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Day 5
Thursday, July 28th 2005

Josh returned to his room after a full day of bowling games. He’d won them all and was very pleased about it. What had disappointed him however was that he had not once seen Justin today. He smiled as he thought about the previous day, he’d finally gotten to talk to Justin who he’d met the first day of the tournament.

After Monday, when he’d confronted Justin with what had happened on Sunday Josh had been disappointed with Justin’s reaction, how he’d pretended nothing was wrong and how he refused the contact. Josh was glad Justin had changed his attitude and he’d really enjoyed their conversation yesterday. He’d just wished he would have run into him today but no such luck.

He took out his key card and opened the door. Eric was already laying on his bed, reading a book. Josh said nothing and Eric didn’t acknowledge him either. They’d come to an unspoken agreement of speaking to each other as little as possible. Josh didn’t like it at all but it was apparently what Eric wanted.

Fifteen minutes later Josh plumped down on his bed, he was ready to watch some TV before he’d go to sleep. He picked up the remote and flipped the TV on. After scanning the channels he settled on TBS, where they showed the movie; The day after tomorrow.

“Can you turn it off?” A request that really didn’t sound like one.

“What?” Josh asked as he turned towards Eric who had put his book down and turned off his reading lamp.

“Can you turn off the TV, I want to sleep.”

“I want to watch TV.” Josh countered, what did Eric think? He didn’t call the shots.

“Look Josh,” Eric began condescendingly, a tone that insinuated that Josh was stupid. Josh raised his eyebrows incredulously.

“I have a game tomorrow morning, I need my sleep.”

“So go to sleep.”

“I can not sleep if I hear the TV.” Eric explained slowly and arrogantly.

“I can not sleep if I don’t watch TV first.” Josh countered, explaining in the same manner.

“You watched TV already so now we can both go to sleep.”

“You don’t get to decided that.”

“Look, I don’t want to cause a fight or anything but I’d appreciate it if you could turn off the TV.” Eric told him, Josh still heard the arrogance but decided to agree and not pick a fight, they might be sharing this room for at least another week.

“Fine.” Josh sighed. He picked up the remote and turned off the TV.

“Thank you.” Eric said but he didn’t sound very grateful, he sounded victoriously if nothing else.

Josh ignored him and pushed the covers away, deciding to go for a walk. He was in his pajamas but he didn’t really care. He picked up his room key and went out the door. He made his way to the vending machine, hoping to run into Justin. He’d met him there before and maybe he would meet him there again. The prospect alone brought a smile of anticipation to his face.

However once he got to the vending machine, there was no Justin. He stayed though for a few minutes, hoping Justin would show up but he didn’t and when it got later Josh decided to head back. He needed his sleep as well. He would hopefully see Justin tomorrow and maybe then he could ask if they could spend some time together again.

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