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Day 3
Tuesday, July 26th 2005

The day had passed uneventfully, Justin had won all his games easily and his father was pleased. His first game was at eleven tomorrow morning and he was trying to come up with a plan as to escape his father for a little while.

He’d been following Justin around all day with advice and pep talks and now as he was reviewing the games of the day Justin really needed to get away from him. The last game especially was a topic of lecturing, he’d been a little tired, ready to get some well deserved rest and he’d slacked off a bit. His father saw the need to tell him how important it was to focus.

“You know Justin, you can’t slack off, not even for a second, it can cost you points. This kid may not have been very good but one bad throw could land you out of the tournament and we don’t want that. We’re going for first prize so make sure you’re on top of your game and get plenty of rest in between so you’re fresh to start a new one and focus. Always focus.”

Justin nodded obediently as his father paced the room with his almost frantic rambling.

“Alright, get ready for bed, you need your rest.”

Justin looked up quickly, his eyes falling immediately on the digits of the TV clock. 8.47 p.m. Oh he had to be kidding him. It wasn’t even nine yet!

“My first game isn’t till eleven tomorrow. I can sleep in a little.”

“But you need all the rest you can get.”

“I’m actually kind of hungry still and a bit thirsty.”

“Drink water.” Randy dismissed.

“I’m just gonna go to the vending machine I saw one in the hallway. I won’t be gone long.” Justin quickly said, getting up to go to the door before his dad could protest.

“Justin,” his father called him back. Justin turned slowly, praying he wouldn’t tell him to go to bed again.

“Take some money with you and don’t be gone too long. I want you in bed by nine-thirty, understood?”

Justin nodded eagerly before practically diving for his backpack and some change, making himself scarce before his father could change his mind.

As he walked down the hall he breathed in deeply, almost feeling lighter and freer. He took the elevator to the 10th floor knowing there wasn’t a vending machine on the floor they were staying on. He walked up and down the hallway searching for a vending machine but only because his father would ask where the food and the drinks were he said he was going to buy. Other than that he was just happy to walk around without his father right beside him. He took the elevator again, ending on the 8th floor and finding the vending machine to the left. He scanned the items slowly, taking his time as he decided what he wanted.

“Did you make your choice?”

Justin whipped around, facing the person who’d spoken to him.

“Oh it’s you.” Justin said, recognizing the young man as Josh. The one who’d seen him cry two days ago. There was disappointment in his voice as he spoke the words, then turned back to the vending machine.

“Did you expect someone else?” Josh asked only amused, although he’d been disappointed in this guy yesterday he couldn’t help but be happy to run into him again. Maybe things weren’t as they seemed.

“Maybe,” Justin said stubbornly. He finally made his choice and pushed some money in the slot, punching in the numbers of the items he wanted. One by one they dropped down and Justin opened the valve, grasping the M&M’s, snickers and cake quickly so he could get out of there. But his hand caught behind the heavy valve and he struggled momentarily to get his hand free. Josh came to his aid and pushed the valve open so Justin could pull his hand back.

“Thanks.” Justin mumbled begrudgingly.

Josh smirked at him, “Your welcome.”

“So you’re feeling better?” Josh wondered as Justin moved to the soda machine, silently demanding that Josh would shut up, scowling when he didn’t.

“What do you mean?” Justin asked, shoving a few quarters in the slot, harsher than was necessary in anger that Josh hadn’t gotten his silent message to stop talking to him.

“That first day, you were cry…”

“I thought I already told you to back off, you didn’t see anything, alright!” Justin exclaimed, spinning towards him completely, an angry scowl on his face.

“Fine, I just wanted to know if you were okay.”

“Why?” Justin asked suspiciously.

“Wanted to find out the weakness of the competition?” he challenged.

“Only people who aren’t confident about their own skills do that.”

“Riiiight,” Justin stressed in disbelief.

“Believe what you want Justin, I just wanted to see if you were okay.”

“What the hell for?” he demanded.

Josh shrugged. “Funny enough, I like you.”

Justin got back to the room just in time before his so called curfew. His father was scowling but Justin didn’t really see it. His hands were full with drinks and snacks but he wasn’t really hungry anymore. He hadn’t been to begin with, he’d just told his father that so he could get away from him but the bit of appetite he’d had was no longer there. He still forced a bit of the cake in his mouth, to eat something, he didn’t want any questions.

Once he finished the cake he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, he got into his pajamas and crawled underneath the blankets, the conversation repeating in his mind even as he closed his eyes. Josh had left him with questions, by the time Justin had found his wits Josh had been gone. He tried to sleep but it kept playing on his mind.

After more than half an hour, he finally forced himself to push the questions to the side, he needed his sleep. Josh was not going to take it away from him, risking his father’s wrath for something like this and he wouldn’t let Josh succeed in what was obviously a way to get his attention and focus off of his game.

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