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« Chapter 12 »

They stopped about 30 minutes later and they checked in at the motel. Justin got them some food and Josh got Sam ready for bed, who was already getting droopy. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get him in bath after diner so he urged his son to work with him, the prospect of diner keeping Sam awake to get him bathed, changed and in his pajamas, ready for bed.

“Daddy, you like Ju-tin?” Sam had asked as Josh lifted him out of the bathtub and sat him on the floor.

“Yeah” Josh smiled as he grabbed his son’s pajamas off of the counter.

“Me too” Sam told Josh firmly.

“Issa that ok-ay?” he asked carefully as he studied his dad’s face.

“Sure why not?” Josh asked a little confused as he hauled Sam in his pajamas.

“Cause he was mean” Sam scowled, grabbing his father’s shoulders to steady himself. Josh paused for a moment, looking at his kid.

“Yeah he was but I think he didn’t mean it” Josh told his son meaningful. Sam nodded once,

“I ‘now” he told him determined. Josh got him in his pajamas on and they sat on the bed waiting for the food. The kid would do anything for food and Josh knew this; using it to his advantage when he had to. It was what people did with him too, he could always eat; just like his son. Luckily Sam didn’t have to wait long as Justin appeared with the food. They ate together, Josh feeding Sam and soon he was done. Josh laid him down on the bed, kissed his son’s forehead, wishing him goodnight as he drew the covers up so they were covering the small body of his son. He stood there watching over his son as he watched him fall asleep.

As soon as Sam was asleep Justin found himself in the strong and loving arms of the stunning man with the bright blue eyes. They hugged for a long time, Josh felt the need to hold Justin, to hold him and protect him, to tell him that everything would work out and that he didn’t have to worry about anything. Justin fell into the much needed embrace and desperately clung to the other man. It had been a long and hard day, a draining day and a hug from Josh was just what he needed to make it all better.

Only if it was just for a little while.

“Thanks” Justin whispered, barely audible, changing his grip but he didn’t let go. Josh kissed the boy’s cheek tentatively before he pulled back slightly and slowly planted his lips on the ones of the young man. Justin fell into the kiss and they kissed passionately for several minutes, finally releasing one another when they were both breathless. They looked at each other, staring at one another for a long time, taking in the beauty that was the man in front of them. They once again brought their lips together in a gentle kiss, exploring one another as they stayed in a tight embrace. Neither wanted to let go, neither wanted to ever let go.

This was perfect, this was heaven, let’s stay like this forever was a wish of them both but they knew it was just a wish; a wish that would never come true.

Neither wanted to speak or even think about tomorrow; the day they would reach LA.

What would happen?

The question was there, on both their minds but neither wanted to provide an answer.

Not tonight, tonight they had each other and the worries where for tomorrow.

But tomorrow came; whether the two peaceful sleeping men wrapped in each other’s arms wanted it or not. It was once again a small bed but they were more comfortable that way. Justin was pressed up against Josh, his arms encircled the younger man’s waist as his chin rested on top of his curls. Justin’s eyes opened slowly, finding himself in the strong arms of the man next to him. He glanced at the other bed and saw Sam was still asleep and he smiled at the sight. He turned slightly in Josh’s arms to look at the relaxed features of the man who was holding him. He carefully traced his finger over Josh’s cheekbone, taking in his beauty and savoring the feel of having those strong arms around him and the soft, warm breath on his face. He closed his eyes, forcing away the thought that this would all be over soon and he would have nowhere to go.

“Daddy, daddy” Sam called softly as he tugged at his father’s sleeve. Josh vaguely heard something and was slowly pulled from his dream; a dream where the three of them where a family, where they were happy…

“Yeah baby?” Josh croaked, his voice slurred with sleep.

“I hungry” Sam told his father softly, careful not to awaken Justin.

“We’ll get some breakfast k baby?” Josh offered. Sam nodded, not even the slightest bit bothered by the fact his father was lying in a bed with another man. Maybe he was just too young to understand or maybe he did understand. Josh tightened his arms around Justin,

“Wake up Justin” he told him softly, whispering in his ear as he kissed the boy’s cheek. Josh looked down at the sleeping beauty in his arms who was slowly waking up, his dream came back to him and he thought about waking up with this beauty in his arms every morning. He shook his head; he couldn’t think that way, he would just make himself crazy. He was longing for something that would never happen, he had to forget it. Justin awoke for the second time that morning but this time the view was better; the twinkling blue eyes and the warming smile triggered a smile of his own as he yawned and stretched.

They reluctantly got up to get dressed, to get ready to go and have breakfast but they still didn’t speak about later… when they would reach LA. They still avoided the thing that lay heavily on both their hearts; the arrival in LA and still ignored what this day would mean; separation.
