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Chapter 9

Things were going well, for over two weeks Justin had made use of his slave and so far Josh hadn’t refused to do anything. He went along with it all and it gave Justin hope. He was more certain that Josh really was gay because why else would Josh let him use him. Why would he go along if he wasn’t doing it to protect his secret? However Justin had one more plan. He’d come up with the perfect plan. He was going to instruct Josh to do something for him, something you wouldn’t do unless you were desperate. Yes, Justin thought as he reviewed his plan, he’d find out if Josh was really gay tonight.

“I need some money” Justin started slowly once they both sat on the couch at Justin’s house that night. They were all alone and Justin thought it was the perfect opportunity to inform Josh off his new idea.

“Don’t we all” Josh mumbled.

“Can’t you get a job?” Justin said as if he’d just thought of it; time to put his plan into motion. Josh eyed him.

“And then what?” he asked slowly, not liking the idea nor where this was going.

“And give the money to me” Justin suggested before a smile broke out, pleased with the plan he’d come up with.

“What?!” Josh exclaimed, finally getting out of shock.

This was it. The moment of truth, either Josh was gay or he wasn’t.

“Have you completely lost your mind?!” he yelled, outraged. He’d been this guy’s slave for weeks and Justin had made use of this. Josh had been desperate to make sure his secret would be safe but this, this was outrageous and although his secret was important, this was ridiculous. He wouldn’t let Justin use him for money to boot. Justin decided to push it.

“What?” he asked, playing innocent. “It’s a great idea”

Josh stared at him openmouthed; he could not be serious.

“You. Are out of your mind” Josh stated, shaking his head.

“What about your secret?” Justin taunted, still waiting for him to break and confess he wasn’t gay. The truth would come out now.

“Fuck you Justin! Forget it!” he yelled, then took a deep breath and continued.

“You know what? I quit, you’re insane, I’m not doing this, you tell everyone at school that I’m gay fine but here’s where I draw the line” he ranted. He’d never thought he’d have said it but he wasn’t going to allow Justin to exploit him. He was gay yes and it wouldn’t be easy if Justin did decide to tell but he knew Chris would stand by him. He was going to take his chances because Justin’s plan was disgraceful.

“I’m not going to tell anyone” Justin told him honestly, his tone of voice softer and gentler.

Josh’s mouth opened in shock, wanting to say something but unable to as Justin’s lips suddenly covered his. Josh was too shocked to pull away, to shove Justin away or to curse at him.

“What…why…?” Josh breathed when Justin finally broke the kiss, totally taken off guard. It still took him a few moments to gather his thoughts and utter his deep confusion. What the fuck was going on here?

“I’m not going to tell anyone that you’re gay” Justin told him, his voice still gentle and soft.

“But… but…” Josh stuttered shaking his head, this didn’t make any sense.

“Why?” he asked finally, eyebrows knitted in confusion.

“I um… I needed to be sure you were really gay” Justin explained, suddenly a little ashamed of himself.

“You are gay?” Josh asked astonished. Justin eyed him then nodded slowly.


“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Josh asked incredulously.

“I… I was afraid” Justin admitted, afraid his reputation would be ruined.

“Afraid of what?” Josh exclaimed.

“Afraid I’d blackmail you like you blackmailed me?! Threatened to out you like you threatened me?!” he questioned angrily.

“No!” Justin denied quickly.

“I was never going to out you, I was just afraid you weren’t really gay”

“Why would I pretend to be gay?” Josh asked, truly confused but his anger was beginning to build too.

“To set me up” Justin mumbled, ducking his head a little.

“Why in the world would I do that? What would I gain from that?” he exclaimed, getting angrier by the second as he realized what this had been all about.

“There are people in school who would, believe me” Justin told him honestly, lifting his head to meet Josh’s eyes. It was the truth there were people who would but Josh wasn’t one of them.

“Well I wouldn’t” Josh persisted.

“I know… now but I like you Josh, I just couldn’t take the chance” Justin said, trying to justify his actions however Josh didn’t let him.

“Right” Josh said disbelievingly; this was unacceptable.

“Josh I’m sorry it had to be this way but I do really like you and I just wanted to get to know you” Justin said honestly, lightly taking Josh’s hand in his own.

“You have a strange way of showing it” Josh countered, pulling his hand back almost immediately.

“I’m sorry” he told him pleadingly, realizing Josh wasn’t reacting the way he’d anticipated.

“Well yeah you said that but that isn’t good enough, I can’t believe you made me be your slave just so you could check if I was really gay. I’m sorry,” Josh apologized sarcastically.

“But sorry doesn’t cut it!” Josh glared, how could Justin think he could say sorry and that would be the end of it. Just because he was popular didn’t mean he would forgive him for everything. Just because he was popular didn’t mean he could get away with something like this and it certainly didn’t mean he would fall at his feet when the great Justin Timberlake told him he liked him. Josh stood quickly and went to the hallway, grabbing his jacket quickly while Justin followed him.

“Please Josh, just stay” he pleaded with him.

“Fuck you Justin” he told him glaring before he opened the door and slipped out, striding away angrily.

“Josh I’m sorry!” Justin called after him but Josh ignored him.

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