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« Chapter 7 »

"So, what do we do now?" Chantal asked Justin while they sat down on the couch in the living room. She gave him the paper and showed him the pictures and the article.

"I don't know. We can deny it"

"With a picture like that?" he couldn't argue on that, the picture was pretty clear. You could easily tell he was kissing a girl and if the article said that it was a girl named Chantal Montgomery. The conclusion would be easily made although it still wouldn't prove the girl really was her.

"Well let's not worry about it. At least not until the professional media hears about it. It's still a local school newspaper"

"Yes, it won't take long though with Stephanie. She will do everything to get publicity and to sell this thing"

"When that happens we'll confirm it but let's not get ahead of ourselves"

"What do you mean by confirm?" she asked a little confused.

"Confirm, confirm that we're dating"

"Wouldn't the article confirm that?"

"No, an article spreads rumors then we tell whether it's true or not" he explained.

"Ooh, I did not know that"

"Well…" he asked while he scanned her eyes.

"What?" she asked smiling when she noticed he was staring at her.

"You want to do something fun?"

"Yeah" she nodded. "I ditched class already so I've got time"

"We got a signing session at Virgin in…" he looked at his watch before continuing "3 hours"

"And how is that going to be fun?" she asked sarcastically.

"Well like I said smarty pants" he said putting emphasis on his last two words. "I'm free for another 3 hours!" He continued while he lowered his head till it was equal to hers. He rested his forehead against hers and stared straightly into her eyes.

"Good" she said lowering her eyebrows so she was able to stare back into his eyes.

"Let's go to the mall! Buy silly things we don't need! Stroll around the mall, nothing better than that!" she suggested while she pulled her head away.

"Alright I'm up for that, let's go" they jumped up from the couch. After Chantal went upstairs to get a cap for Justin, who didn't bring one cause he didn't think he would be in the mall for very long, they walked to the car hand in hand and drove to the mall.

"Let's go to the gift shop!" Chantal yelled excited when she spotted her favorite store.

"Alright but after this I want to go to footlocker" he said because he'd been dragged to one store after the other and he wanted to go to footlocker, the store they'd passed about a million times already.

"Sure, I want a new cap" she exclaimed while Justin tugged his cap a little further over his eyes. Chantal looked confused but she nodded understanding when she looked in the direction Justin pointed out. She saw a group of girls with Nsync T-shirts and photo camera's in their hand.

"You'll be seeing them later" she remarked before she glanced at her watch.

"What are they doing here so early? The signing isn't for another hour"

"An hour in advance is not early. Last time there was this girl and she said she had been there since 7am, we got there around 2pm!"

"Everything for you guys right?" he nodded slightly.

"I'm glad I don't have to stand in line, I wouldn't have the patience"

"I might let you" he said with playfulness obviously present in his voice.

"Hah! I will let you stand in line for ME, I got enough guys lined up, I could just pick one" she said playful. "But you're the only one I want" She added when he stuck out his bottom lip and did his best pout al the while looking at her with puppy dog eyes. She then put her arms around his neck and tightened her grip to make him meet her half way into a kiss. He wouldn't allow her though he just stood still. Although he tried his best to make her believe he wasn't impressed at all, she knew he was enjoying it. When she saw he wasn't going to give in, she jumped up and embraced his neck again but this time she clung to it so that she was face to face. She smiled when she saw his eyes soften and he tried to smile without her noticing but knew he was failing. She pressed her lips against his.

'No reaction, hmm let me do it again' she thought after she broke away. She tried again and this time she was greeted by his tongue half way. Once they pulled away she looked in his eyes and saw a look of excitement and happiness in them. She kissed him one more time briefly on the lips and then loosened her embrace till she was again standing on the ground. He threw his arm over her shoulder and then entered the store. A few minutes later Chantal had wondered off. Justin turned his head to look at the jewelry that were placed in the shop's window and when he turned around to say something to Chantal she was gone. He saw her in the back of the store and thought this would be a good opportunity to buy her something. He didn't know she was doing the same for him.

She had gone to the back of the store to look at the picture frames. She loved those frames. She picked out one and bought it. She walked back to the front and when Justin noticed her he smiled brightly.

"What are you so happy about?"

"I'm just happy…" he said still smiling brightly and his eyes sparkled. He put his arm around her once again and they headed out the door towards Footlocker. After that they checked out all kinds of clothing stores and a warehouse where they strolled around without any purpose. That was a great feeling. They drank coffee and before they knew it, it was time for them to head out to Virgin. At least for Justin, Chantal decided to come along and check out the Virgin Mega Store since she hadn't been there for quite a while. On the way they passed a photo booth. Chantal dragged Justin in and put some money in the machine.

The pictures turned out very cool. There was one of them kissing, one of them pulling funny faces, one of them holding each other tight and smiling extremely happy at the camera and one of them laughing. Justin made a funny remark just before the camera took the picture, that's why they were laughing on that picture. They didn't know the camera would take a picture at that moment but the picture itself turned out quite funny. They were looking at the photos while they walked to Virgin Mega Store. Justin had called before to let them know he was coming and they let them in through the backdoor. They walked inside holding hands, joining the other four guys who were already there.

"Hey guys!" Justin and Chantal said when they came through the door.

"Hey!" they replied. She kissed Justin goodbye and wished him luck with the signing session.

"Ooh wait, I want to ask you something" he said when she was about to leave. "I'll be very busy next week but I was wondering if we could go on a date next Saturday?" He asked her, he sounded a little nervous.

"Sure, sounds like fun"

"Cool, I'll call you later but keep Saturday open" he said while blinking his eye.

"I will. Will I see you after your signing session?"

"I don't know, probably not because we're doing a couple of photo shoots right after this signing"

"Alright then. See you on Saturday"

"I'll call you soon"

"Okay, have fun"

"You too" they kissed then both went their separate ways. She went upstairs to check out the new CD's and DVD's and he joined his four mates on the ground floor to sign whatever the fans, who were standing in line throughout the whole store, brought with them. She could hear the fans yell and smiled. There wasn't a single soul on the first floor. The store was completely abandoned. They were all downstairs, at the signing session of Nsync.

She walked passed the pop CD's and couldn't help searching for an Nsync CD. There was one CD left and she stared at the picture.

"God, they look so young!" she said to herself. She saw a group of girls walking towards her. They scanned the area where Nsync CD's should have been and then one of them asked.

"Are there any Nsync CD's left?"

"This is the last one" she answered while holding up the CD.

"Crap" Another girl said.

"Here you can take this, I was only looking at it" Chantal said offering the girl who was closest to her the CD.

"You sure?!" the girls asked in disbelief.

"Yes" she confirmed while she handed them the CD.

"Thank you so much!" they exclaimed. Chantal smiled and said,

"You're welcome" they turned around and headed back to the staircase.

"Did you see how fine Justin looked?"

"How could we NOT notice? But I must say JC looked pretty fine"

"What are you talking about they ALL looked fine!! They ALWAYS look fine. You can't debate that"

"Fine is definitely an understatement!" their voices died out when they walked down the staircase and Chantal chuckled. Then she walked to the new DVD's, curious if there was a good movie she could buy.

In the meantime Chris, Justin, Joey, JC and Lance were signing the umpteenth cover. They were posing for the pictures and responding to the things the fans said to them. After a while Chantal saw everything she wanted to see and decided to go home. She walked downstairs and with every step she took the screaming got louder and louder. She saw girls standing inline from the front all the way to the back of the store. She walked to the exit and looked at the five guys at the table. She stood there for a while just watching them, after a few minutes Justin noticed her. He smiled. She saw it and gave him a blow kiss. He returned it and all of a sudden a girl in front of her started to scream, "Justin gave me a blow kiss!!!!" Chantal smiled and waved one more time to Justin, he waved back and then she turned around. Turning her back on the craziness, Nsync caused by just showing up.

~*~ That night ~*~

Craig, Bryant and Chantal walked into the restaurant and were guided to a table in the corner. Bryant hadn't said a word since they came in. Chantal knew he didn't want to be there in the first place so she kept talking, trying to avoid that Craig would say something to him and it would end in a fight. By the time they got their food Chantal was out of subjects to talk about and hoped that when her dad was eating he wouldn't ask Bryant questions which would annoy him. She knew that was a slim chance but she pinned her hopes on that thought. They were all quiet for a while but then she heard her dad's cough. He always did that before he started speaking.

"How's school?" Craig asked while he scooted some carrots on his fork.

"It's ok" Chantal answered quickly so that Bryant wouldn't. Although she knew Bryant wasn't going to answer him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here last year to help you" Craig said addressing to Bryant.

"I don't need your help" he said stubbornly. Chantal shot him a glare but Bryant was getting angrier and didn't notice. He knew where this was going and he didn't like it.

"I think you do, otherwise you wouldn't have to repeat this year" Bryant ignored the comment and shoved a spoon full of food in his mouth to prevent himself from telling him off. The conversation went dead and they all ate in silence for a few moments.

"So who's the guy?" Craig asked Chantal, thinking he'd better leave Bryant alone for a while.

"What guy?" she asked confused.

"The guy I caught on the staircase"

"Ooh Justin?"

"Yeah Justin"

"We're dating" she said happily.

"You should bring him over sometime"

"I will but promise me you won't attack him this time" she answered teasing her father. He laughed with her and glanced at Bryant for a moment. Noticing he wasn't smiling he didn't even chuckle. He was just poking in his food.

"How's Jennifer?"

"None of your business" he replied. Chantal kicked him under the table which caused Bryant to jump in surprise and pain.

"Can't I be interested in your girlfriend?" Craig asked confused.

"Let's not go there!" he stated trying to keep his temper under control. When Craig pretended he didn't know what he was talking about Bryant had enough.

"You tried everything to keep us apart so don't give me any of that shit!" he whisper loudly.

"What do you mean?" he still played dumb and that made Bryant even angrier.

"Ah man, don't pretend you don't remember. You're just playing with us. You always have and you probably always will. You don't care about us! You just want to check in on us to make sure we don't spend too much of your money and if we're still alive. You couldn't care less about the rest that happens. You just want to mess with our heads and I've had enough! I'm leaving, I'm sorry Chantal"

He threw his napkin on the table and sprinted out the restaurant. Bryant's volume increased with every word he said and drew the attention of the people who were sitting around them. Chantal gave the people who were staring at them a fake smile to make sure they would turn around and stop looking at them, when she saw they did she turned to her dad. She wanted to reassure him by giving him a smile but till her surprise he didn't look hurt at all. In fact he looked more surprised than hurt and unaware of it THAT bothered her more.

~*~ April 20th 1999 ~*~

While the guys were in South America for Child's Welfare, Lianne was sitting in her room thinking about the last few days. This involved a lot of JC. Unlike what she told Chantal she definitely had feelings for him. But what about Jamie? What about Julie? What would HE even think?! How stupid was it to fall for a pop star? What did she have to do? Those were questions that were on her mind 24/7. Nobody would take it serious, falling for a pop star. 'Just a high school crush' they would say but she new it was more than that, much more in fact. She felt closer to him than she'd ever felt with Jamie. But what would JC think? Would he feel the same? Probably not! Why would he feel the same? She was probably the millionth fan falling for him. He probably thought she was nothing more than a crazy fan. Maybe she WAS a crazy fan…

What should I do? I have no idea, she answered her own question. She was trying to figure out what she had to do, but she just didn't know. She tried to ignore her feelings. It was crazy to even think about JC in that way. She pushed her thoughts aside, dropped her head in her hands trying to clear her mind but it wasn't working. 'He didn't feel the same way about her' she thought. 'Or maybe….' she thought while she raised her head. She looked at a poster of JC on the wall. "NO!"

~*~ April 21st 1999 ~*~

"7, 3, 2, 4" she said the last numbers out loud while she pressed the buttons. Her article lay in front of her and she stared at it while she listened to the dial tone, waiting for someone to pick up on the other end of the line.

"Orlando Times, Maria speaking. How can I help you?"

"Hello this is Stephanie Manson and I'm the editor in chief of the school newspaper here and...." she said proudly sure of the fact that it would impress the woman, but she realized the woman wasn't impressed at all when she abruptly cut her off.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am. We're not interested"

"But you haven't even listened to me!" she exclaimed angrily.

"I'm sorry we don't have any internship left"

"Ooh but I'm...." she started but stopped when she heard the dial tone once again. She threw the phone down and in one swift move wiped away all the papers on her desk. She looked down at the papers on the floor and rested both of her hands on her desk and inhaled deeply to come to her senses. Her eyes glanced over to the papers on the floor once more when she caught side of the newspaper with the article about Justin and Chantal on the cover. She picked it up and said.

"They will be sorry for blowing me off!!" a smile slowly crept across her face while a new plan was formed in her head.

~*~ April 23rd 1999 ~*~

"CHANTAL!?!" a girl, about ten, screamed and ran towards her. Chantal jumped at the high pitched scream coming from the girl.

"Are you Justin's girlfriend?" the girl asked her hopeful, waiting for an answer with eyes wide open.

"Um…" Chantal started. 'what was the right answer for this?' she thought, desperately looking around for some help.

"You are, aren't you?" the girl asked again.

"Yes, she is" a voice said and she knew too well how it belonged to.

"As in Justin Timberlake?"

"Yes" Stephanie answered for her.

"As in Justin Timberlake of Nsync?!"

"Yes" Stephanie repeated.

"Thanks Stephanie" Chantal said sarcastically.

"Can you get me Justin's autograph please?!" the girl asked her desperately holding up a little notebook.

"…sure…." she said slowly, she didn't want to disappoint the girl and took the notebook from her. The girl's face turned into a huge smile and happily she hopped away.

"Give me one too" Stephanie said sarcastic before she walked away.

"Damn!" she said quietly to herself.

~*~ April 24th 1999 ~*~

The next day there were a lot of people waiting in front her locker. All kids around the age of 10 to 14 waiting impatiently with their notebooks.

"Ooh no!" she said quietly to herself. The thought to turn around crossed her mind several times but she really needed a book from her locker and she didn't want to run from them. She took a deep breath and headed towards her locker.

"Chantal, can you get me Lance's autograph?" a girl asked as soon as she spotted Chantal. Other girls turned around hoping it would be Chantal, who could get them Nsync autographs.

"JC for me!"

"No JOEY!!"

"I want Chris!"

"Give me one of Justin's" It sounded like a damn auction! What the hell was she thinking saying yes to the girl yesterday, she probably told all her friends and they told people, etc! Now she could get all these people autographs, because she promised one girl!

"Damn it, Chantal" she cursed quietly to herself.

"Okay, okay, stop!" she yelled trying to get the attention from the screaming girls.

"Listen, I can't get you any autographs. There too many! If you want one, you can go to a signing session. I know they do that a lot so just get in line and you can even meet them and see them sign your piece of paper in person!" she spoke to the girls when she finally got their attention. She only hoped they would fall for the 'you can even meet them and see them sign your piece of paper in person' line. There wasn't an immediate response so she thought they bought it. She turned around to her locker and got her book, and then she made her way through the girls who made an attempt to leave till her satisfaction. However one girl wasn't satisfied, in fact she was furious. 'Who the hell does she think she is?!' she thought.

Meanwhile the guys had interview after interview. They were in Jive office and welcomed one reporter after another. Answered the same questions over and over again. But the end of the interviews were in sight. The last one was with MTV.

"Finally!" Joey exclaimed when the last interview was over.

"Yeah man, tomorrow we'll hit the studio and record!!" Chris cheered.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait. Too bad it's only for two days" JC said.

"Yeah, why was that again?" Justin asked.

"Because we need to record Bye Bye Bye first. That's going to be our first single and if we want to make a video for it. We have to make sure we recorded the song right?" Lance explained.

"Yeah, that makes sense" Justin admitted.

"Of course it makes sense. I explained it" Lance said smiling proudly.

"Hey Lance, everything ok with Lynn?" Joey asked and he noticed his smile slowly faded when he heard the question.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?!" he answered a little bit too aggressive.

"Wow, down boy" Justin said laughing. Lance on the other hand wasn't laughing. Things weren't alright between them. In fact their arguing increased every time they saw each other. It will pass he convinced himself. We're just going through a difficult phase.

"I'm going to get a drink" Lance excused himself avoiding the glares from his friends.

"What's wrong with him?" JC asked a little concerned while he watched Lance stumble away.

"Don't know" Joey shrugged. Lance was always calm he never snapped at anyone unless something or someone was bothering him. He knew there was something wrong. He just didn't know what…. Yet.

Sophie stormed in the kitchen and threw her backpack on the table. Her dad who was working in the next room came in the kitchen and asked,

"Sweetie? What's wrong?"

"It's just that stupid girl!!"



"Who's that? I never heard you talking about her?"

"Well I don't really know her"

"Then...." he started, still confused, but he was cut off by his daughter.

"I asked her for one favor and she ignored me!"

"What favor?" her dad was clueless. Sophie sighed deeply and started explaining.

"Chantal is Justin's girlfriend, or so they say…."

"Who's Justin?" he interrupted her.

"Justin Timberlake! You know him you write about him at least once a week!"

"Ooh the Timberlake kid" he said while he rubbed his chin with a finger while a story formed in his head.

"SO…" she said a little louder to get her fathers attention back.

"I asked her if she could get me an autograph and she just refused!!"


"So Justin Timberlake has a new girlfriend?" he said thinking about the scoop he would have if he got the right information from his daughter.

"Yes! At least that is what the new school newspaper says" She said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Really? Do you have a copy of that school newspaper?"

"Yeah" she said while she pulled her copy out of her backpack and handed her father the paper. Sophie kept talking about how bad Chantal had treated her and how stupid Justin must be to be interested in a girl like that. Her father listened and made notes in his mind while he studied the pictures and the article in the school newspaper. 'Article and Pictures by Stephanie Manson' stood at the bottom of the page. I better contact her before other newspapers catch wind of this….

"Stephanie Manson"

"Yes hello this is Rob Werton and I'm an entertainment journalist for The Orlando Sentinel. I saw your article and pictures concerning Justin Timberlake and I was wondering what else you can tell me about them" Stephanie was taken by surprise because she had been trying to contact a lot of news papers the last few days. She wanted the papers to buy her article, but no one would even let her finish. They'd already hung before she reached the subject she'd contacted them for. Overwhelmed that there was someone who was interested in her article, she was speechless for a second but snapped out of just as fast and thought quickly before she responded.

"I could tell you a lot more, for the right price of course"

"Of course" Rob responded, he was impressed. Usually inexperienced kids wouldn't think of money. They usually agreed quickly, glad that someone was interested in their story.

"Can we set up a meeting?" he asked.

"Of course! How's the 26th?" she asked while she ruffled some papers on the background, pretending she was very busy and she was doing him a favor by squeezing him in.

"Um, no I can't make it the 26th, and I was hoping we could meet up as soon as possible. Would you be able to make it tomorrow?"

"Um" she hesitated. 'Of course she could make it tomorrow!' her mind screamed but she wanted to look professional and busy so she continued ruffling some papers for a moment longer and finally said.

"I think I can squeeze you in"

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow at 2"

"Ok bye"

"Bye" a smile crept across her face while she put the phone down. Someone did pay attention to her story and the other papers would be sorry that they didn't buy it when they had the chance. She could definitely use this. This was going to be great!

~*~ April 25th ~*~

"Ah crap!! I got to go!!!" Stephanie exclaimed when her eyes fell on the clock on the wall.

"No you're not" the teacher responded.

"But I got a very important meeting at 2!" she said while she started to pack her things and stood up.

"Miss Manson, sit down" he said calmly. Stephanie reluctantly sat down. When the bell finally rang she sped out of the classroom, glancing back at Chantal when she reached the door. Chantal could feel eyes burning holes in her back and turned around, she saw Stephanie smiling brightly at her but it also showed a hint of evilness in them. She quivered under her gaze. Stephanie opened the door, satisfied of what she did to Chantal and what would happen to her. She walked away still smiling. Chantal followed her with her eyes until she was out of sight, she didn't like this at all. She recognized the look, better than she would want to. 'What is she up to now?'

~*~ April 26th ~*~

"Bryant?" she asked as she entered the living room.

"Yes?" Bryant said suspiciously, he knew that when Chantal used that tone usually meant that she was going to say something he didn't want to hear.

"Did you talk to dad?"

"Nope" he stated simply.

"Are you going to?"


"But Bryant!..."

"He's never here!!" he said in his own defense. But it was true, Craig hadn't been around the last couple of days. He was constantly working and Bryant didn't complain.

"So? Go talk to him!" he nodded numbly.


"Bryant?" she asked with the same tone present in her voice.


"Can you help me with something?"

"Sure with what?"

"I don't know what to wear" Chantal said insecure.

"But you have so much!!"

"So? That's not the point. That will only make it harder to choose something!"

"Alright but does it matter what I say?"

"Yes of course, I asked you didn't I?"

"Yes but usually when you ask me what to wear. I pick something and you go for the other outfit" he said.

"Well I still got my own opinion. You are only an adviser not the one who says what I wear dude!" she said teasing him.

"Ok let me see what are your options?" she ran upstairs and dragged all her clothes downstairs.

"What are you doing?"

"Showing you my options" she said with a smile and then she quickly ran upstairs again to get more clothes. After running up and down a few times she finally had all her clothes downstairs.

"Alright take your pick" she said to her brother who was staring at her like he saw a ghost.

"What!?!?" she exclaimed.

"You can start you own little store"

"Ahh shut up. Just pick something Justin is coming in an hour"

"You got plenty of time"

"No I don't I have to do my hair, make-up and can you pick something TODAY??" Bryant started to look through the pile of clothes and finally said,

"Alright alright this is cool" Bryant said when he held a pants and a t-shirt in front of her.

"That is like ten years old!! You're useless forget it. I'll find something myself!" she picked up all her clothes and headed in the direction of the stairs. It wasn't easy though. The whole pile of clothes covered her face so she couldn't see where she was going.

"Watch the door!!" Bryant yelled at her but she already walked into it.

"Thanks for the early warning" she said. Bryant laughed at his little sister. She could be pretty annoying sometimes but she always made him laugh.

*Ding dong*

"Bryant can you get that? I'm not ready yet" Chantal yelled from upstairs.

"Yeah ok" Bryant got up from the couch and walked to the door.

"Hi, Justin. So you're the guy who brought my sister in danger" he had seen Justin once before but he didn't had the chance to talk to him and to make sure his sister would be safe with him.

"Excuse me?" Justin asked confused.

"You know what I'm talking about. Those fans that chased you!"

"Ooh that" Justin remembered he already forgot about that.

"Yes that. I don't want you to bring her into any kind of danger understand?"

"Yes" Justin said a little bit weird.

"Alright common in" Bryant said unfriendly.

"So where are you taking my little sister?" Bryant said when he closed the door.

"We're going to diner and the rest, we don't know yet"

"So you are going to take her to a fancy restaurant and let her chose. What a gentleman" Bryant said in a sarcastic way.

"We'll choose what we want to do together. I don't think that it is any of your business" Justin said starting to feel uncomfortable.

"See there's where you are wrong! It's definitely my business because you are taking my little sister out. And you better not break her heart or you'll have me to deal with. Understand?"

"Hey relax. I know you want to protect her and I completely understand but not everybody is like her ex"

"Maybe not but you're a pop star. That's probably even worse because they always think they can get away with everything just because they're a big pop star!" Bryant said getting closer to his face with every word he said.

"Really relax I'm not a bad guy. Don't believe everything you read about me in the newspapers. They don't know me at all. I'm nothing like that" he said defending himself.

"What's going on here?" Chantal said when she walked into the hallway and saw Bryant practically in Justin's face with an angry look on his face.

"Nothing I'm just getting to know your date" Bryant said innocently.

"Excuse us" Chantal said while pulling Bryant with her to the living room.

"What are you doing?" Chantal said a little bit angry.

"I'm just talking to the guy"

"Well it sounded a bit more serious than that. What did you say to him?"

"Just the usual, how are you? What have you been up to?" he answered denying he did something wrong.

"Bryant cut the crap. Common tell me!"

"I just said that he'd better not break your heart" he said carefully.

"Why did you say that? he is a nice guy"

"I know…… I'm sorry but I just want to protect you. He probably is a nice guy but I just don't want you to get your heart broken again"

"I know and I really love you for protecting me from the bad guys but he is NOT a bad guy. And besides I'll be careful. I promise"

"Yeah I know you will and I'll be nicer to him. At least I'll try" he said smiling.

"Ok thank you. You know maybe we could double date some time"

"Don't push it. Now just go and have a good time"

"See you" she gave her brother a kiss and walked to the hallway.

"Ok let's go"

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah everything is fine. I'm sorry about my brother. He shouldn't have said that to you. But he is just a little bit overprotective"

"It's cool I understand. I watch over my little brothers the same way"

"Maybe you should get together and compare notes" they looked at each other and started to laugh.

"So did, you guys get any work done today?" she asked while they walked to the car.

"Yeah, actually we did. We finished a couple of songs, including Bye Bye Bye for the video next month"

"Good" she said.

"But let's not talk about work, let's have fun" he said while he opened the passenger's door for her and she stepped in. They talked all the way to downtown Orlando and continued their conversation during diner.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked her when they stepped into the car after diner.

"I don't know actually. Maybe we could catch a movie"

"Maybe that is not a good idea."

"Why not?" she asked him.

"If people recognize me they won't leave us alone. Remember what happened last time? And I don't want anyone to bother me when I'm with you" he said while he looked at her.

"But it's dark in the theatre. Nobody will see you. Besides you have your baseball cap with you this time right?"

"Yeah I guess you're right"

"Don't you ever get tired of hiding yourself?"

"Well it can be irritating sometimes but if that's the price I have to pay to be a successful singer it's definitely worth it" she nodded in agreement while she stared at him. Completely lost in her thoughts. She was intrigued by his good looks and his charisma. She never really understood why girls would scream at the sight of him but now, NOW she understood. When they arrived at the theatre she said.

"You know what? I will go ahead and buy some tickets while you park the car. Then we can go straight in. You don't even have to stand inline, ok?"

"Yeah good" he said with a smile on his face. Then he leaned over to her side and kissed her. She got out of the car and walked towards the theatre.

They went inside and found a seat. When they were comfortable she took off his cap.

"Your curls are so cute. It's a waste to hide them under your cap……. Curly!" she said spontaneously.

"Where did that come from?" he asked smiling.

"Where did what come from?"

"The nickname"

"Ooh I heard Lian say it. I thought it sounded cool. Why? Don't you want me to say it?"

"Well I never liked my hair so when people start saying curly…."

"You hate it?" she completed the sentence.

"No it's ok you can call me curly if you want"

"Are you sure because otherwise I'll just call you cutie" she said teasing him. He laughed with her.

"Curly is fine but I'm going to find a nickname for you too. Just wait"

"Oohhh" she said like she was scared. They started kissing and when the movie started he put an arm around her, she laid her head against his shoulder and he rested his head on top of hers. Totally comfortable and at ease they watched the movie.

"It's only 9.30. I thought it was much later" Chantal said when they came out of the cinema.

"Ooh then we're just in time"

"In time for what?"

"You'll see come on" he said. They walked to the car and drove to the park.

"Where are we going?" she asked curious.

"You'll see"

"Can't you just tell me?"

"Nope we're almost there just a little more patience" he said smiling.

"Alright a little then" she said giving in. When they parked the car they walked onto the grass.

"What I've always wanted to do is watch sunset with a girl I really like" he said.

"Ahh that's so sweet and I love sunset" she said. They sat down on the grass and watched sunset while they talked. When the sun was gone, they watched the stars in silence.

"I want to give you something" she said all of a sudden. He looked very surprised. She got the present out of her bag.

"Here" she said while giving him the picture frame she bought a week ago. She had put a picture of Justin and her in the frame, which made it more personal. He was so surprised, she could tell by the look in his eyes. He smiled brightly when he saw the picture that was in it. It was the picture they made in the photo booth at the mall.

"Thank you so much, I love it" he was still smiling and he felt he couldn't wash the smile off his face for the rest of his life.

"I got you something too" he pulled out a box and gave it to her, while he gave her a kiss on the cheek. She opened the box and she saw a shining bracelet. It was kind of like a nametag bracelet. It had the name Justin on it.

"Whenever you look at this bracelet you'll think of me" he said sweetly.

"Thank you, it's beautiful!" she said astonished and amazed. He put the bracelet on her wrist and kissed her hand. Both were very simple gifts but it showed exactly how much they cared about each other.

They lay down on the grass, holding each other tight. They both smiled at the stars and it seemed like the stars where smiling back. They just laid there on the grass for hours, it got colder and colder and eventually they decided to get back. On the doorstep she said,

"I had a great time tonight"

"Me too" they started kissing again.

"Thanks again for the present" Chantal said.

"You too" they kissed one more time before she said,

"I really have to get inside"

"Yeah I should get going too. I'll call you okay?"

"Alright" she said with a huge smile. She waved him goodbye and then got into the house. She walked up the stairs but it felt more like she was floating upstairs. She plumped down on her bed, very tired but happier than she'd ever been.

Justin and Chantal were both very happy, but also unaware to what might come. Their relationship would be exposed for the world to know and the girl who caused all that was getting more pleasure out of it than she should be getting, not to mention the money she made by selling her pictures.
