Jamie's Nancy McKeon Fan Site
The first time I saw Nancy McKeon on my TV, I knew I wanted to be JUST like her! She had the acting skills, the beauty, and talent to portray any character in a film or series, and actually make you fall in love with them. Whether it was the famous Jo Polniazcek on "The Facts of Life", or Tracey Thurman on "A Cry for Help", or even Jinny Exstead on "The Division", she's been in the spotlight. But, hey! I'm not complaining! She's played a part in my life that no one else can replace! Even though I don't know her personally, I know she's a great person! Therefor, I've dedicated a lot of my time to making a site all about her! Maybe you'll understand how much I love her. Maybe not. But Nancy always has been, and will forever be #1 in my eyes. Thankyou Nancy for inspiring me to be an actress!! -Jamie
Please, sign my guest-book! I Love to hear from you!!~Jamie
I would just like to say that I'm NOT Nancy McKeon. I have no contact with her (though I wish I did). Please don't e-mail me asking if I'm her. I make no money off of this site, nore am I paying for it. This was made for the enjoyment purposes of all Nancy McKeon fans. Enjoy!