Here are all of the available paint brushes that you can use to paint your neopets & petpets. To view the color options of each neopet, select one of the neopet names in the left menu.

Happy Baby

Sad Baby

Sick/Beaten Baby

Happy Blue

Sad Blue

Sick/Beaten Blue

Happy Brown

Sad Brown

Sick/Beaten Brown

Happy Christmas

Sad Christmas

Sick/Beaten Christmas

Happy Darigan

Sad Darigan

Sick/Beaten Darigan

Happy Disco

Sad Disco

Sick/Beaten Disco

Happy Faerie

Sad Faerie

Sick/Beaten Faerie

Happy Fire

Sad Fire

Sick/Beaten Fire

Happy Gold

Sad Gold

Sick/Beaten Gold

Happy Green

Sad Green

Sick/Beaten Green

Happy Halloween

Sad Halloween

Sick/Beaten Halloween

Happy Invisible

Sad Invisible

Sick/Beaten Invisible

Happy Island

Sad Island

Sick/Beaten Island

Happy Plushie

Sad Plushie

Sick/Beaten Plushie

Happy Purple

Sad Purple

Sick/Beaten Purple

Happy Rainbow

Sad Rainbow

Sick/Beaten Rainbow

Happy Red

Sad Red

Sick/Beaten Red

Happy Silver

Sad Silver

Sick/Beaten Silver

Happy Skunk

Sad Skunk

Sick/Beaten Skunk

Happy Spotted

Sad Spotted

Sick/Beaten Spotted

Happy Starry

Sad Starry

Sick/Beaten Starry

Happy Striped

Sad Striped

Sick/Beaten Striped

Happy White

Sad White

Sick/Beaten White

Happy Yellow

Sad Yellow

Sick/Beaten Yellow

colors main page

acara aisha blumaroo bruce buzz chia chomby cybunny draik elephante eyrie flotsam gelert grarrl grundo ixi jetsam jubjub kacheek kau kiko koi korbat kougra krawk kyrii lenny lupe meerca moehog mynci nimmo peophin poogle pteri quiggle scorchio shoyru skeith techo tonu tuskaninny uni usul wocky zafara

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