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This page contains reviews for Nathan appearances. They are reviews by Lisa & Annica, with some special additions, by other people, on rare occasions.
A Bar!

..::Rating Key::..

1 Nathan rating = Probably won't watch again.

2 Nathan Rating = Will watch again, but fast-forward through non-Nathan parts.

3 Nathan Rating = Will watch whole thing once in a while.

4 Nathan Rating = Watch whole thing quite often.

A Bar!

..::Lisa & Annica's Movie Reviews::..

The Lion King
(Lisa's Review) Great animated family movie. Nathan does the voice of Timon and does a wonderful job of it. The music in this movie is very catchy and the plot is interesting. A must-see, especially for kids.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

George And Martha
(Lisa's Review) Cute cartoon about a couple of hippos. I've only seen this a few times, and I had no idea that Nathan was the voice of George. It was just one of those cartoons that you run into and get hooked on. Now I can't get enough!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Love's Labour's Lost
(Lisa's Review) I skipped through most of this movie and basically only watched the Nathan parts, so I can't really say much about the movie as a whole. Nathan was amusing with his horn and when he was talking to his hand. My favourite part was when he lead "There's No Business Like Show Business" towards the end. Complete with tux, top hat and dancing!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Isn't She Great
(Lisa's Review) I've read some bad reviews about this one, but mainly because people weren't convinced of Nathan's portrayal of a straight guy married to Bett Midler's character. People can be so shallow. I thought he did a fine, convincing job. Bette wants to become famous, but she isn't cutting it in the movie business. She meets Nathan and he takes her under his wing and helps her become famous by getting her to write a novel. They get married and go through a lot of obstacles together. David Hyde Pierce and John Cleese also have parts in the movie. My favourite scene is when Nathan is walking the dog, and he looks at a woman reading a book and gets the idea for Bette to write one. The woman looks up and smiles, and he shows her his wedding ring in order to get out of the situtation.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Encore! Encore!
(Lisa's Review) Another show that recieved a lot of bad reviews, and again because people weren't convinced of Nathan playing a straight guy! Some people need to stop focusing on that and just enjoy his acting. I happen to love this show and I wish it hadn't been canceled. It had a good plot and it was amusing. Nathan plays a famous opera singer who's voice gave out on him, so he lives with his mother, sister and nephew in their winery house. He's egotistical and thinks the world revolves around him, and his wit and sarcasm is what makes the show. It's also what gets him into trouble throughout the show. And I just adore the theme song! No corny words, just good ol' classical music! It's also neat to hear Nathan refered to as "Joe," since that's his real name.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Mouse Hunt
(Lisa's Review) If you've ever had a mouse living in your house, you'd probably sympathize with this movie, although I'm sure you've never had a mouse this smart, before. Two guys, one played by Nathan, have inherited a large house from their deceased father, who also left them his string factory. They go broke and decide to fix the house up and sell it on auction, but they have to get rid of the mouse, first. My favourite parts are when they fill the room with mouse traps, when Ntahan comes out of the kitchen covered in flour, the woman with the spool on her head, when Nathan sticks his hand in the other guy's pants to try and grab the mouse and when he's at the podium trying to hit the mouse with the gavel.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Birdcage
(Lisa's Review) My favourite Nathan movie! Even without him, I'd probably still like it, although not as much. Nathan plays the 'wife' to Robin William's character. Robin's son is getting married, and the girl's parents are very conservative and old-fashioned. Her father is played by Gene Hackman, who does a terrific job. Check out his scene at the end! My favourite part is when Nathan and Robin are practicing to be straight. A must-see for all Nathan fans!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

(Lisa's Review) It's been ages since I've seen this, but I do know that I liked Nathan's part as the priest, in this movie. I don't remember the details, but I know I liked him in it.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Joe Versus The Volcano
(Lisa's Review) I fast-forwarded through all but Nathan's part because I don't care for this movie. It's not something I would bother recommending since he had a very small part, and he was wearing a lot of make-up and a complicated costume. But, if you're trying to see him in everything, you'll have to watch this, as well.
My Rating: 1 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Frasier (Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice....)
(Lisa's Review) Nathan plays a guy who finds Frasier's briefcase and steals his identity. Frasier ends up finding out where he is and goes to meet him, only to fall for Nathan's self-pity scheme about how he's just lazy and he knows he shouldn't have done what he did. Nathan has a beard in this episode, and he looks pretty darn good, too!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Inside The Actor's Studio
(Lisa's Review) It's always a treat to get to see him being himself and talking candidly. A highlight was when he took his glass of water and spit it out, causing it to spray all over the place. He talked about The Birdcage and they showed clips from A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, and from the part in Love! Valour! Compassion! which he said was the most that was ever asked of him. Lots of jokes and serious stuff, as well.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Recording The Producers
(Lisa's Review) Excellent program! Mel Brooks does a marvellous job of explaining all the scenes from The Producers and setting up the music recordings. You get to see the cast and musicians hard at work, and goofing off. There's some interview parts where Nathan talks about certain parts in the play and recordings, and also some cool bonus footage on the DVD with interviews from Nathan and the others. My favourite part is when Nathan makes Matthew Broderick do his Marlon Brando impression. Nathan can't stop laughing. There's also a great part where Nathan can't hear himself in his mic or headphones and he sorta gets into it with the sound woman. The music alone is great and seeing it being recorded is a lot of fun.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

1998 Emmy Awards
(Lisa's Review) Nathan in a snazzy tux? What could be better than that? He presented an award, complete with Encore! Encore! intro music before he came out, and many Nathanesque jokes throughout the presentation. Before the show, he was seen and interviewed, by Joan Rivers, on the red carpet. He had on sunglasses and laughed a couple times. Very stylish!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Boys Next Door
(Lisa's Review) Very cute movie. Four mentally challenged guys live together in an apartment and have a close relationship with their social worker friend, but his life is being consumed by the guys he watches out for. Nathan reminds me completely of Jerry Lewis with that annoying-after-so-long voice, but he does an incredible job in the movie. Some of the highlights are when the social worker envisions the guys as being capable of anything, and he sees them as just regular people. My favourite part was when he was watching Nathan and a girl at a dance, and he imagined them dancing in elegant clothes and being very graceful. Another good part is with the hamster/rat. And when Nathan gives the girl a gift, and she thanks him with a kiss. His reaction is so sweet! Plus, every time hesomeone is at the door, he has to say his name and welcome them to his home. Not your usual Nathan movie, but a classic nonetheless. I highly recommend it.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Laughter On The 23rd Floor
(Lisa's Review) I think this may be the best acting that I've ever seen Nathan do. Nathan plays Max Price, a television comedian who can be funny, serious, moody, paranoid, sad, sincere, maniacal and much more. Max is accompanied by his small group of comedy writers who can never seem to be serious for more than a minute at a time. He has a habit of drinking and taking tranquilizers that knock him out at the wrong time, and he battles with the Network to salvage his Tv show, while trying to maintain a family life. His brother is almost always by his side, supporting him in everything he does. Nathan does a superb job in the role and his emotional changes have you going from a hearty laugh to a feeling of amazement and sadness. Several other famous names appear in the movie, and this is defintely a must see for all Nathan fans. Hopefully non-Nathan fans will see it, too, because they'll surely be unable to watch this without realizing what a gem Nathan is. One of my favourite parts is the very beginning, during the comedy sketch. Classic!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

At First Sight
(Lisa's Review) Based on a true story, Val Kilmer plays a man who's been blind since he was a baby and he gets a chance to see again. He befriends a woman and they move to New York together where they work on getting him used things in his new life. Nathan plays a rather serious but funny guy who works with blind kids, and he gives Val some advice. He only has a few scenes, but he looks great and he does an awesome job, as usual. A very touching story, especially towards the end.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Letterman: 13 July 2002
(Lisa's Review) Teriffic interview! Nathan was sporting a dark suit with a funky green tie, a goatee and lookin' snazzy. One of the highlights was when he spoke of taking Martha and the twins out and what went on whle they were out, and then he admitted that he made them up and that "Comedy" is his lady. Another good part was when he talked about having gone for a massage and he called the guy "Larry." Whenever he said his name, he'd make quote marks with his fingers. That whole story was amusing, especially the shower part. And the story about Milton berle was good. Plus the part where he was talking about Whoopi Goldberg taking the role in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum and how she read the lines differnetly than he did, giving it her own uniqueness, and he did his impression of her. When Dave brought up Nathan leaving The Producers, Nathan laughed and hid his face under his coat, explaining how he left the show. He laughed quite a few other times, and he got to be the one to put the cape on Paul during the James Brown sequence. Nathan got knocked over and he rolled and then stormed off the stage, all in fun.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

(Annica's Review) Trixie is a quirky woman who just got a new job as an undercover security guard at a small casino in Crescents Cove, where she stumbles on her very first case. In the process she meets Dex - a charming womanizer, Ruby - a seductive teenager, Kirk - a lounge singer, Avery - a senator, and Dawn - a singer in trouble. I can't decide if I like this film or not. The actors are doing a fine job, but there seems to be something missing. Trixie is probably supposed to be charmingly odd with her weird speak, and it works - for about 7 minutes. After that it's starting to get annoying, because you have to focus too much on what she's saying and it detracts from the movie. I found that I liked it better the second time I watched it, and I think that's because I didn't have to care that much about her lines. So, basically this is an ok movie, but it could've used some more work. Nathan-wise, it's a gem though. He only has about 15 minutes of screentime (total) in it, but they're all great. Personally I find his has-been lounge singer to be the most interesting character in the whole movie. And I'm not saying that only because I'm biased. (In fact, just about every character BUT Trixie is interesting.) At the end I found myself wondering how he ended up in Crescent Cove, what really happened (you'll know what I mean when you see it), why he's drinking, and what kind of relations he had to the other characters and so on. That alone would be worth making a movie about. I also think this is a very good role for Nathan. So far he's been typecast as "the funny guy", but in this he actually gets to *act*. Naturally, being a lounge singer includes some joking and entertaining, but all in all I think he does an excellent job giving more depth to Kirk. Here's a man I'd love to see more of. AND he has a life-sized cardboard cut-out of himself in his studio that I want... "Five minutes to what? I left more people than this in *bed*."
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Primetime Glick
(Lisa's Review) Very, very funny interview! Nathan cracks up through most of it and can't stop laughing. Glick has him talk about the Nyquil commercial, The Producers, The Lion King, working with a drunk George C. Scott, Viagra and more. He's only in it for abut 5 minutes, but it's a riot and Nathan looks incredible!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Teacher's Pet
(Lisa's Review) A little blue dog wants to be a boy, so he dresses up and goes to school with his boy master. Cute cartoon, and even adults can appreciate the humour, since afterall, Nathan is the voice of the dog/boy!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Making Of Stuart Little 2
(Lisa's Review) About a 20-minute documentary with some of the creators and cast of the movie. Nathan doesn't actually appear in the interview footage, but the others talk about his character, Snowbell the cat, and they show some funny clips from the movie. Nathan has a lot of funny lines in the movie and makes a good cat voice.
My Rating: 1 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Frankie And Johnny
(Lisa's Review) Nice frustrating love story between a lonely guy and a lonely girl. They both work in the same restaraunt and he tries to presuade her to go out with him so they don't have to be alone anymore, but she's had bad luck with men in the past and isn't ready to make that step in her life. Nathan plays her gay friend who said he wouldn't fall in love again, but it happened and things are going well, so now he's gotta convince his friend that she needs to take chances in life. Nathan was sporting a nice beard and he looked cool in a black t-shirt and plaid shirt.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Austin Powers: Goldmember
(Lisa's Review) Hilarious movie! Nathan's part actually made me spit out my soda and I ended up missing most of it becase I was laughing so hard. He was only in it for a couple minutes. The scene is in a bar/club and the girl there wants to talk to Austin without anyone seeing them together, so Nathan is between them and he mouths the words that the girl speaks. He looked really hip and there was a very funny moment at the end of his scene, which is where I spit my soda out. The entire movie was great!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Life With Mikey
(Lisa's Review) Not a bad movie. Michael J. Fox and Nathan play Mikey and Ed, two brothers who run a talent agency for kids that's not doing so well. Mikey was a child star himself and he relies on that to get him through a lot of things in life, and Ed is tired of running things by himself. Mikey discovers a girl who's talented, but has family problems, and he takes care of her even though they argue most of the time. Their main child star is looking to go elsewhere, and that means trouble for the agency's financial status. Nathan's pretty serious in this movie, but he's got a funny side during certain parts.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Producers in Chicago
(Lisa's Review) A recorded video from one of the Broadway show performances. There's a head in the way at some points, but it's still very watchable and enjoyable. Nathan's ad-libs and subtle changes in the original lyrics of the songs make it even better, not to mentioin his facial expressions. Great acting by everyone! I love the way he's always making Matt have to hold in a laugh. The dancing bits were my favourite parts and "Betrayed" was awesome, especially during the intermission part. It's nice to get a chance to see the show, even if I didn't get to see it live.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Producers in New York
(Lisa's Review) Another version, more ad-libs and more fun! Safe to say I could watch every single performance and never get sick of it. Each one has it's own uniqueness.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Guys & Dolls Off The Record
(Lisa's Review) Nice look at the rehearsal of the Guys & Dolls soundtrack. The main cast members sing their songs and give interviews. Nathan and Faith Prince were really cute together and looked as though they got along great. She pointed out that Nathan was nervous and he told the director to feel how cold his hands were. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that everyone else was wearing pants, and Nathan was wearing a Hawaiian-styled short-sleeved shirt and shorts with his socked pulled up. I especially liked the close-ups and the part when he laughed when Faith said, "Sh!t! Adelaide doesn't say, 'sh!t!' Faith says, 'sh!t!'" and when the director makes him laugh.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Miami Vice
(Lisa's Review) I've been a fan of this show for years, but I gotta say I was shocked at Nathan's character. In a good way, of course. At first it starts out with this girl who she says she'll kill anyone who tries to hurt her baby. She waitresses at a club where Nathan does a pretty lame job as a stand-up comic, and then she gets fired, so he comes to her rescue and lets her stay at his place. Which is pretty snazzy, by the way. So he hands her a drink and is being really nice, and then starts making out with her, against her will. They fight and he ends up on top of her on the floor, being pretty violent, but still seemingly sweet! You just can't help but love him even though he's a bad guy. The rest of the episode is made up of this girl being in trouble and on the run. Nathan looked really adorable and young, and I loved his hair!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

(Lisa's Review) Interesting and amusing story about a gay guy who decides not to have sex anymore, and he has to struggle with that after meeting someone who has HIV. Nathan is the gay priest who assumes the guy wants to fool around, but instead of getting what he wants, Nathan has to explain how God works. The comparison to the My Fair Lady record, the confession scene and the "Everything's Coming Up Roses" song are great! Nathan did a superb job, and a very funny one at that.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

He Said, She Said
(Lisa's Review) Story about two journalists who love each other, but have a problem with committment and working together. Nathan is one of the television studio people who's in charge of making things go right, and he has some pretty funny scenes. Including the one where he doesn't know how to work the speaker phone and when he runs after the girl leaving in the truck. He's got a good amount of screen time, and he looks cool!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

(Lisa's Review) Kind of a weird movie. Actually, the girl was the weird part. Nathan played a Casino entertainer and did some great impressions and some singing. He befriended the girl, who was trying too hard to become a good private detective, and he gave her some tips and pointers along the way. He looked smahing in his fancy tux, and he looked mighty fine with that little beard thing goin' on, and the singing bits were awesome. I think I liked his last scene the best since it was so strange. Pretty good air time, and some nice close-ups!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Great Streets: The Grand Canal
(Lisa's Review) Such a great show! Nathan brings knowledge and humour to the entire thing. I learned lots of things about Venice and got to laugh at the same time. Notable parts are when he tries to row the boat, the naked statue, the pigeons and Nathan in sunglasses. Also when he buys a map so he doesn't look like a tourist, but he does anyway, and he crumples the map up and decides not to use it. It's fun to see him try to communicate with the Italian people and nobody can understand each other. At one point, a guy is talking to him and Nathan just makes faces, and reaches into his pocket and pulls out his Italian book. Another great part is when he pretends to nearly walk off the sidewalk into the water, and in the church when he walks into the hanging candle. Awesome program! This, I woulda paid attention to in school!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Evening At Pops Tribute To Danny Kaye
(Lisa's Review) Excellent program! Wonderful singing, dancing and scenerios acted out on stage. Loved the part when he took off his jacket and shoes and got into bed! The jester's hat was cute, at the start, and he did a marvellous job.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The View (November 2001)
(Lisa's Review) Very sweet with the ladies. Loved when he was drinking his water and he asked where they keep the alcohol. He talked about, and described his voice polyp. Talked about The Producers, too.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Late Night With Conan O'Brien (January 2002)
(Lisa's Review) Conan was as funny as usual and brought out the best in Nathan. They joked about Nathan and him dating, and Nathan joked a bit about him and Matthew Broderick. He also explained his voice polyp. Several giggles, and lots of fun.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Mad About You (Good Old Reliable Nathan)
(Lisa's Review) Nathan plays a professor that Paul is associated with, and Jamie reveals that Nathan taught her in college, and that he was the first guy she ever slept with. Nathan dpoesn't remember at first until she gives him a clue and then he freaks out when she tells him that Paul knows about them and about how Nathan could bring any woman to orgasm just by staring at them. His paranoia gets him in some trouble once he finds out that Paul knows everything. Very amusing with some hilarious physical comedy.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Rosie O'Donnell Show (Final Episode, 22 May 2002)
(Lisa's Review) Music filled finale of Rosie's show and Nathan is by her side for most of the show and Rosie's favourite clips. Great part is when she cshoes a clip from back when Mouse Hunt was on and Nathan was on the show. There was a mouse on his shoulder, wearing a chef's hat, and it went to the bathroom on it. He made a comment about it being an Armani suit. Nathan had Shane come out, shirtless, and serve them champagne. Nathan hardly ever sat the glass down for the rest of the show.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

2002 Tony Awards
(Lisa's Review) Nathan co-hosts the show with Rosie O'Donnell. He comes out and starts the show, even though Rosie was the one introduced, and she eventually comes out, gagged and her hands tied. Nathan is sporting a beard and a great tuxedo. He makes a few bad jokes, but I liked the comments about Dame Edna.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

2001 Tony Awards
(Lisa's Review) Nathan and Matthew Broderick bring laughs to the stage. They appear sitting in chairs and Matt is pretending to be drunk, and gives Nathan a big hug. Later, they do a number from The Producers. Nathan wins Best Leading Male for The Producers and drags Matt out on stage with him. He shares the award with Matt and with the original Max Bialystock, Zero Mostel. He gets emotional when thanking his mother, who passed away not long ago. The Producers wins Best Musical and Nathan looks amazed at the length of Mel Brooks' acceptance speech. After the music starts and Mel is finished, Nathan falls over and Matt helps him back up. Funny!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

2002 Oscars
(Lisa's Review) Nathan presents an award, does a few jokes and then has on big cartoon hands during the acceptance speech from the winner. Cute!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Titan A.E.
(Lisa's Review) This movie reminded me a lot of a Star Trek theme with the Borg as the bad guys. A futuristic thing with great voice talents, lots of action and some laughs here and there. Nathan supplied the voice of Preed and did an excellent joib, of course. The lead role is a human who has the map to the Titan, and he, along with some help from others, have to get to it before the bad guys destroy it. The Titan will restore the human race, which is slowly becoming extinct. There's an interview at the end credits where Nathan discusses working on the movie and not having to shave. He's got on a nice lilttle sweater and you get to see him in the studio doing the voice for a minute or so.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Man Who Came To Dinner
(Lisa's Review) Interesting watching a play on film. There was some stuff in between, like interviews with the people involved, and they showed a younger photo of Nathan. He did a marvellous job and was very amusing. I thought it sorta looked weird at first, but I got into it after a few minutes. His character had hurt his hip in a house and had to stay there in a wheelchair for so many days while he got better. He drove everyone in the house nuts with his bullying and ordering everyone around. He had this big set of rules that he expected them all to follow, and all he did was complain about things and make a lot of wise-cracks. Great story and tons of laughs!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Wizard Of Oz: In Concert
(Lisa's Review) Great rendition of the original and Nathan sounds just like the real Cowardly Lion. I loved the behind-the-scenes stuff they did throughout the performance and when they showed Nathan in a black shirt and jeans in the studio acting out his role. He gave a couple little interview parts during that time as well, plus they showed him rehearsing some dialogue. Everyone's outfits were pretty modern and not what you'd expect to see after watching the original movie. It took place in a theatre, on the stage with microphones and little music stands, but you still got a feel for the setting, with the help of a screen above the stage projecting various images. Nathan was amusing and got a lot of laughs. The others, including Jewel, Jackson Browne and Lucie Arnaz, were good, too.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Sex And The City: I Love A Charade
(Lisa's Review) Great show! Nathan played a flamboyant lounge singer who did some jokes and a little singing, and later on, some dancing. Everyone is certain that he's gay, but he ends up getting married to a woman. Best part was when he was making a fuss over a shirtless guy's abs and grating cheese on the guy's stomach, mime-style, while the others watched in awe of how obvious he was being.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Stage Door - The Producers
(Lisa's Review) Great footage, outside the door of the theatre in New York, after the play. Several different occassions where Nathan, Matthew and others signed playbills and things for the fans. Some great close-ups of Nathan and footage of him talking and smiling to a few people before getting into his car. Matthew let a number of people get photos taken with him, and he seemed more calm about the whole thing than Nathan did. Nathan seemed pretty shy about it all.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Producers: Thanks For The Memories
(Lisa's Review) The start and end of this video has footage from "Stage Door - The Producers" along with the song "Thanks For The Memories" playing over it, makingit a very touching and well put together video. The footage of the actual video is composed of camera crews speaking with several of the cast members, including Nathan and Matthew. It was their last show, and they signed autographs for many screaming fans. Some fans sang "We Love You Nathan/Matthew." Then you get to watch as the old signs, in front of and on top of the buildings, are replaced by the new ones. Some footage of the new cast, signing autographs, is also on the video. If you weren't there, this is the closet thing to feeling that you were. Nathan talks about it being a little sad to have it be his last show. Great stuff!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Addams Family Values
(Lisa's Review) I remember watching this movie cos I thought Raul Julia was cool. The movie, overall, is pretty good. Not as good as the first one, though. The usual weirdness going on, and some fun moments. I didn't even remember Nathan being in it. Even though it was a small part, he had a couple good lines, and he looked good in that police uniform!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Charlie Lawrence
(Lisa's Review) I saw the pilot episode at the taping of the episode entitled "If It's Not One Thing, It's Your Mother." Nathan is amusingly funny, as usual, yet he can act serious and be very convincing, either way. His mannerisms make the show even more funny. He plays an openly gay actor-turned-congressman and has to adapt to politics and prove to his staff that he can handle the job. What I saw has good potential for a well-liked show.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

BRAVO Profile
(Lisa's Review) Wonderful profile! So many great photos of Nathan when he was a baby, a young kid, a teenager, and early in his career. His brother, Dan, talks a lot about him. Really touching moments, and a lot of great clips from Nathan's various plays. Matthew Broderick is interviewed, along with Mel Brooks and several other friends. Very well done!
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

(Lisa's Review) My first actor crush was Jack Nicholson, so I woulda gotten around to watching this eventually, even if Nathan wasn't in it. But, it seemed to drag a lot and it was a relief to see Nathan pop up through-out the movie, even if he didn't talk much. He looked great in that suit and hat, minus that stupid rock. Not a terrible movie, but there's been better. Jack is a drunk bum who lives on the streets with Meryl Streep, and they try to survive. Meanwhile, he's still coping with the son he accidently dropped, and killed, 22 years ago in the town. Nathan was a victim of a flying rock from a mob protesting against the trolly he was on.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

NY Friars Club: Chevy Chase
(Lisa's Review) Funny stuff directed at, and about, Chevy. Nathan appears in a taped segment with Steve Martin and Martin Short. He doesn't say much, but they pretend to be on the set of "Three Amigos 2" and drink a toast to Chevy after they goof off a bit. Chevy looked cool and there were a lot of laughs. Good show.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Rosie O'Donnell Show: 12 September 2000
(Lisa's Review) Nathan was sporting a beard in this one. He joked about Rosie's injury because she was grossing people out with it.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Late Show With David Letterman: 2 March 2000 (Host)
(Lisa's Review) Nathan filled in for Dave in this episode and did a great job! He sang a song at the start, and also one with Christian Janowitz. Mel Brooks was a guest and he totally stole the show. Further proof that Nathan would make a great talk show host!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Late Show With David Letterman
(Lisa's Review) Nathan had a beard in this episode and was amusing, as usual. He sings "Don't Monkey With Broadway."
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Late Show With David Letterman: 10 September 2001
(Lisa's Review) Great story about how Nathan feels about celebrities coming up to him, and how he's not up on his boy bands. Marge and the twins are also mentioned.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Late Show With David Letterman
(Lisa's Review) Nathan says he's working on a new movie called ESP and they show a clip of him. He plays three characters, in the scene, and it's basically a scene from The Sixth Sense. Very funny! He looks incredible in his black suit with the long jacket.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

New York, New York Commercial Video
(Lisa's Review) Wonderful and touching commercial that was filmed in New York, featuring a bunch of celebrities and citizens singing "New York, New York." Nathan is in Max Bialystock-mode and pretends to hit himself, during one part, and takes a fall. Very cute.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Hollywood Squares
(Lisa's Review) Shows how witty and smart Nathan can be. He looks adorable in that box! He tends to laugh at Rosie O'Donnell's jokes, quite a bit.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Lemon Sisters
(Lisa's Review) Nathan is in itm towards the end, for about five minutes. He looks great in his suit, and is adorable when he sings parts of "Rawhide." The movie didn't go exactly like it seemed it would, but it was a nice friendship movie about three girls who have ups and downs in their lives and how they stick by each other through it all.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Saturday Night Live: 6 December 1997
(Lisa's Review) Great episode! I don't care for this cast, but Nathan made it interesting. He did the monologue in a non-caring manner while wearing a robe. He played a father who got into it with the criminal Santa at the store. He appeared as a coach in a dream and looked nice in a red outfit with a hat to match. He played a Nun who couldn't stop talking about sexual things. He played a theatre actress who's dresser dressed her up as a Christmas tree and Nathan ad-libbed the glove line. He played Officer Lou Costello and got hit a little too hard in the sketch and obviously did a little ad-libbing. He introduced Metallica and looked mighty fine when he did. And he thanked all the people, at the end, while looking adorable. Very amusing!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

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Nicholas Nickleby
(Rhonda's Review) Okay. I just saw Nicholas Nickleby and it was pretty darn good. Nathan is the narrator at the beginning and the end of the movie, and he appears towards the middle and at the end of the movie. No, he does not do a nude scene.(DAMN!), not even a bare bum (DOUBLE DAMN!), but his "wife" is played by Dame Edna Etheridge! I can't believe they didn't get Nathan to play that part. Albert would have loved to play that part! The non-Nathan parts of the movie are pretty good as well. If you don't know the story. Nicholas Nickleby, his sister, and his mother go with their evil Uncle Ralph after their father dies. NN is sent to work for a cruel headmaster at a boys school called "Do The Boys" hall :p. He runs away from the school with the school servent and runs into our hero Nathan (Vincent Crummels) and his acting troupe. He goes back to London to help his sister, and get revenge on his manipulative uncle. I don't want to reveal too much in case you get to see the movie, but Nathan looks really yummy. Especially when he dosen't have a hat on. His hair looks really great. He also wore really great costumes. If only he had taken them off! (DAMN! DAMN! DAMN!) Oh well, maybe they will do a movie about Vincent Crummels and his troupe and his "wife". This movie was well worth the $10 admission, even without the Nathan parts. Hopefully it will be playing in your areas soon.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

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Late Night With Conan O'Brien: 4 January 2003
(Lisa's Review) One word. GORGEOUS! That navy blue turtle-neck sweater and black pants was a nice change from the usual classy suit. Sporting a goatee and some stubble and his hair styled nicely, Nathan was looking yummy! Not that he isn't always, but this was one of the best appearances I've seen, yet! He helped do the "In The Year 2000" future skit, with the flashlight, and then he talked about how he couldn't make it to the show as previously scheduled. He talked about "Charlie Lawrence," going to Paris, shooting "Nicholas Nickley" in London and he told a funny "....Forum" story. He did a cockney accent, laughed quite a few times and talked about meeting Don Rickles in Vegas and the "fag vampire" story. Conan played the phone call Nathan made to the show when he couldn't be there due to a cold, and then Conan showed the NyQuil commercial and joked about Nathan faking being sick. Very cute!
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

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..::Lisa & Annica's Music Reviews::..

The Producers
(Lisa's Review) This CD is great! Several of the songs will stick in your head for days after you've heard it. The whole cast is excellent, and Nathan and Matthew Broderick really sound great together. My favourite songs are, "King Of Broadway" and "Betrayed."
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum
(Lisa's Review) "Comedy Tonight" is my favourite one. I woulda loved to have seen this play cos it seems like it was a lot of fun. The music is really upbeat and amusing. Lotsa funny moments.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Wizard Of Oz: In Concert
(Lisa's Review) Sounding just like the original, Nathan plays the part of the Cowardly Lion quite well. Again, I haven't listened to all the tracks on the CD, but his were perfect! He has lead in two songs and has a part in a total of eight on the CD.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

Guys And Dolls: The New Broadway Cast Recording
(Lisa's Review) I'm used to the Brando and Sinatra version, but this one is pretty good. Nathan is in a few and he always sounds great. I'm pretty sure you'll have "Nathan Detroit" part stuck in your head for days after listening to this.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

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The Frogs/Evening Primose
(Lisa's Review) Cute CD! The frogs can get annoying after so many brek-kek-kek-kek's, but Nathan does great and has several funny parts.
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

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Do Re Mi
(Lisa's Review) Some great songs on this CD!
My Rating: 2 Nathan Rating

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The Odd Couple
(Lisa's Review) Nathan does a very convincing job as Oscar Madison. It's just like watching the movie with your eyes closed. Very funny and an interesting way to enjoy the story.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

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..::Lisa & Annica's Other Reviews::..

Robin Williams Loves Broadway
(Lisa's Review) Extremely funny interview with Nathan and Robin that had me laughing all the way through it. They tell amusing stories and joke around with each other like they've been best friends for ages. Excellent interview and it makes you feel like you're sitting in on about an hour of goofing with Nathan and Robin.
My Rating: 4 Nathan Rating

A Bar!

The Producers: How We Did It
(Lisa's Review) Great book with plenty of information about the play, plus a bunch of wonderful colour photos! The original script is in the book, so you can read along and laugh as you think back to the play and all the funny parts that are in it.
My Rating: 3 Nathan Rating

A Bar!


Last Updated: 04 January 2003.
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All Rights Reserved.