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Rules for Not Quite Celebrity

  1. This is an RPG (Role-Playing GAME) none of this is real, its just a game, so act like it is.

  2. Stay True to your character- the real life celebrity you are playing, play them how they are portrayed and don't make them do things you think they wouldn't normally do. Yes this is a game but sometimes it makes you the writer just look plain stupid.

  3. Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take IC (In Character) OOC (Out Of Character) or vice versa. If someone tells you something OOC your character can not know it unless told IC, you are not your character, you portray them, if you do break this rule you will automatically be on probation ( Which is 2 strikes)

  4. Here @ NQC we have a set of "Strikes" it hasn't worked in the past, only cause we were nice and caring but now that our new mod Stubby is in town, its no more Mr.. nice guy. You gain strikes by not following the rules, breaking one, not listening to the warnings the mod gave you, or playing your character way out of context. It's just like baseball, three strikes and your out.

  5. So you want to join NQC, make up a journal name that relates to your character in someway (make sure the character isn't taken, and if you need a code comment in Stubby's journal or e-mail us at ) Then snaz it up, write your first journal entry, then create an aim screen name (also must relate to your character). Then make icons of your character. If you need icons, upon joining post in here or join rpg_center and request the icons you want made.) Once you are done setting up, go to the Maintainer's (a.k.a. Stubby) journal and comment with your character name, journal name, and aim screen name. If Stubby doesn't add you right away feel free to post a "welcome" post in NQC Broadcast, here you can show the other members you have arrived, you may converse with them and start the game even though you are no official yet. * Make sure to add the disclaimer to your journal in some fashion*

  6. If you receive  a code from a Mod or the Maintainer you MUST give a code back to them whether it be a week later from your generated code, or if you happen to find one.

  7. You may only play two characters. Yes we have a character limit and yes you must follow it. There is one exception, you may talk to the Maintainer or Lance and ask them to take on a 3rd character that must be an opposite sex from your other two. Ex. If you play two females your 3rd character must be a male, or vice versa also if you play a male and a female, you have a choice of your 3rd character whether it be a male or a female. DO NOT try to fool us and be more than 3 characters or make your 3rd character without asking Lance or  Maintainer first. if we find out you have done this, this will result in IMMEDIATE removal from the community of all of your characters. We feel the need to establish that rule so we can maintain a large variety of role-players and create diversity. You will thank us in the end.

  8. You must use SPELL CHECK. It's ok if you have a few misspellings but if we cannot read and comprehend any of your entries or receive a headache from it than that is not right. Unless your character is Illiterate and has a grammar problem, there is no need for you to develop them that way. If you cant make sense or spell a single word go try Hooked On Phonics or go to Celebs Life. But please at least try Hooked On Phonics.....Fuck... it worked for us.

  9. Don't steal plots if someone has a plot going don't have your character do the exact same thing, wait a while after that plot has faded before using it.

  10. Pregnancies- No male pregnancies- If you decide to get your women character pregnant, make sure you discuss it with the other person you are doing this with- communication is key in this game. If you get pregnant it has to last for 3 exact months before it comes, and your character MUST acknowledge the child/children at all times. (If your character neglects them or do things that are inappropriate around them our child protective services will take them) Pregnancies are part of a plot so watch out Don't break rule # 9. if your married go ahead and have all the kids you want, if not, Id re-think it.

  11. If you need your character to file for a divorce, child support, or anything legal please take it up with our built in lawyer/child protective services guy Mr. Law.

  12. Marriage- Characters should be dating for 2 exact months before getting married. We hate the marriages that end in annulments, it gets old.

  13. If you don't like the rules or don't like the community go ahead and leave now, if your gonna whine we don't want you here, just don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  14. Please use all communities and post in them correctly.

  15. If you need to make an OOC Post PLEASE put it in the OOC Journal. You can put it in your character journal as long as its hidden away in CUT-TEXT and only is about 2-4 sentences long, otherwise use the OOC community.

  16. The NUMBER ONE golden rule: HAVE FUN!!!!

Things you should know:

*Slash is allowed*

*NQC is located on Livejournal*

*IC= In Character*

*The Chat room for NQC will ALWAYS be called NQC CHAT 1*

*Use and Join all of the Communities*

*OOC= Out Of Character*

*<555 = <333 (heart)*

*Stubby= NQC Maintainer*

*If you recruit 6 members to NQC you get a FREE Paid Account*

