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« Chapter 10 »

~*~ May 19th 1999 'Bye Bye Bye shooting' ~*~

"Al'ight listen we can't hold hands, no kissing and no cuddling. So actually we can't do anything. I'm sorry but you understand right?" she nodded in agreement. Yeah, she knew this was necessary in order to make sure they wouldn't see her as his girlfriend.

"It's actually more for you than for me, for you're safety and privacy"

"Yes" she sighed.


"But that doesn't mean I like it"

"I know I don't either" Justin agreed.

"We'll just act cool, right buddy?"

"Yes mate"

"This is just weird" she said.

"I know but you won't get hassled"

"Ooh yeah that reminds me, did I tell you about the guy in the bushes?" he laughed and said,

"What? No I don't think you have, I'm sure I would remember that"

"It ain't funny, it scared the crap out of me. I thought there was a dead guy lying in the bushes" she said giving him a playful punch.

"Ready?" he asked when he was done laughing.

"No" she replied shortly.

"Why not?"

"Because you're still holding my hand" she chuckled.

"Ooh yeah" he smiled while he let go of her hand.

"Now I'm ready" she smiled.

"Alright let's go, we're gonna make a video today" he said, sing songing the last part of his sentence.

~*~ May 25th 1999 ~*~

"Shouldn't you be studying for your exams?" JC asked when he entered her room and saw her reading a magazine.

"Um, I'm taking a short break" she said innocently.

"I bet you haven't even started"

"Ooh yeah? You're sure you want to bet?"

"Positive" he said challenging her.

"Look at my desk!" she said pointing in the direction of her desk. Her open history book was laying on it and there were some notes beside it. He walked towards it and looked at it.

"Sure, it's open but does it prove you've been studying?"

"No" he answered his own question for the effect. Lianne sighed frustrated and said,

"Fine, you win. I wasn't studying but you know what?" she asked him, when he shook his head no she continued.

"I don't NEED to study. I was born smart and there for I don't need to study because it's already in my head" she said while she pointed her index finger against her temple to visualize what she just said.

"Really?" he asked her in disbelief while smiling at her in a way that made Lianne forget everything she'd ever studied. He slowly made his way over to her and put his arms around her waist to draw her closer. All kinds of thoughts flew threw her head, the words Jamie and cheating came to her mind but when his lips made contact with hers all of her thoughts were washed away.

"I could give you a hand, if you want. But then again, you already know everything so you don't need to study" he said teasing her when they broke away.

"I might need some help, some extra help couldn't hurt" she said daring. He pulled her closer and she was ready for the kiss he was about to give her, but she was astonished when he pulled away without the kiss, she'd been expecting.

"Hey Chasez!" she said angrily.

"Study first, than there's time for something fun" he said while winking at her. Again his smile made her feel all warm inside and she gave in easily.

"Alright, but you better not disappoint me" she warned him. He gave her a quick kiss before he handed her, her history book. She studied and he read some magazines. When she memorized the material he asked her questions about it and it was going very good.

"Can we do the fun part now?" she said anxiously after they'd been studying for a while.

"Um no" he said simply.

"JC?! You promised"

"Just kidding geez you're too easy"

"Well I'm just a little edgy because of the exams you should think about that first. Don't tease me" she pouted.

"Alright" he said sympathetic while he took her into his arms.

"How did your exams go the last few days?" JC asked interested. The exams were in full swing. They were already half way through and Lianne had a feeling they were going ok. She only had French, Geography and Biology left.

"They went ok I guess, I think it's going to be ok" she said confidently.

"Good" he smiled.

"Lianne! Jamie!" her dad yelled from downstairs.

"What where?!" she yelled back but got her answer when she heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

"What do we do now?"

"The bathroom!" Lianne said panicking. JC opened the door and saw Jamie halfway on the stairs.

"Nope, too late" he said simply while he closed the door.

"The window!" she said while she pushed him towards the window.

"Are you crazy? I'm not going to jump out the window!"

"It's only 6 feet down!" she said more panicking by the minute. He gave her a look.

"Alright closet then! Quickly" she said she heard Jamie's footsteps in front of her door. JC disappeared into the closet just when Jamie opened the door.

"Hey baby" Jamie said when he walked inside the room and closed the door behind him. She was standing with her back to him and had just closed the closet door. She turned quickly.

"Hi" she said uncomfortable knowing JC was listening.

"How is it going?" he asked interested when he saw her books and notes scattered over the floor.

"It's going alright" she said.

"Need some help?" she glanced over her shoulder at the closet.


"Huh?" she jerked her head away from the closet.

"No that's ok" Jamie sat down in the chair JC had been sitting in just moments before and she got nervous.

'Ooh no his glass!' she thought when she saw two glasses on her night stand. Jamie noticed it too.

"Already had some help?" he asked while he held up the glass.

"Um… yeah… I…" Lianne stuttered. 'Stay clam Lianne' JC said to himself in the closet.

"Chantal was just here. You didn't see her when you came in?" Lianne said. Jamie looked at her with a quizzical look. He wasn't quite sure if he should believe her. She was hiding something but what? Ah maybe it's just the nervous he shrugged.

"So what do you have tomorrow?"

"French" she responded immediately without thinking.

"Ooh cool! I love French. I could help you if you want… What is it about?" she sighed inwardly. 'Ooh no! You should have said Geography!! He hates geography. French was his favorite subject. No she wasn't going to get rid of him soon…'

~*~ Two hours later… ~*~

"Alright well I still need to do some geography"

"God I hate that subject!" he said and she smiled but not because of his remark but because of the fact he would be out of here in a minute. She was finally able to shut him up about France… It wasn't easy that's for sure but he would be going soon.

"I think I'd better get going then. Don't want to keep you from you geography"

"Thanks for your help"

"You're welcome, just give me a call whenever you want ok?"

"Ok" she said sweetly before he leaned in for a kiss. She gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'll walk you to the door" she offered after she pulled away.

"No that's ok. I'll find my way out. You just get back to study"

"Ok bye" she said and with bye he was out the door. She rested her back against the door and a sigh of relief escaped her mouth. Then she heard movement in her closet.

"Ooh my God JC" she said before she stormed to the closet door and pulled it open. He tumbled out with a moan.

"Are you ok?" she asked concerned.

"Yeah" he said.

"It's a good thing I'm not claustrophobic!" he chuckled. "Why did it take so long?"

"I shouldn't have said I had French tomorrow"

"Why not?"

"It's his favorite subject, he lived in France for 3 years when he was little"

"Ooh good move" he said sarcastically.

"Yeah I'm sorry" she smiled.

"That's ok. I think I rested for the first time in 5 years! I'm always working on something and now I was forced to do nothing so it's kind of a good thing"

"Ha-ha I'm glad it was good for you" she laughed.

"It was close though"

"Yeah, it was!"

"So back to what we were doing …" he moved in closer to her but she stopped him from kissing when she said,

"JC, I don't want to do this anymore"

"Do what?"

"Sneaking around all the time…"

"It went ok didn't it?"

"Yes, but…"

"But what?"

"Never mind. I'm just getting a little tired of sneaking around"

"I thought you liked it" JC said while moving his eyebrows up and down playfully.

"I did but I'd just like to go on a date. Go in public with you, you know …."

"I know" JC agreed he didn't say however that they had plenty of time for that nor did he say anything about a future for them together. Lianne didn't know what to think about this.

"Ooh I have to go. I'm sorry"

"That's ok" she mumbled.

"See you later"

"Alright bye, take care and good luck tomorrow" he smiled reassuringly before he walked to the door. She followed and led him downstairs.

"You still owe me the fun part!" she called after him and she saw him chuckling before he got in his car and drove off.

~*~ June 2nd 1999 ~*~

"Are you crazy?!" Chantal exclaimed after Lianne finally spilled what was wrong with her, she was falling for JC and finally admitted it. A thing she hadn't been able to do before but she didn't want to fool herself anymore. She wanted to be true to herself and to Jamie, she owed him at least that much.

"What about Jamie and Julie?"

"I don't know! I only know that I really really like him!"

"But you only know him for 2 months!"

"I don't think I have to explain that to you, do I?" Chantal looked confused.

"The first time you met Justin…." she started but Chantal cut her off.

"Yes, but I wasn't seeing anyone else!"

"So? That doesn't change the way I feel about him!"

"Well, it should!" Chantal said angrily. She didn't understand what her friend was doing. Lianne was getting angry herself and said,

"You don't know what it's like to be in love. You think you're in love with Justin but you only want to be with him, because he is famous! And you'll get more attention to have a famous boyfriend!" Chantal couldn't believe Lianne said that to her! Of all people SHE should know how she felt about Justin.

"Get out!!" Chantal said extremely angry. It scared Lianne because in all the years they'd known each other she couldn't remember the time Chantal was THIS angry. She slowly walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs. Slowly she closed the door. Already regretting what she'd said to the person who meant so much to her.

Later that day Lianne was standing in front of Chantal's house. She was ready to ring the doorbell but chickened out and wanted to turn around and go to her car.

"No, I have to talk to her!" Lianne said to herself. She turned around again, facing the door. After slowly raising her hand towards the doorbell she finally rang it. She'd been standing there for over 10 minutes, doubting whether or not to ring the doorbell. She heard footsteps and Chantal opened the door.

"Hey" Lianne said slowly and ashamed.

"Hey, I was wondering when you were going to ring the doorbell" Chantal said and smiled slightly.

"I'm so sorry, Chantal" Lianne said while she reached towards her, embracing her in a hug.

"I never should have said that! Never! But I didn't and still don't know what to do and well you were close so I kind of let lose on you. I'm so sorry!" she rattled.

"It's ok. I understand that you're confused, but you really hurt me" she said honestly.

"I know and I'm sorry…" Lianne apologized again but Chantal cut her off.

"I didn't say it for you to feel bad and you don't need to apologize again. I just think we should be honest with each other"

"I agree" Lianne said.

"Now we got that out of our system, let's talk about your problem. And I mean talk, not yell" Chantal said laughing while she pulled her inside and walked to her room.

"Well, tell me exactly what is going on" Chantal said when they were sitting in her room.

"Alright well. You know how much I love Jamie. But ever since the storm and we were sitting next to each other I felt so attracted to him. When I didn't see him for a while I tried to forget him but the day we went to the beach, I totally fell for him all over again. I didn't know what to do and how to feel because I feel so bad for betraying Jamie but what I feel when I'm around JC is SO totally different from how I feel around Jamie!" Chantal was listening intensely.

"What do you mean betraying and ….. what?" she exclaimed.

"We went out a couple of times and…"

"What? When?" Chantal yelled.

"Wait! You said you wouldn't yell!"

"Ooh sorry" Chantal said when she realized she didn't say it in a normal tone of voice.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was just too weird, because one moment JC was acting like he was completely in love with me and wanted to leave Julie and the other moment he was really keeping his distance like he wanted to be my friend. I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to give Jamie up but I didn't want to give JC up either"

"You knew you had to chose sometime right?"

"Yes, but I don't know who!" Chantal thought about it and said,

"Best you can do is talk to JC. Ask him if he feels the same way about you and if he does and you want to give it a shot. Dump Jamie. If he doesn't forget about JC and be happy with Jamie" she said simply.

"You make it sound so simple"

"Yes, it's a gift" she said mocking.

"But I can't go on with Jamie if I found out JC doesn't want me"

"Why not?"

"Because, I'd know I betrayed Jamie and I would never be able to forget that!"

"You didn't really betray him, did you?"

"We did kiss…"

"Alright then when JC doesn't want to be with you and you still want to be with Jamie. Tell Jamie what was going on and if he really loves you he'll forgive you"

"Now you're just irritating!" Lianne said.

"Why?!" Chantal asked confused.

"Because…." she really couldn't think of a reason and dropped her head in her hands. Chantal put an arm around her and said,

"Don't make things harder than they are, just go and talk to JC!" she said while she pulled her up and pushed her in the direction of the door. They walked down the stairs, and then opened the front door and before Chantal pushed her out the door she said while giving her a comforting and supportive hug,

"Everything will be fine!" Lianne smiled and headed out the door to her car. She waved when she pulled out of the driveway. Then she drove to JC's house. Hoping for a happy end.

For the second time in an hour Lianne was standing in front of a door doubting whether or not to knock. She finally decided to knock. JC opened the door and was surprised to see Lianne standing in front of him. He was just on his way back to the studio. They were recording there and he forgot something. Luckily for Lianne he was home when she needed him to be home.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her.

"I want to talk to you. Got a minute?" she asked full of confidence.

"Sure, but why didn't you call first? What if Julie was here?"

"I don't care" and with that she walked passed him, inside the house.

"What do you mean you don't care?" he asked confused before he quickly closed the door and fast walked after her.

"Alright. I just want certainty! I don't want to keep doing this. I can't do this anymore, JC" she said looking him in the eye.

"Doing what?"

"Going out with you and not knowing whether you see me as the person you love or the person you can use to go out with you once in a while when Julie isn't around!"

"You think I'm using you?"

"I don't know what to think anymore. I just want to know if there's a future for us. For you and me together. Without Julie or Jamie" JC ran a hand through his hair to ponder the question. Because he didn't respond immediately Lianne made her own conclusions. She turned around and headed for the front door.

"Wait!" he called after her preventing her from leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"Home. The look in your eyes made it clear that you don't see a future for us" she said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. She swallowed hard trying to get rid of the huge lump in her throat.

"I didn't say that!"

"Then what ARE you saying?" she asked exasperated.

"I want to be with you" he said softly and slowly. He pulled her close and kissed her. Her head was spinning and she couldn't think straight. He just held her closely and she calmed down in his strong arms.

"What about Julie and Jamie?" she asked after a while.

"You still love her?"

"I still love her but there isn't that sparkle between us anymore, which used to be there" she nodded in agreement because that was exactly the way she felt about Jamie.

"I want to be with you not with Julie" he said while he looked into her eyes.

"I want to be with you too" she said while she put her arms around his neck to pull his head closer to hers. They kissed again. It was a happy ending. At least as far as she knew but the worst part was still coming…. She had to tell her boyfriend who she'd known for 3 years that it was over.

~*~ June 3rd 1999 ~*~

"Jamie, I have to tell you something...." Lianne started slowly.

"Alright" Jamie said a little suspicious waiting till she started.

"Jamie, this isn't working anymore"

"What isn't?"

"You and me, us together……" she paused for a second. She was having trouble saying the words but continued nevertheless it was now or never.

"I think we should break up" she said and she felt tears in her eyes. As much as she loved JC, it didn't make breaking up with Jamie any easier. For him it was even worse. It came as a complete shock to him. Sure he noticed something was off but he figured it was because of the stress of her exams. He had been sure it would pass, guess he was dead wrong.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think we should see each other anymore. It's over Jamie"

"WHAT?!?!" he yelled confused not wanting to hear those words. He looked her in the eye but she avoided eye contact.

"Is there someone else?" he asked all of a sudden when she turned away from him.

"What? How did you get that idea?" she asked trying to stay calm.

"Answer me damn it!!! You owe me at least that much, be honest with me!!!" he yelled. Lianne got scared because she'd never seen Jamie this mad before and she didn't know what he was going to do.

"I'm sorry Jamie, its over" she said and with that she quickly walked out the door, tears streaming down her face. He broke down crying.

'How could she do that to me? After 3 years, she just breaks up with me like it's nothing!' he thought while tears fell from his eyes.

'I know someone I can get some answers from, someone who probably knows what is going on!' he thought. He stood up from the floor, wiped away his tears and headed to his car.

"What the hell is that?" Chantal wondered when she heard someone pounding on the front door. She quickly made her way down the stairs and opened the door. Till her surprise Jamie practically fell in.

"Jamie? What are you doing here?" she asked while Jamie stormed in.

"Who is she seeing?!" he asked directly.

"Who?" Chantal asked, not understanding what he was talking about.

"LIANNE!!" he shouted while he grabbed Chantal by her shoulders. She was totally caught of guard by his attack and was scared to death when she realized there was no one home to help her out. Frightened she looked at him.

"IS THERE SOMEONE ELSE!?" he yelled at her. She dropped her gaze to the floor avoiding eye contact but didn't reply.

"WELL IS THERE?!?" he shouted while he slid quickly to where her back was pressed against the wall and he was looming over her. His arms blocked the sides, her only way out. She tried to push his hand away from her left side to get away from a Jamie she'd never seen before but he already saw what she wanted to do and he was way to strong for her. He grabbed her wrists making sure she couldn't get away. She tried to wiggle out of his strong grip but instead of loosening, his grip became stronger.

"TELL ME!!" he yelled making her jump. She was really scared of him, she'd never seen him this angry. She could see the anger in his eyes.

"JC" she said softly and against her will but in attempt to protect herself.


"SHE IS DATING JC!" she yelled at him.

"NOW, LET ME GO!!!!" he let go of her wrists at once and stormed out the door. Chantal ran towards the door, closed it quickly and locked it carefully. She leaned her back against the door and slid down until she was sitting on the floor. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on top of them. Then she started crying, releasing the tension and fear.

***That night***

"I'll be right back" JC yelled to Joey who was the only one not working on something. Lance was busy looking through some papers and Chris and Justin were chasing each other throughout the whole recording studio, where the guys where working late on recordings for the new album. He needed to get some food. He was starving and he didn't want the healthy food of the recording studio. He needed calories, sugar, anything but the rabbit food they stored for them. The nearest store was only a few minutes away and he decided to walk, he'd been sitting all day and his legs felt like led.

When he turned right at the end of the street he heard footsteps. He looked around and saw a tall man walking behind him. The street was completely abandoned and it was dark. Instinctively he started walking faster but then he heard the man behind him also fastening his pace. Suddenly he felt a push from behind and he hit the ground. He felt a stabbing pain in his right arm but there wasn't time to think about it. The moment he turned around the man's fist hit him in the face. He was totally surprised by this attack but got himself together and hit the man back. After a few punches hit back and forth JC had the man under control because he was much stronger than the man who'd attacked him.

An officer firmly grasped JC's upper arm in order to pull him off of the guy who was lying on his back on the pavement. Desperately trying to avoid the punches from the man who'd overpowered him. He was roughly pulled off of the man and held tightly by his biceps. JC never even heard the sirens but was relieved because he thought the police was there to help him out of his ugly situation. JC had been too busy protecting himself from the stranger and had no earthly idea who the man was who'd attacked him until he caught a glance of the man's face under the lamp post. Although they were standing quite far from each other, JC saw it was Jamie, Lianne's boyfriend. However he wasn't aware of the fact that she broke up with him just a few hours ago. The officer, who held him back, roughly jerked JC's hands behind his back and pulled out his cuffs.

"You're under arrest for assault, you have the right to remain silent if you give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law…"

Everything became a blur to JC, he didn't know what was happening al kinds of thoughts were racing through his head and he was trying to control them which wasn't working in the least bit.

"….do you understand these rights, I just said to you?" the officer ended.

"Yes Sir" JC answered absent-mindedly.

"Very polite, it ain't going to do you any good though" the officer said with an amused smirk.

"You messed him up big time" the officer continued while leading JC to the police car.

"Are you alright, Sir?" another officer asked Jamie. JC glared at Jamie and was speechless for a moment.

"What are you talking about?! He attacked ME!" JC said indignantly and all of a sudden aware of what was happening.

"That's a good one!!" the officer said laughing at his statement.

"It's true!" JC yelled frustrated that they didn't believe him.

"You were beating the crap out of him!" the officer said pointing to Jamie, who was covered with bruises, cuts and blood. It was all over his face which made it look much worse than it actually was. The officer shifted his hand to JC's upper arm, to guide him into the car. JC felt the pain radiating from his upper arm for the first time and cringed at the touch. The officer noticed the blood on his jacket and shoved it somewhat aside to examine where the blood came from. When the officer found the gasp in JC's upper arm he put him in the car and closed the door before JC could say anything else.

"Let's take them both to the hospital, he's got a gasp in his upper arm. Let's take care of that first we can take a statement afterwards" the other officer nodded in agreement.

"So I'll meet you back at the police station"

"Alright!" the other officer yelled back while he escorted Jamie to another car.

"Alright, sit" the officer commanded JC while pointing at the examine table after they walked into the emergency room at the hospital. JC stopped walking in front of the table so the officer could take off the handcuffs. A few seconds later a nurse came in and said to him.

"Role up your sleeve, so I can take a look at your cut" He did what he was told and after she looked at the cut she walked over to a cabin on the other side of the room and got some bandages out of it.

"Its not going to need stitches is it?!" JC asked frantically.

"No it's not that bad" the nurse answered and JC sighed a sigh of relieve. The officer smirked amused when he saw the nervousness of the guy sitting on the table.

"Can I call my friends, they're probably worrying about where I am. I was supposed to be back like half an hour ago" JC asked when he calmed down some what, turning his gaze to the officer who was standing next to the table.

"Give me the phone number and I'll call" JC gave him the phone number to call them.

Ten minutes later all 4 of them stormed in the emergency room. Joey went to the front desk and asked where he could find JC.

"I can't say" the woman behind the desk said simply without looking up from her computer.

"What do you mean, you can't say?! I want to see my friend. He might be hurt!" he said angrily. The nurse looked up and met his eyes. Joey gave her a tempting smile and she drowned in his eyes.

'That's the cutest guy I've ever seen' she thought.

"Who were you looking for?" she asked, giving in to his request. Joey's smile grew wider with satisfaction and said,

"JC Chasez"

"He's in examining room 2, but only one of you can go in" she said pointing to the rest of the guys pacing around in the hall.

"Alright, thank you very much" he said while smiling brightly at her.

'Yep he's a cutie alright' she smiled at him when he walked to the rest.

"He's in room 2…"

"Alright, let's go!" Justin said quickly cutting him off.

"No..." Joey said while he grabbed Justin's collar to stop him.

"Only one can go in, and since I found out where he is with my dazzling smile. I'll go in" Joey said while he turned around and waved at the nurse sitting behind the information desk. They already knew what happened.

"Fine Joey, you go in!" Lance said, he saw Joey wasn't paying attention because he was still waving at the nurse.

"GO!" he yelled at him while he smacked him in the head to get his attention. Joey walked away while rubbing the back of his head, where Lance had hit him.

"What happened are you okay?!" Joey asked worriedly when he stormed in. Three sets of eyes looked at him and only one of them he recognized.

"Yeah, I'm alright I guess" JC answered happy to see his friend.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" the officer asked firmly while he quickly walked over to stop Joey from going to JC.

"This is my friend Joey" JC explained to the officer.

"Ooh good you're here to protect him there are a lot of weird…"

"I'm not here for his protection" the officer said simply cutting him off.

"Then what are you here for?" Joey asked the officer but he didn't respond. He looked at JC over the officer's shoulder.

"What is this guy doing here?" Joey asked JC while pointing to the cop.

"He has to make sure I don't run off" JC said simply turning his attention to the nurse who was almost finished wrapping the bandage around JC's upper arm.

"What?! Why? I thought he was here to protect you" Joey said incomprehensible.

"No, he's protecting people FROM me!" JC corrected him.

"What?" Joey still didn't understand it. They both turned to the cop for a response.

"You're friend just beat the crap out of this other guy" the officer said calmly. Joey turned back to JC for an explanation.

"No I didn't. He attacked me, I just defended myself!" JC said for what seemed like the millionth time that night. The only difference was that someone believed him now, he was sure Joey would believe him but the officer didn't.

"It didn't look like that to me" the officer said.

"Whatever" JC said giving up, because the officer just didn't believe him.

"Can you give us a second?" JC asked the officer who was still standing in front of Joey blocking the way to JC.

"No, I can't. I have to watch you"

"Can't you just do that from the hall!!" JC said angrily. He was beginning to loose his patience. First he had been attacked for no reason he could think off, then he had been arrested for defending himself and the worst part was that the cops didn't believe his side of the story just because he was on the upper hand.

"There are no windows here, the only way out is the door. Unless you fall asleep you'll notice when I come out of this room!!!" he almost yelled.

"Insulting an officer on duty is a felony, Mr. Chasez!" the officer responded while he turned to face JC. Joey quickly walked around the officer and stepped in front of JC, who was about to make things even worse.

"Look officer, he didn't mean it that way, he's just stressed because we've been working all day and we only want a few minutes to talk. Please?" Joey tried to reason with the man.

"Alright but if you run off….." the officer sneered at JC before he left the room.

"JC, will you relax! You're only going to make things worse!"

"Things are worse" JC said, dropping his head.

"Dude, what happened?" JC told what happened to him the last hour and ended with the question,

"Can you call Lianne for me?"

"Lianne? Why?!" Joey asked confused.

"Because it was her boyfriend that attacked me!"

"What? He attacked you?! Why would he want to do that?"

"I don't know" JC said, not being completely honest. He may not know why Jamie had attacked him but he had a pretty good idea. He just didn't want to tell Joey that.

"Can you call her and ask her…." JC got interrupted by the officer who entered the room again.

"Is he done?" he asked the nurse who was cleaning up the small mess she'd made.

"Yes, he's all set" she answered the officer's question.

"Good" JC rolled down his sleeve and put on his jacket. The officer walked passed Joey to JC and pulled him of the table. He jerked his hands behind his back and handcuffed him again.

"Call Lianne alright" JC asked while the cuffs were snapped around his wrists.

"Yeah. Hey, you don't have to do that" Joey said referring to the handcuffs.

"I think I do, you didn't see what he did to the other guy"

"How many times do I have to tell you, that I didn't DO THAT!" JC said his volume increasing along with his anger. The officer gave Joey a See-what-I-mean look and jerked JC with him to the door.

"Where are you taking him?"

"Police station" the officer short with him. JC disappeared out the door along with the officer and Joey followed.

"Hey man, are you alright?" Justin asked JC when he walked up to him with the officer at his right side.

"Yeah" JC responded stopping where his friends stood.

"What happened? What is this guy doing and why are you wearing cuffs?" Lance interfered, asking all the questions all of them were thinking.

"Come on" the officer said firmly jerking him away from his friends before he had a chance to answer them. JC looked back at his friends when the officer guided him out of the emergency room to the police car.

"Hey we're you going!?" Chris yelled after him.

"They're taking him to the police station" Joey explained, he was the only one who knew what was going on.

"What for?" Justin asked while he watched JC being guided into the police car outside the hospital.

"They need a statement from him" Joey said to Chris.

"Let's go after them" Justin said.

They followed the police car to the police station where JC told his story again. Again the officer smirked when he wrote it down. JC was losing his temper but controlled himself. It would only make things worse, he said calming himself down. On the way Lance had called Lianne, and she rushed in at the same time as Joey, Chris, Lance and Justin.

"Is that all?" JC asked when he finished his story.

"Yes, you got someone to bail you out. Mr. Nsync?" the officer replied with a smirk. JC glared at him with a gleam of anger in his crystal blue eyes. Giving the police officer who found out who he was a look of disgust, surprise and fear. The whole time, the man had been thinking where he'd seen him before, and when he told him his name again for the record it finally hit him. It was JC Chasez from Nsync! He had 2 daughters but they were fans of The Backstreet Boys. He heard his girls cursing, every time they saw Nsync on TV and he liked having control over this guy. JC knew the man wasn't going to keep this quiet. The media would hear about this. He got very angry but realized there was nothing he could do about it. He hated the fact that he always had to think about the media. But he had no control over it what so ever, that was the worst part. What made him the most angry was the fact that he was treated like a criminal when all he did was defend himself.

"Hey you came" JC said happily when he saw Lianne with his friends.

"Of course I came"

"Come on" the officer said while he pulled him away from Lianne to the front desk. Lianne followed while Chris, Lance, Justin and Joey waited for them in the hall.

"Miss, are you going to pay his bail?" the officer asked Lianne.

"Yes, I'll pay his bail money"

"No! No I don't want you to pay…"

"You don't think, I'm going to let you sit in here do you?!" Lianne interrupted his protest.

Joey, Chris, Lance and Justin were waiting for JC and Lianne in the front hall. They saw that Lianne and JC were talking and they seemed very close.

"Are they on together?" Justin asked his fellow band mates.

"I don't know…" was the response on his question but it seemed that all four of them were thinking the same thing.

"How much is it?" Lianne asked reaching for her wallet.

"200 dollars" Lianne looked at JC and JC knew she couldn't afford it. Justin walked over to them, to find out what took them so long.

"I'll pay for it" Justin interrupted when he heard what the problem was. Justin gave the officer behind the desk the money and JC got his stuff back after he signed a release form. JC noticed the officer was smiling when he got the autograph.

"Nice autograph, but then again you had a lot of practice" the officer harassed while he handed him a form with a court date on it.

"What?" Lianne asked confused when she saw JC had to go to court.

"It's ok, let's just get out of here" JC said while he gave the officer another dirty look.

"Yeah come on. We'll drive you home" Justin offered.

"Justin it's ok, I'll drive him home" Lianne said while looking at JC.

"You sure?" Justin asked also looking at JC. JC nodded to Lianne before he turned to Justin and said,

"Yeah, man it's ok. Thanks so much for coming, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Al-right" Justin said slowly while he stared him up and down. The guys left and Lianne went with JC to his house. When they walked in, Lianne finally asked what she'd been wanting to ask the whole ride home.

"So, you want to tell me what happened?"

"Your boyfriend attacked me" he said while he strolled over to the couch and made himself comfortable.

"Ex-boyfriend" Lianne corrected him.

"Since when?"

"I broke up with him today"

"Did you tell him that we're together?!" JC asked with a hint of anger present in his voice.

"No" Lianne said offended, he made it sound like she was the cause of the scene that happened tonight.

"What did you tell him?"

"I said it was over"

"Just that?!"

"Yes, you got a problem with that?"

"No. No, I'm sorry" JC said when he realized he was taken his frustration out on Lianne. Lianne who was still standing, walked over to him and sat down beside him. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her towards him. He kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry" he repeated his apology.

"It's okay. I understand you're frustrated but just stay calm" JC nodded in agreement and they stretched out on the couch.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Lianne asked after a while.

"I don't know"

"He's probably going to demand a compensation and going to court isn't a very good idea" Lianne said.

"Maybe I can pay him before it goes to court" JC said, staring blankly in front of him.

"You mean like a bribe?"

"Well not exactly…… actually yeah maybe"

"Are you crazy?! You're not going to let him get away with this are you?" When JC didn't respond she got even angrier.

"You're going to let him ruin everything you worked for?!" she said while getting up from the couch.

"No, of course not!! That's exactly what I'm trying to save by paying him BEFORE it goes to court!!" JC said who also got off from the couch and stood next to her.

"It will only show you're guilty and that you're trying to buy your way out of this mess"

"They will think I'm guilty anyway!"

"What do you mean?" she asked confused.

"The media will twist this story so they can make me look like the bad guy. That I punched the guy in the face, that I slipped up!! And Jamie can get even more money from me, the money we busted our butt for. If that's not enough he will ruin not alone everything I worked so hard for but also everything my best friends worked so hard for. Were WE worked so hard for!! We gave everything up to get to this point, we over came it all, the whole mess with Lou Pearlman, the stress and more. I'm not just going to stand by and watch how YOUR boyfriend ruins it all!! I'll do everything I can to prevent that from happening!!!" JC said getting angrier by the minute when he summed up all the consequences this past night could have. It could not only change their careers but also their whole lives as they new it would be gone, by one revengeful ex-boyfriend!!!

"EX-boyfriend" Lianne screamed. She could understand why he was so frustrated and angry but she heard by the tone in his voice that he blamed her for this whole mess although he didn't admit it. That's what she couldn't stand.

"He's my EX-boyfriend, how many times do I have to tell you that?!? Stop making it sound like it was my fault!"

"Well he's your boyfriend. EX-boyfriend" again he said boyfriend instead of ex-boyfriend only this time he corrected himself immediately. However he said ex-boyfriend rather sarcastic and that got to her. She felt the heat rise inside her and sneered back,

"Fine, he's my ex-boyfriend but you didn't have to beat the crap out of him!!!!!"

"You're going to defend him now?" JC said completely surprised by her outburst.

"No! Ahh just forget it!" Lianne couldn't take it anymore. Her patience ran out and she knew if she would stay, things would get out of hand. They would say things to each other they didn't mean and that they would regret later. The best thing to do was leave, so she did. She held up a hand to prevent him from saying anything else. He got the signal and wisely kept his mouth shut. He understood it was better for them to just cool off and talk when they were both reasonable. Lianne quickly walked out the door to her car. JC heard the noise of the engine slowly fade away and fell back on the couch. Exhausted, angry and frustrated.
