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« Chapter 13 »

A/N: Once again used some Dutch words, the translation is behind it :D

July 28th 1999

“You sure you want to do this?” Bryant asked for the millionth time, dragging a few boxes upstairs while Jen followed close behind.

“Bryant I’m sure, stop asking me this” Jen said calmly.

“I’m sorry, I just want to make sure you really want to do this” Bryant said leaving the boxes for what they were and turning towards his pregnant girlfriend.

“I know but I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to” she said leaning towards him.

“Besides I’m really looking forward to this, us too settling in, preparing for the baby, arrange a nursery room” she said smiling, tracing a finger over his chest. They really didn’t plan the whole getting a baby thing but it seemed like everything would work out and they were really looking forward to the day when they would actually have the baby.

They had told Jen’s parents and Craig a few weeks earlier and of course they were shocked at first but they were very happy once they processed the news. They had thought about Chantal’s question, where were they going to live, and they’d told the decision they’d made on the night they informed their parents of their happy news. If Craig allowed it, Jen was going to move in with Bryant since Jen had 3 younger siblings the house would get too crowded with Bryant living there plus a new baby. They also thought they were a bit too young to move out on their own and when Craig agreed it was settled. Chantal was delighted her cousin would be close since she always had a soft spot for babies and also Craig liked the idea of his grandchild living within visiting range. They decided to start moving as soon as possible, they didn’t want to wait until the last possible minute. That way they would have plenty of time to arrange the nursery and then they could enjoy their pregnancy and prepare for de arrival of their baby.

“Me too” Bryant smiled kissing her before he bend down and grabbed the boxes again taking them to their room.

“You’re all settled in?” Chantal asked poking her head around the door.

“No, not by far, but you could give us a hand” Bryant said with a mischievous smile.

“Sure don’t have anything better to do” she said a little disappointed she was doing nothing during summer break.

“Where’s your superstar?”

“He’s not Jesus Christ, Bryant and besides he’s rehearsing” she said dismissing the subject with a wave of her hand.

“Ooh,” Bryant said feeling sorry for her. She had just spent a few days with him but it would be another 3 weeks before she would see him again and he noticed it was getting harder on her. The media didn’t make it any easier either, he’d heard on MTV that Justin had announced on some radio show that he was dating her. They’d had some phone calls, reporters wanting to talk to her, get to know stuff about Justin through her but they’d politely declined before hanging up. After a few days of those, people who kept calling and not only reporters but soon the fans joined them, Craig had asked what the hell was going on when he’d answered to a screaming fan practically making him deaf. Chantal had explained what was going on and Craig had insisted they should get a secret number, which they got the day after. She hadn’t even told them about the reporter who practically shoved his business card in her hand.

“You want to go shopping with us, we’re going to see what kind of things they have for the nursery” Bryant offered, trying to take her mind off of Justin, she’d talked to him after the radio announcement; he’d warned her about the stuff that could happen but she needed to see him.

“Nah, you two should do that together” she dismissed not wanting to be the fifth wheel.

“You should come,” Jennifer insisted, she had noticed it too.

“I could use a woman’s opinion and besides Bryant is the worst when it comes to colors” Chantal smiled at her request, Bryant was indeed bad with colors.

“If you’re sure” she said cautiously she really didn’t want to be a burden.

“We’re sure” Bryant confirmed and Chantal smiled grateful.

“Let’s go then” Jen said.

“Yup, let me go get my hat, I’ll be right back”

“We’ll meet you outside, let’s give Jen a head start” Bryant said teasing her which earned him a playful punch against his shoulder. Jennifer and Bryant made their way downstairs while Chantal went to her room to get her hat. Her eyes fell on the pictured frame on the nightstand. The picture where Justin held her closely and they smiled happily at the camera which had been taken back in the beginning of their relationship when things weren’t as hectic and busy as they were now. Justin was busy with preparing for the tour and they hardly ever got to see each other. Chantal had known this was going to happen but it was still much harder than she’d ever imagined. Just a few more weeks and then she would see Justin. She smiled sadly at the picture before she turned and left the room.

“Hey girl” Lianne said friendly but Chantal could here the concerned tone in he voice, she smiled nevertheless and entered her friend’s house.

“Whatcha been up to?” Chantal asked, taking off her jacket.

“Nothing much, enjoying my vacation” Lianne replied, leading the way to the kitchen,

“You want a drink?”

“Yeah thanks” Chantal said before sitting down,

“What’s this?” she asked curiously noticing the scrapbook and the pictures scattered all over the kitchen table. Lianne glanced over her shoulder shortly.

“Vacation work,” she said with a smile while grabbing the glasses and walking towards the table.

“I just found them when I was cleaning out my room and thought it would be a cool holiday job” she explained. Chantal nodded while going through the pictures.

“Yeah, I think I got a lot of pictures too, don’t remember where I left them” she said with a chuckle, her smile froze on her face as her eyes fell on a picture on the left side of the table. She fingered the picture and stared at it intently.

“Oh I forgot that one” Lianne commented pointing towards the picture in Chantal’s hand. It was picture of Justin and her at the beach; her head thrown back as she was laughing over something he’d said, her hand in his, their arms stretched out but still holding onto each others hand and she saw the look in his eyes, a small smile and his eyes twinkling with love.

“You ok?” Lianne asked concerned.

“Yeah” she nodded, “Thanks for what you did the other day” Chantal said with a smile,

“Sure,” Lianne smiled back before she grew serious, “But why?”

Chantal shrugged, “I just…. I don’t know, I just we’d just had a fight and I hated the fact that he had to go and that he left and why we were fighting in the first place. I was angry he wouldn’t trust me and those reporters keep bugging me that we needed a secret number and just everything caught up with me and I didn’t feel like fighting anymore, I wanted to forget” she rambled, really needing to get this off of her chest and sure she could talk to Justin about it, could ask Bryant for help but they wouldn’t understand. Lianne however was in the same boat, although Justin’s love life seemed top priority with the reporters JC’s came close and that’s why Chantal knew Lianne would understand. Lianne nodded.

“I know” she acknowledged, thinking how she’d wanted to punch the reporter who dared to follow her to the mall, snapping pictures as she did her grocery shopping, she didn’t know how they’d found out but they did and that was two weeks, Chantal however had been exposed the second Stephanie ran that article about her; they got her back, she thought back with a smile but it still had been a long time and she remembered the time Chantal told her about the reporter hidden in the bushes, her mouth had dropped wide open. She understood why it was so difficult for her but she seemed to take it harder than Lianne herself and she wished she could help her friend.

“Can I ask you something?” Chantal asked tentatively.

“Sure, what is it?”

“How do you deal with it?” she was hoping Lianne could maybe give her some tips.

“With the attention? The reporters?” Chantal nodded in answer to her friend’s questions and Lianne sighed.

“I don’t know, I guess I ignore it. Don’t think about it and especially don’t let them get to you”

Chantal snorted, “Easier said than done”

“I know but…. you’ll get better at it”

“Maybe you!” Chantal snapped, “I’ve been trying to deal with this for 5 months now and it doesn’t get better!” she said harshly.

“I can’t do it” she whispered, defeated, a few tears escaping her lids, she’d been fighting this pretty much from the beginning. Trying to tell herself that it would indeed get better, they’d soon know about her and the whole excitement would be gone. When it was just a rumor, reporters tried to get the first picture of Justin Timberlake’s new girlfriend but when they had it she thought that they’d leave her alone now but it only got worse and the realization that it wouldn’t get better made her want to quit.

“You have to try harder,” Lianne encouraged her, “You can’t expect real love to be easy, it’s supposed to be difficult that’s when it’s most beautiful; when you overcome the obstacles” she encouraged her. Chantal wiped away the tears,

“Where did you get that from?” Chantal asked with a small smile.

“It just kind of popped in my head” she said throwing her head back, arrogantly. Chantal laughed,

“Now way! I don’t believe you” she chuckled.

“Alright, alright so I stole it but it’s appropriate and…” she paused and a serious look crossed her features,

“Not to mention true” she finished.

With a heavy sigh Merel let herself fall onto her bed. It was only the second week in the dance rehearsals and she was exhausted. They’d been dancing all day long, it was definitely the longest day thus far. They had learned the choreography for four songs in those week and a half and that meant they were halfway through. They spent the whole day repeating the choreography of the four songs they’d learned already and it had taken a lot longer than anticipated. Merel was beat but tomorrow would be a day off. She was thankful for that and could really use it after the day she had today but as much as her muscles ached right now she knew it would worth it. It was her dream, her long time dream to do this and she intended to enjoy every second of it. She’d had so much fun already with the other dancers and it would only get better once she would actually start touring and she could do what she loved more than anything night after night; dancing.

August 24th 1999

Chantal walked upstairs, slowly, very slowly while rubbing her tired eyes with a weary hand. Her whole body seemed drained from energy and she didn’t know what had caused it; she guessed the heat, she’d never been very good with the heat in Florida. Although she adjusted more and more to it, she had to, it still took its toll and she couldn’t get to her bed fast enough. She probably wouldn’t be able to sleep but just laying there for a moment would make it all better. She struggled up the last few steps and shuffled along the hallway, almost tumbling inside. She crossed the room to open the window in the hope to get fresh air into her room before she turned towards the bed. She froze when her eye caught sight of the object on her bed; a soccer magazine. The March issue, she recognized the bright colors on the front page. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a figure by the door, a familiar figure,

“Justin!” she exclaimed, lunging herself at him, falling in his arms as he quickly embraced her with his strong arms. He slightly lifted her into the air and kissed her temple, she buried her face in his chest, smelling the cologne; savoring the scent.

“What are you doing here so early?” she asked pulling away reluctantly.

“We were ready a little earlier, just thought I’d surprise you” he smiled; her eyes lit up and the smile was almost blinding.

“So we can go?” she asked almost as if she was a four year old going on a trip to Disney land.

“Yup we can go, flight goes tonight”

“Tonight? Oh I got to hurry then” she said, pulling back, retrieving her back from the hallway closet, all tiredness forgotten. She wasted no time, started packing immediately while Justin plumped down on the bed watching.

August 25th 1999

Evelien was anxiously looking at her watch every two seconds. Chantal was late and she was anxious to meet her, she’d been talking to her for months.

“Lien?” a girl asked coming from behind.

“Yes?” Lien responded twirling around.

“Hoi, ik ben Chantal” she introduced herself before they hugged each other.

“Lien, this is my boyfriend and a friend” Chantal said to Lien, who never noticed the other two. Lien smiled at Chantal before she started introducing herself.

“Hi I’m … Jesus Christ!” she exclaimed in shock once she looked up to see who they were and was met by two all too familiar guys.

“I always wanted to meet him… I mean her” Justin snickered.

“Justin” Chantal laughed giving him a playful punch.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“What’s your real name or do you stick with Jesus Christ?” he asked smiling.

“No, Evelien” she said smiling while they shook hands.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Justin” he said politely, introducing himself. Chantal rolled her eyes at him and Lance mirrored the look. Lance had asked to come along, he was always in for some sightseeing and he could use a change of scenery.

“Lance” Lance introduced himself, although unnecessary, he found himself gazing into the girl’s blue eyes and couldn’t help the slight blush from creeping over his face. Evelien ducked her head a little, peering out from under her bangs,

“Nice to meet you” she smiled. Chantal and Justin shared a look before she turned towards Evelien.

“You want to show us around, it’s been a while since I’ve been here” Chantal said, remembering to speak English although she’d taught Justin some words there was no way he could follow a whole conversation in Dutch, not to mention Lance. Evelien didn’t seem to mind as she answered,

“Sure,” she motioned for them to follow her, “You want the Dutch tour or English” she smiled, a teasing tone in her voice.

“Dutch will be…” Chantal started saying but before she could finish her sentence Justin clamped a hand over her mouth and answered,

“We’ll take the English one, thank you”

Lance smiled at his friends before glancing at Evelien as she answered, “Fine with me” she said as she giggled at Chantal’s expression.

“Justin you’re choking me” she gasped prying his hand off of her mouth.

“I was going to say, Dutch will be a little too difficult” she scowled, slapping him playfully.

“Whatever girl,” Justin said not buying it, “Let’s go” he said to Evelien. Evelien led the way, Lance joining her while Chantal and Justin strolled after them. They walked around Eindhoven and visited the tourist sights, they went to diner and caught a movie afterwards. Chantal and Justin caught the train to Amsterdam at night, leaving Lance behind in Eindhoven; he’d told Justin he’d stay here for a little while saying he liked the city. Justin snickered, the thought that he didn’t like the city but Evelien crossed his mind, but he didn’t mention it. He simply said ok and winked at him, letting Lance know that he understood and knew what he was doing. He was happy for him though, he could use some happiness, after Lynn he’d been so depressed, he didn’t talk to them about it and he hoped maybe Evelien could help him or show him a good time at least. It would be good for him to have some fun.

Lance and Evelien did have a good time, when Lance joined them in Rotterdam he seemed almost happy, alive. It probably did him good to forget about Lynn for a while and just hang out with someone unknown. Justin smiled at him when he spotted Lance, being happy for him and Lance smiled back, ducking his head slightly. He did have a good time; they went to the park, walked around, lay in the grass, talked and although it wasn’t anything big it made him happier than he’d been in the last few months. He really liked Evelien and they’d kissed but it simply was too soon for Lance. He just got out of a serious relationship and wasn’t ready for another one and he most definitely didn’t want to have a fling, no if they would get together it would be more than just a one day thing so they said goodbye with a friendly kiss on the cheek. She’d slipped him her phone number, “Just in case” she’d said with a shy smile. Lance thanked her for the wonderful days, before getting on the train to Rotterdam. He picked a seat and enjoyed the quietness, how wonderful it felt to just sit here and not have to worry about people chasing him. Although they’d started out here, not many people seem to remember them, apart from the few loyal fans that was. He stared out the window, his hand went into his pocket where he’d put the piece of paper with her number on it. He got it out of his pocket and stared at it, a smile crossing his face before carefully tugging it back in his pants pocket.

Today, the day of the award show, they’d had a few interviews set up for them, Chantal and Lianne had decided to go with them. Justin had told her it would only take a little while and they could spend the last few hours for the awards together. The first couple of interviews were boring; they were asking the same questions over and over again. Lianne was wondering how they kept themselves from falling asleep. The last interview was something different though, it was the Dutch music station; TMF and they challenged the boys to eat some Dutch food that they brought with them. Bridget, the VJ, started with haring.

“Bring it out guys” she said to someone off screen, two girls in costume came on each with a plate of haring. Chantal cringed, great the costume, now everyone would think Dutch people still wear it, wooden shoes and everything, it was funny at the same time though. Chris’ shrill voice got her out of thoughts when he exclaimed,

“This is raw fish! You people too lazy or too cheap to cook it?” Laughter erupted from the other guys, Bridget explained,

“No, this is the way its supposed to be, no quit the talking and try it” she instructed while looking at Chris,

“You know you’re just trying to get out of it” she said with a knowing smile. Chris huffed playfully while he grabbed a fish, the others followed suit. Chantal and Lianne giggled at the expression on their faces; all of them looked at the haring with scrunched up noses and wrinkled foreheads.

“Come on” Bridget urged them while she showed them how to eat it, they still looked at her like she was nuts but they each took a tentative bite.

“That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever eaten” Justin exclaimed, a disgusted look on his face. Joey and Lance kind of liked it but JC and Chris thought it was gross as well, Bridget was amused with the disgusted looks, ‘Some people liked it some people didn’t’ Funny nevertheless, Chantal and Lianne couldn’t keep their smiles hidden as well, giggling softly as they watched them. They also tried treacle-wafer and liquorice which they liked a whole lot better than the fish. To finish it off they ate clamps and they didn’t like that either, getting the same reaction as with the haring.

“So guys what did you like best?” Bridget asked curiously.

“I liked the treacle-wafer!” JC said enthusiastically, “I think we should bring some back with us”

“Yeah liked that too” Chris said, “But didn’t like the fishy things, never eating them again” he said scrunching up his nose in disgust just by thinking about it.

“Ok, well thanks guys, very brave to try it all,” she complimented which caused Chris to clap his hands together over his head in victory. Bridget laughed,

“Good luck tonight and hope to see you guys back real soon”

“Thanks, we will” they responded, “Nsync” she said waving towards them.

“And cut” the camera man said.

“Did you like it, baby?” Chantal asked innocently when Justin came to stand next to her. He laughed,


“You should have seen your faces!” she exclaimed. Justin smiled when an idea popped in his head.

“You should try it too”

“Oh-no. I tried it before and didn’t like it” she dismissed the idea immediately; no way she was going to eat that.

“Maybe you like it now, taste changes”

“God, you sound like my dad! And yes taste changes but not THAT drastically” she said which made him snicker,

“Make you a deal; I’ll buy you guys some treacle-wafer for back home and I don’t eat the haring”

“You know you’re getting off to easy, you’re Dutch for God’s sake!” he scoffed.

“Yeah but that doesn’t mean I have to like it” she smiled victoriously.

“Besides I don’t have to impress my fans” she smiled, he started to say something but she cut him off with a kiss, keeping his protesting words inside his mouth.

“Fine you win” he surrendered, “But it better be good treacle-wafer” he said with a smile before they went out the door, preparing for the event that would take place that night.

Chantal made her way through the crowd at the after party. It had been a good show; she’d enjoyed herself but it was all a bit much, Lianne and JC seemed to enjoy themselves she thought as she spotted them sharing a quick kiss. She smiled at the picture before making her way towards Justin, her eye falling on the curly head that stuck out from the crowd. Justin greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before slipping his arm around her waist.

“Justin?” someone asked, approaching from behind.

“Yes?” Justin asked while he twirled around, turning Chantal at the same time.

“Ooh hi Bryan” Justin said when he recognized the man as backstreet boy Brian Littrel.

“Hi” Bryan said putting up a fake smile as he changed his gaze from Justin to Chantal, looking her over. Chantal felt uncomfortable under the man’s gaze and introduced herself.

“I’m Chantal Montgomery” she said while she stretched out her hand.

“I’m Bryan Littrel, very nice to meet you” he said still in a fake and happy tone of voice. Chantal plastered a fake smile of her own on her face.

“Nice to meet you too” she said while she pulled her hand back. He smiled once more to Chantal and then to Justin.

“So how have you been?” Brian asked, making small talk. Chantal hated it and quickly lost interest her mind blocking the conversation. She glanced around the room to keep herself busy, feeling sorry for Justin that he had to listen to this guy. They made small talk for a couple of minutes longer before the conversation went dead and thank God Bryan said,

“If you’ll excuse me” then he turned his back to them and walked away. Chantal’s smile instantly fell from her face.

“What an asshole” she exclaimed.

“Shh” Justin laughed.

“Sorry” she giggled. “But dude that guy is fake! I used to like him, he fooled me!”

“Wait, you liked him?” he pouted.

“That was before I met you” she said trying to make it better. He continued to pout.

“Ooh stop it” she laughed giving him a playful punch before she leaned in and kissed him on the lips. A flash went off in their face and when they opened their eyes they saw a satisfied photographer smiling at them.

“Thanks” he smiled. Justin gave him a fake smile to show his annoyance but the photographer could care less. He’d gotten his shot he came for and disappeared into the crowd. Chantal covered her mouth as a yawn escaped. Justin tenderly looked at her.

“You tired?” he asked.

“Yeah a little. I’m just not really an evening person”

“You’re not a morning person either” Justin teased grinning.

“I know I’m an afternoon person” she smiled.

“You want to go?’ he asked a little tired himself.

“Yes can we? You don’t have to stay?”

“No I think, it’s almost finished”

“What about the rest?”

“They’ll find their way back. I may have arrived with them but I don’t have to leave with them. Their not my dates, I don’t have to take them home” he grinned.

“Ok then bring your real date home because she’s exhausted” she said after another deep yawn.

“Ok, let me go find her” he said faking to leave.

“Curly!” she exclaimed.

“Alright” he smiled.

“I’ll just go tell the guys we’re leaving”

“Alright” she nodded with a smile before she leaned against a nearby wall.

“Are you alright?” a voice asked next to her and she quickly opened her eyes. She hadn’t even noticed she’d closed them.

“Ooh yeah I’m fine, just a little tired from the show and the excitement” she answered the lady with a smile.

“You sure?” the lady asked.

“Yes I’m fine thanks” Chantal replied, the lady smiled back before she disappeared into the crowd.

“Alright we can go” Justin informed while he put an arm around her shoulders. Chantal smiled in return and wrapped her arms around his waist, walking towards the exit.

“Goodnight” Justin said after kissing her.

“You want to come in for a second?” she asked with a twinkling in her eyes letting Justin know she wanted to be with him tonight. They’d talked about their first time several times saying they didn’t want to rush it and it would happen when the time was right. To Chantal that was tonight, they were in her home country and something about that made it intimate, like home base. Apparently Justin felt the same way when he happily but nervous as well walked inside her room.

A knock on the door interrupted the peaceful slumber of the two young people wrapped in each others arms in the oversized bed. Chantal slowly opened her eyes and slipped out of bed to let whoever was pounding on the door in. She pulled on her robe on her way to the door while she softly called,

“I’m coming” She opened the door to find Chris in front of her, his arm raised, hand in a fist abstractly looking down the hallway ready to knock again.

“Ooh hey,” Chris greeted.

“Is Justin here?” he asked getting the answer when Chantal’s cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. Chris smiled reassuringly before Chantal stepped aside gesturing for him to come in, never noticing the paper in his left hand.

“Justin?!” Chris shook the younger man as he grumbled and turned away from the irritating voice waking him up.

“Yo dude get up!” Chris yelled in his ear not caring about the fact that Justin wasn’t a morning person. Chantal watched amused as Justin shot up right startled by the loud noise in his ear. Justin threw his pillow at Chris once he recovered from the first shock rubbing his ear while he closed one eye to indicate his suffering.

“I think you might have caused permanent damage to my ear” he whined.

“Dude get real, we already HAVE ear damage”

“You got brain damage as well” Justin mumbled, Chris threw the pillow back his way for the comment but was smiling when he saw the pillow hit his younger friend in the face.

“Chris?” Justin asked annoyed.

“Why are you here?”

“Ooh yeah that’s right! I…” Chris started but stopped when he saw Chantal was no longer in the room.

“Chantal,” he called in the direction of the bath room. Chantal poked her head around the door, “Yes?”

“You might want to see this” he said while he waved her in with the newspaper still in his hand.

“What is it?” she asked curiously while she walked over to him and accepted the newspaper Chris offered. She unfolded the paper and stared wide-eyed at the picture on the entertainment section.

“Justin’s Chantal Montgomery tired of he show and the excitement” the headline said with a picture of them kissing underneath it.

“Ah man” she groaned while she read the article.

“Justin Timberlake showed up with his girlfriend at the MTV Europe Music Awards last night in Rotterdam…. We talked to her after the show saying she was tired of the show and the excitement. Could she mean the excitement that was going on between them and her lover boy? Or the excitement that was yet to come when Justin and Chantal left the party early… Maybe she didn’t like the show and the excitement but the private party for two afterwards”

“Not on an empty stomach” Justin complained plumping back on the bed.

“What are you doing up so early anyway?” he asked with closed eyes while Chantal kept reading the article, she couldn’t believe they wrote this!

“I couldn’t sleep, Joey kept me awake with his ever charming snoring” he explained as Justin opened his eyes to look at him.

“I can’t believe it!” Chantal exclaimed.

“She twisted my words”

“What do you mean, you said that?” Justin asked.

“Yes but it wasn’t meant like that. She twisted my words, quoted me wrong!”

“Welcome to the world of journalism” Justin exclaimed sarcastically.

“You gotta be careful with what you say” he added.

“Good thing my dad didn’t come along” she said relieved, smiling a little. Justin smiled back, eyeing her trying to read what was going through her head right now. She was angry but what could she do about it,

“Ah screw this,” she said throwing the paper into the air,

“I’m going to go take a shower” she turned to leave then hesitated,

“Care to join me?” she asked Justin seductively, Chris long forgotten.

“I care” he said smiling, nodding, scrambling off the bed, rushing past Chris towards the bathroom.

“We’re leaving in an hour!” he called after them, knowing it was falling on deaf ears and he simply turned and left the room, thinking maybe he could go bother Lance.

“Ready to go baby?” Justin asked Chantal as he closed his suitcase.

“Yeah all set” she said getting her coat and cap.

“Good, come on there waiting for us downstairs” Justin said gathering his few things and opening the door for her as she nodded. They shut the room and walked towards the elevator, waiting for the car, stealing one kiss before the doors opened and they stepped inside. There were already two other girls standing in the car and Justin and Chantal shuffled in with a smile.

“Is dat niet die jongen uit die jongensgroep?” (= “Isn’t that that guy from that boyband”) the tallest girl asked the other.

“Ja je hebt gelijk” (= “Yeah you’re right) the shorter one responded.

“Wat is hij lekker he?” (= “He’s cute, isn’t he?”)

“Had hij niet met dat Nederlandse wijf?” (= “Isn’t he dating some Dutch girl)

“Ja klopt, ik snap niet wat hij in haar ziet hoor” (= “Yes he is, I don’t know what he sees in her”)

“Ze spreekt waarschijnlijk niet eens Nederlands, alleen om op te vallen, wedden dat ze geen woord Nederlands spreekt” (= “She probably doesn’t even speak Dutch, just to show off. Want to bet she doesn’t speak a word Dutch?”)

The bell dinged indicating they’d reached the first floor. Chantal grabbed her bag and followed Justin out the doors, before the doors closed she couldn’t help to say,

“Die weddenschap heb je dan verloren, Nederlandse wijven spreken Nederlands ook als ze met Justin Timberlake zijn” (= “You just lost that bet, Dutch girls speak Dutch even when they’re dating Justin Timberlake”) Chantal said winking at them before the doors closed leaving the two girls behind, shock written on their faces. Chantal giggled before it went to laughing out loud, Justin turned around,

“What did you say to them?” She translated the things they’d said and what her response had been and Justin soon joined in the laughter as they got to the lobby, where they spotted their entourage.

“Ok, let’s go people. Home!”

August 30th 1999

Merel was standing in front of her closet, scanning over the many outfits she owned and not one of them to her liking. It was like she was going on a date! Today was the big day; she was going to meet the guys of Nsync and she was a little nervous, quit lying Merel, she scolded herself, she was nervous plain and simple but who wouldn’t be? She was going to have to work with them for months and she just hoped they wouldn’t be arrogant, have inflatable heads and egos as big as the titanic, that was what she feared. Especially that Justin kid, it couldn’t be good to be working at the age of 14 and she didn’t dare to hope that he simply stayed grounded throughout all of this. She finally picked some clothes and dressed quickly, hurrying towards the studios to meet Nsync.

September 2nd 1999

After weeks of rehearsing in a dance studio down town, the moment was finally there; Nsync would take up the stage and the dancers, of course, needed to be there too. Merel had met them last week and was impressed, her fears for nothing. Not one of them was arrogant or had an ego the size of the titanic, not even an ego the size of a small rowing boat. And Justin was grounded, she didn’t know how but he was very friendly, genuinely interested and nothing of the superstar image the media had given him. She truly had a good time and she was reassured; this was going to be the best time of her life and with that feeling she appeared at the Lakeland center, where they’d put up the stage to rehearse, rehearse and rehearse till the tour really started. She couldn’t wait to start and hurried towards the stage, eager to start her day’s work.

September 6th 1999

Chantal started crying, she grabbed her teddy bear for the lack of anything better. Justin wasn’t there and she needed him right now. Why couldn’t he just orb in like that guy from Charmed? She sobbed. Sometimes life just sucked, sometimes you just felt miserable without any particular reason. Friends always cheered her up, friends and her boyfriend. Bastian may have cheated on her but he had always been there for her but Justin couldn’t. She knew that and she had tried to accept it but in times like this it just sucked and she hated Justin’s career which kept him away from her. And the paparazzi she still couldn’t deal with. She knew it wasn’t fair to compare Bastian with Justin because Justin was not a normal guy! He was an amazing guy but with a very overwhelming job that she needed to live with. She loved him but that didn’t make it any easier.

September 9th 1999

“Hi, I just needed to say that I think you’re an amazing dancer” a guy Merel had never seen before told her out of the blue. She was taken aback by the compliment but quickly recovered,

“Thanks” she smiled.

“I’m Kevin Robertson” he introduced himself while extending his hand for Merel to take.

“Merel Schrama” she said with a smile, taking the offered hand. He held onto it just a bit longer than usual as he stared at her. She blushed under his stare, slowly looking into his eyes. He was a cutie alright, she thought as he slowly released her hand.

“Are you ready for today?” Kevin asked flirting.

“Yeah,” she replied with a smile knowing where he was going to go with his question.

“I was about to go home”

“If you don’t mind I could walk with you” he offered.

“Sure,” she agreed while swinging her bag over her shoulder, “Let’s go” she said gesturing towards the exits.

“Bye!” Merel said to the security guard at the entrance and he waved back at her before she disappeared outside with Kevin.

“What do you do?” Merel asked as they walked down the street.

“With Nsync I mean” she added with a smile.

“I’m a lighting engineer” he explained, she nodded in acceptance.

“You’re from around here?” Kevin asked.

“No, I moved to Los Angeles a few months ago and then I moved here, a lot of moving” she chuckled.

“I’m originally from Ohio” he informed her, “You’ve been working for Nsync for long?”

“Not really, this is my second year but it’s a great job and a lot of fun”

“Yeah I can imagine” she nodded, “Well this is my house so I’ll see you tomorrow”

“Alright, goodnight” he said before kissing her cheek, shyly she ducked her head,

“Goodnight” she said before she went up the steps leading towards her apartment. This job kept getting better and better.

Lianne opened the front door, heading out to meet up with Chantal. Now that they were working day and night on getting the tour together on time, Lianne and Chantal basically spent all their time together. Lianne was grateful for that; she’d never get bored and she could see Chantal needed the company too, she’d seem down lately she was happy during the trip to the Netherlands but after that she seemed to grow more miserable every day. A piece of paper caught her attention as she locked the front door, a strip of white paper stuck out from underneath the door mat and she bend down to pick it up. It was hidden well but not too well to make sure that someone would find it. Her curiosity rising she folded it open and read the words scribbled on the inside, with simple black letters it said, ‘I love you Lianne’ A smile appeared as she folded it close, Josh she thought. It was typical him, leaving little things to show her how much he cared about her. He must have left it here, her brow furrowed as she thought about how long it had been when he was last here at her house. She dismissed the thought, it was Josh who else could have done it?

“Hey Lian” Chantal said as she opened the door wider to let her friend in.

“Hey” Lianne said absent mindedly, still thinking about the note.

“Everything ok?” Chantal asked concerned looking her over.

“Yeah… uh… it’s nothing” Lianne dismissed but Chantal wasn’t convinced; seeing there was something on her friend’s mind.

“You sure?” she persisted.

“Yeah forget it” Lianne said with a shake of her head, clearing her mind. Lianne shrugged off her jacket when the bell rang again, Chantal was still standing at the door and opened it with a smile. Her face darkened as she saw Stephanie standing in front of her face.

“Leave me alone” Chantal said simply before closing the door, Stephanie was expecting this however and pushed her foot in the door preventing it from shutting in front of her face,

“I knew you’d be happy to see me” Stephanie said with a smile while Chantal tried once again to shut the door, crushing Stephanie’s foot between the door and the doorframe. Stephanie didn’t flinch the sole on her shoe protecting her foot.

“I even got you something and you’re trying to crush my foot” Stephanie said with fake disappointment while reaching into her bag. She produced a few sheets of paper and handed them to Chantal, Lianne who was still standing in the hallway looked over her shoulder to the pieces of paper;

‘Troubles in paradise?’ the head-line said with a few words in bold; Justin Timberlake, Chantal Montgomery, JC Chasez, Lianne Spruijt, no time for girlfriends, always reporters and that was only the first page. Lianne eyed her friend carefully, trying to read the look in her eyes but she couldn’t.

“So what do you think?” Stephanie asked innocently, “I got a job at the local newspaper, this is my first article”

“Are you kidding me?” Chantal asked through gritted teeth not even bothering to check the second page or the third. Stephanie smiled in return while Lianne tried to calm Chantal down by lying a hand or her shoulder.

“You little shit, just leave me alone. Find someone else to write about!” she spat in her face while she tore the article to shreds. Stephanie smiled at her,

“You think that is the only copy? I’m not stupid” Reclining her foot.

“I think you are, why else would you keep coming back here?”

“I wanted to see the expression on your face when you saw my article,” Stephanie informed her, “And now I did” she added with a triumphantly smile.

“Go. Away” Chantal said again through gritted teeth, “I don’t care what you do with the article, just leave me alone” she said before she threw the shredded sheets in Stephanie’s direction and slammed the door shut. Lianne once again eyed her friend and she saw the anger slowly disappearing, making room for the sadness that took over her body as she leaned against the closed front door;

“When are they going to leave me alone?” she whispered through her hands which she put over her face. Lianne couldn’t give her an answer, the answer she could give would only sadden her more so she gave her a hug to comfort her, letting her know she wasn’t alone but then why did it feel like she was?

September 14th 1999

It was a sunny day at the Lakeland center. Lianne eyed her friend, checking if she was ok; it had only been a couple of days since Stephanie made her appearance and she wasn’t sure if she was over it. She decided to ask it later, Chantal seemed happy now with the prospect of seeing Justin and she didn’t want to ruin her good mood. Late in the afternoon they arrived at the venue and stood in the open arena watching their boyfriends rehearsing on stage. They normally weren’t allowed to stay for the rehearsals all day, it would be too distracting but today was different. There were more friends and family members because that night they were going to try out some of the fireworks they’d use in the show and she was planning on enjoying tonight, no worries, no thinking just enjoying; she hoped her brain would corporate with that plan.

September 18th 1999

The day had finally arrived, the first day of the tour. Everyone was anxious, hoping it would all work out like it was supposed to but at the same time they were confident that it would. Lianne and Chantal had joined them again, after this they'd go on tour and once again they wouldn’t be able to spend time with them so they took this opportunity. They were also looking forward to see the actual show, both heard some things from JC and Justin which only made them more curious about the whole show. Chantal had lost Lianne soon after they’d entered the venue, Lianne saw the dancers rehearse and couldn’t suppress the need to watch them. Chantal had pushed her towards them and said she’d see her later. Chantal went off to look for Justin, she soon found him outside, amusingly watching the scene in front of him accompanied by JC and Joey. Chris and Lance were struggling with a crew member, Chris had a spray can ready to attack the squirming young man, who was laughing so hard it was contagious.

“Why aren’t you helping him?” Chantal asked when she saw JC, Justin and Joey smiling at the scene in front of him instead of helping the man.

“It’s a tradition!” Justin defended.

“Ah common let him go” Chantal said playfully to Chris and Lance.

“Alright” Chris said easily, a little too easy as a matter of fact. He also got an evil look in his eyes and the guys knew exactly what he was planning. Chantal however had no clue till she caught that everybody was staring at her with an amused look on their faces. Her eyes widened when she fully comprehended what was going to happen.

“No! You wouldn’t dare” Chris and Lance kept approaching.

“Chris I swear to God…” she started her threat but didn’t get a chance to finish it because Lance started running in her direction and she forgot about her sentence and took off running in the opposite direction. Chris just patiently waited for Lance to catch her so that he could spray paint her. Lance was having trouble though because she was fast and succeeded in getting out of his way just in time before he could catch her. Justin decided to help out and soon after they walked back with a thrashing Chantal in between them.

“Justin” she said firmly.

“You’ll pay for this, come on let me go” she thrashed but they were not impressed.

“Help me spray paint Chris” she whispered.

“No he would never forgive me… Sorry dear” It all didn’t matter though because Chris approached with the can of spray paint and fired, soon the paint covered her hair, face and it slowly dripped down her body.

“Chantal Montgomery we welcome you into the Nsync travel clan” Chris said formal.

“Geez thanks” she said sarcastically while brushing the paint out of her hair, it was useless though. It all stuck to her hair.

“Now don’t be that way there are a lot of people who’d want to trade places with you in a minute and besides that there’s still some paint left in this little sucker” he said holding up the paint can triumphantly.

“I’m not even traveling with you” she mumbled under her breath. Chris caught her words,

“You never know in the future” he said wiggling his eyebrows playfully which made her burst out laughing.

“Thanks so much!” she yelled fakely excited.

“That sounds more like it” he nodded seriously, she hugged him to make him dirty and to get the paint can from him. She succeeded and spray painted Chris,

“Served you right” she said with a satisfied nod before embracing Justin in a hug, covering him in paint as well. JC, Lance and Joey followed and soon they were all dirty from the paint when Lianne walked out with an unknown girl.

“What happened here?” Lianne asked with a smile.

“Warning; when you see Chris coming at you with a spray can. Run” Chantal said gesturing towards her clothing soaked with paint. Lianne laughed at her friend,

“I’ll remember that” Then she suddenly remembered the girl standing next to her,

“Ooh this is Merel,” she introduced the girl, “She’s a dancer” Lianne added.

“I’m Chantal” she introduced herself, extending her hand for her to take but changed her mind, staring down at her hand which was covered in paint,

“I’d shake your hand but….”

“That’s ok” Merel said with a smile, a very friendly smile.

“It was nice meeting you, I got to get back” Merel said gesturing over her shoulder towards the building they just exited.

Chantal nodded, “Nice meeting you too and good luck tonight”

“Thanks, see you later” she said before turning around and walking away.

“Nice girl” Chantal commented, then she stared down at her clothes, “I’m gonna go wash up” she said with a broad smile for Chris.

“I’ll help you” Chris offered running after her.

“No way Kirkpatrick!” Justin yelled after him before following them. The rest also went inside to get themselves ready for the concert.

Lianne and Chantal walked around the venue, the guys were doing sound check and they’d watched the first part but Lianne had suggested to go exploring, saying she’d always wanted to do that. Chantal had agreed.

“Let’s check out the fans” Lianne suggested, curiously.

Chantal shook her head no, “I don’t really feel like it” she said but she was lying, she was just as curious as her friend but something held her back; the attention.

“Come on!” Lianne urged her friend, having a fair idea why she didn’t want to come; she knew Chantal better than that and she couldn’t let her friend hide herself like that so she practically dragged her with her to the back doors. Chantal gave up struggling because her curiosity grew as they came closer to the back doors, Lianne gave her an soothing smile before she pushed the doors open. They were met by loud screams from the fans thinking they’d be eye to eye with their idols. When they saw who it was, exiting the building, the screams lessened but didn’t disappear. They also changed, first they screamed the names of the guys now they were yelling for…. them. Chantal looked at Lianne, making sure she was hearing this right, when she saw her huge smile she knew she heard it right. They both walked towards the gates, the screams getting louder until they could actually hear what they were yelling about,

“Lian can I have your autograph?!”

“Chantal can I have yours?”

The screams came from all around, taken the two girls by surprise, our autograph? What would they want with ours, they wondered but started signing nevertheless. Papers where held out for them to sign, Lianne and Chantal did what they could; signing as many as possible.

“How was Holland? I downloaded the video, you looked so cute together” one girl told Chantal when she took the paper from her.

“It was good, thanks” she responded with a smile while she scrawled her name on the paper before giving it back to the girl with another smile, “Here you go”

More screams could be heard as the back door opened once again, revealing the five guys where all the fans had been waiting for. Lianne and Chantal saw them approaching and they signed the last peace of paper before they turned towards them, ready to walk back inside when Justin stopped Chantal by grabbing her hand. He pressed his lips against hers and waited for a response, Chantal was startled but kissed him back she was vaguely aware of the flashes from numerous of cameras. He pulled back slightly and smiled,

“You go in, I’ll be right there” She nodded and smiled,

“K” then she stepped back out of his embrace and walked away, he held onto her hand as long as possible, it was almost as if he felt something was wrong.

Just half an hour before the show started, Lianne and Chantal took their seats in the VIP area and looked down on the anxious and exciting fans, smiling at the signs, T-shirts and painted faces.

“Lianne how do you handle it?” Chantal asked all of a sudden.

“Handle what?”

“The attention” Chantal asked, they’d asked it before but she was hoping for a better answer this time.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the photographers who are hiding in the bushes, the journalists tricking you into a story and you know, just everything”

“Oh…” she paused, thinking about what Chantal said. She’d never really thought about it,

“I guess I don’t really think about it that much, kind of ignore it I guess”

“Oh” Chantal responded a little disappointed and worried because she couldn’t ignore it, how are you supposed to ignore it? A few flashbulbs went off and Lianne looked up to see if it was time for the show already, Chantal who was still lost in thought hadn’t noticed it but when Lianne nudged her in the side she looked up as well,

“What?” she asked a little startled.

“Their taking pictures of us!” she exclaimed surprised.

“Oh...” Chantal said, she wasn’t as happy with it as Lianne was who was waving friendly and smiling. Lianne turned her gaze towards her friend, wondering what was going on, noticing she wasn’t happy with the attention. She’d noticed it before but didn’t really know how to help her. She wondered if Justin knew how she felt about the media attention, she shook her head, looking Chantal over once more; it wasn’t her business. She hoped she’d find a way to deal with it, there was no escaping it.

September 24th 1999

Merel smiled as she walked to her dressing area, the small table that was reversed for her all the way at the end of the room. She passed the other four dancers’ tables before reaching hers. A single red rose lay there on top of the table waiting just for her, this wasn’t the first and she knew exactly from who it was; Kevin, the guy she’d met earlier this month. He was acting all romantic, something that Merel could get used to but she wished he would just ask her out for real. If those roses weren’t a hint she didn’t know anymore but he still hadn’t asked. She knew why he hadn’t asked; the tour had taken all of her time and she could imagine it had taken up all of his time as well. But now that the tour had finally started she was waiting for the invitation, it wouldn’t be long she was sure of that.

October 6th 1999

Chantal was lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling as if the answers would come from there, she wished they would. Her mind wondered off to the last few months; the few days she’d spent with Justin and the many days she didn’t spend with him. School had just started and the workload was slowly starting to build, she was getting more stressed and worried. She’d seen some people staring at her and it didn’t feel good, not to mention the photographers who were still there; following her and snapping pictures whenever they could. She tried to ignore it but she’d never feel comfortable with it and it bothered her. She needed to do things for her not waiting for Justin to come spend time with her, living off of Justin’s life, she needed a life too and it seemed almost impossible to do that aside of his. She needed a break, she didn’t know for how long she just knew that she needed some time to herself so that she could think this through. Think about all the aspects about dating ‘the’ Justin Timberlake. She made the decision she’d been dreading for some time now but she knew it would help, somehow. Justin would be home in a couple of days, she would tell him then. A silent tear slowly tracked its way down her face as she continued to watch the ceiling above her.

Merel headed towards the exit when a rose appeared in front of her face, and soon Kevin was standing in front of her. She smiled at him as she excepted the rose,

“Thank you”

“You’re welcome” he smiled back,

“Are you free tonight?” he asked already knowing the answer. It was three weeks into the tour and they’d been going non stop, a concert every night of the week and today was the first night off so he had a pretty good idea she was free.

“Yeah I am” she smiled, “Why?” she added with a playful tone in her voice.

“Well I was thinking, maybe we could get something to eat and maybe a movie?” he suggested.

“I’m up for that” she said happily.

“I’ll pick you up 7?”

“Sure, room 212” she smiled, the crew all stayed at the same hotel.

“I’m glad I just have to find the room,” he said relieved, “I’m not very good with addresses” he added softly.

Merel smiled, “Neither am I”

The smile never left his face as he said, “See you at 7”

October 12th 1999

Justin flew back to Orlando on his day off, eager to see Chantal since it had been a few weeks but he was more nervous this time. He didn’t know why but there was just this feeling that something wasn’t right. He’d felt it when he last saw her; the first night of the tour and it kept popping up whenever his mind was free, when he wasn’t working. He didn’t like the feeling and hoped it would go away once he talked to her and he’d be on his way back by the next afternoon, happily joining his friends on tour.

Chantal was a nervous wreck all week; ever since she made the decision she’d been thinking about how to tell him, make him understand why and hoping she wouldn’t hurt him. She knew that was impossible and it was hurting her too but she couldn’t continue with this. At least not now, maybe just maybe she’d be willing to try it again; if he still wanted it that is but now she couldn’t do it anymore and she needed to tell him.

They’d agreed to meet at his house, she needed the privacy and with Jen and Bryant running around the house all the time, the baby only two months away, she wouldn’t have that at home. She made sure she was early, letting herself in and preparing herself for when he’d come home she didn’t have to wait long, thirty minutes later she heard him yell her name as he rushed into the living room assuming she’d be there and she was. He walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her, she fell into his arms and hugged him back.

“I missed you” he whispered into her ear.

“I missed you too” she whispered back before pulling away, she took his hand and lead him towards the couch.

She took a deep breath, “Justin, we need to talk” she said seriously, her throat already hurting from the lump that was forming there.

“Sounds serious” he joked as a smile appeared, when she didn’t smile back his smile instantly fell of his face and he clasped his hands together in his lap, nervously biting his lower lip. Justin was waiting for her to start, waiting to hear whatever she had to say and he sensed it wasn’t good as he studied her face. She was silent for a while, not knowing what to say, getting mad at herself for letting him wait. She’d thought about what she was going to say and rehearsed it but now she didn’t remember what that was anymore.

“I don’t know how to handle it” Chantal said softly, Justin barely heard what she’d said,

“How to handle what?” Justin asked in the same soft tone. She sighed heavily, pushing the tears away, “You being away all the time. All those fans, the media… everything,” she paused for a second before adding,

“I can’t take it anymore” she sounded tired, worn out. Justin’s heart crumbled, knowing what her next words were going to be.

“I could call you more often or we could go on holiday together or…” he rambled to prevent her from saying it would be best to break up but the words came anyway.

“Justin, you know that isn’t going to solve anything” she said her eyes shimmered with tears, her lips pressed together tightly for a moment to push the tears back once again. Justin was silent, what could he say?

“I don’t want to lose you” he said softly, the same tone of voice Chantal had used at the beginning of the conversation. Justin mentally wished he could turn back the time and that he would have seen this coming, if he was honest with himself he’d seen this coming. He’d noticed how she flinched when the cameras flashed in their faces, when she told him about another reporter offering her money for a story. He’d seen the signs but had chosen to ignore them, now he wished he hadn’t and he cursed himself for not making it better.

“Chantal,” he addressed her, “Dutchie” he added while taking her shaking hands in his, she smiled somewhat at the nickname. No one had ever called her Dutchie, it was a silly nickname but one only Justin used which made it special. She looked down at their hands entwined before looking up into his eyes.

“I haven’t felt this great in a long time and it’s all because of you, please, I don’t want to loose you” he said with tears filling his eyes, a few falling but he didn’t brush them away, he didn’t care. She felt tears falling from her eyes as well and she pulled one hand out of his grasp and brushed away her tears quickly before brushing away his. He leaned into the touch as she cupped his cheek, the other hand still buried under his hands.

“I know how you feel. Really, I do but I’m sorry. I just can’t take it anymore I need some space. I need a break. I love you with al my heart and I always will but I….” she stopped when the huge lump in her throat prevented her from speaking and a few tears escaped,

“I can’t handle it, I need a break from it all” Silence once again filled the room before Chantal spoke again, she needed to explain,

“I never knew it was going to be like this,” she started, Justin searched her eyes for regret but found none,

“I don’t regret our relationship,” she said when she understood what Justin was looking for in her eyes.

“I loved each second of it, being together with you I know my life couldn’t get any better” she said with a smile and she quickly went on when she saw the question in his eyes; why are we breaking up then?

“I just never realized that it would be like this, Bryant warned me about the reporters and photographers all wanting to get to me because I know you but I said I would be fine, I convinced him and myself that I could deal with all the attention that came with dating you. I said I could handle it” she scoffed.

“But I can’t” she added apologetically,

“I just need time for myself, need time to figure all this out and if maybe we could be together again” Justin’s eyes lit up at that bit of information,

“There’s still a chance for us being together?” he asked hopeful.

Did he dare to hope that she might find a way to handle it?

That it might be alright, that the media wouldn’t ruin another relationship.

“Maybe” she answered honestly, she didn’t know, maybe there was maybe there wasn’t she couldn’t say that right now, she just knew they needed a break,

“I just need to be on my own for a while and think about all of this, I just need some peace” she ended. Justin was nodding while tears fell from his eyes during her explanation. He understood, he’d get a break if he could but for him it wasn’t so simple. He knew that reporters chased the people he was around and he wished they’d only bother him but that was just not realistic.

“I’m sorry” she whispered before kissing him on the forehead. She brushed her hand over his cheek once more as she pulled her other hand free, Justin was staring at his hands where hers was just a few seconds ago as he heard her shuffle to the front door,

“I love you Justin” she said softly before walking out the door, tears were falling from her eyes heavily as she left a heart broken Justin behind.

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