Partners in Crime

Jinny: No, I think it’s pathetic and sad.

Jinny: What about me and you partner up? Oh, whoa, don’t jump up and down there.
Magda: No, just, let me, uh, think about it.

Jinny: Big brass band..Red carpet.
Rayus: Inspector...
Jinny: Exstead, E-X-S-T-E-A-D.
Rayus: Um hum, I know your father.
Jinny: I’ll say hello.
Rayus: Here’s the way it’s gonna happen. Wilson and his attorney are gonna drive up, exit their car, and enter the station. There will be no handcuffs, no physical constraints until they are inside.
Captain: We’ll contain the situation, but let it happen.
Rayus: And the suspect will be aloud to make a brief statement to the press.
Jinny: Hmm, great photo op. for somebody.
Rayus: Excuse me, but do you have a problem with the arrangements Inspector?
Jinny: Oh no, heck, let’s do this for all the perps, heck throw them all a big-
Captain: Let’s go on.

Jinny: Hey.
Teddy: What was that about?
Jinny: What?
Teddy: With Rayus.
Jinny: Well, he’s your boss, not mine, guys a wind bag.
Teddy: So if I were invited to dinner at his house, which wouldn’t hurt my career, and I wanted to bring you along, you wouldn’t be interested?
Jinny: Depends on what he’s serving. Hey! What is bothering you?
Teddy: It’s not important.

Jinny: Hey, watch your mouth.

Jinny: Touching.

Magda: Look, Jin, about the partnership, I’ve got some concerns.
Jinny: Such as...
Magda: We’re friends, and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that, and you’re a great cop, but, you’re high maintenance as a partner.
Jinny: What are you talkin’ about? We’ve worked cases together before.
Magda: I know, but this is different. This is a long term commitment, you know?
Jinny: What, we’ve been datin’ and now I’m askin’ you to move in?
Magda: I’m concerned about your drinking
Jinny: Well that makes one of us.
Magda: Sometimes you come to work and your not exactly hungover but you’re dragging yourself. But, it’s not good for you and it’s not good for your partner.
Jinny: Well, se my partner would see the difference between a person’s private life and their on-the-job performance.
Magda: You see, that’s what I’m talking about, I can’t say anything to you.
Jinny: What, so your answer’s no?
Magda: No, it’s just, I’m still thinking.
Jinny: Ok, you know what? If I’m such high maintenance, really, what’s there to think about?

Teddy: "Who's that guy this morning?"
Jinny: "What guy?"
Teddy: "During the breifing he uh...rubbed your shoulders, whisphered in your ear."
Jinny: "He's someone I work with."
Teddy: "Tried to call you last night, gave up around midnight."
Jinny: "Well, I was out."
Teddy: "Obviously. You having some kinda relationship with this guy? Just seemed, I don't know - intimate."
Jinny: "Intimate? No, I mean I sleep with him, but then again I do that with all the guys in the division. You know, it's the way I break 'em in."
Teddy: "Fine, none of my business."
Jinny: "Damn right."