The First
Hit’s Free Baby
Angela: Captain, come on, why us? Why do we have to have this woman follow us
around with this damn video camera up our asses?
CD: She’s only been her for an hour and she’s already getting on my nerves.
Jinny: Yeah, I’m thinking a hammer that actually stopped his guys heart now huh?
Jinny: It’d be great wouldn’t it? If the dead could talk.
Jinny: Yeah, the 4 million dollar question.
Captain: You want the good news or the bad news?
Magda: What’s the good news?
Jinny: Bad news.
Captain: Don’t worry about this, she’ll be fine, she’s a tough cookie.
Magda: Crazy bitch.
Jinny: You know what, can I..uhh..get something a little stronger?
Teddy’s Dad: Sure, a scotch and soda.
Jinny: How about a scotch straight up, double, if you would.
Teddy: What....What have you done?
Jinny: What am I doing? What am I doing..I’m having a drink. This is a party, is it
Jinny: Yes, cheers..That’s, that’s really something.
Jinny: Yeah, that’s my day.
Jinny: I told you, I shouldn’t have come here in the first place.
Jinny: When one of your party goers gave you up, I wasn’t so sure, I mean, what possible
connection could a real estate agent have to a woman’s correctional facility?
Eury: Hmm...
Jinny: Hmm, not even 6 degrees of separation. Assistant Warden Muller just happens to
be your brother-in-law.
Eury: So?
Jinny: So, he had access to young women, you had access to vacant houses and condos.
Eury, we pulled your financial records for last year, you sold 2 pieces of property a
commission around $50,000. You deposited more than 5 times that a month in you
savings account. You wanna explain that to me?
Eury: I don’t have to explain anything to you.
Jinny: Yeah, I also talked to the guys who do your floor refinishing, they coulda been
done 5 days ago, except you wouldn’t let them work past four o’clock.
Eury: I’m and immigrant, not an idiot, huh? I’m not gonna talk to you.
Jinny: No problem, let’s go, get up. Come on.
Eury: What’s my wife doing here?
Jinny: Oh yeah, I had a few questions for her, as well as your girlfriend, have they been
introduced? Yeah, sit down, I want all the names of the prison guards that were involved.
Teddy: Hey! What the hell happened last night?
Teddy: Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it. Where did you go? You didn't come home,I spent the night in your hallway!
Jinny: Yeah, well... um, ya know, I had a little too much to drink last night, so I uh...
Teddy: Little? You were drunk. This was not the first time. You embarrassed me, infront of my friends, my parents, it was my damn birthday!
Jinny: Hey, ya know what? I told you I didn't want to go to begin with. I'm not... good at those kind of things... and you know what? For the record, I was just being honest.
Teddy: Be honest with me, not my parents!
Jinny: All right, fine. You want honesty? Why don't you let me tell you a little bit about my family? See, I never really had a birthday party unless of course you wanna count my 15th, when my father showed up for cake, plastered in his underwear! Oh... yeah, by the way, my mom couldn't make it that year either because, well, sadly six months earlier she BLEW HER BRAINS OUT!!!!!
Teddy: Jinny, my God.
Jinny: As for my brother, ugh... yeah, John... see, he just doesn't like ya unless your American, white, and straight... and for me... a few weeks ago when uh... I had that nutcase after me, yeah I had to make a little list, of all the guys that I've slept with in the last two years. I couldn't remember some of their names.
Teddy: Stop.
Jinny: Ya know what? THIS IS WHO I AM, THIS IS MY FAMILY!!!! Come on, it's your turn. You go ahead, flash that all-American, prep school, choir boy smile and you tell me that it doesn't matter. Doesn't change anything. *long pause* Yeah, that's what I thought!!
Magda: (walks over to Jinny) So, you excited about Teddy's birthday party?
Jinny: Oh... please, it's not a party, it's the Nuremberg Trials. Dinner with his parents and a few of his closest friends. God, I hope I get turned away at the door.
Teddy: You all set for tomorrow night?
Jinny: I have my bullet proof vest polished if that's what you mean.
Teddy: Come on, Jinny.
Jinny: Oh, yes. Actually... I bought a dress.
Teddy: You did?
Jinny: There is no guarantee, however, that I am going to wear it.