plays Casey* Sneeze on the gay guy!
Director: Cut!

"High on the Hog"
Nancy: I was in the bar are you alright!? Did they hurt you!?
Lisa: You are aware that you messed that line up right?
Nancy: Did you have to point that out?
Director: CUT!

Director: "Pilot" Take 17!!!!
Guy: ..... I am the one you slept with.
Nancy: ....... *thinks and forgets line* DAMN! Oh I was so close this time... I could almost remember the line!!!!
Director: Cut and take 18.

Nancy: And why don't you share with us why you're staying with your husband for so long KNOWING that he's out doing another woman every night!!!
Tracy: he was prolly out doing you to!
Nancy: ..... How'd you know that?
Director: Cut!!!!!!

"Any random scene where Jinny is drinking*
Nancy: *takes sip and spits it out* What the hell did you put in this!?
Lisa: hehehee... AAAAAAAAAHAHAAA!
! Nancy: *whacks lisa upside the head like 56 times* You idiot! You poisoned it!
Lisa: *still laughing*
Director: CUT!!! Nancy please stop hitting Lisa...

Nancy: I'd be more at home in my apartment but here is fine. *sits on edge of chair and chair falls over* Damnit...
Director: Cut!

"Scene that never really happened*
Nancy: *Walks through Jinnys apartment listening to this guy she slept with leave messages on her answering machines while holding bowl of grapes eating them*
Guy: *not saying his line right*Jinny... Jiiiiiiiinny... *high pitched voice* I KNOW U THERE! I KNOW YOU THERE! I KNOW IT!
Nancy: *drops bowl*
Guy: I'm sorry, I'm just playing with you...
Director: What was that??? That wasn't even funny! CUT!
Guy:....... Sorry...

*Episode where she beats up that fat guy*
Nancy: *stops fighting and whines* I broke a nail!!!
Director: Funny... haha... Cut.
Nancy: No I am serious I broke a nail!
Director: So?
Everyone: Laughs...
Director: *points to Nancy's finger in his face which happens to be her middle finger* Could you please get your finger out of my face?
Nancy: *looks at hand* Ummm... Yeah... Can we do that scene over now?

Nancy: *scene where Jinny sneaks a drink in the locker room and when she takes a sip* Ummm... Ok, this is REAL vodka... WHO SPIKED MY DRINK!?
Lisa: *laughs from off camera*
Director: Cut...
Nancy: *takes 2 more sips of the vodka*
Director: Somebody take that away from her.
Guy: *takes Vodka*
Nancy: *whacks him upside the head* You shall pay for that.
Director: Get a grip.
Nancy: Sorry...
*When Mag is talking to Gab in the parking lot and he says he'll be good and all that stuff*
Nancy: Why should she believe you, you scuzz ball!? I mean for gods sake, you disappeared 8 years ago and now you come crawling back!? GO BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!!
Jose(Gabriel): Shut up.
Nancy: Ok.
Director: Cut.

Nancy: Did it ever occur to you that we might just not have anything in common?
Lela: Were both cops...
Nancy: *cuts her off* So what I hate you anyway!!!!
Lela: That was.... Rude.
Nancy: I know.
Director: Cut!!!

*Faces In the Crowed*
Nancy: *Sits on couch next to Jay and sits on this little radio which wasn't supposed to be there, and it turns on and blasts Snoop Dogg's "Jin and Juice"* (starts singing it) With my mind on my money and my money on my....
Director: CUT!
Jay: *turs off the radio*
Jay: Gee Nanc... never knew you were a big snoop dogg fan...
Nancy: I'm not... I like Ja Rule much better.

Nancy: *drinking shots in the end of the eppie... Drinks last one and* I cant take this anymore... These are so nasty... Can I have some Iced tea instead of Diet coke and... WATER.
Director: Cut.

*Faces in the Crowed*
(Scene where Jinny and Kate are talking in the bathroom and nobody realized the floor was just washed)
Nancy: Well do every... *starts to slip and grabs onto Bonnie who grabs onto wall* DON'T MOVE!!!!!!... THE FLOOR IS WET!!!
Director: CUT! *Turns to Janitor* I thought I told you to DRY the floor off or something.
Nancy: *still holding onto Bonnie* If we move very sloooooooooooooowly... We may make it without slipping...
Bonnie: *moves around a bit and slips and grabs Nancy and they slid around for a second until Nancy falls on Bonnie* OW! Ok #1, Janitor guy, WARN US WHEN THE FLOOR IS WET NEXT TIME!!!!!!!! And #2, Nancy I cant breath with you on top of me!!!!
Nancy: I think I am stuck...
Bonnie: What?
Nancy: I don't know but I can't get apart from you!
Bonnie: ........... HELPP! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!
Everyone: *laughing*

Alex: I don't have that much to say about the drinking Joanna Marie.... JINNY GIRL.
Nancy: *glares at him* Don't do that.
Alex: It was a mistake! Too many J names!
Director: CUT!

*Redemption... I think*
Nancy: Your born you move on you die thats life!
CD: Thats a great outlook on life Jo.
Nancy: I know, Blair, isn't it.
CD: *sighs the Blair sigh and turns back to paperwork*
Director: CUT! Wrong show, wrong time, wrong actresses...
Nancy: Actually...
Director: Not now Nancy.... Can we do that over again.
CD: Sorry, it was just to tempting.
Nancy: *phone on her desk rings even though it's not supposed to in this scene* *picks it up* Hello?
Jay: So I was thinking, After work we go out and grab a bite to eat and...
Nancy: *hangs up on him and turns around to see him standing behind her with his cell phone* Go away, u messed up the entire scene.
Jay: I know. *laughs and walks away*

Nancy: *eating roast beef sandwich* Ok, how much is Jinny dearest supposed to eat in this episode? I mean theres the pretzle stix and the fries and this, god she's a pig.
Director: Cut!

"Don't Ask"
Casey: Jinny, I think I know how this guy felt and what he was going throw.
Nancy: *cocks head* MMM..
Casey: Jinny, I'm gay!
Nancy: I knew it! I knew It! I am so good! So damn good!
Director: Cut!

Lela: Every damn time...every..What u looking at? What the hell you looking at? What you reading? *goes over and grabs it. It rips in half*. Good now we can share it! *Tracey starts laughing*
Director: Cut!
Nancy: You got ur 15 min. Under 1 condition. She leaves *points to Lisa*
Lisa: What u can't do that! I set this up! i have lines. I am ur best friend in the show and off the show! Thats it...u asked for it! *runs at Nancy and jumps on her. they are on the floor and Lisa is fake strangling her*
Tracey: SFPD. put ur hands in the air. You have the right *everyone stats laughing*
Director: Geez...cut and take 14!
Lisa: Where were u?
Nancy: I was in the bathroom. Are you okay?
Lisa: *finger waving* I know u were drinking girl!
Nancy: Ahh, the finger!
Lisa: *laughing*
Director: Lisa stop that!

Nancy: Go ahead u flash the choir boy, crest whiten teeth and u tell me that is doesn't matter!
Jay: *turns to the camera and smiles* Tarter control too!
Director: Cut!

Lisa: I want my best Friend back.i need u to be at the top of ur game. And Nancy latley u just have not.
Nancy: WEll, 1st of all. Shut-up and 2nd of all my name on the show is Jinny!
Director: Thank you Miss. McKeon!

Bonnie: Jinny, didn't u ever have a dog?
Nancy: I had a plant didn't live. I have a boss that is a dog and unfortonitly it is living and breathing as we speak!
Amanda: His name is Bob.
Bonnie: What does Bob do?
Amanda: He is a dishwasher, but he is going to...*interupted*
Bonnie: Noooo, don't get inpreganated by a dishwaser. Thats how u were concived and look at u!
Amanda: *glares*
Nancy: *silent*
Director: CUT!!!!!

Nancy: Where's the car?
Lisa: guess it was assigned to someone else!
Nancy:Those sons of bitchs.
Lisa: No wait. I know where it is. They director had to let his wife have her car today so we couldn't use it for this seen.
Nancy: Oh, yes now i remember!
Director:Thats my personal life caught on tape.
Director: Thats my line!
Lisa: Take 2.
Director: Thats mine to. First u get into my personal life and then u take away my lines!Whats next?
Lela: I'm behind the camera!
Director: OH gosh!

Deluca: So, wheres Angela?
CD: She didn't feel like working today! I mean if i didn't want to work i would love that! Lela is home sleeping while i am here with u!
Deluca: Whats so bad abou me?
Director: CUT!!!!

Nancy: Here u go lil guy! *gives him roastbeef* Oh, omg, the dog bite my finger! Ouch!
Lisa: Good doggy!
Nancy: Shut-up!

Nancy: You must really scare people. A big, Mean...
Man: Hey, i am not that big. i lost 15 pounds at Weight Watchers. Look i am looking fine! My Body to Bootylichous for u babe.
Nancy: Yeah, baby! *laughs*
Director: Cut.